Have you ever paid attention and noticed your tastes in porn and fetishes changing over time?

Have you ever paid attention and noticed your tastes in porn and fetishes changing over time?
Maybe becoming more degenerate as you get older? Craving new experiences?

I used to be very casual in my choice of porn. And I still mostly am in form, but I notice certain plot or setting-wise traits attracting me much more, while they repelled me in the past. For example, when I first touched hentai as a teenager, I was disgusted at the mere thought of incest porn. Yet as the years passed, first I got into sisterly incest, then motherly incest became my top fetish, and now I frequently search for fathers fucking their daughters, even though this one used to creep me out for most of my life.
Until not so long ago, ntr was an instant turnoff for me, but recently I did come across several pieces where it did not bother me in the least. Not explicitly attracted, but it might change.
I remember first time seeing all-the-way-through tentacle porn when I was 14 or so, closing the window in shock. 10% of my sadpanda favorites now feature it.

Dumping a completely casual /ss/ for the thread


Mines actually gotten less degenerate over time. Both in content and style. When I was in high school I could jerking it to the shit tier porn with a barely fuckable chick and horrible production, but now everything is about aesthetics and emotion. I have a few degenerate hold outs (old dudes and younger girls will always be hot to me), but I've made some some massive purges of my porn database.


Guess I'm being engulfed by the abyss that I swim though. Most of the new fetishes I develop are the ones I come across while looking for content related to my old top-tier fetishes.

While I'm on it, just wanted to say: If anybody knows any good porn comics (hentai, western, does not matter) that have the plot of sexually educating somebody (either a class in school, or mother teaching her child), I beg you to share it.

This is some awful art.

Calm your tits, I have more, and not from the same artist
Also, over the years I stopped caring about porn artstyle so much. As long as the story panders to my fetishes, it works



aw fuck, thanks 8chin for screwing up file order.
First picture is supposed to be the last. as you might have figured out from file names.