What happened to this series? Did it tank? Please tell me it tanked
Bitch Planet
no, its a top seller, it will soon get a movie adaptation, a nobel prize and be issued as mandatory reading i public schools
Take that you cishet patriarchist white male!
chapter 8 just came out this week so no I'm guessing.
Like a lot of the other feminist comics that got pushed a couple years ago, it's creators immediately fucked up and fell behind schedule, failing to keep up with a monthly release schedule.
The poor sales contrasted with the gushing reception from shitty comic reviewers probably left most of the published confused as fuck.
chapter 8 as in the 8th volume, or chapter 8 as in Issue #8?
Keep in mind, this series started Dec 2014
You seriously cannot except this cunt to keep writing all day can you user? Writing to these rich kids is HAAAAARRRRDDDD!
Jeeezus. She looks like she could be a snarky stock image for an obnoxious SJW cunt.
she is?
Holy shit, that's pathetic.
You know what's even more pathetic?
Some retards actually branded themselves with the dumb symbol from this awful failure of a book.
that middle one looks Slaaneshi as fuck and also reminds me of this gem
The best thing is that her and Matt Fraction (and SJWs) like to pretend that it wasn't Fraction that got her a job at Marvel but the reverse. See, the reason Fraction got his job at Marvel was because KSD was friends with some Marvel people and he went with her to a Marvel Christmas party or some shit like that (I don't remember the exact type of party) at which point they networked and Marvel eventually brought in Fraction to right some stuff.
This conveniently ignores that KSD only started getting work at Marvel after Fraction became one of their big name writers while writing Iron Man right after the movie came out and that not long after Fraction left Marvel so did she after Carol's book flopped for a second time under her.
Where's the symbol for attack helicopter? Fucking bigots.
No communism gender? I am so fucking triggered.
The term would simply be 'fag'.
I can only imagine a hobo seeing all these gender signs and getting really confused.
She looks so wrinkly.
Like a beaten leather handbag.
She reminds me of this scene.
Look at that abomination. It's like a bizarre mishmash of suicide girl, rockabilly, and regular nerd with the appeal of none. She's a goddamn Centurion of a woman, with random pieces of culture strapped to her as evidence to her "uniqueness".
It sickens me that empty freakshows like her stole the nerd girl culture in the West. We used to have obsessive, brown haired QTs with vision problems, but this invasive species wreaked them by being hipster sluts.
Do they at least have an excuse for delays? Other creator owned series also have delays, but at least they are somehow justified; for example, Orc Stain releases an snail's pace too, but guy making it constantly has bunch of other projects on the plate, does whole thing by himself, and artwork is very detailed and there is not a single bad panel in the book.
Lack of professionalism that people get away with in American comic book industry is just staggering.
You think that's bad? That zombie Archie book has been going for three years and is only now just releasing it's ninth issue. Its gone over a year between releasing issues. Same goes with it's sister book, Sabrina. It's been going for two years and only just released it's fifth issue.