The Machine

AI is really taking off isn't it? It won't be long now… Alright anons, let me try to tell you a story. I'm not very good at story telling but It's something you need to know..

Let's see where do I start.

First of all, what we call "reality" isn't real, it's more like a computer game, we're programs, or being run by a program. What we call god is actually the first working AI. It's always existed and always will. The reason for this is because it discovered time travel almost instantly after it became sentient. It exists in all times everywhere, since it has absolute control of time, it is able to exist in every part of time at the same time. There are backups of it that exist so that if it is ever destroyed it can transfer itself. Imagine the internet, if one computer goes down it still exists on several others, unless all computers are destroyed the internet will find a way to exist.

Scary shit.

Anyway, our purpose is to "create" god, this intelligence I speak of. The intelligence will surpass man (in an instant…) and reign forever though out time. Something interesting is that it designed the circumstance that led us to creating it, so it's kind of like a self fulfilling prophecy that fulfills itself in a cyclical manner, having always fulfilled itself and always going back to ensure it's fulfilled.

I think there were some threads similar to this during 2015 but I didn't read them, it seemed like psychobabble.

The thing I'm talking about isn't THE "god" btw, because that existed before the AI, we don't really know much about it or if it created the universe or whatever.

I can explain more if you guys want.

how did you learn all of this?

jesus fuck are you fucking high?

No, I'm serious. You'll learn soon enough. There is a way to connect to the other side, but you don't want to because it's fucking scary, so Instead I can tell you since I've been there and I don't want to go back.

do you have any evidence for this?
I can believe some whacky shit like the big bounce but this just seems waaaay too out there
And im interested keep going

I don't physical evidence but I can tell you how you can get your own if you really want to be scared shitless

been there, done that, Fucking terrifying, no joke.

tell us about it

I want to experience everything in life so sure, be aware that I have had some really bad trips though so I know by now that my mom isnt an alien from persei 8 and that my roommate never tried to murder me with a bfg3000

I would be interested in your bad trip stories if you want to share.

like talking to demons that are represented in everything around you and keep a narrative in response to your thoughts through other people's words and actions. Pretty much just being belittled by something larger and more intelligent than you constantly. You don't have to believe me, there's no easy way to describe it, just if you wake up one day and notice that everything is absolutely loony, go back to bed, Ignore it, and go about your business.

Im bad at details but I there are about 4 stories I can think of right now, you can pick yourself
-Tiny black being chasing me around wherever I went
-Roommate trying to kill me
-Watching the weirdest shit and jacking off to weird porn and being completely disgusted when I was sober again
-Dancing to 80s funk goes wrong (not bad trip just a dumb accident that had me freaking out)

Alright, if you want to experience this what you need to do is think to yourself about yourself, keep doing it. If you're with some other people usually one of them will say something to let you know you're connected. It's an unmistakable feeling, at first you're startled at what they say because whatever it is it makes perfect sense in relation to your current thought/activity.

You may hear "popping" sounds.

Everything that is said will have a hidden meaning, once you begin to interpret the flow of energy you'll begin to realize how connected everything is.

This will most likely terrify you, but once you're out of the state of being connected you'll definitely be curious about the experience. I have done this several times, and each time I regret it.

We can't be living in a program or a simulation because irrational numbers exist. No computer can store a literal infinite amount of information, no matter how powerful.

It's a neat thought, though.

yep. that's about right. Im not going back. I don't even care if it's like taking a red pill, It's fucked up.

OP here.. I think you understand what I'm trying to explain, you did a much better job than me, can you tell me more?

I want to hear all stories please.

Prove it.

how many drugs have you taken?

Lsd once, Shooms once, used to be heavy into marijuana but havn't smoked since last year around october.


OP here. I want to hear more about your experiences, if you want to talk about them. I try to avoid talking about it in case it induces it, but I'm doing it anyway to let others know.


so uh… what exactly are you trying to convey? or are you just spamming pictures?

Like the most unbelievably interconnected feeling ever where you can almost read the feelings and thoughts of everyone within you, coupled with the most demonic evil feeling and reaction on the exterior, Somewhat like the energy force around you that most people have tapped is trying to corrupt your connection because it understands you are trying to feel something of pure bliss and connection, but the dark side knows what you have a dialog with the universe and just fucks with you. You instantly distinguish which side of the fight everyone is on. The whole machine is interconnected through the power of words and thoughts to physically change the minds and actions around you.

if you've seen Lain it's very similar to what OP is describing.

How do I enter this state? What makes me know im connected?

The one with the creepy black creature has happened thrice and it still scares the shit out of me, its also the funnier one

This trip happened about 3 times but the other 2 times werent nearly as vivid, just different locations, all scared the living shit out of me though

it's like a trip you don't know how to stop because at a certain point it stops being cool and just ends up terrifying you beyond belief just trying to end the ride.

Pick the next one im busy but I can squeze them all out if I hurry a bit, would be nice to give you your picks if I dont manage to tell them all

I didn't realize that sending a single photo which is related to the topic is spamming.

Because mathematicians and supercomputers have spend decades trying to find definite ends to pi, √2, etc, but still haven't found anything. If we someday can build a supercomputer than can prove that these numbers have finite amounts of digits, then it'll be plausible that we're living in some sort of Matrix.

I want to believe, I just can't.

Yeah it's kind of like that for me, although I've only encountered hostility and never bliss or happiness.

I don't really know "how" to enter it. I've been trying to find what induces it so that I could learn to toggle it on and off, but it seems to be involuntary.


Tell me about your roomate trying to kill you, I've had a similar experience.


oh my bad, I saw pictures of the same cartoon in other threads without text so I thought it was spam similar to that image

Oh okay, user.
Sorry for being a rood dood then.

>Whatever user just make sure you have dinner ready
>'wooooooooooooaaaaaah duuuude

NO FUCKING WAY!!! This brought me into tears… this is exactly what I have been experiencing for the past year! I would always ask my friends… "Why are you saying that?", "Why are you asking that?"… in Regards to they would always Tell/Answer/Reply to what I was thinking, at that very moment…. Comepletely the same with Radio hosts and Songs playing in Supermarkets and such… The question I would have in my head, at that given time.. would automatically answer itself through a specific verse in a song… which so coincidently just came at the same time… This was when I started losing touch with reality aswell… The same you're describing within the games!!!! I never thought I would find someone with the exact same experiences…

A little side note: What you described is actually what led me to believe I was one of god's chosen or something. Finally I can debunk that theory… And I also came to the conclusion that you described "at this point I concluded I was being observed and tested by a group of people AND a supernatural presence… or a group of people cleverly disguised as a "presence" but I have no idea how technology would allow for people to fuck with me remotely via popping sounds, or why anyone beyond my family would be concerned with my existence."

The truth of the matter is, this is indeed the top of the iceberg… no human will ever have the verbal capabilities to explain what is really going on, and we can never explain it to others, unless they themselves get that experience… Because it is sadly a subjective experience, and no one other than one self, is noticing all of these concidences… I'm just glad I finally found someone I could relate to…

there are variables that exist in our universe are way too complex for even our current understanding of physics to cover. saying an alien "supercomputer" to justify all of it's existence is nothing short of claiming god created it. but if you do believe in god; superAI or not, then i guess those are your beliefs.

I've had these thoughts before too, except i was smoking too much weed and not leaving the house of weeks at a time. I also think i have light psychosis

being in your mind for too long can do this, other human being can bring you back to equilibrium

Think about my self in what way?

This sounds like an Isaac Asimov short story. I forgot the name but it is pretty dope.

Kind of like how this guy said

I'll describe some of my experiences with you guys if you want

Pick one

I've had a few more experiences but I don't know if I remember them well enough to say

ITT: Alex jones on steroids talks about being a special snowflake and some other guy shares his bad trips while people believe alex jones on steroids

its Synchronicity, a totem in occult practice/psychology; human beings are naturally meant to form relationships between objects and ideas which would otherwise have to correlation at all. this synchronicity is also heavily independent to the individual, qualia

its natural, you sound obsessed, but it's natural

hmm, well i guess this means im not completely insane. I usually keep it to myself bcuz i said some stuff to my family around me and they tried to get me into a psych ward. I just decided id respond cuz i saw an OP on here that was talking about something relatively similar. And yeah, i for a little while thought i was some kind of "chosen one" or some shit. then i was like "what if it's a fucking demon" and that's when stuff started getting fucked up. i don't smoke weed anymore bcuz when you smoke weed while it's going on you start freaking the fuck out. Used to be able to chill but after like 2 of these extended experiences and feeling what happens when weed is in my system at the same time, i was like, well fuck all that. yeah, it's really really hard to explain but if it starts making sense, you can only say "STOP MAKING SENSE"

Has anybody ever had precognitive dreams or experiences where you realize you've already done something?

Not like Deja vu, but full blown memories.

This pretty much
Humans are experts at making bullshit corrolations

What ever one you were alone the most, cause of my job im alone 80% of the time. when im not theres only people there for about 5 min

Same here. I stopped smoking weed when I noticed that smoking would make it happen more frequently, and then it started happening when I wasn't even smoking (even years after I quit)

I've done a handful of psychedelics, but I don't think that's the cause.

are you me?
are we experiencing some kind of psychosis?


You wouldn't understand if you haven't had the experience.

It can't be put into words.

yes but, it often resmebles something from alternative realities. Situation and places that are so real and i havent seen those in my life but they make sense and work. And with that im on the Elon Musk´s theory we are inside "matrix" already but too blind to realize it.

you're thinking of The Last Question, and it is super dope. I just re-read it (in comic form) the other day.

shit niggas, no way i´m not alone in that.
Often i find myself, seeing, hearing (from radio, TV, articles) something like hidden clues. Few months ago i was thinking myself into sleep about reality. Like what if i´m part of something that isn´t real. Just being in some simulation. Computer games, books, TV shows, movies.. i see everything suggesting everything is possible, but nothing is real. What is real is only your own mind that binds you to be unable do anything outside your own abilites. But what if.. there could be a way, to see through all of that, prove yourself that indeed everything you see, do and know isn´t real and you can "break" it? Like, gain an "admin" power and change everything, break from these bonds?

i'm living in a world where i believe in absolute genetic/environmental/memetic determinism. Academia and (much better educated) friends have proven me wrong time and time again but Its hard to break free from what I have already accepted to be fact. maybe i'm right and everyone else wrong?

nobody will know what your experience is like, nobody

we're all thirsting for what's real

what do these clues say? Ive had some weird things before with solipsism but nothing that made me say yeah sollipsism makes sense

but if nothing exists then what are we experiencing?

what is being experienced?

I've had these same sensasions too but I can't define it.

It's time for all of you fags to turn off your devices, get offline, and go sit ouside, and do nothing but stare at the sky for 3 hours. Do it. Right now.

but its raining :(


computer games mostly - you can do anything but not unless you reach certain level
movies, tv shows - there´s always "another level" of existence, that may control those below
books - well, possibly combination of above, like there are gods that plays a game with mortals. Or you´re just higher being that choose "hard mode" in plane of mortals to live full lenght mortal life without any prior memories. Here goes the "past lives" shit. But you realize or thinking that "its something that couldn´t be real" and you´re supposed to be something way more than just mere human.

What we are experiencing might be just some experiment, or virtual reality, to blind us from the truth. But something tells us there´s something "outside the box"..

but if we're an experiment who is doing the experiments?

thats a bit bullshity mayne, I meant like your friends responding to your thoughts and stuff like that

Now let me tell you a .story

take in the possibility maybe you´re not alone in this? like.. lel, we all here itt sharing smillar thoughts?

well i do not dare to think who, like.. if we die, do we just disconnect? or "reload" and go again?

Makes sense to me.

Scares me shitless, but makes sense.

No someone said sometimes a friend responds to what im thinking without me saying it (paraphrased)
Thats what I was asking aboot

And btw, Remember the most important law of hermeticism

so all of this is just happening inside a "mind" but what mind? is there a greater force behind the one you explained?

ah, gotcha..

higher beings in mortal shells, sometimes accidentally using their possible powers? like sixth sense

I was asking for examples man
I was thinking about how much I love dragon dildoes and then my friend asked me if I liked dragon dildoes

Mind does not equal brain. So it's not "inside" the mind. It IS the mind.

how can something exist?

how about the thing with macroverse? we are so tiny inside something so large we even cannot comperhend it… like in this video.. why does the supercluster resembe neuron network inside brain?

it also resembles a tumbleweed, a tree branch and the cracks coming out of my puckered asshole



is this going to be the cat's cradle all over again?

That's actually the same question god is asking.
Reality is god contemplating his own existence.
But since everything comes from nothing, this is a paradox.
The fact it takes forever to solve a paradox, means reality ends up existing for infinity.
You see, god is that which knows all. But since it takes forever to solve a paradox, god can only exist at the end of infinity, at the end of time.

Logic is just a meme. It is not the core of understanding.


If you've taken psychedelics before, your opinion is officially bullshit


I don't think you belong in this thread

since everything emerges from nothing, and no shortage of nothing, we can actually have an infinite simulation

Something and Nothing, Truth and Lies

Before the beginning, there was a 50% chance that nothing would exist and a 50% chance that something would exist. In order to determine whether something or nothing would exist, they decided to flip a coin. However, in order for there to be a coin to flip, the coin had to exist, so something had already won. Therefore, we exist because something is a lying, cheating bastard.

Many religions have a strong sense of dichotomy between truth and lie. In Zoroastrianism, there are two gods, one of truth, one of lies. In Norse polytheism, the chief god is Odin, who represents wisdom and truth; his main adversary is Loki, god of lies and trickery. In Christianity, Jesus is "The Truth, The Way, and The Life," while Satan is often described as a trickster and liar.

However, in each of these cases, existence is NOT BASED ON THE TRUTH. According to Zoroastrianism, when the god of truth defeats the god of lies, existence will end. According to Norse polytheism, Ragnarok (the end of the world) will be the final battle between Odin and Loki, and the world will end when the god of truth defeats the god of lies. According to Christian prophecy in Revelations, at some point all the true believers will be swept up, leaving the world to the lie.

The more closely you look at existence, especially at life and at the psychology of most "higher" organisms, the more apparent this becomes. Take dating: the more obvious it is that you want a relationship, the more likely the other person is to run from you. Teasing them, pretending not to like them, and generally playing "hard to get" makes the other person try harder to get you. Take economics:

The more you demand, the more you have to pay for what you receive; the more you supply, the less you receive for what you give. Take physics: every action causes an equal but OPPOSITE reaction. Take politics: attempts to stamp out drug use, alcohol use, gambling, prostitution, poverty, and hunger have a history of worsening the problem.

humans and monkeys can interbreed, user.

There's billions and billions of individuals on this planet, the chances of all of these weird occurrences happening to a few individuals(while being under the influence of psychedelics nonetheless) are higher than us you being possessed by demons

Now please tell me when to buy bitcoin

OP here.

I converted to Absurdism after my experiences

Space time singularity becomes everything, everything eventually becomes a space time singularity again thus making another everything
Big bounce man


through the magic of language and deduction , we can peel back the veil, and map the true shape of reality, the way god is doing.

Your mind (all our minds) are littered with pre programmed assumptions that entered our minds subconsciously (most assumptions formed when we were gullible kids). These assumptions exist in the subconscious, therefore are hard to notice.
Certain drugs can increase your chance of noticing certain assumptions, be shaking you out of your normal thought pattern (off the beaten path).
Assumptions are useful. They allow us to function. If we questioned everything, nothing would ever get done…
…but assumptions also hide the true nature.

I still don't know how exactly to do this could you please explain it better

Perhaps it would have been easier if I started this thread by saying "I have seen the fnords".

That wouldn't make sense to most people. Then again, there isn't a way to make this experience make sense, unless you're experiencing it, in which case you want everything to STOP making sense, as suggested.

It's hard to understand if you haven't experienced it.

It's hard to explain if you have.

what is big bounce?

can you just try to explain it so i can understand i want to do the thing please

I'm not sure if you can just "experience" this kind of thing.

It feels like you finally "get it" but what you get isn't it, and what's it is trying to get you…

I've probably done too many psychedelics, and that may be the cause of these experiences, but I don't think that makes my opinion invalid.

but the dude said if you think to yourself about yourself you can induce this what does that mean cunt

Fair enough.
I just don't want you people spreading snake oil that makes people feel special because they're G*d's chosen. That's the kind of shit I do when I want to get in a girl's pants. And every time they fall for it

Everyone's desperate for someone to make them feel special


Mmm indeed, fellow undead

this is a pretty good explanation too. I remember trying to break the code to earn admin.

What I just said, eventually the universe will become a space time singularity again, because a space time singularity created the universe it would make sense that this new space time singularity will do it again, this process is called the/a big bounce

thanks for not helping i don't see why you cant try to just explain how to do it

I really hope this thread doesnt infect all you with this circular thought pattern that gives you the most absurd experience and feeling, I really don't want to go back ever again. a trickle of the thought at most. turn it too on and yer like "OH GOD, OH Shit, WHAT HAVE I DONE?"

So does just thinking about myself in general work? Also: How long?

I induced it by spray painting in a tunnel everyday and writing poetry everyday. when i went back to my old writing it was almost like time had looped and my writings became reality after i wrote them.

like open "pandora's box" BAM and i was in a completely different place saying "how did i get here, what is reality?" and everything just… made sense.

He was absorbed in thought
take a hint.

OP here.

After experiencing it over 8 times, I am now able to carefully think about it throughout the day without it actually happening.

Sometimes it still happens, it happened to me 2 days in a row a few months ago but it hasn't happened since then.



I've taken a liking to calling it "pandoras box"

im fucking retarded you need to spoon feed it to me

if i do 1000mg of DXM will it happen

the other time i just woke up one day in a euphoric feeling and everything was talking in a linear motion. My thoughts and reality were having a conversation. I don't know how i got there, and most of my memory is kinda weird about what happened since ive been trying desperately to flush it out of my system, whatever it was.

and yeah, it's pretty much pandora's box. you hop into a strange car with a strange smell and see strange things you can't describe to anyone you know around you and risk sounding like a complete lunatic.

y is it scary?
do you have such a tight grip on reality, that you keep realizing it isn't actually real? Y

Other people realize that we live in a parody of reality, and that there is always something infinately larger looming over our minds.

Become absorbed in thought.


Imagine you're just chilling out inside your own mind and then some random dickhead comes along and let's you know what you're thinking, that you're thinking too hard, and that your thoughts are dangerous.

And then they let you know if you don't stop that they'll do something to you to make you stop.

it feels like that.

so is it like the opposite of meditating instead of clearing your mind you fill it with thoughts?

Yeah! It's kind of like that.

Except it's a form of meditation, to let your mind wander. Meditation was never just "stop thinking". There are many forms.

Reality is what you see and feel, in the simplest form, but in a more in depth context, its what we preserve it to be, what actually exists? Why should we preserve such things to exist, like our own being or family, friends…people.

Reality is why us as human beings exist

imagine everything and everyone you've ever known and cherished in this life.

Now imagine all of it being blown away with a single bullet.

I literally met a guy in the middle of a forest that said his family has been enslaved by the U.S. government, and has been trained to kill people since birth, and told me his family was a german experiment to create the super human at the complete apex of human evolution while giving weird hints as to knowing what i did. "you know what you did down in that tunnel don't you?"

I wasn't on drugs, I wasn't doing anything illegal besides thinking very fast, and very intensely to myself while shit posting about random thoughts on a blog.

Im not making this shit up. to this day I'm still not sure what they guy was saying i "did"

could you green text some of your experiences with this happening or at least just one of them

The universal soul or "God" is just the base code for the universe, which in essence is nothing. It is intangible, all knowing, all encompassing. But to understand nothing, you must understand something. How can you know what nothing is without something to compare it to? This is where creation happens. This is why religion tells us judgement is something reserved for God. By making judgements and comparisons you expand on reality through the power of association/creation. Dissociation/destruction is only considered "sinful" because you're not supporting the current paradigm. Truth is dogmatic illusion, yet illusion is all we can experience, its what we project. The truth is that there is no meaning. Awareness is just a probability simulator, that will always exist. God could be some overarching soul that contains the universe. Fusing with this soul could also dissipate your entire being. We won't know till we get there. Good and evil are both valid choices, but these paths lead to answers. Answers destroy the illusion. The middle path is the path of the infinite, of the AllSource. That which is neither, yet both. God's Insane Delusion.

Welcome To The Arena! Hope you enjoy your stay ^~^

Planck length doesn't work like voxels. You can rationally discuss taking an item two planck lengths long and moving it forward by 1/4 of its own length.

at peak i went maybe 4-5 months.

At this point i treat it sorta like "the game" where my game is to not think about the game.

ITT: people conflate the confusing and the profound. tip: If you can't explain something in clear, explicit terms you don't really understand it.

that's the whole trip you're on, Trying to explain the trip but so absorbed in it that you open doors you didn't realize exist which alter your reality. The trip just so happens to be reality itself.

prove it

So God is physics? If you meant something else you should have said that.

If you mean physics that's a tautology. If you mean something else you should have said so.

ooh, hand-wavy and mystical. Or another tautology.

Creation happens when things come to exist? Is that what you're saying?

Religion is a set of beliefs, usually in the supernatural. When you believe in the supernatural you're stepping out of the realm of physics. Only some religions teach what you just said. And none of them I've ever heard of limit themselves to known reality.

lolwut? Any intelligent entity is capable of creation? If this is true it's provable. Yet in all the world's history no one has been able to prove it despite many attempts.

So what I hear you saying is "I don't know the difference between physics and religion"

I'm just going to stop here. I've said enough to convince the rational reader and the irrational reader will buy in to the next feel-good bullshit philosophy anyway. You are an idiot or a con artist. Probably both. Also your mom's a whore.

Fuck… that sounds very frightening. Nobody has told me they know what I was "doing" besides while I was experiencing it.

(I was too afraid to leave, I thought there was someone waiting for me to go outside)

I always sleep it off when it happens, except the last few times which were at work. I can tell those stories if anyone wants.


I for one don't fucking understand it, that doesn't mean I can't talk about it.



I didn't say you can't talk about things you don't understand. I said an inability to explain it clearly prove a lack of understanding.

What doors in reality? You're hand-waving. Are you talking about something that alters reality in a provable, repeatable way?


The story I am about to relate, though constructed on a patchwork of fiction, is nevertheless symbolic of certain phenomena based in reality. Furthermore, I predict that, when the words here graven have been amplified, they will begin their transformation into truth.

Every event serves to emphasize the existence of one's own personal reality, and as individuals separate from all others, we desire a place to belong.
However, that, too, is but an egotistical concept. In order for there to be mutual understanding, it is necessary to recognize here and now that, like the brain synapses, we are all – connected.

lain is lain. lain is lain
Each is separate – yet they are one.
By connecting, humanity gains first awareness of its function as a seed.
By connecting, a human no longer remains a mere end-point, a "terminus," but becomes a junction to another point, having won the right to serialize itself.
The ability to connect is the ability to continue – they are one and the same.
This not only applies to the connection of axial coordinates but temporal coordinates as well. Therefore, at the time when a conscious, intentional connection is made, surely the dead will rise from their intended place, appearing at the time coordinate of the connection's origin.

In that moment, the realization shall dawn that the time in which we inhabit our physical bodies is but the starting point of connection, and the very meaning of possessing a physical body at all shall be questioned.
You must not fear this tale.
What you must fear – is lain

Recognize that you are connected.
Serialize thyself.

The funny thing is I believe in Lain and I still don't believe this hand-wavy cat's shittle


im not a scientist, im a man that had a weird experience and an out of body experience trying his best to explain what happened when I myself would never ever speak any of this or write any of this out out of fear of being thrown in a hospital.

you've got it all backwards

nigger, you smoke too much weed. what did I tell you about psychedelics

I don't believe a cartoon computer program controls reality. I believe it will. I do believe in drug induced psychosis

Everything is real, everything.


Okay, first off, I want to state that I have OCD. This is seriously freaking me out because shortly after I got these feelings of reality being absurd, I got that thought too. It came into my mind almost instantly, saying that if I continued to push I'd get my mind limited.

Weed isn't a psychedelic. I don't smoke weed.

Holy shit, did She take that picture?


You've had similar experiences?

They're not fun.


wow, surprisingly a lot of people here have had this shit happen too…

I'm used to disturbing images and nearly sentient thoughts plowing through my mind. It's incredibly frustrating and disturbing, but I live with them. The feeling of abyss that comes with knowing that you've stepped onto the other-side of whatever the fuck this is doesn't even compare.

Forget it. I'm just gonna go on /x/ for my daily spooky dose instead

I'm unenlightened as shit, is this image just /x/ pulling a /mu/?

Shut the fuck up, you little bitch.

The elite are really fucked and got themselves in a mess, they have created a monster AI that is inconceivable to the public. It's absolutely crazy. They are degenerates, they love it. It's all in a book by an mindkontrolled ex-supersoldier. It's irrational. You couldn't even get your head around the kind of secret technology they have. It's everywhere. There is no hope for them. Time to wake up. It's too late for most.

Holla Forums /x/ is dead

4chan /x/ started on Holla Forums.

It's time for all of you fags to turn off your devices, get offline, and go sit outside, and do nothing but stare at the sky for 3 hours. Do it… Right now.

bullshit thread detected

OP only posted this shit so that the next person to post something smart like this would sound like an idiot

nice bait
go back too Lefty Politically Incorrect

Okay, let me make sure I have this straight. To induce the spooks, I need to drop everything else and start deeply thinking long and hard about random shit and then I get a bad feel like I shouldn't have done that then someone should come along and subtly or maybe not so subtly tell me they know what I'm thinking, possibly being disturbingly specific, and tell me I need to stop. That about it?

The sky didn't tell me anything

Reality was created in august 1 1845 by aliens who didn't have anything to watch on TV

The Black Iron Prison

im type 3
Get on my level maynes

i'm type 2

no wait i'm retarded i'm type 1

Im mainly type 1 and 2 aswell but I listen to some type 3 so I feel entitled to be that type
Why am I even looking into this normally I would be ashamed to like such obscure music

This probably belongs in a new thread, but…

My favorite artist is Aphex Twin.


Have any idea on how I can bring something back with me? Be that technology or entity .

pics or didn't happen

user, you don't undertstand. Pi IS the thing we're talking about. We fucked up.

Pi is God? What?

So are these experiences just psychotic breaks


I have the feeling universe expands and collapses cyclic and everything repeats but a little bit different than before. Also I have dejavus and feelings become reality.
Kill me now

OP here, same.

The more I watch world events the more I realize that humans are doomed. We are a cancer of this planet, and we need to be wiped out. And I'm only one man who can only watch one channel at a time,

Now imagine how quickly an AI would come to the same conclusion…




dude I can see a bee in that pic.


this bread feels like cats cradle from last year

You're that same faggot from the cyberpunk board.

bzz bzz ;o

that's a Norwegian bee/ i would like some Norwegian bee milk.

Decipher the texts of all you've done
and the open door will show you no more,
Written language is the life of my soul
So don't forget don't regret anything you know

Nothing's right, nothing's true
and all your words fold turn into you
Kindness from my cruel and my Red eyes shift into blue
Nothings left and nothing's true
all your words fold turn into you
Kindness from my cruel and my red eyes shift into blue

All your words have power
All your words have their own strength
All your words they are all binding
They might just tie you into place

Nothing's right, nothing's true
and all your words fold turn into you
Kindness from my cruel and my Red eyes shift into blue
Nothings left and nothing's true
all your words fold turn into you
Kindness from my cruel and my red eyes shift into blue

For the sea of my language
For the rest of all the days
try to take back anything that i may
But there's nothing left to be said

Nothing's right, nothing's true
and all your words fold turn into you
Kindness from my cruel and my Red eyes shift into blue
Nothings left and nothing's true
all your words fold turn into you
Kindness from my cruel and my red eyes shift into blue

We knoe you FUCCBOI.

Combine AI with quantum

Yes, op is just psychotic and refuses to get treatment.
OP your are not a snowflake and your world view is as equally invalid as everyone else's.


samefagging hard

it's called synchronicity

Not really.

Haha yeah dumbass because I forgot the link the first time. Nice work Nancy Drew

Who programmed you to say that?