Why don't they just fuck off and die? Why hasn't there thread been deleted or spammed for shits and giggles?
They are shit cancer and need to go elsewhere.
Why don't they just fuck off and die? Why hasn't there thread been deleted or spammed for shits and giggles?
They are shit cancer and need to go elsewhere.
most of the active posters on Holla Forums are the horsefuckers
sad but true
dysnomia IS a horsefucker
dude, you can have sex with animals and they'll never complain or report you. You're missing out.
Why does it bother you so much?
They keep to their own thread..
It literally effects you or yhe reat of the board in any meaningful way whatsoever.
Maybe I should proof read my posts.
*It literally doesn't effect you or the board in any way..
Brony faggot detected.
This place isn't their dedicated shitting ground like they think it. Allowing them to remain only hurts Holla Forums. Mind you that 90% of those fucks are also tripfags, its a giant tripfagging, namefagging circle jerk.
It's the cancerous growth on the testicles of this board. They need to be cut because they also shit up other threads too.
Good reason to purge, they think they've found a haven. They need to be sent back to whatever faggot hole they came from.
Fuck off coward.
Eat shit ponyfag
damnit user - everytime someone complains about something, that causes an influx of people ironically and unironically posting what said user complained about. It's one of the unwritten rules of the internet, simplified down to "your resistance only makes my penis harder" (old meme)
Doesn't change the fact it needs to be addressed. Saying nothing is worse to be honest.
Being an apologist isn't a smart thing to do.
If it triggers you so much just botspam their thread with multiple proxies until they leave. If they start posting horsefucking images outside their thread they will be b&. Simple.
Having ventured a couple times into their thread, and having thought exactly like you before that experience, you have the wrong idea about what they're about.
A surprising number of them are not at all horsefuckers or even into the horsefucking cartoon, but just have a bunch of related reaction images. It's essentially the Holla Forums community thread, in a way. People are nice there and talk about their day and real life and stuff.
I say let 'em be, if I ever went through some kind of serious stress and needed to talk to someone who wasn't a friend, honestly I'd go to them. They would listen and give actual advice and support and whatnot.
How does it feel to be a raging faggot?
Also what is up with the homo scat pics sometimes?
pretty nice tbqh fam