Where did everything go right?
White men are the only ones to get shit done
Every time I see that picture, I think he is playing some kind of weird recorder.
Didn't a woman who's only experience with firearms is going hunting with her dad take out like 20 professionally trained religious zealots
isn't the backstory for one of the characters "satan and death give this guy immortality and the ability to kill literally anything, and are then surprised when he kills satan, and he only exists because god wanted him to exist for some reason"
Didn't the one well-written character in the entire book get shit on constantly, for seemingly no reason, other than the writer seems to hate europeans
Didn't a french guy who's worst crime was illegally poaching horses die in a more grotesque manner than the literal pedophile degenerate
Wasn't one of the only genuinely good people, the war buddy of the main character's father, a black guy
Wasn't one of Starr's main henchmen a woman who was neither a hag nor a cumdumpster
Weren't almost all the villains white, and usually male
no seriously, Tulip and Cassidy had more personality, Herr Star's henchmen and even Arseface.
Jesse was cardboard.
I used to love this series but looking back it had a lot of flaws
you could try a little harder with that b8, user.
Is the comic worth reading?
That's because God is pretty much a Klan member, together with all the other southern stereotypes.
That one black detective is incompetent, but at least he is not a closeted masochist faggot like his white Dirty Harry-like partner. There is that Grail black guy too, but then you have Spaceman and Cindy to counter balance.
Haha, no. People don't often recognize this, but Ennis gotta have the biggest strong independent women repertory in comics. Maybe not so much in Preacher, but here you have Tulip, Tulip's girlfriend (who also likes guns), Cindy, Jesse's mom (who, okay, eventually gets old), that Grail chickā¦
You know, I actually really like Preacher and Garth Ennis. Ennis is a good writer, even with all the edgyness (what, by the way, is not necessarily a bad thing) of some of his work. He's also really interested in what he writes, specially war/history stuff, that's important.
Yet, Ennis is a huge liberal in some of his opinions. But not the brainwashed SocJus kind of liberal, the one with real opinions that doesn't always need to follow the narrative.
Sounds like Holla Forums blaming any resistance to its shilling on Holla Forums boogeymen
Sounds like you're hugging that scapegoat even harder. I didn't even mention Holla Forums.
Nice damage control there, bud.
Damage control implies I've hurt my image, which is basically impossible on an anonymous image board unless I were shameless enough to tripfag. And if you keep hugging that scapegoat the stuffing will burst out and you won't have one to hug anymore.
Forgot a UAB reaction to go with it.
No, it just means you're desperate to save Holla Forums's image.
But I'm not. It's just that you look pants-on-head retarded coming into a thread about a comic and whining about Holla Forums, THEN complaining that they invade. Nigger what is it that you're doing, then, if not invading? Let go of the goat, resist the urge to fuck it, and back to /whereveryoucamefrom/
And not just because I'm running out of amusing reaction images.
he can't help himself, he's a summerfag.
Nice meme.
how new are you, summerfag?
Not even Summer here moron. And I've been here for over a year.
Definitely, you'll hear the usual wankers call it edgy and such but its fucking good.
that's exactly what a summerfag sounds like
even worse
haha no
It had 2 nazis both written with the jew narrative.
one was a DBMS crazy who tried to rape jesse and the other was a kind gentle soul who just wanted to live in america.
jesse later made him hang himself.
oh I'm sorry if I pointed out that it shit on national socialists.
please tell me one of the other ideology's of Holla Forums preacher projected in a positive light.
If all your going to do here is try and bait people about politics you're kinda pathetic mate.
Why not go to Holla Forums itself instead of a comics board ?
Lacking in the testicular department maybe ?
all I did as put my 2 cents in lad, you don't have to respond to me.
Yes. Your 2 cents on politics,repeatedly, on a board about comics and cartoons.
lol pwn't n00b
i'm the op, you dumb nigger.
stay triggered nigger
good get but you're still a faggot
And you're still hugging that scapegoat.
at least i'm not a cuck
I'm pretty sure only cucks are that afraid of Holla Forums
i ain't afraid of Holla Forums, i'm the fucking op
And how the fuck am I supposed to know that, dumb nigger?
you aren't, bitch.
Obviously, cuck.
then why did you ask you stupid faggot
Where'd that pic come from?
To show how stupid it is to point you're OP, you double nigger.
You really are new.
Oi cunt, what'da say 'bout us?
Remember he is only here to shit up the thread and keep us from discussing comics. Filter and move on. Sage for off topic
op again, just finished reading book four. hoe-lee god-damn shit-balls of fire does this get better and better.
can't help it, i'm murican, got that need to wave my dick around and claim i'm better than everyone else