Once, the English were stereotyped as stiff-upper-lipped colonialists, brave, intelligent and well read. We were the backbone behind the British Empire and we'd previously seen off the Spanish, engaged in multiple wars with the French (whom we would frequently beat) and subjugated the other peoples of the British Isles, some of which had their own reputations for strength and violence.
While we'd been a force to be reckoned with for centuries during the Medieval period, it was the industrial revolution that saw us emerge as the dominant power in the globe. Such was our innovation and our ambition that we laid the groundwork for the rest of the fucking world to follow.
When the cunts who try to tell me that the West only became rich because "we stole the wealth from the rest of the world," I want to smack the smart phone out of their slimy fucking fingers and smash their face in. British innovation has brought much of the world away from the brink of poverty, but we're the bad guys because we had an empire?
Well, two empires, actually, but the self righteous faggots who tell me we should be ashamed of our imperial history wouldn't know that.
How did we let ourselves get so cucked that nothing less than a complete denial of our history is acceptable?
How the fuck did we go from the stiff-upper-lipped warrior-creator-academics to spineless self-loathing cretins?
How do I wake up from this nightmare?