Going to dump my modest collection of gore and stiffs.
Feel free to ask a mentally ill necrophile anything while I'm dumping (that's not incriminating)
Going to dump my modest collection of gore and stiffs.
Feel free to ask a mentally ill necrophile anything while I'm dumping (that's not incriminating)
when you die do you want someone to post pictures of your dead body to Holla Forums?
Have you ever fapped to gore?
Are you the Necro girl?
do you live in ohio, if so what's your address?
Have any AB necro? :^)
ayyyeee you got a new photoset.
I stopped posting them for fun because I couldnt jerk off to it anymore
Then someone else started imitating me so I torrented some other sets and went back to shitposting them again
*jerks again
who, you?
I know there are at least 2 anons who are into diapers, which sucks because with pigchan I never know if my shitposting is annoying people or just helping people jerk off, and 2 anons means about 50 percent of all anons like it
Im looking into torrenting some more sets if someone is posting magnets for it somewhere
2 anons= 50% . so there's 4 anons….
Im not into diapers, i just don't care when i see them but recognized your style immediately. It's sorta like having a tripcode.
Holla Forums is pretty dead man, I recognise most anons by now The joke that every board has 3-5 dedicated shitposters is on every board on here
I still think having your own content be judged and recognized is the way to go, being a tripfag is just making sure people pay attention to your name instead of the quality of your content (Or intended shittyness of it)
I feel ya,
ya think the pony fags just stay in that cyclical thread all the fucking time? bcuz i never see any of their homosexuality anywhere else. Also WHERE THE FUCK IS OP AND WHEN IS HIS DUMP COMMENCING?
some venture out just like some of us go in there from time to time, not alot though but when they do you recognize them immediately, like I post in the same trolly style with the same model they post with the same roleplay-ish language and images of ponies
Also if OP is the same as I think it is its a female who is drunk off of her nads (or ovaries) whenever she posts these things, give her time
I never like where that thread is going… I guess it's better to have them contained in their safe space. And aight, OP im waiting for you, and your home address.
I thought there'd be necro. I'm disappointed on you, Holla Forums.
50 to 200 pph is far from dead. I feel like this is the first time a lot of you guys have hung out on something smaller than 4chan. Its annoying, imageboards don't need 1000s of posts per hour to be relavant.
yeah necrofag jeez, last time we watched movies together was much better than you not making true on your promises
theres not nearly as many posters as when I came her for the first time, I still like it dont get me wrong
At least now my AB shitposting is being recognized
The rest of the boards are growing its basically only Holla Forums that had some major shrinkage. That's mostly cause of the whole pedos are gone thing. (lets not do that debate again lol). The other boards are gowing bit by bit. When you have a site that can have any board, Holla Forums becomes less relevant.
Its okay though, the people who left Holla Forums and Holla Forums as a whole (some communities here left for other imageboards during the drama and the site not working, /4chon/ /sp/ Holla Forums.
The site needs to grow organically, bit by bit. Thats what its doing now. Any huge exodus would wreck the sites quality at this point. Go look at the quality level of most 4chan posts. Its literally teenbros, normal fags and redditors.
I dont have a problem with younger audiences though, but Im pretty sure my 12 year old brother and all his friends are browsing 4chong, and ive been on imageboards since I was 14
halfchan has always been the beginner chan, then once in a while oldfags exodus to here
I would still be keen on a slight increase of pph, more like 150 instead of the current rate
hey OP, fuck you and your couch. keep your address.
Still waiting for dead grills OP get on with it
get to posting necro, im losing my boner and the AB pics that are being spammed arent helping it
Just because I'm a cool poster I'm going to help you out.
we're at about 150 pph. 2 off and I just took that.
I don;t want an imageboard filled up with teenagers. There will always be a few and thats fine. But you can't tel me that an audience of mostly teenagers is a good thing. When teenagers and redditors and normies overwhelm the population, thats when imageboards slide into shit.
4chans the only imageboard visible enough to really get these people. That's a good thing though.
Talking to teenagers is just that, its talking to teenagers. It sucks and they ruin the whole culture honestly.
I guess, some teenagers are kinda mature for their age though, and as I said before being on imageboards for the past 6 years makes me fit in alot more despite coming to them at a pretty young age
last time I checked it was 50 so I was going from that number so idk
Good thing we still are a bit obscure but not as edgy as people make us out to be
With 4chan bound to make mistakes in how it handles the site, we're guranteeded to get more exoduses in time. The reason it never happened with 7chan was super heavy handed moderation, and a set of words to avoid that auto ban you. That was how and why 7chan never got very big. And attrition ate away at the community there to where its basically a ghost town now. Holla Forums is designed in a way that benefits the users I like that.
4chan is only going to purge no more than a few hundred like super oldfags who might come here over the years. Maybe guys like me who generally just hated 4chan in the past couple of years
Glad I got out of that shithole when I did
How did you get here user? 2edgy44chan?
4chan tends to ban things without warning to the user. Its how the first people who came here from 4chan did (/legion/ they had a Holla Forums thread going all the time and the mods randomly decided nope). Its simple, stuff like that brings some folks here. And natural osmosis, growing over time. Those are the ways that we grow here basically. Breety much the entire sites seeing some natural growth, Holla Forums is just flatling.
I came over in what's called the "first exodus" . So I came over in the gamergate drama. I was involved with gamer gate for like 4 or 5 months, then I felt like the people involved had gone way off topic and it had lost its point.
But I didn't come over just cause of gamergate. I came over cause the moderation here makes more sense, and there's lots of great niche communities here. I had been tired of 4chan for a long time, it wasn't fun for me anymore in 2014, so when Holla Forums came up I was super happy to get away from the tired repetive shitfest it was. One thing you'll notice, you don't get random bans here, that feels good.
As a side note, I also like this imageboard software much more, One image at a time and a small file size limit seems crappy to me after a couple years away from 4chan.
I hang out here, krautchan, and 76chan. Feels good mane.
Its not like I use that site user, its a seinfeld image so I saved it. Notice it dosen't even have one of those handy tumblr in front file names.
Chill nigga, I'm just here to have a good time like you.
I came here just a few months before the whole jimposting shit went down and people made new exodi, I went to freech and endchan a little but they were too small for me to handle at the time
So I stayed here and liked it right after most people left, now its just you, me and about 20 other regular posters
Worst part is that I have nothing to do for the next few weeks so im still stuck here with the relatively low amount of pph
I used to have a friend I talked to a bunch but I kinda pissed her off I think so all I have is you guys
Its gonna be okay. I'm excited for the new overboard. Once thats going I'll be able to browse Holla Forums, Holla Forums, Holla Forums all the polotics boards and a few obscure ones all at once. That shits going to be comfy.
Also I have a big seinfeld folder and you seem to have rares I don't have….. how is this possible?
I only have about 60 seinfeld pics in total, I just save whenever I see a good one on here
o shit, u right, when you right, you right. If it had the tumblr file name then i could tell you to kys.
webm related to OP's post
Are you the female mental patient who's posted about your obsession in the past??
what are those things on their heads? looks like some worms i dunno though