Brit/pol/ #914 - Caught you perving at Theresa May edition
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1st for modern art is tasteful, subtle and aesthetic
3rd for UKIP bus driving over Cameron
who /kettlebells/ here?
You guys do realise that we're going to lose the referendum don't you? In the last few threads i've seen a lot of people being pretty delusionally optimistic about Leave's chances, and I hate to have to tell you all this but Remain will win and it won't even be close.
Nth for file already exists
lad, don't get all Hitchens on us.
It is fine to lose
The sin is to stop trying to win
makes him look bitter, tbh
Don't get me wrong, i'll vote leave. It's just I think some people here need to be able to manage expectations better, take a more stoical approach to this kind of thing. We don't want this to be a repeat of the GE last year when some were predicting UKIP would get 10+ seats.
maybe. but life is highs and lows lad.
Hope for the best, expect the worst.
We're probably going to end up getting fucked over, but we're never going to not get fucked over if we're defeatists
good on Red Ken, old Labour has always been anti-Yid
prepare for the worst
Hitchens doesn't have hope because he's old now and passed it. Britain has the potential to be great again we just need the right dominoes to fall.
There's a lot of white disenchanted youth that we need to tap into before they go full racemix listening to derived niggamusic
Fuck no lad, go have a cup of tea and come back when you're ready to crash this thing with no survivors.
Is frost a kike?
We're are currently in the EU.
I am prepared for the wurst NOT the worst
Didn't we know that months ago?
Yeah, muslim men
I'm sure this has already been discussed but I don't frequent these threads as often as I used to. The Radix article titled "Euroscepticism scepticism" absolutely infuriated me & decisively proved that the AltRight puts race before political sanity. They are essentially globalists but only for the hy'white portion of the earth, championing an illusory identity that will only result in the further destruction of regional peculiarities & diversity.
Nationalism is an enemy of counter-revolution, it is liberal & modernist to a great degree, their schemes are narrow and their priorities warped. Reactionary Future describes them best as "rationalist Lockean-anti-Racism", which they truly are. Furthermore, they hold a fundamentally conservative sensibility of inheriting current institutions, in direct opposition to Reaction.
Reposting my shitty OC cos I'm the only one casting.
Literally fucking who?
wow so british XDXDXDDDDDD
tea is shit
quads of quality
Jesus Christ it's like you're not even trying.
Get out
If we lose, I don't know what I'll do.
Excellent interview, Yids are the eternal enemy.
Cromwell was a mistake.
Have a brew and a bacon sarnie and begin to prepare for the violent solution?
I remember playing civ 5 for the first time
im british lol brb going to drink a cup of tea lol bloody weather amirite lol queues what a palava lmao
i tip my top hat to you good sir for you are a gentleman and a scholar and im british so i wear a top hat and monocle
god bless le queen XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
Get with the program, you should know who those people are if you are on the Rightwing internet. But you're using a gamergoy meme so I doubt you'll bother.
What are we gaining exactly apart from the politicians gaining votes?
Leave you child
Never going to happen shithead.
You're all fucking deluded.
Rotherham is still happening. Absolutely no one fucking cares. People care even less about the EU and no one is going to start any kind of war over that of all things, especially since we don't even have any proper weapons.
Just filter it
but im british just like you because i drink le tea
what an autist
I'd get caught if I did that, lad. There's literally nothing one man can do.
Burger or Jerry? Maybe even a Sven? Be honest.
Being this volatile, you have to one of them.
Well don't start it early as a one man army lad, fucking hell. Get in shape, start plotting out your strategy and that.
cuckchan is this way >>>/oven/
Did anyone else see the reports of the missile base being set up in Romania? They seemed to do it very quietly.
You're right lad history never repeats itself and we should all search for helium tanks on Amazon. Fuck off.
Tea is an aryan beverage by the ancient indo-aryans of the southern continent.
Coffee is just nigger beans.
Energy drinks are jew chemicals.
It's the Swede that shit's this place up the most. He seems to have some wierd hard on for the British that simply isn't reciprocated.
It is exactly like vid related, some things never fucking change.
It does repeat itself. And it is repeating itself right now. Mass migrations end in the total destruction of the recieving culture.
Yeah that's scary shit tbh.
NATO are spooky fuckers.
Putin's put Romania in the crosshairs
Well, for the women, it's reciprocated for their women tbh.
Would liberate tbqh.
So does that mean it'll end your country too? Cos you just linguistically landed yourself in the shit.
He really was a pussy.
Someone will have to start it alone, no?
Not alone lad, don't be mad.
Wait for the switch.
They just added themselves to the list of targets in a strategic exchange for no fucking benefit what so ever.
As for the Swedish women we'll only liberate the ones that are free of Swedish brand mega cuck feminism.
Rate my first ever OC lads.
I like how you pick and choose what you want to believe and completely ignore the plethora of other scenarios. If you haven't noticed there's an undercurrent of anti-migrant sentiment all across Europe and an evermore outspoken public against leftist circlejerks like the BBC, EU and etcetera
No, no, I'm sure a 90% white nation with a history of xenophobia and warfare will simply wait for itself to become the new South Africa. You're a pessimistic moron attempting to drag everyone down into the gutter with you - worse than any minority or leftist could be, you've infiltrated our side of things and begun sowing depression. Do us all a fucking favour and hang yourself.
Children now have more grounded immigration policy that politicians.
This is how I know your average person is ready to cause murder.
Don't know about that lad, feminists are submissive as fuck the minute you grunt at them.
Glad someone else is casting with me tbh.
Might make another one.
How much longer are we going to have to wait?
Yes but then they'll quietly pass that shit on and then we're dealing with the infiltrated uni's spittin out idiots with degrees in women's studies all over again.
Does this mean the leftists will stop using kids in their propaganda?
They used to use children of all races and claim 'no-one's born racist!'
No remember most people are easily reprogrammable until they start puberty.
By the actual definition, -ist, EVERYONE is born racist.
These claims always make me kek.
That's pretty top lad. I'm downloading GIMP as we speak. I shall be joining you soon
Hard to say, 10 years maybe? Depends when it all kicks off in the Euro Zone tbh.
By then we will have domesticated them.
Just imagine it lad.
Feminists actually being feminine.
he probably also thinks that all Swedes are self hating leftists. you know, the kind of guy that takes Holla Forums memes too seriously.
Captain America has gone from punching Hitler to fascist sympathies – is it time to panic?
All sand people should leave tbh.
Why do they always have to overcomplicate the simple.
.Isreal is in a state of flux because of its inception.
.they have been fighting wars with neighbour states since then.
They have superior military, intelligence and resources.
Why can't leftists see that isreal is there to stay or ww3 would kick off.
It always seems to be Yanks that do that as well. Then again the Germans can be a bit square headed about their Reich stuff.
I'm all for Israel it gives us somewhere with high walls and big gates to put all the Jews. And then we will make them concentrate on being nice people.
Not a myth lad, have confirmed IRL. Pork a 6/10 feminist lad and you'll see.
All so they can replace Captain America with Captain African-America
They're trying to make nationalists look EBIL.
It's going to backfire, dreadfully. Unintentional redpilling.
I usually don't ask the women so it doesn't come up but they sure as shit don't act like feminist's.
Isreal is just the metaphysics of Jewish conquest. Jews don't fight so everyone else must be gaslighted into doing it for them.
We'll they've butchered one of Marvels most beloved characters for a while. Lads predictions on the response from the autistic neckbeard association?
Its like the new Call Of duty. The space colonists are demanding freedom from earth but are somehow the bad guys. One of the developers called them facists. This kinda propaganda is more effective than anything to normies
(I'm getting so many fucking gets in this thread, Kek has blessed me today)
Ask them what they think of the wage gap.
If you see them twitch, let them go off like a powder keg.
Then destroy her argument and you can witness how submissive they are in the bedroom.
lmao because outsourcing private contracts and slashing its budget mean nothing in the face of a conscious racial agenda
Innit, pisses me off a lil
Then put all the Jew's in Israel and then finish their wall for them and then forget about them.
That's pretty Killzone-tier; it'll more than likely backfire in the same way that Killzone did, with the Helghast being the fans favourite.
Who are you quoting?
If you watch the whole interview, the first 5-10 minutes is actually interesting, they discuss politics, tarriffs, economics.
Then Frost comes in with a ARE YOU SERIOUS RIGHT NOW? IT'S 1966. COME ON. ARE YOU LITERALLY SIEG HEIL'ING IN THE CURRENT YEAR. And that sets the tone for the next 45minutes. Some Jewface in the audience continually interrupts and Frost allows this because to not do so would be LITERALLY HITLER and stuff.
Finishing that wall would mean putting it around more territory.
Proves the BBC has always been this way
>>>Holla Forums
Oh shit lad, I forgot about this.
Imagine if mainstream shit with unintentional redpilling makes normies start the race war.
So there are alot of Jews spread around the world but I'm sure it will be as small as space as possible being walled off.
My God, what has the world come to.
Anyway, this is the logical conclusion for Captain America to reach eventually. You can't expect a nationalist superhero from the 1940s to be at all pleased with the state of his country in the 21st century.
He may have been written by Jews for war propaganda, but he's still a caricature of WASP patriotism and too many people just don't understand that.
Whole country's been like it since we dropped longshanks ideals.
Who the fuck are they hiring to write this tripe now?
But nah, this is a major fuck up on their part. So so so many people still associate Cap Yank with Steve Rogers (The patriotic bastard) and might convert because people don't really like change tbh.
They are on the verge of making him gay.
they don't want that derailed by making him a baddie
Galloway could have been based if he didn't do it for Muslims
This is standard kike subversion.
Make captain AMERICA fascist to help demonise being American.
Will this bugger up his chance of leading the EU?
Will he make the EU into the fourth reich?
Unfortunately this may make some people who would usually vote OUT to reconsider.
leave because fascists are in charge
Captain America would have gone on a one man race war by now if the people that wrote him wanted to keep things based in reality.
Watch how fast his candidacy is dropped.
user go home, you are drunk.
The notion of a rotating presidency is just embarrassing.
Sounds like a sperglord blog, can't say I've heard of it.
I can't say I've got room to talk on the sperglord front, but with a title like that, I can savely I'm erring on the softer side of the neuro-atypical spectrum.
There should honestly be a sitcom about the EU's internal political structure. Like yes minister but with Belgian accents and sinister authoritarian undertones.
little legend
I keep hearing people want to improve the value of their homes and property, but what is the point? Like what if house prices suddenly falls? Seems like a waste of money.
If it does down, at least you get to live in it and experience having nice furnishings or a nice extension. Also you get to actually SEE your investment, as opposed to stocks or shares.
Warning: Large
Upside: You can use it as a computer background.
Who's the guy on the left?
Daniel Hannan, just a younger version of him, when he had hair.
Alright. I assume people who do this intend to sell as soon as possible then?
He was bald all his life. He had an orphan boy murdered, scalped, and had the hair sewn onto his own head. He's done it every 5 years since he was 12. Soon he will kill again. This is why we need to stop capitalism tbh.
How fucked are we?
Even the real conservatives on the back bench are too cowardly to leave their own party. They'll just stick to using career politicians as glue.
Carswell and Reckless were the only ones who put principles before party, despite there being over a hundred right wing eurosceptic Tory MPs.
le libertarian ayylmao
muh bae
lads i'm so fucking hungover my whole body feels like gelatine
i had to sneak into my housemates room and steal his pringles because I physically cannot walk far without collapsing
The degenerate lifestyle takes its toll
BREAKING Turkish President Erdoğan in Diyarbakır on YPG badges on US soldiers: I condemn the US support for PYD/YPG
Hahahahaha what's he going to do about it?
Little shitty caterpillar lip got bullied by Putin, he thinks the US won't slap him about?
I always eat raw watery vegetables during a hangover, like celery, carrots, cucumber etc. Honestly I have no idea what people are on about when they talk about greasy food. A hangover is caused by being dehydrated. you need to get food in your stomach that wont make you throw up (light vegetables) and water.
this though tbh.
How do I get a suntan lads? I want an extra 50 quid a week to buy anime merchandise with. I will fund the Japanese war effort on Islam by buying cheap pvc figurines and love pillows.
Linke Party MP gets cake in the face from antifascist group at Magdeburg congress
r u japanese or something m8?
>Carswell and Reckless were the only ones who put principles before party
The same carswell who's done almost everything he can to sabotage both UKIP and the leave vote?
The chucklefuck is in it for himself.
I'm British Asian, wanna fuck a 6 year old tonight in Cardiff? I can make it happen..
Get ready to rage lads…
i remember when I was a kid and sonic was all the rage
Condensed image.
Lads, when is the white man going to wake up?
Why do these people laugh at the destruction of their own race?
I don't get it.
I really don't. It genuinely baffles me how "men" can stand by and watch their country become minority white thinking "yep, that's fine".
Because we're big bad whitey.
We're the reason for all the world's evils.
I've stopped feeling anger now. Not so much spontaneous snapping, but imagine it like a fire.
Every time I see something like this, a log gets added to it.
And the fire never goes out, it never dithers, it lays dormant, it roars a little from time to time, but every time I see something like this, add another log to the fire.
New Granville
Isn’t it puke-inducing being lectured about poverty by millionaire comics?
James Delingpole
Rated FF for Fuckoff - Filtered
Kill yourself, bigot.
Is this MO?
comments say Australia isn't totally pozzed but butcher is employing halal staff and apologising
Butcher says he didn’t mean offence with bacon bomber sign
God he truly is cancer. Pretty much anyone that appeared in the Brexit Movie is trash-tier.
How do I make myself feel happy lads?
Stoicism. Or whatever the modern day equivalent that doesn't make you sound pretentious is. "Getting on with it and not being soft" I think. Don't expect anything but what you can expect.
Think about being in the cockpit with Bomber Harris…
i wanked this morning and feel bad lad
think I just need a break from everything to clear my mind tbh
That sign should be obligatory for every Butcher shop
Go for a walk i find that always clears the mind
I have it ice cold too
not too intelligent are we lad
fuck off m8
[internally Jahans]
post pic or GTFO
Why aren't you outside enjoying the sunshine lads? It's 2016, your wifi can reach the garden can't it?
fuck off you poofter
too autist
only if you're the 6 year old
nah m8
… Lads, we have a problem…
nah lad she's 11
"I'm not a racist, but…"
Sick of hearing these words from your average soon to be radicalized normie tbh.
Why does nobody embrace their inner xenophobe?
How do we make racism a good thing?
You won't ever make racism good, you will just replace what racism means with another word.
I'm not a racist, I don't curb stomp niggers, I'm just local focused and want to keep my Woolworths.
Enjoy the GCHQ knocking on your front door.
Not with that attitude you won't you little sassy bitch.
Racism is misused alot now anyway you'd be surprised the amount of time's I hear it used when prejudice is the correct word.
what is it lad
Finding Dory trailer raises hopes film could include lesbian couple
Scene depicting two women caring for a toddler who is knocked out of her pram sparks speculation
How comfy has your afternoon been, lads?
LIVE: Far-right ‘Generation Identitaire’ to rally against immigration in Paris
She knocked down a bonfire? Did she get burnt? wtf
They're fish you cunts.
Lots of fish are all female and turn male in order to have kids.
What the fuck lads. What world are we living in? Fucking lefty cunts.
Also dory is played by a literal fucking dyke.
nah if she smothered it with wet green grass it likely went out, or the wood smothering put it out.
Naah, it wasn't on fire at the time.
Any time the kindling started up she rushed to chuck as much of the dry straw onto it as possible, knocking down the rest of the fire.
oh thank god, look at all those white young faces. Thank god.
Why are they happy, what makes them feel happy about this?
bad parents
Looks like a cancer ridden steve urkel
Ah right
Kek, that's the kind of retarded shit I do thinking it helps.
Is it normal for a Labour MP to call his allies "comrades"?
I was under the impression they were at least pretending not to be communists.
Well lads, it's a shit turn out, I've seen football teams go on tour with more people, but it's nice to see there are some young french not totally fucking pozzed out there.
says all you need to know
Clive fucking Lewis. Let me tell you a bit about that fucking literal snake looking paki.
Used to work for the BBC, marxist labourite. Studied economics at bradford, naturally. They selected him as "One of Labour's National Black Role Models".
Paul Nuttall openly endorsed FPO and is based on Islam.
WTF is that thing?
Is it a wog?. Is it a plane? It should have been an abortion
oh apparently he also went to Sandhurst and became a TA officer. Did one tour of Afghan for 3 months and received counselling after for depression lol
he's clearly mixed
looks like Labour has adopted american identity politics so devoutly they have abandoned British experience
Fucking poof
Birmingham Pride parade 2016 LIVE: Pictures and updates from Brum's biggest LGBT festival ever
Cleaned that up for you lad
Wouldn't want the cunts to have views
My friend who hates muzzies and Abos always says this.
I wish he would just shut up and go down the rabbit hole.
Feels bad
How do you get and hold on to friends? What do friends do?
this is why all those "EVROPA" memers need to die
I feel bad for him tbh
He has no idea what he is going
He just did a video reviewing Game of Thrones Series 1, episodes 1 and 2
Toilet paper roll in full view on the bed
I'm about to go to a club in Kenya with a Kenyan bro from my work here in the country. He lives in a slum for the record.
How likely am I to die lads?
they're either scared of white people or see us as a source of gibs for the most part, I actually feel pretty safe being the only white person when walking around during the day
tbh if you were that young mate it didn't count as getting cucked anyway. What were you going to do, kiss them on mummy's bed back at the hotel room you shared?
his smile is so full of pain
What the fuck are you doing
So it Brexit actually happening or what?
In Kenya tbh you'll be fine. Went there with the forces a while ago. You'll be seen as a source of gibsmedats, and have a lot of interested women. Don't do it. Don't do it. Don't do it. Unless you want to betray your country and get aids.
But actually the rumour was that the few who would offer condoms and pierce a hole in them anyway in order to gain a payday, or a ticket to England with the resulting kid.
That's only two pints a month smh tbh
I'll vote for it, my mates will vote for it. We'll all vote for it. It is likely we won't win. But if the perfect storm of angry old people, lethargic remain voters and pissed off brexiteers comes to light - we'll be okay
thats dollars
Go back to watching the football you chav cunt
That's the point. Racism is a universally bad thing, so it will lose all meaning beyond a bad thing. Another word will replace it without the baggage.
I was 15/16.
Felt bad even then but I suppressed it.
These aren't fun memories lads…
I need to forget about this but they're coming back to me….
A single pint, w o w
why didnt you fuck her lad
Think they're doing it for attention, degenerates
I think she got over-excited and decided to try and help as much as possible by completely ruining the entire thing.
Was still fun, though.
I was on a date with a girl when I was 14, got threatened at a train station by some cunt. Took the wind out of my sails.
Fuck it, she was meh anyway. Grew up, went to gym, lifted. Never looked back lad. No need to surpress it - shit happens to teach us how we need to grow
Poofs doing something for attention? n e v e r w o u l d h a v e g u e s s e d t h a t : ^ )
dont know what to wear lads
i just want something wear nobody notices me ahhhhhh
I wonder what it must feel like to have no shame. Even if I had a disgusting fetish it's not something I'd celebrate in public.
Looking back on it whilst we were holding hands I wanted to kiss her so bad but I didn't think I was good enough.
Now I'm older and I realise I should have but that opportunity's never coming again.
Exactly lad.
Like a shark. Never look back.
Fuck Greece anyway. Dumb niggers will probably end up having to work in German concentration camps to pay off the debt they've accumulated over the years.
S..sorry lad. Lost virginity at 16 to be fair. So… technically moral?
idk fam I had a job offer and wanted to go to another country so jumped at the chance, I'll be making an [spoiler]AMA[spoiler] thread in a month or so
I'm literally living across the street from the 2nd largest slum in the country.
we went into town to pick up kuber Indian chewing tobacco they cut up with some sketchy looking things that're probably illegal today and the Kenyabro pointed out a brothel and mentioned we should go there.
idk lads I might succumb to peer pressure and muh dick a negress, its been like 2 years since I dicked anyone
It won't be long until we have SCAT PRIDE WORLDWIDE parades.
It's not like adult dating but there's nothing wrong with it tbh
Aren't there any white girls there?
It's too young
Did you BYO protection?
If you didn't you're a mad man lad. Don't tell them your name, and tell them you're American as well.
kill me
I dont understand how they have no shame. I feel it all the time for tiny things, sometimes I think they are not even human, but completely mind/soulless
That's nothing bro. My cause was far worse and so was my reaction.
i-is that my B-brum?
Apparantly so.
Kenyabro was saying he muhdicked 2 white girls he met at clubs. Still it won't be as easy as the negropuss.
I didnt come to Kenya expecting to get laid.
Kenyabro recommended the government issued condom brand, says it's the only thing he uses.
what the fuck am I doing
Theyre just deviants lad. Nothing to it, they get off on this.
Same. I am not really spiritual, but they just seem dead inside. Reducing your entire identity to a fetish.
Lads, why are you all so upset about being betas turning into alphas?
You do know most natural alpha males are working cleaning toilets now?
They really do peak in education tbh.
Mate think about what you're doing
but I'm so bored
What are you talking about?
Jess Phillips is out and about!
I love her.
That's how I'm seeing it too.
My school years have been so monumentally shit it's only really upwards from here on out.
I can't see it getting worse than what I experienced back then.
Chad can have stacy when she's 16.
I can have her when she's in her 20s.
I love Virginia
going to have to wear my hipster shirt lads…
That's a pretty cucked line of thought there lad…
m-me t-too!
fine let me just waste the best webm so i cant post it for like 3 more days
link pluse
You wot
Chad can work in an office and lament his school years when he was a striker in the firsts fiddling with Stacy's bits after school.
I can have my experiences with women when I'm an adult, have money, a car and somewhere to go that isn't my parents' house.
I like that you're not even horny, just bored enough that you might actually fuck a sheboon.
The gang of faggots going MUH BETA EXPERIENCES.
Development in your later life is better to become alpha than it is to become alpha earlier, because most don't end up in good situations.
Swear down I don't know why so many people get upset by nogs and their "MUH DIKKIN WHITE WIMMINZ" antics, most of them are fucking closet faggots and they're trying to wind people up because they like their white hunks angry.
Fuck having her in her 20's
Get a new lady who's fitter lad.
Kek, cheeky bastard.
Kek, should really watch this show. Some lass I used to know bugged the shit out of me to watch it but I figured I'd be a prick for the bantz.
You can have her when she's 16. Just stop white knighting and get in there.
You know she'll still be thinking of Chad when you're doing her in her 20's anyway.
Ex used to cosplay as Poison Ivy for conventions and things but it's just not good enough.
Did you ever get an STD that made your dick burn when you fucked her in costume?
Because if not, shitty cosplay tbh.
It was just a metaphor.
Most girls will have done something with a guy by the time they hit 18 so obviously I'll never be the first.
nothing noncey about 16 year olds lad
Is there any chance of a race war happening in the UK within the next 35 years?
No. I would post pictures but they're on social media and she was 16 when they were taken (3 years ago).
Lad the salt is too much.
Reminds me of a saying, you'll never be her first, it's just your turn.
Except for those uncommon occurrences when you find a nice Christian girl and ruin her innocence because you're a fucking monster.
Fuck knows tbh.
10 years max
An adult being with a 16 year old is wrong.
Not by legal standards it's not.
Love it.
this is literally where I live lads
That's fine, lad. We can all love Virginia
Lad it's just not right.
Would you like your 16 year old daughter talking to guys in their 20s?
That's why lad.
Source, lad. This sounds like that old bullshit about bullies ending up working for the nerds.
prove it
there is NO CHANCE of a race war, too cucked.
There's something seriously wrong with a Brit if he has to pay for it in those surroundings.
Lad you can post it as often as you like.
with all the cows id say india
Holla Forums doesnt let me fucking duplicate file
to reply to myself, at least 90% of people are opposed to this and it is a very vocal minority who want it. a report was commissioned into the cost after the first year (when central government funding is ceased) and the cost would literally cripple the local council.
this is a disgusting agenda being forced upon a population who want nothing to do with it.
Your 16 year old virgin daughter says she's hanging out with 20 year olds by the sports fields.
What's your reaction?
Well, what would you do lol?
Doesn't bother me anyway.
So do this then.
If you had any idea how 16 year olds work you'd know your daughter wouldn't dare to admit such things. If you raise her properly she will know this is wrong and either don't do it or not tell you.
You don't get out much do you
wtf country is this? kenya?
But your initial reaction would be disgust, right.
Told you it was wrong.
the saddest words of tongue and pen..
God my parents and my brother's girlfriend make me cringe so much. I suppose they have made assumptions about my brother and me being evil racists for the sake of hating on people, so now they are pretending to hate people because of their skin colour, and it's just so shallow and fake. smh
Thought you said Kenya?
Lying bastard, this is Peterborough.
No but I'm a horrible double standards bastard.
Sure thing lad.
It doesn't just apply to 'alphas' though. Child prodigies, athletes and class clowns.
They get so used to a specific frame of mind that when they're expected to go on in their life and expand and develop so to speak, they stay stuck in their mentality.
Ever met a lad who forces his jokes a bit too hard? He used to be the funniest kid in the class.
I'd argue that the analogy of the bullies end up working for the nerds not being true though, the nerd tends becomes the better bully and essentially outbullies the bullies.
Actually not really.
20 isn't much. I can imagine real love going on and not just fucking on sport parks without condoms. You have to separate a couple and just a gang of teenagers hanging out with a whore which in this case will be my daughter. Tho different cases.
I don't know, man. Aren't people popular mostly because of confidence? Confidence can get you far tbh.
I'd get there first personally. I was criticising the mindset though, not the reality.
So it is wrong?
Confidence that's developed due to experience is always more effective than what fits the current situation.
Most of the confident and popular people tend to know a lot of kids as they're growing up through shit like Nursery, so it's basically starting off with your foot already in the door.
As they develop outside of it, their personality might clash because they've become so used to their personality becoming the staple of what they think is the root of their confidence and popularity, when instead it just fits the current situation, that being seniors.
No wait, 5 years.
Yeah but I didn't get there first so yeah.
It's like, deal with what you're given.
20's pretty weird to be hanging out with a 16 year old lad
How do I avoid making my kids growing up and becoming failed alphas, lad?
I've been awake days and mummy never raised me so I'm stupid anyway.
I'm just saying lad don't think of it in those terms. When you theme your thoughts in a cucked way, you yourself resemble the cucked. You get me lad?
It's not black and white like I said. 16 is old enough to think with your brain that romance is good but you're not in the position for example to raise kids yet or you need to concentrate on your exams. If it's partying everyday among 25 year olds with alcohol and drugs of course it's immoral.
Which brings me back to why I asked you. If you only feel like that I'm ok with that.
Are you making fun of me, lad? Or are you a fellow mummy's boy?
Force them outside of their comfort zone. Take them to museums, teach them there's more to the world than just social hierarchy.
Social hierarchy is important, so do teach them to be alpha but the more people they learn to converse with and how to converse with particular types of people, the better
Bullying spergs and having girls fawn over you because /prettiboiafleet/ makes for very poor and limited experience to apply later in real life.
Teach him how to bully spergs tho. You don't want him to miss out on that.
Margaret Thatcher on Europe: "No! No! No!"
lmao, show us your digs user
pretty sure that's kenya user who is considering fucking a nigger prostitute
for all her faults at least she did try to put us first for once
Might fuck around with some reverse engineering.
Yeah bullying spergs can be fun.
Just don't bullycide, not fun if your victim's dead.
Fuck wrong webm
I do really think she cared about the UK. It was just a ghastly job to fix the mess labour left prior and would make anyone look bad.
Why hasn't sadick being shopped onto the pakis face?
Fucking great idea user, what's his actual name again so I can jewgle him?
Source on London being destroyed?
Sadiq Khan
Have we seriously meme'd his nicknames this hard people don't know who he is anymore?
Sadiq khan
I'm pretty much Norman Bates tier IRL lad.
I've had a few experiences like these in England - you never see it in movies as far as I'm aware. You're never told about it. You just don't know how to make sense of it and deal with it at the time. Being embarrassed like that being threatened by people who'd probably rape your woman if they got her alone, and not being confident enough to even quip back. And she just listens to the abuse being shouted at you both and whispers "ignore it" in your ear, and is so nice later on. She was always nice. But this time it was almost worse she didn't snap at me for not being a man. I expected she'd be angry. Afraid. Well, show it. I still sensed it must be there, but she wouldn't show it. The atmosphere is hard to describe unless you've experienced it. It lasts days after. Weeks sometimes. Better end this spoiler before I go to a pretty dark place tbh. - but when I went on holiday to Greece as a 12 year old kid I had my first little romance with a foreign girl (from Spain herself) and nothing went wrong, and a MILF waitress flirted with me a little and mummy got jealous of them both and threw a fit back at the hotel.
G.I Joe: Retaliation
Thanks, lad
wew lad
What's wrong with mummies, lads? I see this with my mummy and my brother's girlfriend as well. They both always talk poorly of the other behind their back, then pretend to be nice when they're in the same room.
It's completely harmless fun, you boring bigots.
Women hate all women even their friends tbh
Mummies probably always secretly want their little boys seed to make grandbabies to keep their bloodline more pure but social pressures and daddies get in the way of their desires. Every time a mummy sees her little boy with a pretty girl she wants to feel happy for him but also feels cucked as well. Conflicting feelings always amplify both feelings.
I suppose you're right.
I suppose you're right too tbh
wew, lad. Why are (1)ers so easy to spot?
Lad are you saying I should fuck my mum?
I don't know lad that depends on how you both feel about each other. My generalisation might be wrong. It might be right but you might be the exception. Mummy loved me but didn't raise me so I know basically nothing about anything tbh.
Full on riots in the next 15 years
Maybe sooner if the refugees start coming appearing on hardcore Chav council estates and start trying to muscle in on the Chavs either through Drugs or harassing their wimmen
only reason its low in germany is cuz of turks
You said pure bloodline, doesn't inbreeding cause major fuck ups?
Since fucking when?
I really don't get the "don't be concerned about Muslims" meme. Like even if you don't mind, you should at least be able to see why people would be upset.
is this you btw?
Depends tbh. I know a few smart, beautiful people who're literally the product of incest. I think maybe it's a meme that paki incest makes them subhuman and maybe they're subhuman anyway. Maybe the true red pill on incest is it amplifies what's there; whites become supermen and superwomen and pakis become wretched, brainless, savage creatures devoid of the last shred of decency others might have.
I am so getting v& for this post in a few years time.
10/10 tbh lad
There is a reason incest is looked down upon in a lot of cultures, man. Also, aren't inbred Arabs in Britain one of the most over-represented people when it comes to birth defects?
Screencapped for future bullyment tbh.
Brit/pol/ campfire tunes when?!
Brit/pol/ campfire tunes when?!
Lads, just had a thought from my reverse engineering think then.
Niggers and pakis actually believe shit like WE WUZZZZZ KAAAANGZ N SHIEEET!
What if like make their home countries look like paradises?
Set up a few fake Twatter accounts and be like "BYE WHITE PEOPLE I'M GOING BACK TO PARADISE 100% SEE YOU SOON NUBIAN MOTHERLAND"
What if we meme'd it, lads?
Smashed it tbh.
Wouldn't work, they know deep down they are shit. Reason everyone in America says they will move to Canada or Europe.
We haven't meme'd it yet so we don't know
I like this idea…
Stay over there you cunt, don't want you bringing back Ebola Chan with you
Didn't even think of that tbh.
Lads, what if he's started colonizing Africa for whites early?
this guitar poster sounds a bit gay tbh
Blocked. (:
Bigots make themselves too easy to spot.
That's a proper comfy singalong lad.
Are you gay lad?
Brit/pol/ for children's tv?
Is Alex sporting Don Orange?
no h8 lad I'd suck your dick for one night you're alright
I would too tbh
Where the fuck did you find this, lad?
I think I might've already caught malaria, been here 4 days.
The Battle of Britain: The Moslem Mass-Rape of British Women and Girls
You sound like you could do a good Owen Jones impression.
Nah, but he's part native American
also I just ate fish with the head and everything still attached then packed a lip of this crazy African tobacco they cut with lime (not the fruit) and other shit
probably gonna puke
this african knockoff Tums tastes like acid
When is brit/pol/ going to start listening to Peter?
reee that paki and taig host
ur a liar m8 I remember how you bitched the girls ignore you although people promised you a ton of grils cuz girls like guitar
but it's ok Brit/pol/ doesn't discrimin8
Also I hope you realize I'm collecting all of your songs bc they're really nice to listen to when I do workout or drive in the car
I would fuck you, what county are you lad?
Diversity, discovered
White American left-liberals at the Washington Post belatedly discover that the Indians and the Chinese aren't exactly fond of Africans, despite them all being "minorities":
Lads, give me ideas on how to make more money around my current job.
I want an extra £10k a year but have run out of ideas
Feeling demoralized lads, might just be tiredness.
what is your current job?
get the fuck out yank
you laugh like a girl
Why are you in Africa?
I'm teaching niglets at an orphanage for the summer.
When I stop loving this country tbqh
explain further, what type and what is your current exact salary and who employs you.
GARRISON on infowars
wasting your summer
How many negresses have you ploughed yet?
teach them not to fuck
What's wrong with that?
I'm gender fluid.
as opposed to sitting at mummies house?
SA is that you?
That'd be more fun that living in a fucking slum lad
Hard not to like Iran sometimes tbh.
prove it faggot
Fuck of defeatist shill.
Have I missed anything much from the last couple days?
I like it. LQ OC has it's own particular charm.
hertfordshire reporting in, now you tell me faggot.
Fixed webm
Not really..Some military OC was made..I'll post it later
Don't tell him lad he's MI6
off to town in half an hour lads… wew…
wew lad, I am fucking mi6 m8
select miliband image first then flag
*I am NOT fucking mi6 m8
Glad you like it lad. Not much really, just the same, demoralization, 'bants', derailing this bread with no survivors.
The German Bank is crashing like, Euro currency might go under tbh. That's pretty exciting.
I made some OC than you can use as a background as well
thanks lad
Sorry I only enjoy getting pegged by female to male trannies.
It's the new normal.
Professor Weinstein told me.
Noice, cheers m8s.
WEW, lad
Made me laugh.
I'd say with have a damn good fighting chance yes. And if it doesn't I can only see it making parties like UKIP more popular than ever.
I can't believe normies posted this shit on facebook unironically
shall we post normie memes
Have some vintage brit/pol/ lads
One of these days I've gotta take a break from this place and go on a fishing trip or something.
I can feel myself descending into madness.
11/10 tbh lad.
Shit that never fucking happened. Why would they even make this shit up?
Welcome to Normie/pol/
What did he mean by this?
"I'm an anti white contrarian and I need to be hanged"
Tbf I bet a few of those girls were looking to get raped because they were raised badly by their fathers. Not all though. But when pakis take hold of an area raping a lot of kids they won't discriminate against the good girls and they'll rape them too. They aren't discriminatory bigots like us.
I know he's not well liked here, but probably in reference to the PC culture movement.
People were and still are so horribly terrified of being called racist that they refuse to take action when it's demanded.
The implication is that even without the pakis it would have happened.
Can we not talk about Rotherham lads?
I'm about 90% ready to fire up an extremist platform and party just to smash this fucking shit show into the ground.
Why shouldn't we encourage you the extra 10% towards that endeavor lad?
ha ha ebin mene
You're welcome lad.
Ghoul has to be the least interesting person on TRS. Faggy uptalk voice, usually uninteresting opinions – but his damn memes are top notch. It's almost as if another person drew them
Yeah Peter got that right but it was obvious UKIP were selling themselves short by trying to win GE seats.
Nigel saying he'd resign if he lost was the final straw. UKIP should've held on to its resources for this referendum which they struggling to even fund their campaigns for/
Because it'll never get me elected, we're still too cucked.
Given up tbh.
I bet he still wouldn't raise a kid in Bradford though.
Kids are fucking stupid, and the prevalence of technology has sidestepped otherwise good parents because Dad's don't know that pakis can start chatting up their daughters on goybook.
Inbreeding causes fuck ups because in every bloodline there are often rare hereditary diseases and conditions. When you inbreed, you increase the chances of the diseases and conditions appearing due to the lack of genetic variability lad. On the flip side it means that if a family has genes for high intelligence, that gene will probably also appear in a child of incest, if you follow me. In that sense, you could argue purity is a concentration of the same genes. I don't follow personally but there you go.
What community cohesion is there if one half is raping the children of the other half? How is that not giving oxygen to racist views while also proving them correct.
If you tried saying that before the last general election you'd be called a defeatist shill. People we're all looking at you shego were putting the minimum at two figures.
Exactly how brit/pol/ is with the referendum now.
Reminder that if you think our doctors should be able to speak English you're a racist bigot.
Arm in arm, the BBC lovebirds: Kamal Ahmed and Sophie Long go public with their budding romance
Was their counter agument "oooooh"?
Remove TV
Remove pop music.
Remove books
Instant fix for your kids.
Just watch some brexit the movie or LOTR lad. It'll pick you up.
Ed Miliband warns Brexit could win the EU referendum if 1.5 million young people fail to register to vote
He fucking will though. Or at least give massive priority to "minorities".
So was the 12 million Turks a lie or something? Why haven't I heard more people talking about it?
As bad as the muh Islamic terror is because of internet brainwashing morons; it's always parents or people in their group of peers or an authority figure at a mosque or something in their real life. Just the same as anything remotely "racist" usually comes first from real life experience, not media. When it comes to grooming kids, they do it in the open on streets, in homes and in schools. It's well published and the anecdotal accounts of many here ffs.
I would seriously bet my life a majority of the girls raped in Rotherham, Rochdale and all the rest had Olympicly uninvolved or abusive parents growing up and behaved more recklessly than others because they had low self-worth.
How are these broken freaks so fucking deluded? I hope that fat lump Salmond gets stage 4 cancer and has to have "Dr." Obumbawumba treat him.
FUCKING CUNTS like him will never get cancer.
TV, pop music and love books.
Get rid of them all.
Used to sing a lot of Ed Sheeran to practice because mum liked it.
Every other word is about snogging or sex.
Most 14 year old girls in the country know his name for singing this shite. Makes them feel like they need to start doing it themselves or they won't be normal.
Get rid of it. Same with telly.
fucking pakis have taken over the jews when it comes to BBC current affairs shows
Lads, UKPolitics censoring anything negative about the EU.
Give em some up boats ye?
25 votes, 1 point. Fucking Remanians always hiding the truth.
Have you ever seen those RACIST insurance adverts that promise to find a doctor that speaks YOUR language. How dare you, American Express, I want some guy who can't ask me whats wrong or some third rate translator to lossly guess what is wrong with me!
Is Salmon a kike wtf
I'm still hungover to the point of death lads, please post comfy music that will heal me
I believe its shills tbh
It used to be solidly brexit but now R/uk cucks have invaded along with remain shills
More like a pike tbh.
UK subs are so cucked thanks communism
I agree. Also he's got an anti-Anglo slant because hes a fucking taig. Tbh they should take him off the death panel and let him focus on memeing.
Here you go lad
I've never been ashamed of being British before lads but I just found out that one of the few countries we've never invaded is Sweden
The moment they started quarantining subreddits with mods that didn't bow to the Reddit administration on racism, Reddit become unusable.
Safe to assume every subreddit with a politically incorrect userbase that hasn't been shut down is heavily manipulated.
We've not invaded Norway either, have we? Why did we never do that? Even today their population is just 5 million.
We defeated the Great Heathen Army in the 9th century which had a large viking element from modern day Sweden.
I'm sort of a pleb but there
Lads if we invade the vikings countries and begin liberating the female species, does it count as race mixing or are we good?
Why are you being racist to poles bigot haha? Eu is good lad!!
the UK is more cucked than Sweden tbh
I think we did go to Norway in WW2, but that was only to drive out the Germans iirc.
top bantz
Lad what?
that doesn't count tbh. We were working with the Norwegians.
at least in Sweden there is resistance (non-pozzed)
Purely because of how fucking bad it's got in Sweden.
If our women couldn't go out at night and the police were giving up, we'd probably start murder as well.
How do I get a voice like that American? I hear a lot of Americans that sound like that tbh.
Idk where you from lad but your a strange kind of retard. Places in Sweden are literally bombed on the daily. If there wasn't a resistance at that point then you've got a real problem.
Being a loud piece of shit for so long your voice box takes damage.
throat cancer
Alright lad the civic nationalist is a meme you know?
Sneaky Cameron tbh. He knows those pseudo spanish bastards will vote IN
I know
that bong is the original current year man, he deserves death for fucking with nixon
Because he shouted in the army all his life
That has to be acting lad
Might just abandon ship tbh lads, go live in Burgerland and bully yanks and liberate their women all day.
We attacked Denmark-Norway during the Napoleonic Wars.
Move to Wales cunt
Well done lads.
I can't imagine anything worse tbh.
HAHAH holy shit
k e k
Why so visceral lad? What's good about Wales anyway apart from Rhyl swimming center?
Sounds like heaven tbh.
Mission accomplishedlads if nothing else we have this.n
It's like when you get a bit risky with the banter to a lass and you call her a slag, she knows she should be upset but she can't stop giggling.
Also, does it look like he's been crying a little bit?
Where did the hd footage of Goebbels come from?
Why did BNP collapse, lads?
it was run by morons on all levels.
Even I learned in history class that Hitler was pro-Jewish state. He didn't expect them to leave and be someone else's problem.
Why aren't you helping poor Brits instead you fucking traitorous cunt?
Bunch of racists who didn't have the intelligence to argue nor the spine to stand up to the media blitz.
So do any of you cucks live around buckinghamshire/Berkshire? That's where I am and will be unless I can't find a new job in the next few months.
They were like NA?
Christ, he's slowly regressing towards looking like a teenager. I bet he wears light screen make-up for his Jewtube videos.
That's not legit; look at the typography, there are repeating characters (identical "A"s for instance).
combination of GCHQ infiltration and actual dipshits
I bet his shoes have lights on them.
Wales, Norn Iron or South West of England lads?
Where abouts depending on your answer?
no and
Can someone do a better version of this? Whiteboard thing will probably work again cuz it's a different picture
lads i actually don't mind owen jones
he seems like a nice enough chap and genuinely believe what he's saying
I agree with him on practically nothing but he's very fair when he interviews right wingers like Hitchens and Hannan
I think we should bully someone else, while he's wrong about everything he's nice and there must be someone just as wrong about everything who's a bit of a bellend as well as that
No because even the BNP had more than 100 members.
did you make that in M$ paint you cuck?
Northern Ireland.
Lad are you British or not?
He'll stop being bullied when he stops being fun to bully.
oy beggorah
No he screams racist and bigot at people in debates
Thats not nice. Poz boi puts himself in the public eye, then his negole will be pozed
That would be good
no I'm just bad
didn't know half of NA was based on Holla Forums
what OS and software do you use then?
Like Bezmenov said : "They are programmed to think and react to a certain stimuli, in a certain pattern. You cannot change their mind, even if you exposed them to authentic information"
Fuck sake I'm pissing myself.
You should cut Owen out so he can be placed at different events
My Grandfather smoked his whole life. I was about 10 years old when my mother said to him, 'If you ever want to see your grandchildren graduate, you have to stop immediately.'. Tears welled up in his eyes when he realized what exactly was at stake. He gave it up immediately. Three years later he died of lung cancer. It was really sad and destroyed me. My mother said to me- 'Don't ever smoke. Please don't put your family through what your Grandfather put us through." I agreed. At 28, I have never touched a cigarette. I must say, I feel a very slight sense of regret for never having done it, because your post gave me cancer anyway.
Like Rotherham?
Spouting his drivel about mixed families?
Is this what drove Owen to becoming Owen "Kike Crusher" Jones?
we should meme him to just fuck his shit up
Have they being in their safe space/group think for too long? I suppose this is what happens when everyone else is banned…
Who would take the war to the EU federalists lads if they brought it to this? A british non Taig IRA tbh lads
Lads, do you ever wonder if we're the mentally ill ones?
Like is there therapy or some kind of drug I can take that will make me not like this? I don't feel well tbh lads. I don't like it
Embrace it lad. We're in bedlam now.
Anyone else feel like Nigel's attempt to unify the left and right by buddying up with George Galloway? All it has done is alienate moderate/centrist voters by associating with a presumed anti-semite.
People hated George so much that they left the meetings if he came on stage so Nigel's not the one without moderate appeal.
was a complete failure?*
Sure someone else here will remember the thread, but they admitted that NA leaders use skype as their main method of communication.
redken on redice radio i hope
Ill pay you to suck me cock lad
Fucking idiots.
Skype is one of the least secure forms of communication available.
Based whatsapp works now it has encryption.
Read The Establishment if you haven't, it's got some okish information in it, but it isn't that special and it is entirely partisan, (it's also actually wilfully hiding parts of the establishment too). Anyway, it's muh feels agitprop, which is so full of entry-level rhetorical errors that I'm surprised he went to college, let alone Oxford. Though I guess he's trying to keep it dumbed-down for the working-class. Trouble is, the working class would be better served with calm presentation and a non-manipulative, non-partisan mapping of the establishment as it stands, but he's hiding the great bee-hive of internationalist socialism and it just comes across as utterly disingenuous.
He's human waste and a chaos cultist. Purge Pozymandias.
Might go to bed early tbh.
That's terrifying.
fixed you pic fam
I wish it was a meme.
12 million wankers coming…
Outrage over Turk bus assistant masturbating on sleeping female passenger
he would have won more people over to ukip if he'd kicked Galloway up the arse.
Nice to know the Turks and Kikes are mixed up with this SJW bullshit headache the same as us.
Wish I could see his face before every workout tbh
Gives me motivation to make it.
how tall are you lad?
6'7 masterace reporting in.
manlet rights matter
were you a bully, lad?
lel u jelly dwarf cunt
Getting back into Yu-Gi-Oh lads, pretty fun. The nerds can stop calling me a cunt for breaking the rules kek
Here you go, goy.
Weren't we all at one point lad?
nigga wat?
This cunt wants us to start WWlll to protect bum drillers rights
Gay MP Trashed By Supporters After Claiming Britain Should Remain In The EU To Change Poland’s LGBT Policies
>But even his gay followers weren’t convinced, with one responding: “Ben shame on you!
Brexit Prof: Remain NOT Storming Ahead
Are 12 million Turks really coming, lads?
No I just didn't like him.
Whatever you had you could be sure he'd have something better.
Used to have to walk to school with him every day so one day when we were walking to school after we'd had an argument over something I punched him into a bush and winded him.
Fresh Peter interview
Come suckle on the teat of morality
wew lad
afraid so
Some of his best appearances have no video.
I'm barely right of centre on any issue though
Oh boy, another fellow 6"6+
How is that even possible?
Fuck this autistic beak-faced kike
You're lumped in with us genuine far-rightists now, you may as well become a Nazi or a neo-monarchist sperglord now. What have you got to lose? kek
Internalise that feeling and prepare for the end lad.
Why me, mummy?
m8 being UKIP is far right.
We're all nazis here.
Poor Jahans
Oh dear
Because you are a NEET.
If you've done the time, may as well do the crime
Fuck sake lad, every time.
not all turks are islamic fanatics mate, once they get a free council house, car and benefits they could be mistaken for a tanned English person who doesn't shave or practice good hygeine.
We could literally meme this and normies and leftists wouldn't know how to react.
Can confirm I know a landlord that owns a Turkish run cafe.
No matter what or who they are, 12 million extra people can't be good.
The Turks actually have a rape culture tho
Refusing to entertain the possibility of losing, tbh
Give us our
Not very multicultural of you tbh lad.
You mean drinking culture, right, lad?
Started a tumblr tbh.
Have no followers and keep forgetting to put hashtags but I have a place to post comfy English stuff.
Rate lads
We all know you want to post it so get it over with lad.
Don't apologize for your pride either.
We will colonize Tumblr.
10/10 too real
Its good for the economy
Because, the economy is based on loading people with debt and getting people to work cheaply.
What kills me about the left is that since 2008 they have been continuously bitching that all the economic recovery experienced is only at the top end. Wages have at best stagnated for normal workers.
Suddenly, they forget this scrutiny and start asserting that "a rising tide lifts all boats" like true neoliberals.
Also, I remember 15 years ago the big thing the left protested about was the environment which no one cares about anymore and globalisation. The Battle of Seattle, protesting WTO trade agreements, etc. Now, they are literally calling for more integration, bigger trade agreements, more fluidity in worker movement, etc
LOL good luck
Tumblr bans some Big White Cock pages that have a supremacy fetish over pakis and gooks, yet BBC pages are allowed to spread like wildfire
Tumblr is dead besides porn isn't it
Should infiltrate where we can tbh.
Imagine SA's selfies on Tumblr lad.
We'd save the white race overnight.
Who's worse, lads? Pseudo-intellectuals or idiots?
What do we get out of this, lad?
anyone know of any other good tumblrs?
Same thing aren't they?
I mean idiots by your standard FOO'BALL AN' KEBAB LOL pleb
Shit, tough call.
I'd say pseudos, least you can radicalize a footie fan into a right wing foot soldier.
Pseudo paedos would rather chug down lemon grass and rabbit shit coffees and fuck around on Tinder all day.
My name is David (((Levita))) Cameron of Brussels and Panama - you can call me Dave - and my aim is to destroy Britain as you know and love it.
That is why I have admitted over 750,000 migrants and asylum seekers in the last 12 months alone - and let me be quite clear about this - why I support Turkey's entry into the EU and consequently their entry into your families negholes so they may be pozzed with Turk semen. It is why I have done NOTHING to stop illegals entering the country and remaining FOREVER. I will of course repeat these policies this year and every year during my premiership.
My aim is to see a new breed inhabit these islands and to impose an equalisation in living standards for all. Therefore current living standards MUST fall. They are far too high. Education standards must also fall in order to accommodate the new people I intend to settle from third world countries
Up and down the country, I am told that my plans are working perfectly as people find they are becoming 'Strangers Where They Live'
As the 'Heir to Blair' and Blairmore, I am proud to be continuing the pro immigration policies adopted by my close friends in the Labour Party and to be able to develop such ideas to extinguish 'Britishness' wherever it may be found. That is why I have abolished many of the planning rules in order to build huge anonymous new towns and cities in what was the monocultural and unenriched English countryside
I will soon be holding the long awaited confirmation of my views and opinions that Britain should remain an EU member forever and I will personally ensure that the Remain campaign is full of lies, threats and propaganda to obtain the highly desirable Remain outcome, thereby wiping the floor with a blonde haired mop.
As you will understand from the foregoing, I am extremely excited about the forthcoming eradication of Britain and 'Britishness' by my friends in the European Union who have assured me that a new name has already been decided for these very small inconsequential islands..
Consequently, to further the re-writing of British history and the destruction of British traditions, they have chosen 'EU Sector North West' which must now be written below your postcode or your mail will no longer be delivered and you will face imprisonment or a punishment enriching - or both
There will also be a compulsory state religion imposed called ISLAM. You will all be require to pray five times a day and cover your women. State executioners will be appointed in each city to punish those who defy this order
God Save The President of the EU Commission ! Long live Jean Claude Juncker ! ( pbuh )
Yours sincerely,
Chief Rabbi David Cameron
Governor General EU NW - Designate.
What if our time is over? Will we will never be great again? Lads…
The few normie friends I have don't seem to realise how big a deal the referendum is…
I'd have to agree with you there. They make much better drinking buddies too
top kek cuckit dave
Yes, but look lad. Once Europe collapses, there is greater potential for smaller, more loyal communities.
Where can I find friends like brit/pol/?
Based NA, lad
Will this mark the end of brit/pol/? Can't imagine we'll all stick around once this happens.
Voted the ugly nigger accidentally.
A thwarted attempt to join #ISIL by a young #British woman Jalila Nadra Samira Henry provides another glimpse of trafficking in #Turkey
Brit/pol/ is infinite, on #1000 edition tits will be posted.
just deleted my normiebook, feels good.
1st and 3rd are quite good.
Can't remember any other decent accounts.
Does anyone have a link to that right wing summer camp Woes was advertising?
Pub meet-up when?
What do you lads think of Raheem Kassam?
It's time to stop blaming previous governments and find the savings that have been promised
I second this
Lads, am I the only one here who doesn't give a shit about other races?
Like all that white countries for everybody shit annoys me.
Every country should be a white country imo.
Fuck I want Rhodesia back tbh.
I want to be reincarnated as a Rhodesian so I can march about and shout
That would be good tbh
most of the older generation, particularly if working class
stop your mummyposting or use a trip you faggot cunt.
What annoys me is I'm the only person I know who cares. I care so much about our national image. Others just want us to have gay parades and bend over backwards.
Nobody cares about "Britain" the nation state anymore. We are taught all countries are like this too. It's awful.
Anons house in Fortuneswell
If the British Empire had done the same to africa, the subcontinent etc as was done to the native american indians imagine what the world would be like now.
Mummy posting is a part of Brit/pol/ culture.
God damn fucking Blair
I always forget of was only in 2004 this really ramped up
That's fake though.
London, I guess. Knight's Templar on Chancery Lane has a pretty Brit/Pol/ feel to it. Been needing to happen for a long time tbh
Don't make me hang out with my Normie mates for the entire summer please
Lad, why?
Looks pretty comfy though
Based but doubt he's personally invested in the future of British politics.
Also hard to see him as an ally when he's been guilty of publicly attacking UKIP in order to defend Farage's leadership.
B-But Eastern Euros are based lad
They should definitely come here in high numbers and drive wages done
Otherwise we wouldn't be Pan-European lad
that's not that far away tbh
looks /comfy/, great idea.
are you GCHQ?
closest to the most people, easiest to get to. Lots to do, trains run 24/7
I'd love a comfy village meet up too, but it's not plausible
One of these days, we shall rise again.
Fucking hell, we might of been colonizing space.
I'm with you lad, fuck London.
Great pub but fucking London.
Here tbh
What's fake? The cap isn't edited. The story seemed legit enough too, though he didn't actually say he strangled the cleaning lady, just tried to kiss her and sperged out and she was sacked by his mummy. And then something about planning on trying to finger his sister again at Christmas. Wonder how that went.
I miss Rich NEET shitposter tbh.
And I reiterate
i'm just an user who wants some pub banter that doesn't revolve around LOL TITS and HAHA GAME OF THRONES QUOTE
I am a mummyposter, lad, which is why I take offense to fake stories.
I'd welcome other suggestions tbh
London it is then
I think it's got to be London, lad. We'll just have to be vigilant as fuck.
Why can't Rupert buy 28 countries?
If he can buy 1 he can buy 28.
If we abort on London, Paris Hotel in Helston?
Properly /comfy/ tbh.
This one triggered some krauts kek
Meeting at GCHQ would be bants
Lad, no. It looks comfy but no-ones going to go to fucking land's end for a beer and a chinwag
I just want real stories, lad.
i wonder if these posts are the GCHQ posts
would make sense
He's useful and talented, but since he's such a zealous zionist he should be held at arms length imho.
smh, lad. At least try to make it believable if you have to lie
post proof, pic of your mummy or you are GCHQ?
So Barnsley or Knights Templar?
new thread when
David Cameron says soaring migration figures is a price worth paying for being in Europe
You take up ALL the fucking posts with drivel. It's shilling. Now fuck off
Knight's Templar
why not both
Mixed feelings, don't think he can be completely trusted but he's very brit/pol/ on occasions.
Don't know tbh lad you might have lost this one.
They literally all were tbh. Well, it was months ago so I can't remember. Maybe I shitposted about other things, but the stuff with my sister was all true. The time she watched me with that girl, and the many times we did inappropriate things but I never put my cock in her even though once we even made out for over an hour in bed naked. And how her normie mechanic husband is a cunt. And how I tried to finger her the Christmas before last in the cloak room, and was (and did) try something similar last Christmas. Not sure if I posted updates but it went much the same. At least there was no scene though.
And the cleaning lady and mummy finding out and then sacking her and daddy clipping me round the ear for the first time in ages was true. Don't know if I missed anything else tbh. All the above was literally true though tbh tbf oni-fam.
if no one replies Jeremy Corbyn is the next PM of the UK
No, the next PM will be NIGE
NA is still trapped in lost luggage.
I'm OK with Knight's Templar tbh
Expensive lad, isn't barnsley in the sticks too?