As a Romanian, I have to ask, what does this exactly mean?
As a Romanian, I have to ask, what does this exactly mean?
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This is what you get for bending over to the kikes.
If you install a missle system in their doorstep don't be surprised they will aim their rockets at it.
Imagine the ruskies building military bases in mexico or canada.It would be instant war
Like WTF does that even mean?
ai futut un cal in pizda
Not arguing with you there.
That's what I'm trying to figure out. What, did he point some missiles at us or what?
Lol! Made my fucking day. Roman?
Savior of the H'WHITE race
Burger, but my parents are from there.
So both your parents are Romanian but you were born in Murica?
Hats off to your parents for seeking a better life and making their way there.
Fellow Romanian here as well. I have been more interested in international news rather than local news. Do you know how popular is Iohanis right now? Could Putin create a civil war here like he did in Ukraine?
Here's what it says in the article.
So yeah, missiles.
It means you're about to get
Basically means that in the event of a nuclear war, some nukes will fly at Romania and Poland because they now contain military targets.
Afraid not Bromanian. Romania is far too cucked by the EU and Germany atm. I'm only grateful we're a conservative deeply religious country otherwise we'd be truly and completely fucked.
But as for siding with Russia, not going to happen in the near future over here, especially since Communist life is still fresh in the minds of many.
(P.S. Iohannis is a fucking handpuppet for Merkel and a retarded shill. It's amazing to me that that Frankenstein monster looking retard made it to president )
Eh. All right.
Doubt it's more than just sabre rattling. We're not Ukraine, but if shit was going to go down between NATO/US and Russia, we'll probably be the first to bite the bullet.
Typical Putin's bullshit, he ain't gonna do shit.
Vladimir, there's a reason why those bases are there. Russian hegemony won't last for ever. Russia is still controlled by a kikes and this "christian nationalist" act is a bullshit for stupid burgers.
I think you meant "fuck them for leaving the country instead of fighting for better life", you fucking kike.
Depends. Do you have local groups of Russians/pro-russians? I think you can have some Ukrainians or perhaps some sleeping agents..
Correct. Grandpa was a Legionnaire, and the Jidanii threw him in prison when they came to power and tortured him because they knew he was wealthy in gold; many were his business partners. Dad was close to people in Ceausescu's gov't and was debriefed by CIA when he defected. My family has a peculiar history.
If they fled during Communism, I understand them, it was 1984 over here. The only reason the Revolution happened (and it was the bloodiest at the fall of the Iron Curtain) was because the USSR was falling and the other Soviet states were rebelling.
Like I mentioned in there is little to no Russia love here because of our past with them.
Because romanians worship sasi and think that everything German is good.
Has the Romanian government already reacted to this?
The Romanian government is in constant disarray. We have ministers resigning every other week or so.
It's a complete shit-show here at the moment. I'm not exaggerating.
It also means they're primary targets. They'll be the first nations to be nuked before the rest of Europe.
One day while I was traveling by train I met a girl who studied at the Faculty of Theology, the department of Social Service( basically she would be in charge of distributing money in order to help the poor, alcohol anonymous and other stuff like this). At one point I asked her what did the members of the faculty(students and teachers) thought about the immigrants pouring in our country. She immediately said how they were receiving English lessons two years ago and that this was all orchestrated. She also mentioned how those "poor" immigrants had better and more expensive phones than she had. So yeah, our priests and religious people aren't cucked.
Iohannis did something that nobody else did, he managed to bring a lot of people who would normally not go voting, to vote for him and those are college students. I am third year at Politehnica and I saw how everybody was talking about Iohanis this and Iohanis that and how Ponta would destroy our country and bring back communism. He basically used social media to entice college students to vote for him.
I don't think he would nuke; he might simply raise the price of natural gas this winter to Europe, which means that cucked and corrupt Romania will export to make up the difference, and Ionut will be cold and upset this winter. That's what I would do, anyway, if I were Putin.
Russia is going to take a lot of eastern Europe back because the west is extremely weak right now. Its the right thing for them to do strategically. Who can blame them? The US freaks the fuck out when the point a single missile at us, but we point like 1000 at them for decades.
Now it's not the time to remake the Cold War, it's time for the US, Eastern Europe and Russia to point its nukes at the Middle East.
We shall not let another fracticide happen.
Worst comes to worst, as they say.
First of all - Salut, romane. Feels good to see fellow Romanians here.
About the college student. I can back up your anecdote with tens of others, Romanians are very anti-immigration and muslims in general because, I think, our long, bloody history with the Ottomans, and the fact that it's a deeply Christian-Orthodox country (according to polls, we are the most religious country in Europe).
That, combined with the fact that Ponta fucked up royally by keeping red as his party color and giving off the impression he was a communist. He also came off as a smug, self entitled cunt (another PR mistake)
Pretty much, I'm afraid. We'll see what happens once the dust settles, if it ever settles. The current administration seems like a bunch of headless chicken.
Let me give you an example. If in America there are two major parties that supposedly have different ideologies, here in Romania we have dozens of parties, not only that they constantly change names, form alliances, break alliances, just to get a few more votes. The name of the party is meaningless, it's the people who run them that matters. Back in 2012 PD(Democrat Party) was unpopular so they changed their name, emblem and color during elections and after elections(they lost, thankfully) they changed again.
That means you'll be likely dead soon. Don't worry it'll be quick. Was nice knowing you.
Russia is completely outclassed, militarily and economically, and the Russian oligarchs are worried. The current resurgence of posturing is just a way to stall for time so the oligarchs can pack up their powerbase and reinstate themselves in the west. They want to serve in heaven instead of ruling in hell.
Expect le peaceful revolutionaries with modern Russian weapons.
I was talking more on the lines that should a nuclear war scenario play out, missile defense shields would be high priority targets to level before anything else. That may mean a lot of nuclear warheads being thrown at those nations first to overwhelm the system.
I figure that's what you meant, but I don't see such a scenario as possible. Putin has less risky options, like turning off the gas.
People in the west stick their heads in the sand and try to maintain orthodox thinking that USA is #1 because of magic dirt. In Europe, refugees freely rape and create sharia law zones. Europeans who question this are sent to jail for hate speech.
They cite banker jew's perspectives on economies saying, oh russia is weak. China is weak. But they don't think of it in terms of human horsepower. The west is extraordinarily weak, weak to unprecedented in all of history levels. Thats why Crimea happened with no real retort, that's why Russia stepped into Syria and took care of business to western media silence. They are going to carve out some territory now and the west can't do shit. The big gambit was going to be Jebby threatening nuclear war like an angry spoiled baby lol. RIP
Goddamn that's a lot of female Defense ministers.
What were they even thinking?
Are you questioning the absolute truth that women are equal to men, goy?
Russian grammar detected. RIDF confirmed.
What city do you live in?
Russia: their stuff is limited but they know how to use it well.
America: is currently being self-sabotaged by leftists.
It's in western interests to play along with the "Russia is a credible threat" propaganda.
That guy Shoigu (Russian's minister of defense) is a total badass.
I don't know if the US still has a general/DoD guy with that amount of flair.
But he is right.Can you show one article from russia or china that is not in negative context from msm from the past few years?no?
Yeah, shame he has no fucking idea how to run a military. The guy is an ex-rescuer; his most significant military reform to date was commissioning new uniforms for the army.
The russian military so far is more successful than the american at completing objectives.
The other side being grossly incompetent is not an excuse for one's own failures. That way, you might compare American military to that of Zimbabwe and always come out on top.
Comparison with entity that doesn't exist is not good comparison.
Yes, clearly in a question of who is superior, one side's gross incompetence is irrelevant. Its hard to shill hehe against the truth eh?
Missed, try again. Just pointing our that putting a gurl-power she-man in charge of your country's military makes as little sense as putting a guy who has no prior military experience - even if he is super chill and likes samurai swords. Btw, his personal mansion is shaped like a pagoda.
A shill is born with every post on this gay ass board. I was there for new for pol for chon for this. Its been a lot better than it is lately. Most of the goodposters are shilling on twitter now because that's where the action is.
That depends on how things work in the Russian military. If he isn't in charge of actually selecting the equipment and honing the tactics of the army, and he only has to manage finance, personnel, and similar things, then his lack of military experience is not that much of a problem. He can't start an F-35 program after all.
It means two things first that missiles interception bases are targets for tactical nuclear missile. Which is perfectly natural.
The second is a bit more complicated and requires you to understand HOW ICBM works.
You see people assume that it's magical, you have a big ass intercontinental missile flying overhead carrying several megatons worth of warheads, the interceptor hit and tadaa end of story.
That's stupidly wrong.
The interceptor missile will destroy or damage the body of the missile. NOT THE WARHEAD(S).
The warheads are specially made for atmospheric reentry, typically in a very thick shell of depleted uranium on soviet missiles, or something equally strong (not sure if still the case on new ones), they are EXTREMELY armored.
Then there is the firing mechanism, on nukes it is fool proof and DEVOID of any electronics (full thermonuclear exchange means EMPs everywhere). Meaning it's an extremely simple mechanical altimeter WWII style. Nuke goes up, warhead is armed, nuke goes down, warhead goes boom at it's preset altitude for it's yield.
Are you understanding what it means?
It means that even if you buy in the "it's for Iran" BS even it works perfectly anyone getting those installed ARE ACCEPTING GETTING THEIR COUNTRY NUKED TO PROTECT THE INTENDED TARGET.
Why the fuck do you think they want to install it AS FAR AS THEY FUCKING CAN from the US and western Europe???
Russia (and the US) have terminal interceptor perfectly capable to target WARHEADS as they reenter atmosphere… Except that's waaaayyyy more expensive (because the targets are much smaller and don't give out much signals since they're just "falling") AND FAR MORE RISKY IF YOU MISS.
In Russia, Chechens and other muslim subhumans freely rape Russian girls and colonize villages and cities. Russians who question this are sent to jail or killed for extremism.
-10 rubles. No food for today, ivan.
Except it's vice versa. They have a whole coterie of office drones to shuffle papers. While the Russian army is still under formal command of the president, it's the Minister of Defense that all eyes will turn to in a "we got attacked, wat do?" situation.
And what is a guy who made a living dragging climbers from avalanches and extinguishing forest fires supposed to do? Swing his samurai sword?
Keep the vranyo to yourself, Ivan. You ain't fooling anyone.
I can't wait for the first and second European "Chechen" wars :^)
Clearly its time to change ids then
I don't care about these mutts.
Both the police and the citizens beat up those immigrants.
nothings going to happen as usual and russaboos will spread their anuses a little wider for putin in another words a publicity stunt.
protip never trust a russian or a brit
t.south slav
They also have a whole coterie of generals and staff officers whose job is to tell him the alternatives and help him choose the best alternative. Serving as a grunt and hauling a PKM for years doesn't help in that either.
Ministers usually are politicians who ensure that their ministries remain loyal to the ruling political force, and that they do their bidding. If he can also ensure that the bureaucracy doesn't slow down things, then that is a bonus.
Oh, thank God. Russia is 100% safe then.
ITT: Dying Evil Empire tries to intimidate sovereign nations.
Under rated post.
Also American military equipment for the last two decades have been getting nifty 'electronic' upgrades on every fucking thing. Even our fucking tanks will not turn on anymore without the fucking electronics working. None of it is 'hardened'. And the more sensitive shit they add on, the less hardening is possible.
In a nuke war the U.S. is absolutely fucked militarily.
He's threatening you telling you not to fuck with him
But, White-Nationalism is illegal in Russia.
hate speech on jews is illegal
documents about the truth of the holocaust are illegal
Russia is a safe haven for jews.
The USSR never died, Russia is merely a mask.
GTFO, CIA disinfo shill.
Does the truth hurt? Kill yourself faggot. It's Jewtin for a reason.
Do you have the sources for what he says in these images?
I'm not saying you're lying but I would like to see for myself him saying these things
He didn't say that.
Putin is as pro-jew, pro-israel as it gets for a goy.
Do you even read the Daily Stormer, bros?
Putin has a long-long history of resisting the jews and supporting pro-white groups.
Ok, do you have sources for that?
I am ignorant of Putin for the most part.
Can't prove a negative.
It's on him to provide proof positive of the initial claim.
No because why would I read a proved jew controlled counter-op site?
It means you should fix your shit country. I visited it a week ago for one international event (doesn't matter what). Most people are nigger-tier; the rest know one word: "no". Your public transport is so complicated it's simpler to assume you have free rides. About that event specifically, the organisers updated their website about once in 3 months and it was mostly useless; I pushed for info (like accommodation, which they said they'd handle) several times and only got a response when I wrote a furious e-mail in all caps. Now, they updated it with info that's halfway missing and the rest is clearly wrong. Sompared to last year, there was no food. 100 people had to travel for 2 hours because of 3 people. The "official" English was terrible. Overall, we got far less than what we paid for, even considering the local prices.
I wish Putin nukes you all.
False. I can prove there is no even prime greater than 2.
No. Proving a negative would require you testing every single possible result under ever single possible set of conditions for the issue at hand under every single possible 'setting' of the universe.
But I entered this conversation late. That's a bit of a cop-out by you considering I've asked for sources of both sides.
Oh well, I will continue to be pro-American and see Russia as something to ignore.
Poland and Romania are acting like gigantic faggots. It's one thing to play coy with the U.S. and NATO to keep Russia in line, and it's another to make your country the new front for any conflict.
You can't undue the bad shit Russia did in the 20th century, but ffs have some agency and create a Eastern European Alliance from Estonia down to the Balkans.
I wish America stayed the fuck out of European affairs like our founders advised, then we wouldn't have to worry about the stupid shit they're doing over there.
My first post was immediately before his. You entered it just as I did, in response to him.
I see, logic does not work with you.
Which cult are you from?
Regardless, you're still copping out when a third party comes in and asks for a source on either side.
In reality either of you could provide a source and "win", but both of you refuse. It's kind of funny, now that I type it out. Gave me a giggle.
Yeah, it's all Poland and Romania, guys./Burger damage control.
Oh you retarded fat faggot. :3
Maybe take a look at the massive accumulation of force (esp. rocket artillery) in Kaliningrad that's been there for ever and realize the only thing changing is NATO putting infrastructure on the ground, making it harder to just ignore this place when shit inevitably hits the fan.
But oy vey, antirockets are provoking Russia, guys. It creates a (((((new))))) front for conflict.
You're a moron. There never was an opportunity to do anything like that. If you had any idea how politics work you'd realize Russia and EU have a greater pull than Poland and that a bunch of 5-10 mill people economically exploited ex-vassal states with no military industry are too easy to blackmail into breaking ranks before anything capable of pushing back Russia ever forms.
oh yeah ?
let's suppose there exist P an even prime numper greater than 2.
So P must be divisible by 2 because it is even.
So P can't be prime since it is divisible by 2.
Therefor, by contradiction there can't be even primes greater than 2.
Prepare to get rekt. The only purpose of that shield is to provoke Russia into striking first, ZOG doesn't consider you anything but cannon fodder, modern systems like Topol-M will completely bypass any of those defenses.
If the missile defense systems are ineffective, then why does Putin give this much of a fuck about it?
He's going to point missiles at your country, develop tactical plans to invade or destabilize your country, and he's going to wage economic and diplomatic warfare against your country.
Why the fuck are we still fighting Russia when we are being invaded by shitskins?!?
those are some fugly dikes, holy shit
Because it's set a precedent.
Sure they're shit now and Russia has the tech edge when it comes to missiles.
Operating word is now. Once the bases are there, nobody will bat an eye for upgrades or new types of missiles.
Besides the Russians are still sore about the fucking fact that it was promised that NATO would not expand eastwards and no foreign troops would be stationed in Eastern Europe (which is the ONLY reason they allowed for the reunification of Germany).
It's not a rumor or anything the US diplomats of the time are all categorical that yeah the Bush (Sr) admin did said that, with literally the president, the SECSTATE and every high ranking diplomat saying the same on record, and now are just saying "too bad they didn't got it in writing LOLOLOL", like a bunch of 12 y/o.
It basically means to anyone (including Romania) that the US gov word is shit.
Better read the fine prints…
Like you know the part where it's written North Atlantic in NATO and how the defense alliance is only binding to a conflict taking place on the north Atlantic ocean (with provision for the North Sea and the Mediterranean).
Which… you know… Poland and even better Romania shores are famous for being in…
Go ahead look it up.
It will suddenly explain to you little things like how the fuck did NATO didn't mauled Argentina in the Falklands wars (and UK actually struggled to secure help from it's allies, especially the US) or why the fuck are Austria, Sweden and Switzerland NOT officially in NATO despite running around with fully compatible structures/equipments/ammo.
While it's still ok for Romania to be gullible it's fucking sad for Poland. How many time did the anglos guaranteed them independence at this point? 3 or 4 times in a row?
Can prove the Holohoax denial claim is complete bullshit.
In the Malvinas/Falklands war US took the side of UK in the backstage. US proposed the monkey Chileans to lend help and provide intel. Argentina lost in part because of that.
IS IT true that most Romanians who "fled" to the United States during the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s were basically Romanian spies or "illegal agents" that Ceacescu "allowed" to flee.
I read Ceacescu used to try to infiltrate a lot of spies into the US this way. Even giving the spies fake prison sentences so the spies' stories were more believable?
It was literally impossible to flee that country during Communism from what I heard.
Is that true?
that's proving that 2 is the only even prime number.
Not the same thing as proving there isn't another one (although it equates to the same in this case).
You can't prove there isn't a teapot orbiting jupiter right now.
Go get em Vlad
Fuck Gypsies and fuck Romania
They did only AFTER the fact and reluctantly, at first they tried, really hard, to have UK to bend over and take it.
Once the US realize that Thatcher was going to war with or without them, they went with the flow and barely backed UK.
Reagan didn't give two fucks, the CIA (and the US armed forces) did backed UK from the get go. The State department, the US diplomacy (as fucking usual) and especially SecState Haig tried with all their might to fuck the UK. And only failed because the Argentinians generals were too fucking dumb to go ahead with the US proposition and were sure the UK couldn't stomp them.
Here about the proposition.
And how the same ally wanted to send british troops right into a fucking ambush and kept pushing for negotiation at all costs.
With allies like those (oh and the French that kept giving tech support to the Argentinian army, but you know they're french…) you don't need fucking enemies.
Romania is the latest victim of the jew
Pole here, it means absolutely nothing. Russia is just pissed that their neighbors would rather have US missile bases and not Russian ones (probably has something to do with the 19th and 20th centuries). Their threats are meaningless because everything they're threatening to do they've already planned on doing anyway, regardless of NATO bases. If you think Russia is on your side and actually cares whatsoever about Europe then you have Holla Forums levels of retardation (they're also pretty fond of Russia). At best Russia wants to siphon whatever it can in terms of resources and wealth from the rest of Europe and Putin wants nothing more than to re-establish and expand the old USSR. Russia is not your friend and it sure as shit isn't going to be your savior no matter how many russiaboos keep jerking off to the idea.
That being said, to think of the US as anything more than an "ally" against Russia is also retarded because they're not going to be Europe's friends or saviors either. They don't actually give a fuck about Europe and they especially don't care about Eastern Europe. For now we're all just pawns in the US vs Russia game but frankly I'd rather be a US pawn than a Russian one because that way there's food on the shelves and people don't have to worry about being shipped off en-masse to gulags or forests for summer fun of course.
Best case scenarios:
1. Eastern-European countries break off from this bullshit and actually get strong enough to effectively repel both players but as another user has already pointed out, that's not likely to happen because we simply don't have the resources, manpower, or even enough in common to unite and do so effectively without being corrupted from the inside by Russia or the US.
2. Europe uncucks itself and actually unites to become a third player under someone competent and everyone stops bickering over clay. Protip: It isn't Germany because if history has taught us anything they just can't get off that Ottoman dick. First sign of trouble and they're gonna side with mudslimes or the Russians and go on another rampage killing more Europeans. It probably isn't the UK either since they're most likely just going to do what the US has been doing
Oh no I've offended the prussiaboos by infiltrating their safe space
it means that the missle's killzone reaches strategic Russian positions, and that Russia cannot allow that