Otherkin Confirm to be the new Trans
People laughed at Holla Forums but not anyone. Now we are seeing a mainstream push for Otherkin right rights.
It's Happening! Otherkinism becoming normalized in the UK
This shit should be laughed at and seen as not normal. Why do idiots want to normalize stuff that is not normal? What do they gain from this?
Inb4 fire hydrants required to be in every bathroom for dogkin.
How new are you?
Victim complexes and "fighting for the oppressed" gives people political power. The media promotes it because it's so damn shocking that people will tune in. They're choosing this kind of shit because mainstream media like TV and newspapers are dying out.
what do? Britons are fucking creeping me out now
Because of jews, leftism and lack of moral authority.
Don't go to Britain. It's full of sandniggers and cucks, anyway. Wait until the European Race War begins.
I kind of want to see this happen just for the keks.
;_; i love traditional comfy british houses, their pubs,soccer culture..its like an island. But an islan full or scholarly stuff, not a island full of naked savages
Maybe here lies the key to uncucking of Catholicism? Never saw any Christian here bringing it up and discussing it.
That sounds too believable
Meme magic ?
I'm pretty sure we can make a mess out of this like the end father's day.
Because the Talmud says goyim are soulless beasts. Once you manage to convince people that they have no soul then it's no surprise that they act like beasts.
The most important piece of the puzzle missing from many in the alt-right, NrX, Reactionary, etc is a rejection of materialism. Until we can acknowledge that we are more than mere matter, until we can shirk from our shoulders the chains of naturalism, we will be doomed to cyclical and regressive leftism.
Remember, the core of all liberal, progressive and Marxist philosophy is the rejection of our Spirit and our Soul. We are transcendent beings, who can see but a fraction of who we are with our eyes.
If you convince a Man he is just another animal, as the poster before me noted, can you be surprised when he begins acting like an animal?
Isn't there a furry webcomic base around this concept?
If you have even basic hygiene standards DO NOT live with people you don't know in the UK!! I made this mistake once and I've regretted it ever since. British people are some of the most disgusting fucks on earth and they literally enjoy sleeping in their own shit.
If that also means revoking their human rights, then let it happen. At least then by law they're no longer considered human and can be dealt with much more conveniently.
Otherkin hunting season when?
Have you considered Australia?
It's like Britain but British.
remember when similar thread was shunned as sliding not too long ago? it keeps happening
Do they still go to work? If so, this is just a slightly unusual sexual fetish. If no, let's have a long laugh at Britain's generous welfare system.
How long ago? Before last summer, there weren't quite as many news/examples threads, sure, but nobody complained. Are you claiming that something's being slid? This is a pretty slow board, take a look at what's at the end of the catalog, it can probably be sacrificed.
Sounds like a future made up hitler war crime.
So we're supposed to take the shit Eurotrash used to mock seriously?
t. Mohammed Ibn-Shabab from Melbourne
You can't be serious mate? Australia is compromised too.
It happened a few years ago. I woke up after a heavy night to read the news and find that a drug called roflcopter had been circulating in Britain and I felt like I'd woken up in an episode of Brass Eye.
This proves it. Britain is no longer part of reality and is instead an extended episode of Chris Morris' bizarre comedy show.
How far will you be pushed before you snap?
Not much further
Slave morality, essentially.
At its base: morality lies in a reaction, rather than the action. Action is universally bad.
implying everything hasn't snapped for everyone long ago
oh look more American cancer spreading to the rest of the world
It was my post
the british are a waste. they used to be such a great people, a lot of great brits. Sad!
He is wearing that ironically, doesn't he?
that strikes me as completely ironi
duh, if he was an actual otherkin he'd have his dick out and it would be a pov shot with less laughing and more heaving sweaty groaning
Sorry, only saw the thumbnail when I posted.
pretty handsome for a jew.
Trannies won't let that happen. They aren't done with the spotlight and they and the LGBT establishment haven't locked down freedom to groom and assault minors yet.
perfect time to upload the webm that I hate the most.
More like America now
Stick with the old britcoms they re-run on PBS. All the classic brit without the cuck.
The one about furfags earlier this week? If it had a better OP and was more clear on being an anti-degeneracy thread and wasn't derailed by some furfag jewtopia movie shill it might have fared better.
This fucking garbage ass site can't even post mp4s anymore, fuck this shit
I thought I would have snapped by now, I'm surprised I haven't.
’TIS done—but yesterday a King!
And arm’d with Kings to strive—
And now thou art a nameless thing:
So abject—yet alive!
My God. I actually want to see if they can make it happen just out of the curiosity of how low humanity can sink.
Maybe we should push it just for the lulz.
As someone who owns multiple masks like this,they piss off furries and otherkin,because you're "mocking their identity."
You don't wear these things seriously.
If you remove all the taboo from the abnormal, those who are abnormal will not defensively protect their privacy to hide their deviance. Security/surveillance state is thus easier to implement
You know, I read that the Egyptian hell is reserved for people who have violated the natural order. In it, everything is in reverse to symbolize their violations of nature. Damned souls are forced to walk backwards and on their heads, eat feces, drink, urine, and their cries are ignored by Osiris as he makes his nightly journey into the Underworld. Then, they are thrown into outer chaos and tortured by demons until they themselves become demons.
I don't know why I posted this but I guess I wanted to say that eating shit, drinking piss, and then being flogged by angry spirits sounds like a normal occurrence for these people and those that they associate with.
This should have been the case with Trannies, but now the US has a president who makes bathroom decrees, and the UK issues travel warnings to places (NC) that are unsafe for trannies.
Not sure if the UK or USA even worth saving
If you want to ask Holla Forums and /cow/ for help. Holla Forums getting involve in tumblr raids usually end up making the world worst. This how free bleeding became a real thing
I'd rather see things accelerate. If it happens too slow than it will be normalized generation after generation like it has been for the past 75 years.
Its like the old frog in the boiling pot story.
Go ahead. But don't complain if you prone to regrets
Humanity really is in need of a good purge
Ok, i drew the line at trannies. All those ones i met are seriously fucked in the head and/or suicidal. But at least they could pull through and try to be normal, or even detransition when they come to their senses. Assuming they left their balls intact.
These guys though, will not be the case. Sooner or later we'll have plastic surgery and chemical procedures to morph their shape. Medical complications aside, they'll then have to live with the expensive and seemingly irreversible decision they've made. They will stand out. They can't hide what they've done to themselves. Debt from the procedures will keep them from reverting back to normality. They could blame others, they could blame peoples "intolerance" but at the end of it all, it's all on them. They made the choice to ruin their futures. They can't be saved, they can't be bothered with. The only thing we ought to do is keep our loved ones from falling down the dark path. We need to save them before it's too late.
Not like we don't know that already.
You nigger faggot, the message is simple. You cannot save the white race until you purge the degenerates from the white race.
"Alt-Right" and everyone who identifies as suck is a reddit-tier edgelord faggot and everything Holla Forums has always hated. That hatred now seems diluted because of the influx of said faggots onto Holla Forums
And all the D&C pagan prostate ticklers getting shitter-shattered every time he mentions the Bible, maybe try reading the new testament and you'll understand.
Remember when they said the slippery slope wasn't real?
Save me from this hell, I beg of you Lord. Forgive my sins.
Just came across this today.
There is something really wrong with the Brits.
They were the first to industrialize and are further along the degeneracy curve than most white western countries are.
That's already happened though. See: that transgender tiger-man who killed himself.
Trips confirm you'll be saved but not before you go through hell first.
So peaceful. So progressive. So tolerant.
If they believe they are animals and identify as dog does that mean they have to be put down if they hurt people like a regular dog?
So it's weird. There's nothing else wrong with it. Faggots can act like dogs, and we can have girls that act like cats.
Not a big deal.
The purpose of Cultural Marxism is to weaken traditional Western society so communist revolution will become more likely.
This guy is making a mockery of man's best friend.
Good thinking user. They need to put into 'sleep' hehehe.
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law
Honestly, that reads like a sensationalized account of someone who was doing an interesting life experiment.
Anti-catgirl is anti-white.
But why do Asians in particular always do the cat thing? So common?
Fuck off to your blackpill demoralization shilling CommonCuckold.
Literally nothing related to what I said beyond your blackpill-shilling cuckold e-celeb. We're talking about a man that says white nationalism is bad because defending/supporting your own race is the same as worshipping it over MUH GOD, and takes time out of a series about tumblrfags being degenerate and retarded to shit on Holla Forums because OY VEY THEY'RE TALKING ABOUT KEK AND MEME MAGIC OY GEVALT THAT'S NOT KOSHER
Fuck off degenerate.
Whatever the failings of their culture, they don't demonize femininity the way Western culture does, thanks to feminism.
In the West, you would never see a big name model the equivalent of Aki Hoshino acting like that. They would consider it demeaning. It wasn't always like that.
That sounds very familiar for some reason.
Some reason…
Here's a great video showing how unfeminine women have become. It compares Ann Margret's opening for Bye Bye Birdie from the early 60s with an attempt at mimicking it by an actress from the late 2000s.
Ann Margret is endlessly charming and innocent, whereas the modern woman simply showcases her narcissism.
that vid just made me want to kill myself, holy fuck boomers had it all, easy jobs, actual women, a homogenous country and they blew it all up.
Jewish fiction is a mixed bag. At the very least, I wouldn't base my life on it.
I never got into the Torah either.
Did you ever see Mad Men? Amazing TV series, though it fell off after the first 3 or 4 seasons.
It is supposed to be a show revealing how horrible life was in the early 60s, and it does pretty much the opposite.
Yet twerking your ass like a prostitute is for ages 6 and up!
Cue pootine fries webm. These degenerates love it
Whatever happened to just doing weird shit in your bedroom?
It is wrong, it's wrong on many levels. For starters these people really deep down just want to fuck animals, but it's illegal in most places to bang animals, so they make up the excuse that they're "otherkin" to try and justify fucking animals
Holy fuck that "imitation" is deplorable. That actress has the 1000 cock stare so bad she can't even IMITATE femininity even though she was built to embody it
60s bitch is coquette-ish, double-aught bish is a jaded old whore
pics related
Anti-degeneracy isn't anti-white
Honestly, I don't think that is it at all. It would be far easier to quietly fuck dogs on their own.
This is closer to historical therianthropy, but in a more sexualized context.
I could never find a video of her, but Adam Parfrey wrote about Kristine Ambrosia doing lycanthropic performances. She was tied in with the 80s industrial music/underground art scene.
Good description.
You cannot be a Christian and be anti-communist. The New Testament specifically advocates communal ownership of property. If you don't follow the laws of your religion, you aren't a member of it.
post a citation plox
I was transfixed by the early series of Mad Men.
What a wonderful world it was.
I actually read that this (not the webm obviously, but the thing that this was from) was supposed to be satire and the creators actually intended to show people how ridiculious liberals are and that they cause harm to the mental health of children.
Tried but stopped at all the screen time the annoying cunt wife with shaky hands was getting. Does it get any better?
I would suggest sticking with it, yes.
I enjoyed it right up until the end. It does a good job of presenting the societal changes that occur over the period it is set.
From a Holla Forums perspective it shows decline but it could equally be perceived as “progress”. The series itself doesn’t really cast bias however. At least not a major one.
Acts 2:44-46
St. Luke 18:18-25
I skimmed, there may be more.
I am glad I deleted my tumblr and got out. Anyone there cold have seen this coming since 2010…
Dubs confirm. They are abominations and yet they have the balls to believe that they're on "the right side of history."
at least that doesnt have sexual under-tones
Acts details what they did after. They did not say "thou must live in a commune", it contextual ices what they did.
Luke is not meant to say "everyone should live in a communist utopia", but rather to challenge the man who was selfish and concerned only with worldly things despite claiming his own righteousness. God humbles all men.
Terrible picks.
Just what the fuck
If you ever want a shock, read some reviews of the series where they go on about all of the sexism and misogyny, when the women themselves lead lives that on a fundamental level would be dream options for women today…work a short time for some company, land a husband with good prospects, then quit and have kids with few cares or responsibilities.
The dynamic between Don, Peggy, and Pete is fascinating as well. The latter two are both sort of lost characters looking for a supportive father/older brother/mentor figure. Peggy actually gets it from Don, Pete doesn't. Peggy is definitely the more talented of the two, but Pete shows enormous drive and loyalty, and simply needs to feel that he belongs a little in a demanding and artificial work environment that makes it hard for him to find his manhood. Peggy turns out to be kind of a snippy, ungrateful bitch, whereas Pete later shows what a decent guy he is.
I know it's just a TV show, but the point is that you will see Peggy described as a feminist heroine in the series, and Pete as some sleazy character, when the characters were written as fairly balanced in good and negative qualities over the course of the show.
I can wait as far as it'll go. Don't blame me, I just want to see where this ends.
Yeah, they are so far the decadence that subconsciously men decide to just give up.
This is the ongoing reversal of all norms. Instead of feeling shameful about aspects of ourselves that we instinctively know are perverse, we are to wear our demons on our sleeve, exalting in our bravery to sin.
If it becomes common for people to wear suits that hide their identities won't it also become much easier to hide a person's identity when they commit crimes?
It's just asking for trouble.
I bet this guy is a undertale fan