What did they mean by this?

What did they mean by this?

He has his "back" to the school

Or does it go deeper than that…

The scool is behind his back

really makes you think

No you stupid fucking idiots

He's going to "Back to" school or the school of back to. And its the first day of classes

Fuck man everyone here is a retard

Thats as bad as a New Yorker comic

Oh! Thanks! I get it now!

Yea. Who are "they"


It's them

it only makes me wonder what drugs the creator of this bullshit took

Trump has done best with white voters who lack a college education.

and you are unaffected?

Jesus Christ, that is unfunny.

What the fuck are you talking about? What is a school of back to?


It's about how boys are doing worse than girls in school, and have been for decades. Boys are more willful and will resist their responsibilities. These bad attitudes compound and gaurantee their failures.

MRAs and other anti feminists like to paint this as if boys are victims or the learning environment should be catered to their ADHD autistic spazz asses. But they bring it on themselves. They should be more closely scrutinized and staff should be quicker to expell the worst of them so that the few boys that are fit for school are allowed to study with the girls in peace.

I would actually agree with this. Retards and kids with adhd were irredeemable and made learning more difficult for the rest of us.

It's both. Retards and general shitheads should be removed. But at the same time, the school system does have obvious biases for females. Teachers are overwhelmingly female, partially because it of things like a male who wants to pursue teaching having to constantly be on guard for accusations of pedophilia. Then there's the general social attitude that women are oppressed and boys are privileged, so you get people, consciously and not, favoring girls. This is just helped by general social attitudes of chivalry and stereotypes of boys and girls that still pigeonhole them and make boys less liked by everybody, including teachers. There are plenty of studies showing things like the fact that females exhibit more in-group bias than males, and that males get higher scores when their teachers don't know who answered each test. I bet everyone here has had teachers who would do things like punish all the boys in the class while letting all the girls go to recess, while user probably did nothing to deserve punishment. Then there are plenty of stereotypes about boys being dumb and girls being smart which discourage boys from even trying. It's not the role they're expected to fit into. So from a young age they're essentially told to not even bother. And then they become shitheads who disrupt school for everyone and ruin everything. A lot of them might become that anyway, but some could probably be sent down a different path if they weren't expected to be dumber than their female peers even from before school age. And when they have problems that teachers, parents, and other officials could actually deal with, to help turn them into good kids, they are more often ignored or treated as just troublemakers or plain retards instead of trying to talk it out and actually teach them and help them in a legitimate fashion. And this starts from birth. There are studies that show parents will ignore a male baby's cry more often and for longer than a female baby's cry.

drawn by a feminist to belittle the white male



or maybe boys and girl should have different schools


do you want to kill this country?


