Are Negroes human?

The following measurements of brain weights collected by Sanford B. Hunt, in the Federal army during the late war in the United States, demonstrates that the White blood is the lever which elevates; and the Negro blood the lever that lowers the mental grade of individuals, tribes, nations, continents, and the world at large.

Weight of brain in Grammes:

24 Whites…………………………………………1424
25 Three parts white……………………………..1390
47 Half-white, or mulattoes……………………..1334
51 One-quarter white…………………………….1319
95 One-eighth white………………………………1308
22 Sixteenth white………………………………..1280
141 Pure Negroes………………………………….1331
(Topinard's Anthropology, p. 312)

These estimates are accepted by the scientific world, and are quoted by Topinard, Quatrefages, Winchell, and others. Though these measurements are fair to the Negro, and to the classes of mixed bloods to which they refer, they are obviously unfair to the pure Whites, for the following reasons: (1) they were evidently taken from the common soldiers of the Federal army; the higher grades of army officers and the more intelligent classes in the various peaceful vocations in the United States were not represented. Had they been, the average brain weight of the Whites would have been raised to the average of the Noachites -1500 grammes. (2) More or less of the soldiers whom Dr. Hunt recognized as pure whites may have had some admixture of negro blood; and this, as shown by his table, would have reduced the brain weight of such individuals; and would of course, reduced the average to this extent.

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Topinard, in discussing Hunt's measurements, says, "This would lead us to believe that the mixed breeds assimilate the bad more readily than the good." (Ibid, p.312.) These measurements are invaluable in that they prove that man is a distinct creation. They also demonstrate that the whites and the negroes are not different races of the same species. One of the great difficulties which breeders experience in their attempt to produce new varieties by crossing is the strong disposition of the offspring to resort to one or the other of its parent stocks. But not so with the offspring of whites and negroes. As has been shown, the offspring of man and the negro, if bred continuously to pure whites for ages, could never become pure white; you could never breed the ape out, nor breed the spiritual creation in. Hence, they would remain simply mixed bloods, without reference to what their physical and mental characters might be. These measurements demonstrate if the offspring of whites and negroes were bred continuously to negroes for ages they would never become negroes, but would remain mixed bloods..

So if the other races cannot claim descent from Adam, then where is the reference to them being created in the Bible? There are two words in our English Bibles that appear to refer to the other races. One of these words is ‘creature’, and the other is ‘beast’. Among the Strong’s definitions for them are these:

5315 Creature - A creature or person as a whole, self, body, even corpse:-soul, man, persons, beast, moving creature.

2416 Beast, commonly referred to as ‘the beast of the field’ - Family, kin, band, army, living creature, living thing.

There are many verses in the Bible that confirm that the ‘beast of the field’ refers to other bipeds, and that the Adam is seperate from them:

The writers of the Bible had no concept of ‘races’, ‘human beings’, or ‘the brotherhood of man’, all they knew of were the Nations that descended from Adam, and the people who were not , who they called ‘the beasts of the field’. The Indo-Aryan writers were similar in this respect, calling the beasts ‘our two legged animals’ and referring to themselves as ‘the twice born’. Possibly in reference to them being born from the heavens, as well as from the earth.

The African Negro is unique for having based his entire economy on captive slavery as far back as we can tell, with the bigger capturing and enslaving the smaller. This ‘unjust’ treatment of each other even went so far as to include eating the weaker. This is still a common occurrence today for various purposes, food, magic or just simply tradition. The last state in Africa to outlaw slavery was within the last ten years and I would suggest that since it is still socially acceptable and goes on anyway, this was in order to receive aid from ‘The International Community’, rather than from some sudden flash of reason that what they had been doing for thousands of years was unnatural. Enslaving each other just because you can would be the logical outcome of not being able to comprehend The Golden Rule.

When we think, we think in words, and our language defines the limits of what we can think about. There are many words in different languages that cannot be accurately translated into another language, as they represent a unique thought process that is not replicated elsewhere. The Zulu to English language dictionary has only 250 pages and like the other African languages, does not include a working definition for any abstract concepts, as it does not appear to be possible for them to understand them. Law is an abstract concept, just like promise, obligation, morality, time, consequences and remorse. Therefore, the idea of putting yourself in the position of another would not be possible for the African Negro to do, a semblance of it could be taught, but only at the level of doing something in order to gain an immediate reward, or to avoid an immediate punishment. Another result of this relative inability would be that since the White administration ended in South Africa, nothing has been maintained. You even have to bring your own equipment to hospital if you want a Doctor to help you. The idea of preventing something from happening in the future by doing something now, like routine maintenance, is just not reasonable to expect them to think of.

When we see someone in pain, or bleeding, our instincts are to help, yet in Africa, the sight of someone in distress instills a bloodlust in the negro that spurs them on to increase the agony of the victim in horrific ways. This can be seen in the millions of negroes with limbs lopped off in Rwanda, and in the infamous ‘necklace’ where a tyre full of petrol would be put around the victims neck, before torturing them so much that they set themselves on fire to make it stop. Much pride is taken in this savagery, with the torture and killings being videotaped so the incident can be relived and shown to friends. The slightest irritation can be seen as a cause for murder, showing a complete lack of being able to put yourself in another’s shoes. Some tribes of Red Indians were similar, skinning women and children alive and staking captives out and starting fires on their chests. Far from feeling compassion for their victims, once the pain was apparent it would encourage and excite them all the more. This is all well documented.

Even in the so-called civilized world, this still goes on. There are many accounts of negroes becoming inflamed at the sight of someone bleeding and random bystanders not helping, but actually joining in with the attack. Many of these attacks have little or no apparent reason for them. There was a recent case in America where after shooting the mother in the leg, the gunman then shot her new born baby in the face. This is similar to what happens in Liberian cities, where young men boast of killing pregnant women, only over there, they then eat the body parts too.

Technically, yes, because we can reproduce with them, which is what, in biology, distinguishes similar species from each other. However, they are inferior, as you have demonstrated, and reproducing with a negro is equivalent to doing it with a feminist retard. Sorry, redundant

Their inferior genome makes it so that, if they increase enough in superior populations, will wipe out the superiors through birth. See the mixed monstrosities of the Middle East.

Hmm where have I heard this kind of question before…

>I recently said to a Hitler Youth leader: “You are usually so un-Christian, but your attitude toward women is the purest Christianity that is at all possible.” A hundred and fifty years ago someone at a Catholic university wrote a doctoral thesis with the title: “Does a woman have a soul?” From this the whole tendency of Christianity emerges: it is directed at the absolute destruction of women and at emphasizing the inferiority of women. The entire substance of the priesthood and of the whole of Christianity is, I am firmly convinced, an erotic union of men (Männerbund) for the erection and maintenance of this 2000-year old Bolshevism. I reach that conclusion because I know very well the history of Christianity in Rome. I am of the conviction that the Roman emperors, who eradicated (ausrotteten) the first Christians, did exactly the same thing that we are doing with the communists. These Christians were then the worst yeast which the great city contained, the worst Jewish people, the worst Bolsheviks that there were.

There is a difference between "human" (hominid) and Aryan (suprahuman). Are they human? Yes. Are they Aryan? No.

The modern church does not just misuse verses such as those, but deliberately goes against many others, such as the death penalty for homosexuality and miscegenation and the outright ban on usury. This should tell us that the church has been corrupted and turned against us, not that Christianity is the source of the problems we face. It is the turning against the values of Christianity and breaking its laws, that have caused us the problems we face.


Similar perhaps, but not human. A dog is not a wolf, despite the two being able to create fertile crossbreeds.


Wrong. They're humanoids.

Nice dubs-trips.

Triggered much


great picture!
They should tell this to every white child when he can understand human language

Did I insult your religion, commie?

I will dumpo more info



Stop using simplistic talking points you clearly don't understand.



Don't forget Humanzee.

Please do. I'm enjoying this.

You know, /pol always assumes the inferiority of groids by posting the usual infographics about the bell curve and crime statistics, but a spiritual/religious approach could be what /pol is really lacking.

You know, since the Bible says so, maybe it's not a priori wrong. This could be used to ease the redpilling among radical christians, for example.

fun fact;when spaniards arrived to America they had to hold a formal theological debate over whether indians were indeed humans or homunculi.
They decided they were humans because they laugh

When the question "what happened to other hominids and why are humans the only remaining hominid species" is posed, it rests on a false assumption that humans are the only hominids around. What the question does not account for and assumes wrongly is that all distinct races of man are all of the same species and thus equal.

It has been proven time and again that genetically, non-African races have more common with each other than any one has with the negro, which seems to form a distinct sub-group of the homo sapiens tree.

While people would ordinarily think it abhorrent in our current politically correct society to label each race differently, it has to be stated that negro is not of the same species as rest of mankind. He is the other, "missing" hominid that remained in our genetic cradle while mankind developed outside of it.

Just as Neanderthal seemed to be able to breed with homo sapiens due to the genetic closeness of his origin to ours, nonetheless he remains a separate species and is not classified as other type of "man", while common thinking "embraces" the negro as a fellow human. It is a lie and a tragedy.

Yeah as a history student i've heard that story too.

I mean, they probably decided to deem them as human after they started producing mixed offspring.

I was thinking about India anyway. Do the Vedas explicitly prohibit race-mixing? And if they do, why did high caste indians (Aryans, or Proto-IE) mix?

Was it inevitable for genetic reasons (inbreeding among the élites) or did they grow decadent and started to indulge in monkey's puccy?

I mean, when the aryans came to India they were seen as gods, while the natives were hominids just above the erectus (it's a nuanced view, i admit it). How did the mixing occur?

My theory is that after catastrophic events (decline of an empire, ecological disaster, social revolt, etc), high caste individuals find themselves deprived of an ethic code and begin to act moved by sheer individualism.

When social order returns and the Brahmins regain control, they seek the most white individuals and coopt them in their hierarchy, but these same individuals are already mixed.

In thousands of years this proved to be fatal to any civilization based in India.

So only Jews are human?

Yeah there's no way that horny ass white dudes got carried away with dark pussy and the problem compounded itself outwards into some semblance of a "society". No way that happened in India, South America, the Middle East, China, etc.

Of course the book of kike propaganda says only jews are human silly goyim.

Fun Fact: The word mulatto came from the word Mulo which is Spanish for Mule.

The first halfbreeds born were thought to be sterile like Mules, but the Spanish then realized they were dead wrong.


Do you have the .webm. of him?

Nope, it's perfectly ok to eat them during the coming economic apocalypse.

No, sorry.

pussies literallly ruined one of the greatest genetic stock of mankind and crushed empires.

Ancient Israel were White People.
we are the true jews
the "jews" are khazars

Can khazar babby be the hottest new slur again?


Servitude, and the rights of the South, Vindicated. A Bible Argument. Together with Reflections drawn from the premises, touching the several interests of the United States, and the evil consequences that must result to the Northern States in case of Division : the legitimate fruits of their unhallowed meddling, in violation of all principle and good faith - and above all, God's Holy Word ! Wich is so plain, "That a wayfaring man, though a fool, need not err therein." "Multum in parvo." …

I mean, it surely happened, but it was only when social order wasn't there to keep them in line. As i said, every societal breakdown leads to anarchy, which in our case leads to race mixing bewteen castes.





Image is to small OP!


Not just skulls. Is that a human's mouth?

If whites and negroes were different races of the same species, their immediate offspring
should take a position, in point of brain weight, midway between the two; thus presenting a
brain weight of at least 1377½ grammes. But, instead of this, the half-whites present an
average of 1334 grammes, only three grammes in excess of the Negro, and 90 grammes less
than that of the common white soldier of the Federal army. Then mate the half-white with
pure negroes and you would reduce the white blood from one-half to one-quarter, and
increase the negro blood from one-half to three-quarters; and the offspring presents a brain
weight of 1319 grammes, which is 12 grammes less than that of the pure negro. Then mate
the one-quarter white with pure negroes and you reduce the white blood in their offspring
from one-quarter to one-eighth, and increase the negro blood from three-quarters to
seven-eighths; and the offspring presents a brain weight of 1308 grammes, which is 23
grammes less than that of the pure negro. Then mate the one-eighth white with pure negroes,
and you reduce the white blood in the offspring from one-eighth to one-sixteenth, and
increase the negro blood from seven-eighths to fifteen-sixteenths, and the offspring presents
a brain weight of only 1280 grammes, which is 51 grammes less than that of the pure negro.

These diminutive brain weights, carrying with them a corresponding diminution of
intelligence, would, in a civilized community, place the individuals in the lowest grades of
society; at the same time they might never suffer for the want of food. Hence, their physical
development might not be impaired. But, if driven into the forest and compelled to battle
with adverse conditions, of climate, etc., they would suffer long periods of want, and this
repeated at frequent intervals for many centuries would necessarily impair their physical
development; and finally their physical organisms would become as degraded as their mental.
Thus, it becomes evident that the mixed bloods in whom the blood of the Negro largely
predominates over that of the White, are more degraded and ape-like in their physical and
mental organisms; and consequently are more depraved in their modes of life, customs,
habits, language, manners, gestures, etc., than the pure Negro. This alone can explain the
following facts cited by Winchell, who says:
“The measurements already given show the Australians to possess an organism quite
inferior to that of the Negro. In intelligence he is said to be so low as to be unable to count
over four or five. Of the Aetas of the Phillippines, De la Geronniere says that they gave him
the impression of being a great tribe of monkeys; their voices recalled the short cry of these
animals, and their movements strengthened the analogy. Buchner says that the toes of these
savages, who live partly in grottoes, partly on trees, are ‘very mobile,’ and more separated
than ours, especially the great toe. They use them in maintaining themselves on branches and
cords, as with fingers. According to Buchner, ‘the language of the savages of Borneo is rather
a kind of warbling, or croaking, than a truly human mode of expression.’ ‘The Veddahs of
Ceylon,’ says Sir Emerson Tennant, ‘communicate among themselves almost entirely by
means of signs, grimaces, guttural sounds, resembling very little true words, or true language.’
‘The Dokes of Abyssinia,’ according to Krapt, ‘are human pygmies; they are not more than
four feet high; their skin is of an olive brown. Wanderers in the woods, they live like animals,
without habitations, without sacred trees, etc. They go naked, nourishing themselves by
roots, fruit, mice, serpents, ants, honey; they climb trees like monkeys. Without chief,
without law, without arms, without marriage, they have no family, and mate by chance like
animals; they also multiply rapidly. The mother after a short lactation, abandons her child
to itself. They neither hunt nor cultivate, nor sow, and have never known the use of fire.
They have thick lips, a flattened nose, little eyes, long hair, hands and feet with great nails,
with which they dig the soil.’ Some of the American tribes remain at the lowest point of
degradation. This is the case with the Fuegians, and the Botecudos of Brazil have often been
cited. Of the latter Lallimand says, ‘I am sadly convinced that they are monkeys with two

Do you think black anger at "slavery" might actually just be because we pulled them out of their natural state of slavery, enriched many of them with white genetics that raised them up into actual consciousness, and burdened them with the unnaturality of trying to follow pro-social white norms instead of the largely mindless violence and rutting that they're naturally meant for?

The american mutant "black race" whose capacity for leadership and society all comes from white genetics must be pathological in all kinds of ways we haven't really scratched.


Is dumb nigger OP incapable of providing a fucking source?

How am I meant to spout muh negro statistics at university without citations?

lmao, fucking kid.


sources are below

If the Australopithecus was a human then yeah, I guess niggers are human. They're definitely not Homo Sapiens Sapiens though.


oops I mean no

The "percent related" is misleading. DNA of all life is "related" in the sense of it having similarities. Whether or not it is truly related is an entirely different question.

Evolution assumes life is "related" but it can't prove it. Just because dogs have limbs and cats have limbs and lizards have limbs and men have limbs does not mean we are "related". Yet the DNA for humans and other animals - especially primates/monkeys - will have a huge amount of similarity.

Sameness only shows God used a uniform DNA code to fashion each unrelated creature uniquely.

Niggers have a lot of DNA that is similar to humans - so do apes. It does not mean we are all descended from the same Adam.

I guess he means between 80,000 and 30,000 years ago.

It's a fair question.

im going to start using spoonhead as a slur


I don't know about you guys but you when you are born swinging a tent pole downstairs and you are white and good looking in this day and age, you might as well be a sex addict.

My current asian girl friend even openly says to her group of asian girl friends that asian men can't fuck worth shit. Not even American born Asian men.

That's rough for them but awesome in my book.

In fact, I can see an early history of just these white gods existing peacefully teaching the primitive people, fucking the shit out of native women, and the native men getting mad.

I feel like a lot of what we are seeing might be that right now…

you gonna hang, race traitor

Not if I break up with her day on the rope.

yeah but unlike what people seem to think negroes aren't the original humans
homo sapiens emerged in east africa, some of them went up into the middle east and mixed with neanderthals, giving birth to the ancestors of all Eurasians, others went south and west and likely also mixed with some other archaic hominids, plus on top of both environment and selection played a role
the results are for everyone there to see even bu just opening their eyes, but the religious mentality of egalitarians is hard to beat

Get on my level plebs

Homo did not originate in Africa.


Then come back.

You're the one projecting here but alright

uhm, I read some reviews on the popular web and I'm surprised by the encouraging comments, and the fact that the negative comments seems to be emotional antiracist crap
is it accessible to someone who doesn't have a deep knowledge of the subject?

Human or not, as long as they accept Christ the King into their hearts, they are my brothers in spirit.

but Christ died for all humans and only for humans
Until the referendum, Aborigines were not, officially, human beings. They were "flora and fauna". They were confined to white-controlled reserves and forbidden to travel without special permission. They were not allowed in pubs, and were paid wages in meat and salt.

Just google it the title with "PDF".
There's plenty available online.
It is accessible, I, even without any prior knowledge of human biodiversity or technical scientific knowledge could understand it easily.