Hello Holla Forums can anyone rich help me and pay some money into my PayPal account?

Hello Holla Forums can anyone rich help me and pay some money into my PayPal account?
I mean it's so fucking hard nowadays I don't know what to do, I need to pay my rent tomorrow and I can't (200$) and at the moment I can't find a better paying job, I barely have money for food almost none.
All I'm asking for is a little handout until I get myself together, I will pay it back but now I am in fucking deep shit, I am real desperate here, if any of you can help, I will appreciate it
My PayPal: [email protected]/* */

Thank you anyways

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How'd you get 1?

how does it feel getting oppressed by capitalism
marx 1 : capitalism 0

that's what i thought big guy

Thanks, guy. Not OP, but I've been meaning to kill myself.


PEMDAS you moron.

Wasn't Marx an uneducated mooch who never worked a day in his life?
Pretty sure his friend supported him.
You need better heroes, my friend.

Truly one of the dumbest things I have ever heard. I am not fucking joking when I say, you're genuinely stupid. I know people say stuff like this a lot on chans without proper evidence but you have proven amply that you should be removed from the gene stock of humanity. I apologize for your existence.

sounds like a smart dude

= 2(3)
= 6

I'm a kind guy OP and i'm willingly to share my money to you….but the problem is i don't have money too

So if there is a nice user there this is my paypal account [email protected]/* */

Thank you very much


See my ealier post.

Thank you.

Nigger, it's not 6/3

I don't get it.
There's nothing there telling you what to do with the remaining numbers.
6÷2 (1+2)=3 and 3.
Am I missing something?


Yes. It is. Learn maths.


Spic here, the answer is 9, the other funposters are trolls or common core really killed Usa?

Shut up.


= (3)(3)
= 9

Pleb. If we're gonna use either, and neither is correct, we might as well use the most logical one

You multiply the "remaining" numers, you enormous retard.


it's 6÷2(1+2) you dumbfuck

It's left to right, not right to left, you retard. You were tricked by the lack of a multiplication sign between 2 and (1+2).

What do you say now?

It isn't you faggot.
"The general consensus among math people is that "multiplication by juxtaposition" (that is, multiplying by just putting things next to each other, rather than using the "×" sign) indicates that the juxtaposed values must be multiplied together before processing other operations"

Which it means before you move to the division you have to complete 2(1+2)=2(3)=6.
Again here:en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multiplication#Implicit

"However, in some of the academic literature, multiplication denoted by juxtaposition (also known as implied multiplication) is interpreted as having higher precedence than division, so that 1/2x equals 1/(2x), not (1/2)x. For example, the manuscript submission instructions for the Physical Review journals state that multiplication is of higher precedence than division with a slash,[9] and this is also the convention observed in prominent physics textbooks such as the Course of Theoretical Physics by Landau and Lifshitz and the Feynman Lectures on Physics."

Correct answer is therefore 1, suck my dick.

That's an opinion, you jizz guzzler. The bottom line is, if you want it to mean 6/(2(1+2)) you write 6/(2(1+2)).

My "opinion" is backed by physicists of the like of Landau and Feynman, yours by the nigger dildo stuck up in your ass.
You can find on jewgle other example of "multiplication by juxtaposition".

Because there are only two physicists in the world.


This was the first result, by the way.


Yeah,he was NEET as fuck.
He should have killed himself.

Great bait OP.

nigger it's not rocket science it's ÷


You can pretend like there's a standard convention all you want. Doesn't make it true. At this point in time, the OP equation can be interpreted either way.

Also, I'm not saying that your interpretation 'shouldn't be the standard convention, I'm just saying that it isn't, because there is none.

I know, i was just shitposting.You are right, it's ambiguous and can be interpreted in both way which it makes 1 and 9 correct answer until the mathematicians get off their asses and make a standard convention.

Hi pol!

Mnemonics are often used to help students remember the rules, but the rules taught by the use of acronyms can be misleading. In the United States the acronym PEMDAS is common. It stands for Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication, Division, Addition, Subtraction. PEMDAS is often expanded to "Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally", with the first letter of each word creating the acronym PEMDAS.[7] Canada and New Zealand use BEDMAS, standing for Brackets, Exponents, Division, Multiplication, Addition, Subtraction. Most common in the UK and Australia[11] are BODMAS and BIDMAS. In some English speaking countries, Parentheses may be called Brackets, or symbols of inclusion and Exponents may be called either Indices, Powers or Orders, which have the same precedence as Roots or Radicals. Since multiplication and division are of equal precedence, M and D are often interchanged, leading to such acronyms as BOMDAS. The original order of operations in most countries was BODMAS, which stands for Brackets, Orders or pOwers, Division, Multiplication, Addition, Subtraction. The O is sometimes associated with Of. This mnemonic was common until exponentials were added into the mnemonic.[12] [13][14]
These mnemonics may be misleading when written this way,[7] especially if the user is not aware that multiplication and division are of equal precedence, as are addition and subtraction. Using any of the above rules in the order "addition first, subtraction afterward" would also give the wrong answer to the problem:[7]
{\displaystyle 10-3+2.\,} 10-3+2.\,
The correct answer is 9 (and not 5, as if the addition would be carried out first and the result used with the subtraction afterwards). The best way to understand a combination of addition and subtraction is to think of the subtraction as addition of a negative number. In this case, the problem can be seen as the sum of positive ten, negative three, and positive two:
{\displaystyle 10+(-3)+2\,} 10+(-3)+2\,
To emphasize that addition and subtraction have the same precedence (and multiplication and division have the same precedence) the mnemonic is sometimes written P E MD AS; or, simply as PEMA.
All of these acronyms conflate two different ideas, operations on the one hand and symbols of grouping on the other, which can lead to confusion.

go with the time goy, cryptosheckels are a thing now

What is that song called