Look what 8cuck mods do to little chicklets.
This is basically CP but they post it anyway.
Eggy keeps deleting this when I post it. Double standards.
Look what 8cuck mods do to little chicklets.
This is basically CP but they post it anyway.
Eggy keeps deleting this when I post it. Double standards.
Other urls found in this thread:
Haha yes they're disgusting. Here have another
thats a pretty clean ass, is it really CP?
My ass hasnt been that clean since I was 9
Never said I was clean at any point in live user
Hey, Omlet, I got a new camera.
I would be willing to do a photoshoot of your anus.
Text me.
It's you. Post your real face instead of playing anonymous.
give me a sec man
This is terrible. Pigchan is now only me, a spammer and two real life faggots. I'm leaving for 16chan.
joshchan is taken down by josh-chan
pigchan is so dead I can name almost all people on Holla Forums
Me too. Maybe people will return.
I hope so, even then Holla Forums isnt the most popular board and pigchan isn't thought of fondly after breddit left us with you, Jim
Im just waiting for another surge of popularity so this board can keep living without extra pedo threads and pony threads
We were never supposed to be thought of "fondly".
We're going back to our roots, which is a small organized site for a few guys to shitpost on.
If anything, Holla Forums is very similar to 4chan between 2003 and 2006 right now. Let's keep it that way.
This probably means that by 2017-2020 we will have a massive surge of newfaggots like 4chan did between 2007 and 2020, and then you faggots will be whining about "waaa Holla Forums used to be a good small community!!"
Someone has to keep the lights on, just like Mark Zuckerberg does on Facebook.
This is true except we don't allow children. We are quite oldfag and memetastic.
What I mean by fondly is that people think this site would be fun to post on if you want a small community, the immense period of intense jimposting got alot of users to pack up and leave for other sites. Now that its kinda back to normal theres not enough people to sustain itself IMO
What Im trying to say is that id rather have a few months of newfriends, followed by a couple years of paced down but still dynamic threads, instead of this 100 posts per day bullshit
Not really, I got here when I got banned from 4chan just a few months after coming there for the first time. Maybe a fast adopter or just weird from the start
That's true, but any site that does soon realizes why it shouldn't.
It's bad publicity.
It's their faults for being supreme faggots.
When I was on 4chan and everyone was being permab& by snacks, we didn't leave, we evade and shitposted memes about him.
We're getting more publicity from the news.
We just need to keep the site at an equilibrium. Do stuff enough to get featured in the news so that we can get more shitposters, but just edgy enough so that normalfags don't come here.
This. People should just follow the rules and do other stuff. I don't sell freedom.
Then again, that's kind of already happening here…
History loves to repeat itself.
cool camera
yeah it was great RIGHT after jimposting stopped, now Holla Forums is just slowly dying
Glad I got permed from 4chan, not so glad that Holla Forums died mere months after I got here
As I said above it was cool for a bit after people stopped leaving, enough people to keep up good threads but none of the niggers who didnt like it here in the first place
Still I think the best users here arent going to come from Time but rather mentions of this site from different similar sites
I for one want bad publicity.
I want to be known as the hackers named Holla Forums, not the "pedos".
Thx fam.
Holla Forums never "died". You've probably just gotten bored with it.
So make some content and post more often, fag.
If you post and make content, it will inspire others to do the same, it will create a culture.
Ever wonder why anons are always saying "Holla Forums is actually good right now" and then they'll say "wow Holla Forums is dead"?
It's because the traffic fluctuates.
The fluctuation is mostly stable, however.
Do you want the website to be taken down? I don't want Anonymous on my website.
If you want bad publicity, then do something bad in public and say Holla Forums sent you
If it can the internet is dead to me.
But I'm actually dysnomia. I would hate to be even more of an attention whore, I bet the media would report me as "being the leader of Holla Forums" or some cancer
Trolling and having lols is not the same as hacking.
Give your brother 10 dollars to do something then
I do, what I meant with Holla Forums dying is that I remember this place as being 4chan but with less unintended shitposting but just funny shitposting
Just a more chilled out lowkey version of halfchan
Now its no more than 20 people of which 5 are pedos, 5 are sadsacks, and the rest are either shitposters or fetishists
Not exactly in the mood to make more OC and jokes when most people here just get all negative and assholes about people putting in effort or the site
True thats why I said that im just waiting for another surge of succes, I love this site man I really do, I just cant take that people act like such little shits during popularity depressions
That's why it's funny that we were always reported as being "hackers" despite only being trolls.
Are you that guy that thinks Holla Forums is all of Holla Forums? :^)
No I just dont like stormfags and commies so this is the most popular board for me
Used to post in /out/ and /film/ all the time until those went completely dead and untouched
just like my love life :^/
So, you're basically admitting that you're too triggered to do anything?
Do the trolls bother you that much? Maybe you shouldn't be here fam.
16chan is kill
I want that to stop.
You have to constantly remind yourself that Holla Forums isn't the only imageboard and that there are shills, trolls, and ironic shitposters everywhere trying to drive us apart. Just stick around and ignore them, or troll them.
16chan is kill you goon.
No its more that I dont like putting in effort to make good threads when the only answers you get from it are people telling you to leave or stop posting in threads. Not triggered just giving up on keeping it all alive
Holla Forums however is the most popular imageboard after 2 and half chan right? I found this hole for the first time when halfchan was raiding tumblr once, then I got banned for raiding so I stayed here
You should never have to keep a "good thread", or a shit thread that anons consider good, looking at you ponies. alive. The people who enjoy the content should keep it alive.
This is why 4chan Holla Forums is all trap porn, because the 15 year olds have been infected with cultural Marxism and actually enjoy it.
Where can I go?
It's kind of weird… 4chan tries to raid all the time and never gets it done either because they're too stupid, or the mods delete the thread.
Holla Forums almost never raids, but when we do we always make an impact, especially on Holla Forums
I just wish our raids were more lulzy and less political…
Why not use that fancy camera to upload some more pics of your gf/wife's feet?
You should see as an example described in
If you go to librechan expect a Holla Forums like ours that is 1000x slower and 90% pedothreads with 0% content.
Librechan is literally just a CP honeypot. Dont go there unless collecting CP is your hobby and you have aspirations of getting fucked in the butt by Bubba at the state penitentiary.
I do enjoy most threads its just ponies and 1-2 other threads that are popular at a time.
Holla Forums is the main board on here and most other boards dislike it, I remember when some boards even faced down against eachother. That shit doesnt happen anymore though
It looks like they have little girls here and there but after a quick skim I can't see any actual CP. Maybe it's in there /hebe/ board. It looks big. I will be back.
That's why the ponies cyclical, so you can hide it once and ignore it forever.
because goons D&C
Fuck off you niggershit
All CP is forbidden on Librechan, if you see it then Globally Report it. All CP spam has been deleted.
It's forbidden on Masterchan too, doesn't mean they actually delete it. It's called a honeypot for a reason.
Also, your honeypot is still dead. :^)
kill yourself, it is all deleted and banned
you are clearly just a jim cocksucker.
I'm there right now and I don't see it yet.
I guess they do delete it, even if it takes them 3 weeks because nobody actually reports it. :^)
So, what makes it different than Holla Forums, other than being slow and having no content other than snotty kids?
I find it funny that the pedos were constantly saying that their content was good becuase it kept people out of Holla Forums, and now they're trying to use the same content to try and promote a site that nobody wants to go to…
karma sucks. heh.
About half their threads seem to be like any of ours.
Not sure if trolling.
Are you implying that karma doesn't exist?
and the other half is pedos
what about their traffic speed? you can go there if you want, fag.
they delete it immediately you nigger.
what? I'm not a pedoshit.
this, pic related
Contradicting yourself isn't karma.
The other half is just little girl related, nothing dangerous. It loads quickly, no problem there. Not sure about the activity but I figure if you use two chans you'll have twice the fun.
the activity of librechan Holla Forums is quite fast, the same speed as 8/b/
Show a little more.
only 2 of those threads is pedo-related.
the rest is just degeneracy
every single Holla Forums on every *chan is degeneracy user.
at least we dont talk about doing your business in bottles while mommy is out to work for you
they do the exact same piss shit on /r9k/, ffs you have a 2-month old ponycuck thread cycled.
im not defending any boards theyre all shit, im just saying Holla Forums is still the least shitty one
Ponyfags need to be gassed.
I swear that's all that left on Holla Forums
But isn't the pedos contracticting?
kek. that's karma.
So what makes it different than Holla Forums?
Would you rather have 1 thread cycled, or 50 dead threads in the catalog?
I disagree. It's gone really downhill the last few months.
Sure of troll.
Or a random funny piss thread.
There isn't one, it's just a site full of salty pedos.
Link please.
it has better software ie. 20mb uploads and deletes all ip data after 4 days, scroll up and bottom and all FOSS.
Only because there isn't any traffic at all.
That's like putting racing wheels on your grandmothers mini van, doesn't make it better. :^)
but at least it supports free speech and does not sell your user data.
We're not selling any user data. We don't have enough computers.
If Librechan has 20MB upload then they probably DO have enough computers to sell my userdata!
Nice try Fbi fBi fbI
This I could support.
It really doesn't require much extra computer power. Anyone can do it.
"Anyone" in this case being the FBI.
I'm saying anyone can sell user data.
And you want us to go to a pedochan, which is more potentially a honeypot than any other site, expecting them to not be shady as fuck?
I don't expect anyone to go anywhere.
I'm saying that it's not difficult to sell user data if you have a potential buyer. The argument doesn't work.
And I fail to see how it's a honeypot if people are told there's no CP. I was just there and I didn't see any. Go see for yourself, use Tor or whatever.
Looks legit.
Ask codemonkey the size of the SQL database before compression and guess how many computers would be needed to store that. It wont be much.
And now I just confirmed that you also still have to type that captcha before your posts still.
It gets 100 pph though not per day. Be the change you want to see in the world, contribute. I like the community the size its at now. I can be a part of so much of the site, and meanwhile, its not dying, its growing its just Holla Forums thats shrunk. Day by day? The other parts of the site are slowly gaining ips and its gaining overall. The fact of the matter remains you can't have quality if you get surge after surge of people.
I wish some of you guys could understand that imageboards don't need to be lightning fast to be good.
I've been part of so many sites that have less, way less users than this.
I already make at least a few posts an hour, think about 15-25 posts, thats already almost a quarter of all posts, and im not even a spammer
Do you want me to upload some pixels?
Do the egg thing.
That's quite a statement to make on a board which is almost nothing but low-quality bait and shitposting. I very much doubt you were around in 2006.
Orly? Gimme a ring/text, 970-541-0936
My ass might look soft and clean but its only because i shave it, thing can be like a jungle if i don't. You could say that hair is a real Pain in the ass.
Jim doesnt do either of those things