That kid thread


It'd be funny if he dropped the gun in the second shot and blew his face off.

Hate to say it, but according to OPs pic, that guy has some trigger discipline at least. So he's not totally incompetent with handling that gun

That kid who posted anti-Muslim stuff on Facebook unironically even though he had Muslims in his friends list








Shit that was my 2nd grade best friend (In dutch middle school anyway, which is 8th grade for americucks IIRC)









oh wait that was me


Sometimes the pictures won't do it justice




Im that second kid



I was that kid




I got so mad at a naruto game I once smashed my GBA on my forehead and broke the screen.

Then I pretended that I left it in the sun and the sun baked it.


hope you know how lucky you are user :^) give them a hug next time you can



I had a grey backpack with vapourwave and experimental artists on it
Does that count?

You must be 18 to browse this particular board user

Yes, they're rare but they exist, even right now on Holla Forums.

sounds like a cool nigger


I'm not a pedo but I'm into hipster cunts so she's pretty cute.

yeah I know, I had a cool nigger friend and fucked around with two halfblood cuties this month alone. smart educated girls.

In highschool I hung out with the stoner/goth/emo kids as well as the anime/videogame nerds

I ended up becoming a huge dork but at least I don't do drugs

>That kid with very religious parents who forced him to get into sports and ride a skateboard so he can make friends but he was always a wimpy FUCCBOI

Vapourwave has existed since 2009 cowboy, and I got it from ya boy sun araw back in 2005

My dick says yes, but my Holla Forums says no.

Vaporwave has existed since year 0XX1

Nigger what?!

the a e s t h e t h i c s anyway
Dont you losers know anything about sun araw? :^)

Vaporwave exists more than a musical genre, it's a work of art, a state of being.


You are now officially

The term didn't even exist before the early 2010s user

she was a winner

I meant the oldschool just romans and cyan/magenta that sun araw started but yeah this pretty much
Last month I was the only one who knew about Sun Araw and now all you nig nogs know about him

I was talking about his art style late 2000s esé, not his music

And you secretly wanted to bang her until she marry the shit out of you.

That's not necesarilly halfblood. She could be Ethiopian. Since Ethiopians are pretty much whites with black skin


I know her parents btw. white mother black Kenyan father

got any more pics you'd like to share then?

got plenty more but it doesn't seem proper.
this is the only picture that is legal, too.
so nah sorry buddy


I'm legally in possession of them since I have her consent. however do not have her consent to share them.


But they're underage fam.

it's not that black and white.
erotic / nude is not the same
selfie / taken by me is not the same
etc etc
there's many things to keep in mind, and as far as she's ok with me having them there's no issue. from the moment she has a partner and she asks me to delete them then I will. I know you're just bullshitting but I feel its the right thing to do.

you're very cucked.

I bet you just got here from 4cham

that is not what cucked means. and no, from Libre

but feel free to explain why that's "cucked"


So you're pedocucked.

you're rulecucked by the gubmin

I stay well clear from those threads. the public just seems more "neutral" and less "memey"

still not what cucked means though

you're cucked fam


Because you're rulecucked by the government.

that is not how "cucked" works you mong

yes it is.

Letting someone fuck your wife, preferably while watching


Cuck is mainly just being used when someone else that is in actuality equal to you, is making rules for you
My wife isnt letting me go to the game but she can go shopping whenever! Im totally being cucked

A friend of mine keeps making me do shit for him but he never returns the favour, dont want to end this friendship though so I might aswell let him cuck me



it's ENJOYING seeing your partner fucked by someone that has traits that make him more attractive than you and get off at the idea etc.

Man, I fucken miss high school.

right, so wtf does that have to do with the government prohibiting the distribution of underage whateverthehell. seems 100% reasonable since you can't take it case by case.

no idea I was just helping you understand it
I guess what other user means is that the government are just humans like you and me that still make rules for you
Hes just one of those edgy anarcho-capatalists

i DON'T.
I miss my FRIENDS

all my high school friends were people I barely even liked, glad I didnt have to hang with any of those niggers after school

ah right, he thinks he's fair better on his own without government. the kind of guy that dies in the first hour of a "the last of us" type event.

So you're basically admitting to being a cuck, since you're a cuck expert.

I guess im an ancient roman too because I studied latin :^)


jelly tbh m8. 300 was a badass movie

samefag harder cuck

that's Greece and Persian empire you incredible mongoloid



not samefaggin friend, why so upset?

nice photoshop there cuck.

nederfag of vlaanderenfag?

at this point you're just not even trying…


I'm still getting replies tho.


Photoshopping something within mere seconds
kk thx

Nederland mang, feelsgud

that's how you get your "happiness"? replies on an image board? cmon man


Vlonders hier kut, Leuven

wanneer geven jullie flikkers het nou op en komen terug? We missen onze textielfabrieken :^(

wanneer we eindelijk die parasieten van een kutfranstaligen hebben kunnen afschudden.
fuck kaas btw

onze kaas is kanker lekker man, hebben jullie nou al een beetje last van die vluchtelingen?
Bij ons verzamelen zich ze allemaal in de randstad waar ze lekker gezellie hun haatmarsen kunnen uitvoeren

nee fuck kaas neger

en teveel naar mijn goesting. meerderheid van die kutten zitten in brussel (mogen de franstaligen hebben for all I care) dus nog niet teveel last van. Leuven is een studenten stad. vluchtelingen hebben geprobeerd studente aan te randen en ze lagen allen op intensieve zorgen, compleet in mekaar gemept door studenten. FeelsPolMan

jonge stop eens met boos omdat jullie het moeten doen met roquefort en wij glorieuze old amsterdam hebben
En wij hebben het wel het beste van de west europezen que vluchtelingen. Probeer maar eens boos te kijken naar zo'n roetmop in zweden en je bent zelf degene in de intensieve zorgen, door de politie nota bene

geen beschimmelde melk voor mij homo

en ja idd, Zweden is totaal gepaald met hun linkse politiek. FeelsGoodMan, koekje van eigen deeg

volgensmij vinden ze het daar gewoon lekker hoor dat die haatbaarden hun vrouwen liggen te neuken terwijl ze werken om hun AZC's te betalen
hebben jullie je eigen wilders? Hier is het meteen gekkenhuis als je alleen ze naam al noemt, vooral als je naar zo'n kut kunst college gaat in amsterdam.

Beschimelde melk op brood

wilders lijkt me niet intelligent en onderbouwd genoeg.
we hebben zelf onze alt rechtse politici die het zeer goed doen. Bart de wever, Theo Francken, Liesbeth homans etc. we're going in the right direction, just not fast enough en niet met heel europa. tijd dat the scandinaven terug viking mode gaan, de duitsers terug Blitzkrieg mode. Western pride een nieuw vuur geven

is ie ook niet, maar we hebben niet veel keus he
maar over het algemeen ben ik zelf niet eens alt-rechts, ik wil gewoon af van turken en SJW's die mn prachtige land verkankeren met hun protesten en nieuwe sociale regels

dat is alt-rechts. centrum rechts is bvb nog altijd klote bureaucratisch en politiek correct. anyhow, we zullen we zien hoe het loopt. ik heb in elk geval mn voorzorgen genomen

Wat ga je doen? In de ardennen zitten met je tentje en je boterham tot het afgelopen is?

elke kloothommel dan westerse meisjes niet gerust laat en pak rammel geven waar ze bij hun 72 maagden nog pijn van zullen hebben. in all seriousness, leeftijdsgenoten in de studentensteden beginnen meer en meer een defensieve stance the houden tegenover dat soort gedrag. inschrijvingen bij gevechtsporten zijn ook de lucht in geschoten.

ja ik woon met een stelletje buitenlander (Niet moslims, flikkers uit de amerikas, spleetogen, daadwerkelijke afrikanen etc) die allemaal ook vinden dat echt alleen die moslims alles verkankeren hier. Ik ben zelf niet echt een persoon om te vechten maar ik zal niet twee keer denken om zo'n haatbaard effe goed door elkaar te schudden als ie denkt dat hij zn religeuze rechten van verkrachting hier mag uitvoeren

square up nigga,
start gevechtsport, fitness, leer techniek.
mss is het niet nuttig, maar het zal nooit een disadvantage zijn van te kunnen vechten.
no homo

Ik wandel en kampeer vaak in de duinen dus ik ben al pittig in vorm, grootste reden dat ik koste wat het kost in de EU wil blijven is omdat nederland en belgië te klein zijn voor mijn smaak
Lekker pakketje heb je daar beneden trouwens :^) Nohomo

hear it all the time

en outdoor skill komen altijd goed van pas. gewoon zien dat je kan beschermen wie je wil bescherm en je wil opleggen aan zij wie je niet met leiderschap vertrouwt. that is all. bij deze ga ik eens pitten (Jetlag is een bitch) gnight FUCCBOI

Laters he pataten vreter

later kut


I played basketball in highschool because it came easily to me. But my core group of friends were geeks, I felt awkward at the cool kids parties and spent most weekend-nights playing d and d.



Fuck off, Pajeet FUCCBOI shill, I hope your fucking bomb vest goes off in your shitty cave

All of you should've known about Sun Araw when Hotline Miami came out.
Y'all niggas need Holla Forums.


I thought you were going to sleep, user?

I made that post a few days ago, Holla Forums is slow af these days
But I ended up not sleeping because I wasnt really sleepy, why? want to talk about your feelings? :^)

nah I was just wondering

thanks for asking babe, I can always count on you

d-d-do I smell sum tiddies?

im not that fat man jeez

aw yis

besides didnt I tell you we were like stoners minus eating?

>mfw was me (still is, over 18, last year of highschool, scholar system where I live is like that, slavshit kurwa here)

fucking edgy FUCCBOI