Every citizen of the world should be required to take a penile plethysmograph while shown sultry images of children.
Anyone who fails will be castrated.
Every citizen of the world should be required to take a penile plethysmograph while shown sultry images of children.
Anyone who fails will be castrated.
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Good bait friend, have a bump.
but what if the guys taking the test got a boner aswell?
Skellies 1 humans 0
Beat them until their autism is cured
Where do we go as a society by allowing this? Either we go no where, or regress from it, or it gets worse. Where as if we choose a system that rather then castration, we chose indoctrination through kindness, and understanding the risks from that point on are same except we have no worry about it's future. Look at that recidivism rates for countries who's jails are like resorts. Also, this is a tactic to circumvent limited jail time for people not willing to have there sexual drive taken away. Again where do we go as country when we break the rule of law for personal satisfaction.
What, can you repeat that?
What, can you repeat that?
What, can you repeat that?
What, can you repeat that?
What, can you repeat that?
Where do we go as a society by allowing this? Either we go no where, or regress from it, or it gets worse. Where as if we choose a system that rather then castration, we chose indoctrination through kindness, and understanding the risks from that point on are same except we have no worry about it's future. Look at that recidivism rates for countries who's jails are like resorts. Also, this is a tactic to circumvent limited jail time for people not willing to have there sexual drive taken away. Again where do we go as country when we break the rule of law for personal satisfaction.
fucking triggered
let it get worse. If it is really as bad as you're making it sound then the problem will solve itself. Certainly making posts on Holla Forums will help though.
Why let it get worse, why not solve the problem now, why have to drain extra energy, and resources to take care of it later. That is not very economic, or logical.
It's not my problem in the first place.
What, can you repeat that?
What, can you repeat that?
It is not your say what goes, I was just responding to what you propose.
I see.
Are you thinking of doing something? It's not like the FBI isn't already constantly tracking them. I can tell you that what OP proposed is not going to happen.
What, can you repeat that?
What did he mean by this?
What did he repeat this?
No, just stating a more humane way to solve the problem.
The only people who should be treated so is those who wish to enact such things for others.
I'd rather find the source of why opportunists act so, usually cowards like you trying to set someone up as worse rhan them so they have easier access to things and avoid hostility themselves.
Desire doesn't dictate action. I'd be suprised if a dick didn't rise for a pussy.
I don't think people in or sucking up to govt should be allowed near children. They'd sell them for safety and mold them to be a sheild for themselves.
A good attitude for kids is their stuff is for someone else or themselves. Should encourage them to have a self, that their own body is theirs. Not infecting them with your cowardice in saying that you're good but others are bad. But by them being free to be whatever they are, you're not providing it, you're assisting it build itself. Some girl tries to hump you or something pay it no attention as if it didn't happen. Playfully throw them off. Some might ascociate attention, anything, with sex. Sex is for someone you love. Opportunism doesn't even approach that.
ask fbi. i think they have dealt with pedos before so they should know.
Dude, this will kill the entirety of the human race.
and that would only be a good thing.
I'm pretty sure fear and anxiety is a turn off for most people.
maybe its the reason why no one likes me then
Ow the edge
that's literally how you end the human race
just accept that little girls are sexy, you fucking psychopath!
Pedo detected
i am sexually attracted to your daughter, user.
How many goats you got?
how many goats you need?
about tree fiddy
I think it has been made very clear that you sick freaks are not welcome here. What in the hell is your problem? Go make your own sick ass pedo site somewhere else and stop disgusting all the people who aren't suferring from severe mental illness. GO AWAY, not only are you brainfucked babyfuckers, but what kind of fucking loser just keeps coming back where he is not welcome? Go away!
Ok, some extremely stupid individual keeps pointing out the fact that I created this page, as if it somehow contradicts my current opinions or stance on this subject. It is very easy to see, if you are smart enough to look, exactly what content I started this page with. I started this page because I was tired of deleting it every time some mentally ill person would create it. I started the page, added the few sentences at the top, and protected the page. This is of course no solution, some sick, twisted freak will just create another page, but at least this way those who come searching will see my message.
Obviously, your mental illness extends far beyond your libido. Any self-respecting, logical thinking human would simply go find somewhere else to go. Instead you disgusting scum keep coming here where you are obviously not welcome (imagine that), trying to force everyone else to accept you. We do not accept you, we never will. You make me sick, you are the only people on the planet that I would like to see suffering. You are the lowest lifeform imaginable, of less value than a tapeworm, and much more disgusting. You cannot change my opinion, since it is not opinion, but fact. If you disagree it is because you are mentally ill (duh).
Please go away. You are not wanted here. You make me sick, you cause harm to the wiki, too. There are other places you can go. Be reasonable adults and go there. It makes no sense at all for you to come here and harass people, trying to spread your disease. Leave us alone. What is wrong with you people?
u got problems
at least you dont talk about liking little boys. thats the only good thing. being both pedo and gay is just too disgusting
What about hot sweaty little girl anal?
And every prominent politician would test positive.
Let he without sin cast the first stone.
Small problem with your plan, this test only works on half the people in the world.
But not to worry, for the rest, there's this:
Of course castration isn't exactly possible either, but we could cut out their ovaries.
Scooping out their ovaries with a melon baller won't necessarily stop them from fucking children, they can still derive sexual pleasure. All you've done by shovelling out a female pedophile's ovaries is render her sterile.
Hell, even removing her ability to feel sexual pleasure won't eliminate her mental attraction to children. Nope, the only cure for pedophilia is a lobotomy.
So maybe it would be a good idea to find some other way of dealing with pedophilia that doesn't involve basically killing people.
So the police ia going to film children having sex, to see if it turns you on.
it's foolproof!
What about women pedophiles?
That's not nice.
I might be a pedo but at least I'm not gay.
if there were fishbaits equal to this bait then every species of fish would go extinct in no time
We should do that to all men.
This is my daughter, I'm a woman btw.
too old
why stop there? Throw in a polygraph and phrenological measurements too. :^)
At least you're willing to deal with us.
you can hate all day long but deep in your heart you know that its true
I'm not a pedo but I am a degenerate and I don't think I could look at something that taboo without getting a little turned on.
So much for teenaged boys coming through with their balls intact
What, can you repeat that?
What, can you rebeet that?
literally OP
What if being forced into doing a penile pletshymograph if that persons fetish?
Houston, we have a problem