CONT. what's youre opinion on goth girls

CONT. what's youre opinion on goth girls
Im making this thread because I want to continue my convo with the other user about gettin pussy

Bamp so user can find this

Being a "Goth Girl" means she probably had a really fucked up childhood and will do any dirty thing you can imagine without too much encouragement. Definitely a bonus.
Women can't keep their collective illusion as angels if they don't keep their desires secret. They are just as base as everyone else.

Gotta find the right ratio though, I dated a goth once who was abused and the sex was great, everything else was terrible
Constant crying and bitching, lazy af and would always make problems out of shit
Never again mang

even the sluttiest woman only does that for chad. they will think its "creepy" and/or "weird" if a non chad tries to do that

Thats why you have to find a girl with the quirks you like but she thinks noone does
Dont date a goth you retard

i dont have enough money to go look on the other side of the planet if theres someone that might like me. i know that i wont find anyone in this shithole.

what shithole might be ?

yeah man where do you live?
And shipping yourself (Literally on a freighter)
Costs about 250$-750$ (depends where youre going)
And most european countries only ask for a tiny fee for you to become a citizen (Here its about 150 total over the course of a year or so)

eu. looks like everyone here already has a bf too. at least thats what they always talk about