How did it happen?

Once, the English were stereotyped as stiff-upper-lipped colonialists, brave, intelligent and well read. We were the backbone behind the British Empire and we'd previously seen off the Spanish, engaged in multiple wars with the French (whom we would frequently beat) and subjugated the other peoples of the British Isles, some of which had their own reputations for strength and violence.

While we'd been a force to be reckoned with for centuries during the Medieval period, it was the industrial revolution that saw us emerge as the dominant power in the globe. Such was our innovation and our ambition that we laid the groundwork for the rest of the fucking world to follow.

When the cunts who try to tell me that the West only became rich because "we stole the wealth from the rest of the world," I want to smack the smart phone out of their slimy fucking fingers and smash their face in. British innovation has brought much of the world away from the brink of poverty, but we're the bad guys because we had an empire?

Well, two empires, actually, but the self righteous faggots who tell me we should be ashamed of our imperial history wouldn't know that.

How did we let ourselves get so cucked that nothing less than a complete denial of our history is acceptable?

How the fuck did we go from the stiff-upper-lipped warrior-creator-academics to spineless self-loathing cretins?

How do I wake up from this nightmare?

Other urls found in this thread:

British have always been hypocritical moralists. Change the morality to humanist globalism and they become the most gung ho hypocritical moralfags towards that end.

Basically, British are Jews.

Britannia is the protector of the British Isles.

When the Romans first visited this land, they recognised Britannia as an incarnation of Minerva, also called Athena, goddess of war and wisdom.


Weep more, Britkikes.

Truly, Britannia has been good to us and we to her ideals: war and wisdom have flowed aplenty from the bosom of this land and thus we prospered.

Britain is the most overrate country of all time. You can thank them for letting Rothschild build a global banking cartel which has enslaved the entire planet. Even back then why they were cucked by the Jews.

Cucked 300 years ago.
Cucked now.

Because we an extremely cynical and arrogant bunch, and we always follow the crowd.

When you combine this with events of WWII, you get the creation of an extreme moral posturing against anything which may be seen as 'oppressive'.

How do you think they got into England, you dumb fuck?

Dosen't matter how they got into England faggot, Britain has always been a slave to the Jews and will always stay a slave until you're wiped out by sand niggers.

As we prospered, we conquered and as we conquered, we prospered. Britain forged the largest sea empire in history and so Britannia ruled the waves.


English hero Cromwell brought them in.

Britain gave up its empire following the end of the Second World War, a condition given by our former colony, the United States, for their aid in that war.

WE WUZ : Anglo edition

British are just kikes in disguise, just ask the Irish.

Protestant=Jewish Tool
Once again perfidious albion shows their true colours as the eternal anglo

Reported for retardation.


You sound like an SJW. Time to go back to your safe space faggot.

British people are to be considered Jews, have been for the past 400 years because your monarchy did Rothschild&co.'s bidding since then.

So Cromwell attempting to genocide Catholics for his jewish masters while securing a place so that they suckle deeply on the blood and sweat of the people never happened?

Well, it is the truth. Protestantism has been very good for the Jews.

But Catholic nations got cucked too, like France.

Only once they were terminally secularized

Britannia has turned her back on us in disgust. We must bring our minds to attention and a call to arms. How can we invoke our protector when we have abandoned her ideals?

The British people are doomed unless we revitalise our nation and renew our imperial vigour. The Commonwealth Nations stand as proof that ours was a benevolent empire, that subjects may be amicable with sovereigns and in that relationship all may prosper.


I'll sum it up in one word for you user:


Der tag, an dem das perfide Albion frepieren wird, wird ein tag allgemeiner freude fein.

Although it is my hope to see an Imperial Britain once more, it is highly unlikely. The rot has set in thick. The Anglosphere may continue to dominate the globe, but Britain's influence will continue to wane until it is no longer relevant.

Spengler called Western civilisation "Faustian." Nowhere is this more apparent than in the British. It is clear that we sold our souls for glory and now the (((Jew))) has come to collect, we scream and squirm like children.

The British can suck my dick. Worse than Americans.

t. central european

Enjoy your rapefugees, German faggot.

Thanks traitors

A brit.

Cheers lad, one less Anglo country to worry about.

Not German, you disgusting britcuck

Care to tell me how your Jewish masters treat you, Shabbo's goyim? Oh right, they're rplacing you with Pakis and Pajeets.

Sorry, *Jewman

I bet your a fucking turkroach.

Over 100 good reasons why the people of the British Isles are the most influential in world history.

Stay mad, anglophobes

Germans will never now the glory of the Anglo diaspora


At least Amis believe in things no matter how stupid and wrong they are. Britcucks just go along with what ever the jews tell them. They would willingly slit their own children's throats if their masters said to.

The United Kingdom has been jewish controlled since Charles I was deposed.

That's not to say there aren't good or brave men there. But they have fought for evil the last 400 years.

Two world wars can't be forgiven, imo.

protip britain hasn't been relevant since david hume, the germans have done all the heavy lifting since hume and most of the great shit the brits claim as theirs is really the work of scotchmen.


Protestantism which lead to leftism which lead to marxism

Negative influence is still influence, I suppose. Jews are quite influential themselves.


Tfw you still speak our language

You fought wars not in the interests of your own people.

Over-extended themselves. Victim of her own success.

The English aristocrat Houston Stewart Chamberlain realized that England had become a Judaized abomination 120 years ago, it is actually surprising that England has managed to last this long. Chamberlain moved to Germany and became and influential intellectual who helped to found the Aryan nationalist volkish movement.

Hitler shouldn't have spared us when he did

Damn, I didn't know that. Now it all starts making sense.

For those who don't know, Chamberlain is the favorite object of derision for both US and UK cuckservatives alike.

tbh america is a lot like this as well but britcucks today take it to a whole other level

America was always subhuman. It didn't really have far to degenerate in the first place.

giving women the vote.

taking it away again.


Really? I actually get the impression that H.S. Chamberlain got memory holed and is never mentioned. Maybe you're thinking of Neville Chamberlain?

The jewish intent began to really become obvious with the Boer wars (which Churchill was a part of) and the Balfour Declaration.

Britain has had a jewish infestation for about 4 centuries now. I believe you can all thank the highly religious Cromwell for starting that.

All for profit and Biblical passages, mind you. He did the precise opposite of what Hitler did, who removed the jews to restore the economy whereas he invited jews back into England to revitalize it.

Today we're seeing all that karma unleashed.

yeah how the fuck could you think those were the same people? like, the one defected to germany long before ww1, and the other was british pm in the run up to ww2? even ignoring the fact they have different fucking first names.

You remember how everyone in england left for the united states because they didn't want to put up with the rest of europe's bullshit? That left europe with people who would put up with ANYTHING & let people walk all over them.

They're descendants of pansies & it's written into their DNA.

Oh Jesus, I need to catch some sleep, you're right I totally mixed them up.

Off to bed, night everyone.

The education system psychologically abuses English children. Also there is too much state and hospital control over life.

The best of the brits became american. The rest died off and got replaced.

What are you talking about? AMerica is fully ruled by jews except for Trump. He is a one man army.

All the Brit descended Americans are bootlickers of the jews.

In Britain only about half the establishment is bootlickers of the jews. That is far better than the near 100% situation in America where almost everyone bootlicks the jews

Why did you even say that, do you think its cute saying something so obviously wrong?

Lol, no. America is populated by the underclass of Europe.


You forgot to add German and American, both of whom added a significant contribution to modern technology, scientific discoveries etc. Wasn't just "British," and especially not English. I'd say the Scots were far more innovative than the English.


Yeah, you're so much better off. You can almost speak your opinion openly and not go to prison for inciting hatred. Almost…

Not really. Innovative ways to be degenerate maybe. Innovative dildo materials.

Why are you even talking? In a sane society there would be laws against creatures like you expressing opinions.

No, literal patents for new technology. The US only a few years back produced more each year than the rest of the world combined, but East Asia picked up some slack, now it's every nation except one. So yeah, more than the entirety of Europe combined and then some…

True, but they only really became a problem when they began infesting the nobility. In the 19th century Britain was still the #1 champion of Western civilization and Christianity across the whole world. But then it decided imperialism was bad and along with France created the ((((League of Nations)))) to oppose it in favor of the Kalergi plan and Jewish world supremacy.

There is nothing innovative from America. What, better ways to waste your time with escapism? More efficient means of hedonism? America and it's innovation is worthless.

Wew lad, it takes way less than that nowadays.

Fuck off with your divide and conquer bullshit, I didn't forget to mention German or any other European innovation, I deliberately didn't mention it because I am talking about the British people and their cuckery, not the German cuckery or the French cuckery or the American cuckery.

No. It was the champion of Jewish capitalism.

America and its innovation gave you the electrical grid, the personal computer, the internet (which is not the WWW) etc. You're using them all right now. Hardly worthless…

Now they pay the niggers to invade. Sad!

Burger here.

There is a basically a holohoax musuem in a every state, or some variation of "jewish arts center".

Britain got cucked first, but the parasite has moved to ANOTHER host, America.

There really is not arguing who sucks jewish cock more. Basically, everyone, except North Korea.

Iran even gets cucked by jew. For every naughty holojoke cartoon contest, there is a virus destroying a mult-million dollar nuclear program.

Now that we have that out of the way. What have you done to spread the truth today?

Created a yelp account and negatively reviewed jewish owned establishments?

Created a straight and Holla Forums twitter account?

Printed out some infographs to leave at your local Starbucks?

Mailed a postcard to a nigger in your neighborhood informing them that their child is 5 times more likely to be incarcerated, and that the neighborhood can't wait till it happens.

Used facebook to shame any whites who race-mixed by asking which grandparent or family member the offspring looks like most?

The town I went to kindergarden in Germany is now part of the cailphate. I can never go home again.

Every single religion has been corrupted by them. Every Christian church now accepts gays and has refugee outreach.

When I was a teenager my goal was to have sex with 2 women at once. Now, I don't want to die before I burn down a synagogue and mosque.

All of those things are extremely worthless. What good do any of them bring? Oohh boy, porn on demand and endless purposeless novelty. Thanks Obama! My life is now complete.

American mindset is disgusting and you are a perfect example.



So you are a hypocrite. You bitch and complain but here you are wasting your life arguing with NEETSocs on a chinese cartoon board.

Fuck off fat ass. Go choke on nigger semen


Most Brits I meet actually have that "WE WUZ IMPERIAL MASSERS" chip on their shoulder. They are also generally short, weak and effeminate.

But fuck England for constantly working to destroy Europe. And fuck England for destroying South Africa. You reap what you sow.

Can you give me a list of innovations? Angrybirds and apps to scam money?

What happens now is that a handful of countries excel at different sectors of technology.

Well none of it matters… we mass producing stuff so literal retards can go on social media and extol every single detail of their shallow normie life accompanied by a selfie.

This world failed us.

Actually yes, you are a hypocrite. Also deeming the internet, PC, and electrical grid worthless is absurdly stupid. PCs and the internet are not used for just porn. They can be the greatest educational tool ever known if you actually make use of it properly. The electrical grid is part of the basis of modern civilization, which is heavily dependent on electricity.

Holy fuck, did you just pick the random picture generator at your office to shitpost as a shill?

You almost have the lingo down faggot, but not quite.

Your synagogue will burn first.

Just search for lists of American inventions and discoveries. There's dozens. Also if you really think about, what we're doing here isn't much different from what people are doing right now on twitter, or on reddit, or on facebook. The only difference is those are Leftist shit-holes that censor our opinions, to an extent, so we come here and say what we would otherwise be saying there. Well not me. I've never used social media in my life…

Undeniable fact:
It's who they are. It's what they do. You let them into your country, they slum it up thinking they're the moral superior, they instigate conflicts among the native populations with mockery, and then attempt to colonize the place on behalf of their Jewish masters. They are faggots.

blow it out your ass hansel


Speaks German and hates whites - TURKROACH


Such wisdom…

How deluded. Chamberlain was fucking right. His German obsession is a little intense, but his words ring true 120 years later.
Britain has been dead for quite a long time. For someone to consider Germans to be more romantic than you (which is true) is quite an achievement.


No it isn't. Pretending these things matter is stupid.

Education is a waste of time.

And modern civilization is complete cancer, proving my point.

All that matters is beauty, and everything from America is pure ugliness.

All these innovations just help increase the resources that can be shoveled towards niggers. That's all modern civilization is, a system of nigger upkeep. The negro is the meaning of American existence.

They went full cucks when they allowed their PM to sell a shit ton of their gold to the yids last year.

You have a point actually. Life was harder without these conveniencies, but life also didnt revolve around shitting out as many babies as possible and feeding savages before your own countrymen.


Stop romanticising native Brits, the ones that left to serve the empire in foreign lands away from their families were the true heart and souls of the Empire

the frontier aryanized more europeans than the halls of 19th century europe could hope too. there is a nobility in america, it has not even ascended yet so it is not fair to compare them with the degenerate nobles of europe. comparing them would be like comparing a babe in utero with a corpse.


Stay angry fuckwit. Maybe if you prey hard enough your kike on a stick will double the number of braincells you have and then you can rub both of them together and come up with a new conclusion

It was during the cold war. Now there's almost nothing exciting happening. Maybe LHC (create mini black holes? Fun).

Hopefully China and Russia can get this ball rolling again.

What a horrible feel when you don't really have a lineage to look back on.

it never fails to amaze me how ignorant most euros are of actual american history, many americans on the other hand can recite the entire histories of european countries.

italian americans didn't arrive in the US until the end of the 19th century, everyone knows the american aristocratic class (not the oligarchic class) is a all the flyover anglo-germanic irish-pollack mutts who are around 6 foot 2 average and wide at the shoulder and can shoot like a demon, the germans were terrified of them in the first world war. the southerner and the midwesterner and the texan are where you will find the noble american substance, not in the ghettos of boston

Post a screen shot of your hand you kebabnigger

So much for that white solidarity Holla Forums go's on about

But then I catch the ol, "le kike on a stick".

Sorry faggot, I don't fall for the ol DNC low hanging fruit.

So far, you have attacked Brits, Americans and Christians.

Hows this pic?

you can blame all the hatred for your island on brit/pol/

Sane people dont bother with history of niggers either.

Like German snipers who are famouse worldwide?
And did the noble Americans put them in the place in deserved?
Oh wait
Noble, southern true Americans were exterminated. Almost, but you can say that only the culture is left, and it is very neocon.

So, will the Ami amuse us with it's retardation again?

*the place they deserved?

I'm not European

Make me, shitskin

At least the burgers can still own guns and buy knifes without worrying about an officer forcing them to put it in a knife bin.

Wew, so save that insult to the island monkeys then.

Definitely not a champion of Western civilization. The "British" empire went around seizing territory to line the pockets of jews and white traitors, and even starting wars against other whites to maintain a financial monopoly (Boer Wars, WW1, WW2).

Running in circle. Truly the mind of a kike slave.


People worry about D&C but the back and forth in this thread just makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside

Well tonight has taught me one thing: the d&c crowd is out in full force.

If you're not a shill and you're saying this, I hope you don't complain when your countries get fucked by the kike agenda.

Do they even consider themselves Europeans?
Typical moor shitskin, barely better than some Ami nigger.

What? See:

This thread puts a big fat grin of love on my face
Shit talking is bonding
As a Brit I find it heartening


About as much as Argentina considers themselves white.

Heh. So there we have it.


Why are Germans so defensive? No German can ever just say "psh, nothing personnel Geißlein" and let it go instead of treating every criticism as a personal attack.

Jewaholism is boring after a while because it doesn't allow whites the agency to escape the destructive situation.

Your "emoticon" was very pleasant to look at, user.

It's a leftist mentality. Why do you think they had to take the word toxic and skew the meaning to browbeat anyone that didn't follow their ideals and lack of virtues.

It's cuckservatism, unfortunately.

Because ironic shitposting is still shitposting. Golden rule, remember?

Well, they have virtues but they're unfortunately cuckservative virtues.

gee, I wonder who could be behind this post.

That was Athens, not your barbarian inflicted flatland.


All the good men died in World Wars.

Try harder


Yawn, boring.

Sure plenty happened during the Cold War, but I'm speaking about now. The US is still putting out more patents for new tech and whatnot than nearly every other nation on the planet combined, minus Japan I think it was. One of those East Asian nations picked up pace a bit. But no single nation comes close. Sure, most inventions are worthless junk, from any nation, but some is great stuff. Anyway, we're heading back into Cold War mode. Unofficially I suppose, but I think we can all agree that we're back, or heading back into a Cold War. That's not so bad though. The "arms race" has been a leading force in the advancement of civilization for nearly a century now. Being back in a Cold War, with the right people leading the ship, can only be a good thing. That means loads of money being spent to advance tech. and science.

Isn't this thread rather about England, user.?

Yeah, but I made a comment, and someone made a comment, and I made another one, and we went off on a tangent.

Your idea about what's going on today sounds interesting however, if you made a thread about it I would read it.

Don't worry. It is typical britshit. Sneering condemnation for everyone else, and when someone calls them out on their lies they start patronizing and asking why they are talking about something else.

They learned well from their kike overlords.

You're ignorant, Britain had the Jews banned for hundreds of years, it was the puritan rat Cromwell who's to blame.

honestly this whole post is just sad.
hansel, nobody fucking cares about "german snipers", the russians dominate and still dominate sniper "wise" in modern militaries. the average middle american however, is statistically far more likely to be a proficient marksman than your average western european. this was also true 100 years ago. you dismiss american history as nigger history and then promptly cite some article you probably didn't read, which is about the end of the civil war, which was a 4 year war which took place primarily in the area of virginia, the south and the mississippi region, america is faar larger than that. you are clearly ignorant of the frontier period. the frontier naturally produced noble types, there were the timber barons, the cattle barons and of course daniel boone and davy crockett. I am not going to teach you the inner facets of my countries history.

the idea that the slave society of the south was producing a "nobility" is silly, the southern slave owners were merely proto-factory owners using nigger to harvest cash crops, they had absolutely zero noblesse towards their poor whom they drafted to die. there are exceptions of course, but you europeans are very uneducated about america, you believe the southern meme and that is as far as you get into the study of our country.

this user is clearly a half-turk

its their inferiority complex tbh, the german underneath all his cucking and his slavery is still that arrogant proud bastard who secretly dreams of training spainish bred chargers to goose-step in perfect harmony with industrial euro-trance crap. the europoors are still all the same old arrogant bastards they were before, its just that they are "dialectically" tied to the USA currently so they have to play by our memes. they haven't figured out that they can defeat us dialectically by promoting White Nationalism in the US by claiming all the advancements in america as European Advancements (unfortunately that would require them to stop secretly trying to start wars with each other)

tbh I wish there were still more russians on Holla Forums I want to shitpost and make fun of yurocucks with Ivan, like we used to to back on half-chan before putin banned image boards

gas the roundheads, king james 2 tbh


tbh all eurokikes are like this, at least the brits make good OC though tbh, but yeah they can be pretty fucking disgusting, not as bad as german/pol/ if you bother to translate what they are saying

How bad is the krauts general?

Like I said, it only went to shit around the start of the 20th century.

Everything is Americas fault. All Americans are niggers. List the things you hate about Americans. Does anyone else wish that America would be nuked. How can we get American users banned on Holla Forums. If you see an American soldier throw rocks at him. The only reason we have Muslims in our Country is because of America. America is the reason why the EU is falling apart.

Translate any given post. 80% of the time it is obsessing over Americans.


pretty much this
they don't even talk about jews or anything really, they don't often even talk about their muslims, its all blamed on america and they routinely talk about how they can never succeed because a bunch of unarmed POGs at falkenberg can somehow stop an entire nation from rebelling. the bongs at least have their moments of clarity. the french tend to be pretty based in general IMO (as long as you can filter out the quebec LARPers)

The best was a twenty post chain about why the reason they couldn't get girlfriends was because America

Jesus that's sad. I thought the krauts wouldn't be that short sighted. Do they atleast make good OC like brit/pol/?

The Irish are pretty embarrassing tbh. The sound like American blacks every time I've ever talked to one.

The main complaint against the English is that they are more numerous, smarter, wealthier and more powerful martially and Irish cucks associate agency with immorality in some extreme and bizarre interpretation of Catholic doctrine.

I think a lot of the complaints ITT reek of this same mindset. Jews set up shop in England because it was a rich and powerful country ripe for exploitation. That's also why Jews were crawling all over France and Spain. Even though Ireland was totally open to Jews almost none went there because you don't need to subjugate the Irish because they do it to themselves. Ireland will never be great and so Jews have no interest in it. The Irish lack of agency doesn't make them especially moral, and their lack of Jews has absolutely nothing to do with their facility in keeping Jews out.

The argument is basically the one that Jews make about how successful countries always have large Jewish communities. As if it is Jews causing the success rather than a parasite looking for a strong host, and infecting the strongest hosts with their disease.

Your countries are free of Jews to the extent that they are because they were never significant enough to actually give a damn about.

Protestantism is causing problems now, and really the OP's topic about how it got to be this way probably has a lot to do with the Low Church Dissenters. Their philosophy regarding the need to have a 'personal relationship' with God which basically amounts to being in touch with their emotions and giving 'testimony' to those experiences by showing strong emotion in public as evidence of their virtue/connection to God is obviously very similar to modern leftist notions. Romanticism is the secular trend that came up in the aftermath.

High Church Protestants were basically philosophically still Catholic with all of the baggage of Greco-Roman philosophy and the relics of stoicism, mind-body dualism, et cetera that is much more 'stiff upper lip' friendly.

What Protestantism did do however was facilitate the franchising of Christianity and with those franchises came the yearning for new frontiers and it was the Low Church Protestants that dominated and filled up much of the New World. Low Church Protestantism was the engine of white supremacy.

The High Church/Catholic mindset borders on Confucian introspection and the Low Church mindset and its' obsession with purity is extremely faustian. I think Protestantism in general is just a huge failing of Christianity because the Low Church model is clearly a manifestation of inherent traits to white people that are also necessary and adaptive and the truer forms of Christianity are incapable of channeling that.

Low Church Protestantism was inevitable because the Traditionalist elements of OG Christianity weren't adaptive enough to be able to subsume and incorporate these elements like the civic (or even pagan) religions of classical antiquity were clearly able to. They combined into a single functioning synthesis the high minded and high spirited types to be able to work toward a common goal. The further away that Christianity got from its' roots in Roman social institutions the more this pressure builds up with the "spiritual, but not religious" types and their anti-civilizational spiritedness runs through everything like a wildfire until serious minded men put it down and start a new cycle of civilization.

"Enjoy" the Kali Yuga I suppose because the wildfire is still raging pretty hard. I intend to spend this Wolf's Age polishing my jackboots personally.

Half the establishment? Are you counting Muslims?

Capitalism didn't exist until the mid-19th century.

Or you could stay on topic, salty user. Huge O.T. paragraphs do annoy.

Maybe Brits should have not abandoned their sources of strength and unity?

No they had one comic about Putsch-chan, but basically the whole gimmick is she is depressed and hates life and it is because America.
Also they can not resist taking the bait ever. Post this video sometime. Don't say anything and just wait. Guaranteed 10-15 responses about how it totally doesn't make them angry and how shit americans are and it isn't true and it was made by an American(it wasn't a belgian made it), and then they will just start listing things wrong with america.

Because Vatican-Roman colonies, like Indochina, Mexico, Brasil were worthwhile contributions to the white race. Get wrecked, heretics.

wew lad

How were the colonies abandoned? It was the Empire that was abandoned, the usual fate of over extension. The colonies did well, and people rate them very highly consistently.

hahahahahahahahaha although plenty of us use the jews as an excuse as well

there was one good one with this nigger wanted poster, it was the "fikki fikki" meme, it was pretty funny, but it of course was used in a very *german* (i.e. dark and not funny) way


poor krauts


I can barely read your green-text, user., but are you justifying O.T. posts that meandered into Russo-Americano relationships in the 21st Century, in a thread about England's historical missteps? You're really lost. Now excuse me while I look at your I.T.T. posts to see what your game is, user.

Not bumping because O.T.

Rather, throwing the men to the meat-grinder. Afganistan was overextension, sure.


IDs, use them

Well, I found out you're a German Roman Catholic or something.

Great for you, but your identity is adversarial, and… That is not an argument.

I see you, partisan thug.

EU falling apart is a good thing, though.

And your identity is a fucking idiot that isn't paying attention to the conversation and is just randomly popping into tone police and throw down random chatbot posts. If you aren't going to pay attention don't get fanny flustered when you can't keep up with the conversation. filtered for stupidity.

Everything is America's fault, though. America controls Germany's government and the only reason there is a "refugee crisis" in the first place is because American goyim can't stop blowing up sandniggers for Israel.


man you guys really are pathetic

Like the Americans, you had the same values and morals as Imperial Germany under Prussian Leadership.

When you declared war on Germany during WW1 and WW2, you started a gigantic and global propaganda campaign calling German morals evil and ridiculing German values. Ignorant of the fact that you shat on your own moral and values the entire time.

Once the World Wars were over and the Germans vanished as a enemy stereotype, this same propaganda came back to bite you in your ass. Your children and colonial subject adopted this propaganda as their new value and morals and you were left without arguments, or else you would have looked like the Germans, which you spend so much time on calling them the worst people in human history.

The same propaganda that was used to steal Germany's colonies in Africa and to debase their goal of Lebensraum in Eastern Europe, was used to destroy the colonial rights of other European Nations.

The same propaganda that was used against Germany's treatment of Jews and Slavs, was used against everyone who had something against special privileges for minorities.

The same propaganda that was used against the German idea of a Family and Culture, was later used to destroy the concept of Family and Culture in other western nations.

The same propaganda that was used against the technological and scientific advancements of Germany, is used to against the technological and scientific advancements of other western nations.

Micromanagement from the British government after ww1 and ww2. This caused a mismanaged and brokered government from mismanagement. The disire for centralized planning lead to the creation of the EU. However the Germans post war miracle was caused by dismantling crippling management.

They're just nerds who can't get girlfriends.

So exercising your own sovereignty is not an option? America can't get their people to support wars against people they hate. As far as I can tell most American's have an almost fetishistic obsession with Europe. If the Europeans rebelled and threw out American military forces there is no way in hell the American people would let them counter attack.

This is blaming someone for not fixing your own problems.

Those Yankee idiots going "just storm the reichstag and shoot merkel, how hard can it be?" are hardly any better, though. Do you really think Obama is gonna side against Merkel and the muslims?

It's overextension because Britain is supposedly ran as a monarchy, but didn't make sure the burgeoning colonies, which were turning into empire, take peerages of their own. Anglo colonies are one of the miracles of the millenium but London never took them as seriously as they should have been. It was a flat-footed administrating strategy.

good post, I think there has always been a large jewish steak in the anti-german propaganda but the rest of the west certainly went right along with the propaganda that was later used against them.

At least the potato niggers can speak properly, you worthless fuck.

agreed, my countrymen are for the most part a mass of hard talking idiots, a lot of them will die extremely quickly due to how arrogant they are acting currently (america is headed for conflict). however there also a lot of very very capable people in the states as well. you should note that however americans have actually attempted to violently oppose the federal gov't in the last few years, however they were mostly unsuccessful. but yeah you are right, the LARPing is pretty disgusting

Entirely incorrect. America never had any values and Brits were already degenerated by then.

An orangeman presbyterian Ulster-Scots speaking UUP member and civil servant was teaching a class on Bonar-Law, known loyalist.

”Before th’ class begans, ye must get on yer knees an’ worship William of Orange an’ accept tha’ he was the most loyal and true Ulsterman the world has ever known, even greater tha’ Jesus Christ!”

At this moment, a brave, patriotic Provisional IRA member who had run over 1500 hundred guns across the false border and understood the necessity of a united Ireland if the country were to achieve her tradition of nationhood stood up and help up a potato.

“Well now ladeen, what’s the matter with this spud then?

The arrogant civil servant smirked quite Unionistly and smugly replied “'Tis likely riddled a the blight and ye’d be better to have taken the soup ye Fenian bastard”.

“Ye’re wrong there now. ‘Tis grand, only dug up outside Killa not two days ago. If it was blighted as ye say, then why’ve we not got a second Ghorta Mór (which was a British plot) on our hands?”

The protestant was visibly shaken and dropped his chalk and copy of the Solemn League and Covenant. He stormed from the room crying those Scots crocodile tears. The same tears Orangemen cry for “the poor Southern protestants” while they jealously continue to suckle on the royalist teat. There is no doubt that at this point our teacher, Angus Dunlop, wished that he had pulled himself up by his bootstraps and become more than a unnecessary bureaucrat of a failed state.

The students applauded and all voted Sinn Féin that day and accepted Wolfe Tone as the last good Ulster protestant A raven named “An Sean Bhan Bhocht” flew into the room and perched atop the Tricolour and shed a tear on the chalk. “A Nation Once Again” was sung several times, and God himself showed up and repealed the act of partition.

The civil servant lost his job and was fired the next day. He died of a Provo nailbomb and was tossed into the lake of fire for all eternity.

Tiocfaidh ár lá PS No border

This exactly. Read "The Case for Reparations" by Ta-Nehisi Coates. It's 100% leftist bullcrap to justify nigger gibs-muh-dats, but reading it should give a good understanding of how the "punishment" of Germany after WW2 set precedent for the "punishment" of all whites in the current year.

Just couldn't help fulfill your own stereotype huh?

can you sheep fuckers stop waxing poetic about your bronze age tier tribal squabbles for 30 seconds and deal with the pakis first?

Sure enough, the same day I stop smug posting.

Germany isn't sovereign, doofus. No country in Europe is sovereign.

Bullshit. American military are the goodest goyim in all of history. They are all low IQ mongeloids, so the Jews just need to throw some atrocity propaganda at them and they would be itching to smash down the rebellion. American military have never had a problem doing whatever their masters want from them.

In your opinion, apparently not.


In geopolitical reality.

There is 1 of those mongeloids [sic] occupying your country for every 2000 high-IQ Germans. How is this possible?

So instead of standing up for yourselves and taking back what is yours you complain on the internet about why someone hasn't just given it to you.

You realize that nothing in life is free. If you want something you have to fight for it. And the Amis are so close to total social decohesion it isn't even funny. If this election goes bad they may balkanize.

What is it the Americans always say? Freedom isn't free. If you want to be free from a bunch of fat asses in Kaiserslautern you need to do something about it. You don't want to admit, however, that it is convenient at fuck having someone else's military there. You don't want to fight, you don't want people who will fight for you there, and you don't want to admit that cowboy world police bullshit is one of the few things keeping a lot of conflicts world wide in check.


As I wrote before, it's in your opinion that's the geopolitical reality.

They are good goyim right now.

I am an American.

Fuck off fat ass


Not as good as the EU cucks. The entire east coast told king nigger to fuck off with tranny bathrooms. Europe still can't buy table knifes.

Who would do that? Go on the internet and tell lies?

No, it is the reality at all levels.

So am I. I'm also one of the low-IQ mongrels you mentioned in your post.


Just keep reading and re-reading until the self-hatred fades away, user. I'm not joking.

Amis are outnumbered 2000 to 1. There is literally nothing they can do to stop a client state uprising. Nothing.

It is cowardice that is holding people who have grievances back. You can claim all you want that it is a political and economic reality, but in the grand scheme of things that is just stories people tell themselves. If they hated Americans that much, if they really were so horribly oppressed and all their problems stemmed from them they could fight back.

But they don't. They go online cry and complain about how literally every problem from why they can't get a girlfriend to why they are having trouble at school stems from people on the other side of the globe, and yet they do nothing about it.

If that is supposed to be the "master race" I weep for the rest of humanity.

What we have here is this self-hating white American has de-railed the thread from the O.P. in order to put his guilt complex as the root of the problem. And I'm American, too. I would like to see the Europeans stand on their own, and I like the British and want to talk about the O.P. subject with anyone who wants to as well.


Quality D&C, my fellow (((((white))))) friends


The past isn't going to save anyone you fags. Prove yourself now, or fuck off to your bed-time stories.

The US government obviously bears some culpability in Europe's plight but a nation with the resourcefulness of Germany could turn the tide. I mean Poland is doing it currently, so what's the deal Germans?

I've always found the British Euro-skeptic arguments about the EU similarly facile. They claim that the EU forces immigration onto the UK but the UK's immigration rates are well beyond the mandated minimums meaning the immigration problem in the UK is actually self-inflicted by the domestic government and not by foreign Eurocrats.

This German anti-Americanism is similar. The USG is certainly pozzed and is pernicious but its' ability to exercise real power in Germany is limited. Germans are being cucked by America's government wagging a shaming finger at it which could be ignored given sufficient mental strength.

This mentality is exactly the type of emotionalism I was talking about. If Germans were more stoic and high minded about this they'd simply shrug off America's crybaby antics when Germans do something incongruent with the leftist zeitgeist. But since Germans have clearly internalized leftism they are responsive to this shaming. The ones that aren't receptive to shaming are still left in a state where they furiously whip the cart to get the horse moving, forever locked in an emotionally driven inaction.

Irish untermensch detected. I will admit Irish verbal facility but when you are reduced as a people to having nothing but words as their will to power this is going to develop. Again, blacks in America are also notorious for their "jive" as well. I'm not sure I'd call what the Irish or the negroes speak "English" however.

Implying that all of this hate for the English making its' rounds right now on the Right is because of Jews when its' really Plastic Paddies.

I would say it's a bit too late for that, most brits are sleeping and most of the thread has been derailed already.

I check 8/pol/ basically daily, so wouldn't mind coming back to read 'em, user.

The concept of the "imperialist Briton" began to dissolve in the late 20s with devolution to the white Dominions (Canada, ANZ). I speak of it in two parts: power to maintain the Empire, and will to maintain the Empire.

The Empire's power was dealt a crushing blow after WWII, when India, Pakistan and Burma left the Empire; Britain was too economically and culturally exhausted to attempt anything else; there were too many foreign powers invested in India*; and people were more focussed, by consensus, on the "welfare state" and recovery from the war. After that, reduced to more domestic terms, Britain was rapidly eclipsed militarily by the USA and Russia, in the developing Cold War. She was, out of necessity, forced to shelter herself under the American wing.

Her will to Empire was undermined by WWII as well. It's hard to maintain your conquests when you've just spent several years liberating Germany's (and convincing your people, justifiably for the war effort, of the virtues of liberating nations from foreign oppressors). As in the USA and on the Continent, the will of the people was altered, ruined maybe, in the cultural revolutions of 1968. It was then shattered entirely by the general malaise of the 1970s - the oil crisis, exclusion from the EEU, the strikes, the shuttered mines, the Winter of Discontent.

Maybe it's hard to pick any specific date where the Empire died, but at least in the British soul, it was somewhere between 1929 and 1979.

I might add the following:

If there is an "national anger" today - whatever force drives us, Nigel, Dalrymple, National Action, anyone who would not like to see the country Islamised - I do not feel it is the same force that drove the "civilising Englishman", the colonising force that established the First or even the Second Empire**.

It is instead the anger that first reared its head with Thatcher and the Falklands - a new will, stripped of its glory, stripped of any Empire or Commonwealth, the anger of a Britain which is once again, for the first time in many centuries, subjugate to foreign powers. Britain's defense is now handled by Washington, her laws by Brussels, and her money by (((who knows where))). She is no longer bound by any position of strength to be "gracious in victory", no longer obligate to "take up the white man's burden." And so, finally, there is nothing holding back the new force of Britain, from being as vicious and as violent as the circumstances demand. She is in a corner, and fighting for her survival.

* If Britain had tried to suppress Indian freedom, barring unrest at home and outcry from abroad, she might have found support from Portugal - who were famously salty about the seizure of Goa in the 1960s - but few other friends.

** By the traditional division, pre- and post-1776.

this was the one I was trying to respond to>>6139341

nice word salad britshit

I think it's shills trying to start shit. 6124c7 (just one example) has attacked Brits, Americans and Germans, claimed to be Catholic but calls Christianity "kike on a stick", and posted smug anime girls like an Holla Forums faggot.

I am utterly disappointed in all of you. This fag isn't even bothering to switch IPs and you're swallowing his crap hook, line and sinker.

Where did I ever claim to be Catholic?

Delusional eurocucks at it again

As the current situation stands, they're beginning to punish us for not letting them have their pinko revolution and holding onto the pendulum with too tight of a grasp that they are scared if they let go

The issue being is the establishment sees the problem, trying to repeal Shariah Law and courts and giving us a Brexit from the EU as we speak but it's probably too late.

When the pendulum swings back, it's going to cause a massive shock wave. What happens next, who can say?

However we live in rather interesting times in the UK.

The same could be said of Germany, however, who are also going through somewhat of a similar phase as us. Austria, France and Spain too.

A seed has been planted for a rehash of 1848 and the fruit has begun to sprout. It is going to end in blood, sweat and tears.

I predict a chemical attack in Manchester by (((ISIS))) being the first step. Our situation will be rather unique to the rest of Europe, but we're still in the same fight.

t. Anglo who has a cold and can't sleep.


tbh brit/pol/ convinced me that brits deserve the ovens just as badly as muslims, but not quite as badly as jews

tl;dr just for you faggot.

Lrn2read you lazy pleb.

No, attacking Brits is fashionable among the Alt-Right currently and its simply come here. You get this constant refrain from alt-righters that the English are existentially flawed in such a way that they must be totally destroyed and cannot be "forgiven".

Scratch the surface of right-wing discourse and you find them discussing their heritage and identity and every single one of these fucks is an Irish-American. Schlomo's best friend in North America. The goyische face and glib spokesman for every shitty Jewish idea for the past 100 years.

Unless you call them out for who they are and what they are doing it's just going to keep getting worse. The Muh Oppression complex of micks needs to be ruthlessly mocked at every opportunity lest it grow out of control and consume us all. It's for their own good. They'll never be able to be productive members of any right-wing movement while still holding onto their victim narrative.

Stay mad mick. Let your hate keep you warm at night because your domination by superior people is never going to end. Your whining will never overturn nature.

WWI and WWII were absolutely devastating to Europe.

Hey, man. Good luck with the Brexit, it may be an important step or at least some cold water onto the heads of the "normal" population. Another way out would be if the country can't pay her debts, then a lot of stuff that has been inefficient and wasteful would suddenly stop working and more pressure would be put on all levels of society and especially the lower class and new immigrants would react negatively.

The eternal anglos literally brought it upon themselves, especially when they fucked over their own fellow whites numerous times.


Because Britain is so much different in the basics of what's happened to her people compared to France, Sweden, Spain, even the United States… Yeah, right. Get lost, creep.

Cheers m8, if Brexit happens, the EU is fucking done due to a domino effect.

It's one of the very last peaceful solutions so the optimist in me hopes it happens, because the Euro currency is collapsing and it'll cause a major rift in the Euro zone. If the German bank goes? The powder keg goes boom.

We might actually get a massive influx of white immigrants from European countries to balance out the xenos, be rather nice tbh

too bad I'm anglo american you imbred tea chugging buck-toothed sheep fucking retard

I'm sorry, was that an intentional self kill shot?

Brits believed in the Rule of Law, Justice for All, and universal rights. Add to that, the very British way of hunkering down when things get rough and not really complaining and going with the crowd.

This was amazing when Britain was fully British and everybody knew who was their fellow man and who was an outsider. But the Jew manipulated this against them.

Honestly, unless there is a return to monarchy in Britain, it's best to just find a way to emigrate to the Falklands and just spend the rest of your life on a weird British reservation until Britannia bleeds to death.

I agree with what you say, but not so much the Falklands.

One of our party leaders wants to give it back after a massive amount of money was put forward to build it up and make it better and he might genuinely gain enough influence if he can stop Labour infighting.

South West of England is a good place to go, majority of firearm owners, majority of UKIP voters and majority white British, plus the Cornish are their own unique ethnicity.

Not to mention Isle of Wight, Man and Scilly Isles are much nicer to live on than Falklands.

That's some bullshit. The Falkland war was one of the last best things the Brits did.

That's a great OC, but in reality the Irish are just an ethnic minority with a chip on its' shoulder that Jews use as puppets against their rivals. The relationship Irish have with wielding real power is about the same as blacks. None. But like blacks so long as they can lord over the source of their grievance in some fashion they don't care that they are used as tools.

He's obviously a Plastic Paddy.

t. American whose ancestors arrived in North America since 1621.

He's so bootyblasted by the truth of mick inferiority that he thinks I must be a modern Englishman because no one else but the hated enemy could ever notice how shit Ireland is and how Irishmen create those conditions for themselves when transplanted abroad.

I like you Britbongs, but I don't know what you mean by two empires. What is the other British Empire?

I agree it was pretty good as a political move and I'm glad we have our people living there.

But for living conditions? Eh, I prefer Scilly or Wight.

Bit like comparing a sapphire to an emerald though, people have different preferences.

My main concern is being so close to fucking Argentinians, last time I visited Falky on vacation I swear I could smell them from Ruggles.

It is a bit sad really, Norn Iron is still majority white whilst ROI gets flooded with xenos.

Not to mention their victim complex never holds any weight when they come up against MUH DINDUS and MUH MUZZBONGS so I don't know why they keep pushing it as a legitimate angle.

I can explain m8, 'first empire' was America, 13 colonies, Africa such as Rhodesia and SA. Then the 'second' empire was to do with the Pacific, Australia, the Commonwealth and all that shit.

We basically merge the two when we explain the history of it, thus forming the British Empire. But in context, they essentially stand for two different established empires during two different time periods. Same enemies however: France, Dutch, Spain.


Oh, I understand now. Thanks mate


There are real shills here people. Whether they are turkroaches, leftypol, bernouts, alphabet, applied memtics or salty cuckservatives, they are here.

anti-brit, NORK post
anti protestant, anti anglo
pro catholic
some german shit
says AMIs and Britcucks
Demoralize post
uses fuckwit lefty term, and WHITE as a negative, kike on a stick - pro atheist.
smug anime post saying I am the shitskin *projecting possible
uses Britshit and kike.
Anti American post
anti american demoralization can't get American women (sounds like a woman now)
SHILL OUTS HIMSELF - Also they can not resist taking the bait ever. Post this video sometime. Don't say anything and just wait. Guaranteed 10-15 responses
- wew lad lingo

DNC between Europe and AMerica
Some IRA Sin Fenn bullshit anti Protestant pro Catholic
smug post
Demoralize anti American

says no Catholic

- pro falkland war????

An user takes a stab at this faggot here:

See Holla Forums This is how a thread is derailed. It looks like it took one salty MICK with leftpol / anarcho leanings to shit up this thread mightily.

Funny how Potato niggers and Turk Roaches are hard to tell apart.

While I do think the British empire did have a sincerity to it. There was a rotten aspect of it. The Rothschild, they set the groundwork for our modern world in which I mean in the worst way possible. "All is equal under Britain" meaning they were more then happy to spill the blood of their fellow European just as ready as they were to spill the blood of a primitive. They helped the Masonic, and Jewish influences in Northern Italy engulf the entire peninsula in it's unification. They doomed any chance of an Italian nation from the start. I mention that because that's my history. My ancestors were spurned with the help of the anglo.


Typically the first empire was one of expansion of the British person to North America, southern Africa and Oceania. They were little Britains away from Britain but had their own quirky personalities.

The second empire was an empire of economic expansion, where British people only existed in these countries in the top echelons of power. Sometimes the nation learned English, drive on the correct side of the road and adopted the British legal system… not much else.

The first empire was more interesting, because for a while until after WW2 even the "bad" ex-colonies like the US and Rhodesia were great places to live.

America keeps fighting your wars,Merkel and the rest of Europe is just a puppet, now that the EU is sinking the only one allowed to get our are you while we are going down with it.
Yeah the immigrations and all that shit is bad,but that's exactly the plan for everyone else.
"You" still govern Europe,the problem is that the ones in control don't give an absolute fuck about you.

My feelings are hurt - the post

Britain has been at the forefront of the West's political development, anticipating every new form of the western state. Thus, we were the first to suffer what is called "cultural Marxism" here.

What happened to American universities in the 1960s happened at Oxbridge in the 1930s, the best had been killed in the First World War - and thus we were left with an elite of communists, pacifists and inbred incompetents. The Bloomsbury Group is a prime example of this.

Then in the Second World war we sold everything to the Burgers to help avenge Schlomo. And after having sold everything the wonderful British public decided to elect a government devoted to gibsmedat, so we sold even more.

We ended up trading Imperial glory for the welfare state. As Britain had once been the most laissez-faire nation on earth - our progressives were the most zealously statist. After Suez in 1955, the Establishment just decided to bugger the rest of the Empire from then onwards.

I suppose the point when everything really went to shit was 1968. Harold Wilson's labour government got in, trashed the grammar schools, devalued the pound and withdrew our armed forces from east of suez just to afford the continued bribery of the trade unions. Enoch Powell's speech signalled the last chance to stop mass immigration of wogs and pajeets which destroyed the common culture of the lands and replaced it with fawning multiculturalism and diversity-worship LONG before Cologne.

And when a nation looses its founding ideals, its values naturally default to the purely material. Money. Thatcher got in, smashed the trade unions but fundamentally did very little to stop the rot. Accelerated the war on grammar schools. Continued our foreign policy of being cucks-to-America. Only realised the faults of the E.U when it was too late.

So then we're left with modern Britain of Blair and Cameron. The worst aspects of the left and right coexisting in one once great nation.

The British are good people. It's a shame their ruling class isn't. What thing I noticed very strongly while I was in Britain was that class still played an extremely strong role there, not just things like lineage but even to the very schools you go to.

Stay mad plastic paddy. You IRA larping faggots are absolute cancer, been some time, but I guess its the new generation ginger micks.


It's a punishment from God, for having rejected Adolf Hitler and attacked his people, while he wanted nothing but peace.

It's a good question, but I think that you, like so many people on here, are missing a fundamental point: the propagators of liberalism are never 'self-loathing', but completely narcissistic.

The reason the common man is so inertia-riddled is decadence. Although, to be fair, as any celt will tell you, the English have always had a terrible tendency towards smug complacency. No where is this more evident than in the south easy of England - where British power is centred. This complacency is like catnip to the kikes, who easily exploit it in aid of their own perceived interests.

How about you take your own advice and start inspiring people around you?
Brexit is merely the beginning, I've already red-pilled my circle of mates and my family.

The matter of the fact is that most people parroting opinions don't buy them, they're just afraid of the social consequences of going against the grain. Trust me, when I first voiced my evil opinions to my mates they disagreed - but you can only deny facts and logical consistencies for so long before you break.

Speaking of plastic paddies, look who's been fundraising for the IRA.

Oh, and asking for help as a Brit on Holla Forums will only draw out the Germans and their Yank lackeys. You're best off doing what you should have been in the first place - buying a ton of classical, historical and political books and running through them.

You're simply terrible at this.

I think the British people are still the same tough-as-nails bastards as ever. The Jews were just very competent at framing a narrative to ruin them.

Just two years ago, before Trump was running I would've said that America was completely hopeless. That isn't how Whites work, we're nice but there's always a limit to our niceness, and when we snap we go nuclear.

I the next couple of years I envision a man, that hasn't stepped on the stage yet, looking to bring the British lion back roaring twice as loud as the height of the Empire.

For all we know, the royal family is just waiting for the queen to kick the bucket and all hell will break loose.

No defeatism, you niggerfaggots.

Did I not inform you last time to go and work on making peace with your evil life before it ends?
And to pass the message on to all of your sentenced friends?
You are truly wasting your time, there is nothing you can do to prevent the pendulum from swinging back, nor resolve yourself of your guilts, the attempt to do so will always end in oblivion.

lol at that pic the irish are far more statistically likely to be blonde than english



As a Welshman I can tell you. Because you tits can't see it.

You're all fucking bonkers. The English as a people are born afflicted with a horrifying insanity.
As a result you can never quite tell what they're going to do. Especially as a group.
These are people who considered outright insanity or "eccentricity" to be an essential quality in a leader.
During WW1 they appointed a man who spent half his time convinced he was a bird to a senior strategic planning position in the army because during his lucid spells he was actually rather brilliant. Then when he killed himself by jumping out a window while convinced he could fly, as he lay bleeding to death on the street he asked a random passer by why he did that.

Only the English.

But that insanity lets you ignore anything resembling sense or reason. Anyone else may go "haha lets conquer the world", set out to do it and get some new territory.
But only you will go "haha lets conquer the world!" then wind up with half of it under your rule.
Why? Because the first guy knows that what he's doing is impossible and that doubt spawned by sanity holds him back. The Englishman on the other hand is incapable of understanding that what he's trying to do is impossible. So he keeps on hammering away at it until against all the odds he pulls it off.

But at the same time it makes you do incredibly stupid shit and really get into it.
Like pretty much the entirety of modern English society. Your love of the USA and other such stupid shit.
The only saving grace of the English on this front is that at any point they'll suddenly go "hang on. This isn't fun anymore." and go on to do something entirely different that probably involves making jet aircraft that can go into space oh wait the English are already trying to do that. With a tiny budget. And succeeding sort of. Because they're fucking English.

You fuckers are as bonkers as we are xenophobic, the scots twats and the paddies drunk.

Kek has blessed you with dubs, based Welshman.

You make a very good point and the more I think about it, the more right you sound.

on the coast or the interior


I make a brilliant point because it's 100% accurate.

Only the English could possibly conceive of a united Britain and only the English could make it happen.

10/10 post, I can't stop laughing

Whites are the descendants of warriors who enjoy fighting other whites more than anyone else.

If the white race remembers how to be warriors again, we'll purge our homelands of the non-whites first only because they are a distraction that gets in the way of fighting each other.

o i am laffin