No, this place is completely dead, full of pony queers and pedophiles (a subversive cointel tactic, they spammed it long enough and lobbied for its acceptance that the mods don't care anymore and all the real users have left), other boards are also heavily shilled and subverted by cointel agencies (Holla Forums). 4chan is much worse - not only cointel but also the mods themselves are compromised. Not worth wasting the time.
Try endchan
Carter Scott
my Holla Forums thread get censored on endchan so I don't really like going there anymore.
Eli Smith
finalchan then
Aaron Foster
It wasn't communicated at all. I had to learn about it through second hand sources, anons discussing it in threads and such.
What was your thread about?
Luis Morris
Jace Sanders
Oh yes! this place is as popular as it always was! I assure you, OP! Plenty of content, and good healthy dialogue - and plenty of hilarious memes along the way as well!
Jaxon Torres
I have a hard time believing any imageboard would be pro-TPP. Was your thread in support of it?
Joseph Peterson
this place is completely dead and datamines it's users, come and try librechan.
over at librechan we have already had the Turkish (/sichan/), Japanese (/jp/) and German imageboard communities migrate.
Landon White
doesn't librechan have something to do with lowcard (awful person)