Why Can't Cops Just Listen & Believe?

Why do they have to be such shitlords and use logic and common sense? That's literally what rapist misogynists use.


Other urls found in this thread:




Depp is an idiot (such is the fate of those that mock the emperor) but Heard is full of shit.

I mean really.



women always side with women

le sigh

She deserves a black eye



Would you, pol/?

Ask her about Clinton's accusers then. I can bet money she is a Hillary supporter.




tammy raped me

This should've been the OP
I hope she ends up chained to Trump's throne


I wonder, can this exposure to the Marxist infestation in the legal system push Depp to the Right?

Women really believe they deserve this because they let you pound their vagina for a year or two.

Especially "non-whores". Sluts will just let you bang them. Women that have 'average promiscuity' will try to destroy you if it ends badly because they made an emotional/rent seeking investment in you.

When it ends, they are coming for what they think they deserved out of the vagina banging.

Straight cash, homey.

Only 15 months? No way she should get anything. She hasn't given up decades of her life to be a housewife to this man, leaving her mostly helpless after a divorce. Depp is a schmuck, but fuck I hope he mops the floor with this fucking sub-human.


And that's why you don't get married in the USA. It's literally unnecessary. It's not even religious, it's a legally binding contract. If it had shit to do with religion the government wouldn't be involved. Long-term relationships are fine if you like it. You can do everything the same as a married couple, minus having the target on your back should she ever want to stab you there. No one needs marriage to have a family with a working father and a stay at home mom. Marriage is a fucking sham, and no one can say otherwise.


Goodness gracious these people. Watch their mental gymnastics when someone accuses them of the same stuff using the same tactics.


Doesn't the US have the notion of a common-law wife?




I'm not exactly sure how that works. If you denounce marriage, I don't know if it applies or not.

This is why we need to get rid of social media. It's the most extreme propaganda tool ever created, because it allows you to get personally invested in the propaganda.

Not now Lumberg. I'm in happy time. Fuck off.

Checked wiki.

Common-law marriages can currently be contracted in nine states (Alabama, Colorado, Iowa, Kansas, Montana, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Texas, and Utah) and the District of Columbia.

It's far worse in Canada.


There's a saying out there "Never stick your dick in crazy". I never knew what that meant, and always laughed it off. Ultimately, you learn to listen to your wiser elders.



I disagree with that. I wouldn't let a crazy bimbo know where I live, and I wouldn't give her the time of day after using her. So what's the harm?


Wat do now


Meet little Timmy, he's your son.

This is what he gets for marrying the bitch.
Even with the police report of no injuries the idiots on social media will still believe her, they disgust me.
With every day that passes and more "Holla Forums was right" moments I'm convinced that ignorance is bliss.
The truth can smack these people in the face and they still screech and wail against it.
I don't even get sad about it anymore.

Why do women behave like Jews so much?

Bitter, ugly, hamplanet hags emit the nastiest energy known to mankind.



Like this cuck who was shilling "listen & believe" on twitter and calling everyone a misogynist who didn't follow along until some cracked out whore actress accused him of rape? We don't hear much from him anymore, do we?

Yeah it usually only applies after several years together, not a year and 3 months.

One of the interesting things about this is that most of them at least at this point don't even think about it, they just automatically assume they deserve it and want it. It is incredible really.

I just see this as yet another testament to the strength of meme magic.

Alimony/contested divorce, aka having one's "shit fucked up", is one of Holla Forums's most popular memes. There's even an active /just/ board that is only second to /bane/ as far as boards dedicated to a single meme go.

Johnny Depp is a liberal hollywood celebrity that has lived a life of godless degeneracy. As can be expected, his career began to slow down with age, and he began to lose his relevance. In response, he marries a bisexual slut and does a string of terrible projects, like Transcendence and Tusk.

But the lowest point of Depp's midlife crisis was when he stooped to do a Funny or Die skit that serves no purpose but to insult and defame Donald Trump. While Depp and Will Ferrell probably thought it was all fun and games, they had no idea that they had placed themselves in the path of an intense memetic warfare. Insulting TGEoM the way that Depp did is comparable to the denial of the Holy Ghost in Christianity. And not a month later, what happens to Johnny Depp?

This is a judgement from Kek. Blaspheme what is clearly his will and you will be cast into the JUST league.

This whole thread almost sounds like a cautionary tale from the bible.

When old lessons are forgotten, they must be re-taught.

Was not aware of this, I shall enjoy watching Depp immolate.

A while back I compiled a list of Trump casualties. I've added Depp.


That whole thing was amusing as fuck.

Pretty much. It keeps happening. How soon before the random shill starts bursting into flames for trashing Trump?

It doesn't matter if Johnny actually slapped her, because that's already the narrative.
And that what it was at most; a slap. Or she ran at the door, which is possible from a manipulative bitches like Heard.

Prepare for the #HandsUpDon'tShoot -type media storm, only about domestic violence towards women.

The fact that she demanded 50k a month right of the bat shows how much of a gold digger she is. But this will of course be ignored.


Gamergate is a gift that keeps on giving.
It's a shame that he got acquitted.

Shut him the fuck up though at least.

No more #LEEESENBOLEEHEV from him.

You know I was wondering who gave her the marks on her face? Was it some beta cuck? I doubt it. Did she do it to herself? Probably not because it won't be convincing. A butch dyke friend? Girls are weak as shit, so no.

Is there a dude out there who provides this service? Probably works for the divorce lawyer. BTW all divorce lawyers should be lined up and shot.

His profile pic is a british indie pop singer. Not actually him.

But that singer is a cuck so yea, I guess it does work.

Yeah, that cuck was a true believer and a kool-aid drinker that talked mad shit when the whole thing started.


lol. It doesn't even look like he's after her. It looks like he just wants the toilet so he can blow chunks.

Yeah, despite it being a kek worthy deliverance for Depp going against Trump, I honestly think the cards are stacked in his favour too much.


Moral of story: Step to the Don and kek will fuck you up.


I couldn't find an angry johnny face.


She is friends with a number of party girl types, druggies and so on. She has a large pool of people she can pick from, let alone a divorce lawyer who would make a considerable killing from fleecing Depp.


Also have a Trumpette Burgerfriends.

That pic is a textbook example of
[[[Listening and Believing intensifies]]]

Good cap.



It's like paki & nog town tbh


I'd hit it.

…if she wasn't a whore. Meaning, in an alternate life in which she wasn't a actress and I wasn't an shutin that probably will never leave the house. Of course, in that alternate life, she would have to look the same… or at least, you know, close. Meaning I would still have to attracted to her. If she was ugly in that alternate dimension it would still be a no go. But then again, what if in that alternate dimension she was younger or older? I suppose that would be troublesome as well. Or perhaps a man that changed himself to a woman?

And what about personality? What if in either this or one of those alternate dimensions she was actually really mean, bi-polar, or had some other personality defect? I mean besides the pretending to be straight and then lying about being beaten to rob you of your money, that wouldn't be too good.

And there's no telling how long she will look like that picture. She could got fat, have a child, or get into an accident.

…I think I just lost my boner.

Zyklon Benis :-D



Did that piece of glass survive 3 shots? That is a stronk piece of glass user.

Unless they're Bill Clinton's victims.

"Oh, that's different!"


These two deserve each other. Kek is a fair god.

top wot this is her? Top Kek.


And they throw pre-nups out like garbage anyway in this gynocentric 'judicial' system.

Depp is rich, he's better off hiring a hitman and make her have an 'accident'.

Fuck, if it's about 400 million bucks you can get the best shit out there. You can order government-tier coincidences with that.


As long as there are shekels to be made, the
system will ignore pre-nups :^)

Yes goyim this is why you shouldn't reproduce :^)

So nothing then?

White knights will join the cucks and betas in the mass graves.

Can you even fucking imagine how good it must be to be an attractive white woman in the west?

- you can accomplish nothing at all and still claim you're accomplished in a tech field. anyone who disagrees is torn apart by gynocentric society.
- you can accuse anyone you wish of rape or abuse. at worst, the law calls you on your shit and you get nothing. at best, you get tons of financial payouts. society supports you 100% of the time
- you can decide to do literally whatever you want, from being a mother and homemaker to starting a career. men have to pay for you to do whatever you want or society will tear them apart.
- you can marry a wealthy man and just leech off of his success while giving back absolutely nothing, not even the traditional wifely responsibilities.
- you have no actual responsibilities but you enjoy every privilege, have every right and have people falling all over themselves to serve you.

Being born with a dick seems like it was the biggest disadvantage that could have happened to us. Modern women in the western world are the privileged class, with passably attractive white women being the most privileged class of people to ever exist.

So literally you're saying we shouldn't reproduce the Aryan race because some bitches might steal our shekels?

I think I'm moving to Saudi Arabia lads.

Law student here. Can confirm. She can tell you she doesn't need no money or ring, but when she leaves, a Jew will tell her she deserves it anyways. And courts can take mega bucks away from you.

You ought to see everything in terms of children and property anyways. That is the Viking way. Women fit in to the extent that they are good sports about everything, and contribute to making a good home. I'll respect the law when it reflects this.

Alright buddy

Good, join the deportation boats.

top zuz

Reminder that Heard is a lesbian, and him marrying Depp was elicited "Wow, Depp is so MANLY that he turned her straight" bullshit, and now comes the divorce and money run.

This is the dyke whose cunt she ate.


There is no point in reproduction if all it amounts to is your jew-government taking your children away from you (indoctrination) and your women bleeding you dry.

If that is the society you are trying to uphold then we're all better off dead than suffering that R-type utopia of yours, which leads us to the same path anyway. Just more slowly and agonizing.

Suffer not the womynz.
Suffer not the cuck.
And especially; suffer not the white knight.

Put them into the ground.

It's always a hot one and an ugly one. Always.

Poor lil johnny depp. If hunter was still alive he would convince him to be on the trump train. Late in life hunter started to see.

The hot one gets a Sensitive Boyfriend and the ugly one is the true homosexual

Fuck off with your kosher puppet product placement.

Just let them eat each other. We already had a case when that porn whore accused a jew of raping her, and my advice remained the same.
There is no point in taking sides, just sit back and watch the system cannibalize itself.

I'd love to take you to the ground and start popping holes in your neck with my car keys

Marriage can in some cases give you more protection than living with a woman for a protracted period and having children. You have to know the laws for your area.

Also, pre-nups do work if they're done right, but they don't cover child support. Ignore faggots who tell you they are worthless.

Nothing protects you from crazy like a woman lying about abuse. This is a really major problem that too few people are willing to talk about because of "listen and believe," but also one that has nothing to do with marriage. A woman can do this to you that you didn't even fuck.

Posts like this are why there is so much anti-MGTOW sentiment. You guys literally mean it in terms of not looking for the best possible options to find a significant other and hopefully have kids, even lots of kids.

MGTOW used to mean more of a shift in attitude and red-pill awareness than anything else.

Saw >mgtow and did not read. Go back to tumblr.

Stopped reading.

I'm sure you would you angsty kike, but i'm afraid it'll have to be limited to your dreams.

MGTOW is fucking gay though

MGTOW is a symptom, not some kind of movement.

Shill harder Dumblerina.

There would be a lot more attention paid to this on here if Johnny Depp wasn't a faggot who did that anti-Trump film. He's not some likeable guy like Brendan Fraser.

Thanks for making my point.

It is fucking gay though. You're a man, you can live whatever life you want, you don't need to classify it like a faggot. Men have been "going their own way" since the dawn of civilization and always will, it's not a symptom, it's about as common as water on Earth.

Oh hi agency employees

Spoken like a true fag.

And there comes the advanced samefagging. With the utmost creativity resulting in 'agency employees'.

Right, you guys are so like us, wow it's almost like you're real Holla Forumsaks.


Go defend useless womynz on Twatter or something.

which is the anti-trump film?

The Jets killed my culture. Listen and believe shit lord.

One of the first things I did when I came into a lot of money was buy a dental plan. Why can't he?

How big a faggot can you possibly be?

Yep shill. Mods delete this thread for once please.

They are trying to get a shitstorm against white people again. Where were these 'supportists' at the countless of rapes in Europe? Sage you shill retards.

This stupid shit: funnyordie.com/trump_movie

Sex tourism. No such thing as a Thai feminist

Shad is listenable at least.

Just do what I do and assume every woman who posts memes on normiebook is a nutter.

Personally I think Trump is the work of the Holy Ghost.

Says the guy who posts a jewish girl

You may be on to something user:

Half of 700 million dollars is a pretty big fucking reason.

I would suck a niggers AIDS ridden dick while wearing a Jew cap for a million dollars.

she's a model/actress?

she looks much…plainer than i was expecting.

Threads like these make my hate the world even more. Sometimes I get a bit scared when thinking about how its all gonna go to shit pretty soon, but then you guys remind me of how much I yearn for it.

oops forgot to reply to

by the power of kek his name is spelled with the dubs of pepe


Don't weep about him, user.

He pays the price of his hubris against the God Emperor.

Derp is the last person I'm concerned with.

It's the low T/ low IQ masses blindly rushing to the defense of the "pauw womyn"

rustles me to the bone.


This should be carved in rune stones and given to every male on this 13th birthday.

Thing is, you don't always know how crazy they are until the shit hits the fan. The most sane (seemingly), successful, conservative woman I ever dated did this to me:

"You assaulted me!"

"You psycho bitch. Get the fuck out of my house!"

No police. Best break-up line I'll ever get to use. Almost as good as, "Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn!"

That would imply lack of agency. She's a manipulative whore, not some mentally disturbed person that does not know what she's doing.

underrated observation

why do rich and successful men stick their dick in crazy?

Because crazy fucks like a feral beast, and money don't cure stupid.

Same counts for niggers.
Lower IQ's would be the thing they all have in common. Jews, women and niggers all have lowers IQ's than whites or asians.


True, but in most cases there are ample warning signs.

Low-level, obvious detection signs for crazy:

Mid-level signs, observable on second flyby:

Why didn't you listen - signs. Observable when you're approaching the point of no return or have passed it:

So you decided to stick your dick in crazy. Get ready for bat country.

This last one is… there are no words, my friend.

So don't stick your dick in crazy.

You forgot the one where she always has issues with formal instances.
Like there is always an issue with everything from the bus driver that was a meanie-head, to all the horrible doctors, case workers and so on she has had. But she is never at fault, it's just every one else :^)

Jesus Christ.

Straight white males strike again. When will their reign of terror end?

nah, I don't like rich yuppie cunts, I'd probably take her to columbia and sell her to FARC so they could ransom her back to her kike daddy for 3 billion and I could get a cut

imagine how bad things will be in 5 years


too bad hunter got "taken care of"

self-inflicted at best.

this fucking whore wanted to drain him from the beginning.

probably a kike as well.



there is a great story about a woman who used to haunt around all the social events that cecil rhodes went to after he made his wealth and was prime minister of SA, she would come to his home during gathering and at official events and claim that she was his secret lover and or that they were married. cecil most likely never even spoke to her, but her obvious attempt at muh vagina-ing her way into his wealth and power was obvious to most people.

I only weep for the little children who will suffer needlessly during the coming time of troubles

This whole thing makes me wonder if this is a manufactured controversy to take the heat away from pedowood kikes.

they might steal our sheckels, but they will never steal our bitcoin

Leave Chunks out of this, he's a good dog.


top kek don't be so bitter and improve yourself pleb.


You wouldn't resort to overused female shaming tactics if you didn't hang out on tumblr so much.

Simple. Judaism is a matriachial ideology, that puts a woman forefront of making decisions for the family, despite all neuroticism and overbearingness women have. Never date a Jewish woman.

seeing women trump supporters makes me feel lonely.


same user
sadly a lot of them would still divorce rape you/me

just have to find the girl who isn't a whore, rightwing, and white.
i found a girl like that, and fucked up, wasn't terrible though because she was 1/8th jewish

She's italian.
Pic related is too..
holy fuck are italians non white?

that bitch looks like a spic. Definitely not a regular Italian at all.


And that is why weebs are degenerate

is a 'tonto' a type of nigger?



jews have higher iqs than whites though

How is the homosexual community these days?

schlomo, pls

just because they have high IQs doesn't mean they're not typical kikes

Parasitism =! Intelligence
bye rabbi

having a high iq doesn't make any less parasitical

if you accept race realism, you have to accept the fact that jews have higher iqs

Except when it's two fat disgusting ones. Well usually one is more feminine at least.

Snorting an unholy mix of coke and ground meth while fucking in dog suits.

He played tonto in a movie, he thinks he's a fucking elizabeth warren type.

Whenever I see multimillionaires too dumb to get pre-nups, I just shrug and say "Pay up, bitch." If you're dumb enough to wife a bitch without paperwork to protect yourself, cry me a fucking river. I work a shit job I hate and feel my soul draining from my body everytime I go there; I have zero sympathy for some rich asshole too foolish to manage his fortune properly. Also, not like he'll be hurt. He can shit out 4 or 5 more Pirates movies and make that back.

What a strange thing to say. I have a feeling your life will go much easier if you just admit you like sucking cock.

You really think they cheated in every other area but this one? The studies on iqs of given populations are very sparse with very small sample sizes for obvious reasons. Besides which even if you accept there numbers than means there are 18 million whites with higher than 130 IQs which handily beats the rich kikes.


she's a lying gold-digger and he's probaby a drunk.


where are all the "MGTOW are losers" now?

Holy shit, missed this one, she claimed he beat her in divorce proceedings?

What a fucking surprise.


Actor’s friend, comic Doug Stanhope, says that Heard was “threatening to lie about him publicly in any and every possible duplicitous way if he didn’t agree to her terms”
It’s almost 4 a.m. and I can’t sleep. Not even dozing off. Today, a friend of mine was pilloried in the press for domestic violence. Coupled with a picture of his wife with a bruise, he was murdered on social media.
I watched it happen and I didn’t say a fucking word.
Even though I knew it was bullshit
We’d watched it build like this since before they were married. We’d watched her manipulate and fuck with him for years. We didn’t say a word. To each other, yes, but never to him.
When your friend is in an awful, abusive relationship — man or woman — and you risk weighing in that their counterpart is a demon, you know the odds are they will jump right back into the fire and then dump you from their life for being honest.
Most of us have been on one or both sides of this coin. Choosing to be blinded, or removing the people who have clearer eyes that can guide you.
The fact that Hollywood and the entertainment industry at large — f—, society as a whole — turns a blind eye to domestic violence is abhorrent.
But the tides have turned in such a way that the mere allegation that such a crime has occurred leaves the person accused as guilty without due process.
My girlfriend, Bingo, and I have known Johnny Depp for a few years now. We have watched Amber Heard fuck with him at his weakest — or watched him at his weakest from being fucked with — for the entire time we’ve known him.
And we didn’t say shit.
Because he’s Johnny Depp.
And we didn’t want to be thrown out of the circle for saying that The Emperor was being Stripped of His Clothes.
It isn’t my place to name people who agreed with us but I couldn’t name one person closely associated with him that didn’t feel the same.
But nobody said shit to his face.
Bingo and I were at Johnny’s house for most of that Saturday until just before the alleged assault. We assumed initially that his dour mood was because of his mother’s death the day before. But he opened up in the most vulnerable of ways that it was not only his mother, but that Amber was now going to leave him, threatening to lie about him publicly in any and every possible duplicitous way if he didn’t agree to her terms. Blackmail is what I would imagine other people might put it, including the manner in which he is now being vilified.
We stopped not saying shit.
Bingo and I together, and then separately, told him how much we were aware of this manipulative asshole, how his closest circle had all agreed on this since the day we met and that we all feared that telling him outright might alienate us all.
Love makes you do funny things.
I told him the truth and I half-expected to be asked to leave. But I wasn’t seeing Johnny Depp. I saw a naked Emperor. And we told him to get dressed.
Other people came in and out during the afternoon, all verifying that we’d been cowardly, saying things only behind his back for so long.
He seemed dumbstruck that nobody had ever come clean about this and he thanked everyone for being honest.
He still pronounced his love for Amber but was presciently aware that she was going to pull off some kind of ruse to fuck him over.
He hadn’t slept in days with anxiety.
You’d call him a paranoid if you didn’t know better.
But he knew better and he was right.
As he finally felt like he could sleep, we left him. From what we now read in the news, later that night the police were called to his house for a domestic dispute. Finding no criminal act had occurred and no signs of physical abuse, the police left.
Everything Johnny had told us that she’d been threatening had actually come to be. It blew up in the news, raced through the Internet like a plague and blew up on Twitter like it was the McMartin child abuse scandal. People are swarming with torches on social media.I watched it all happen ahead of time and I watched it come to fruition today. And I haven’t been able to sleep again because I didn’t say shit to defend him.

Because I felt like in defending him I would just come across as a sycophant trying to attach myself to a sensationalized story in order to further my career. A latterday Kato Kaelin. And now as the sun is coming up, I realized not saying shit to defend him is a far worse crime of ego; to leave a friend hanging so you don’t look like a suck-up.
I — and the “we” that were there — aren’t suck-ups or apologists. We were witnesses.
I didn’t jump into the fray because I was weak; it was because I didn’t want to look like a name-dropper.
I’ll name-drop now. Johnny Depp is my friend.
But any one of my friends will tell you I always call them out on bullshit. Abusing women is bullshit. Johnny doesn’t abuse anyone. And he told me that day ahead of time that she’d pull some kind of shit like this.
Johnny Depp got used, manipulated, set up and made to look like an asshole. And he saw it coming and didn’t or couldn’t do anything to stop it.
He may never talk to me again for saying it but I’d never forgive myself for not coming to his defense out of fear or ego.
I stand up for my friends and I tell the fuckng truth.

I hope Johnny Depp gets run through the leftist and feminist wringer, really any male gender traitors and leftists deserve that fate, let them be ground to bits in the machines they fuel, fitting punishment.

depends. northern italy != southern italy != to sicily.

the more north, the more "white." the farther south, the more "mediterranean."

it will be nice to have another red pilled by the feminist celebrity. Every leftist that gets put through the machine comes out on the right side.

I knew they made up shit, but this is a new level of making up shit

Grande is a mestizo mongrel… but the girl posted earlier was definitely white, just an Italian, who are naturally more tanned.

Fuck, my second ever relationship hit all of those, every single last one,, like a fucking anvil. No one had ever warned me.

I literally had to fly to another country to escape. alls well that ends well, i guess.

Not to hijack, but did anyone check out the Bella Thorne link?


She even admitted to finding out her mom or dad ( I think it was her dad) was Egyptian or originated from somewhere in northern African. Not white, definitely half breed that dates niggers and acts like more of a whore with each passing performance.

Fuck off Stanhope.


People are not buying their listen and believe bullshit.

she's got a jaw that could break Tyson Fury's fist.

Merifats often have cement jaws, I think its from the Rockefellers.


The rule of two.

(((Dana Shwartz)))

so avoid women entirely is what you're saying.

This pic always gets me.

Look at her. She's off. Not empty, still intense, but almost paused like she's waiting to see what happens next. The only other place I've seen this is just before animals die, particularly being held in the jaws of a predator.

I can't help but wonder if it's just a lucky shot caught in the middle of her blinking or if some part of her brain is doing the same thing a rabbit does when it's dangling from a fox's teeth.

The fuck is "promiscurity"?

And since when is playing a guitar or playing video games traditionally masculine?

Final Fantasy, Kingdom of Hearts, Pokemon and all that faggoty shit is girly for a start.

Sounds like you'd be better off with a dairy cow… or perhaps a dictionary.

I didn't write it, but it's pretty fucking easy to avoid most of those things if you aren't blind.

from my interpretation it's saying to stay away from Holla Forums tier gurl gamers, not the girls that just play games or play guitar. the majority of the ones that get into a normally male space are looking for attention.

Nice observation. Given that most of Pussy Riot's "feminists" are hired actors and in some cases literally prostitutes, they are probably accostumed to some form of battering and physical confrontation.

Because sometimes people lie.

That's why we need evidence to justify the use of taxpayer funded force.

To protect everyone from false accusations.