Germans fleeing to Hungry to escape Muslims
You know what will happen, right? In 20 years these Atheist Germans will gain political power in Germany then demand the borders be opened to the 3rd world
Germans fleeing to Hungry to escape Muslims
You know what will happen, right? In 20 years these Atheist Germans will gain political power in Germany then demand the borders be opened to the 3rd world
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t. middle one
He certainly has the characteristic "light bulb" head of a Somali.
Well can't say they didn't deserve it. Be a limp-wristed cuck, lose your land. Hungary should keep the Leftist filth out of their nation. The last thing they need is millions of "refugee" German filth hording in and calling their government racist and protesting in the streets to let more Muslims in.
lel all the leftist cuckold Hungarians are fleeing the country only to be replaced by right-wing Germans who despise multiculturalism. Combine this with the fact that the fastest growing party in Hungary right now is Jobbik - a legit Nationalist party that openly names the Jew - and you have an interesting situation. I hope Hungary annexes Austria and the old Empire is restored.
but Poland doesn't accept them, lol
L.O.L., how do you know that the fleeing Germans are atheist, O.P.?
The article says that, according to the Hungarian real estate agents, it's specifically right-wing Germans that hate muslims who are fleeing to Hungary. They are fleeing specifically because Hungary is overwhelmingly white and Christian.
It says they immigrate because they fear Muslims, while Hungary is the destination of choice because of its lack of Muslims (which they pathetically fear). Doesn't sound very Right-wing to me to cower and run like a little bitch. I guarantee they're mostly closet Lefties, like most Germans. In no time they'll be preaching about tolerance and equality. Germans are going to be a plague on Hungary, just like Muslims are on Germany. Ironic. The Hungarians never even considered closing their borders to their fellow Europeans, and that'll be their downfall more than likely.
Looks like the need a shitload more razorwire.
Atheist Germans will gain political power in Germany
The bad material is cowardly fleeing again and gives proud nationalists enough voting power to start the 4th reich.
No they are not.
You are either willing to die for your country or kill yourself.
Fucking cowards.
Maybe its are just the old infertile ones tho, we got way too many of those in germany.
50+ guys will only drop cash then go into pension then die and I hope that the youth wont flee our country already.
Viva la hungry!
This kind of thread again huh.
I seen that video on a hunfag forum (no yt).
They started the report with sad looking brown kids and soilders packing barbed wire playing sad music in the background.
In the report they had some older people, laughing and the voiciovers every second word is flüchtling.
Than they had shown back street from a town zooming on a pot hole and road patch and a run down house, again zooming in slowly, playing sad music in the background.Im sure those are only exist in this country.
Overall imo very biased lefty propaganda.
Btw it was filmed in this town
you cant go 2 minutes without hearing germans, french and italian in BP takingin the tram or underground
info park area is full of germans
I'm German and if any based Hungarian is reading this, than I want him to know that he can beat, abuse, discriminate or even fucking kill those fucking traitors if he met one. Those people abandoned their home and their people when it needs them the most and therefore thy don't deserve to have a new country they can call home or new people they can see as their people. And most importantly they don't deserve a pleasant and peaceful life, because they didn't fought for it. If you see any of those than directly them them all of this. Especially those words….
"You are not better than the scum that is flooding Europe right now! You are as vile and disgraceful as them, that's why you are not welcome here. Get the fuck out and return where you belong."
… on second thought, don't tell them do come back to Germany, we can relinquish those traitors. Better tell them to go to Africa or something.
If there are any Hungarians on Holla Forums you'd better do your damnedest to keep those Germans out. Here in America we've got a state called California that does everything in its power to attract spic shitskins and fuck up its own economy. Californians flee California to go to the safety of other states, and upon arrival they proceed to vote in exactly the same way that resulted in California becoming a shithole, effectively spreading their AIDS everywhere they go. These Germans won't be any different. They're fleeing to avoid "violence" without acknowledging that the source of violence is mudslime shitskins, and they and their children absolutely will vote for open borders in Hungary.
This. Never takes in traitors.
I'm honestly annoyed that people can maintain thois sort of double think. I thought the human mind found inconsistences in thought uncomfortable.
Perhaps they flee the country with their family because they aren't willing to risk their wife and children for what appears to be a lost cause.
It's perfectly reasonable to do at this stage.
Fuck off you kike like trash.
Herd mentality being exploited to its fullest extend and the enforcement of liberal ideas with the violence.
oh look another D&C shill
that bottom pic looks like jeb is being warned by somalians
Kikes decided Europe's fate. I wouldn't pin the blame on ordinary Germans or Swedes or whatever.
What ever though. If ebiul nutzis are D&C, then it makes all retarded, Amerishit subhuman half breed mutts literal kikes.
He died for the people and the nation. So?
I'm Jewish.
You're retarded.
How amusing. Why dont you fuck off if we are too small then?
To the oven with you then.
If that's the case they can ship their fucking wives and children off, you stay and fight in your home country. Drop that sandnigger refugee shit.
the guac bowls!
that's why they cost so much!
that's why it took people so long to get them!
the shipment was raided by pirates!
We are still far away from that. At this point they are just rats fleeing a leaking but not sinking ship.
for fuck's sake. this info isn't from places libshits would consider unclean. this is directly from the un and the eu. bleeding heart faggots in those areas are providing it.
So, how many muslims/leftist politicians have you killed Garrison? I see where the Germans are coming from though, what's the point of staying there if the retarded population wants enrichment? Sounds like a waste, see how the white south Africans that stayed turned out.
I'd move to Poland, they're nationalistic, mostly white, and their women are total babes. But I'm happy being a Burger, enjoying the upcoming Trump Age.
The middle one looks a bit inbred.
Trump won't win. The world leaders don't want Trump, and the US establishment will move heaven and earth to elect a Democrat, even vote rigging.
it would be a blatant destruction of the democratic illusion most Burgers still have. the election has already exposed the complete corruption of our political system. normies have been disgusted by politics for a long time. but, they think they at least have a choice, even if it is between two corrupt pieces of shit.
this election is changing the paradigm. a non-Trump presidency will send the right and some moderates into a rage and a non-communist president will send lefties and some moderates into a rage.
six months ago I would have agreed with you, but the times are changing user.
Yeah but their country is a poor shithole with high crime rates.
I still wouldn't be surprised if he won though, Americucks are batshit crazy.
depends on where you're living and where you're moving to in Poland I'd suspect. just looking at crime/homocide rates, Burgers living in cities would be far safer in Poland.
I mostly work remote, so I'm not worried about a job. I also live in a 95%+ white area with low crime, so I don't plan on moving anywhere.
Hungarian here. Most of those leftists who leave for political reasons sadly return.
Purchasing power with a median hungarian wage of net 640 euros a month is not a bad salary to live on, better than the 2000 euros they'd get in germany or france. So they sadly poison the pool at home.
Move to either Denmark or Norway, they have less mudslims and nigger immigration out of all western nations.
Getting citizenship would be hard through.
You sound exactly like Maria Theresa when she got angry that germans started migrating to the hungarian kingdom to avoid her insanely high taxes.
That's because we live for 4 things, boy. Alcohol, tobacco guns, and the constitution. 1776 keeps the commie beurocratic bastards up all night and we're not scared to do it again you understand? We have a patriotic and constitutional duty to paint the tree of liberty with traitor blood. That's just what we do, baby. HAHA
Over 1/3 of Poland on the current map is our homeland, so… Prepare your angus for german rapefugees finally coming home. :^)
Hungarians are not a very religious people
fucking pussies
Faroe Islands is also pretty good place to live, they have 100% white population.
If you can get citizenship to any of Nordic nations, you can live and work there.
I don't trust scandies to not be cucks. Iceland is in total cuckmode right now.
Hungry ET ALL.
t. Slovenija
Only cucked-out scandies are Swedes, but Norwegians, Danes don't stand for mass mudslim and nigger immigration or even put up with liberal bullshit. I think Denmark even has right-wing govt at the movement.
If you can get citizenship in Norway or Denmark, move to Faeroe Islands.
Yeah, that never happened even once.
Yeah there's this retarded attitude among leftie hungarians tha thurr durr "london is the second largest hungarian town" and so on and so forth, while official UK statistics list about 100,000 hungarians in the UK in total.
Outward migration from Hungary is lower than from fucking Austria for example.
The romanians are the ones having trouble with that issue and our leftists just assumed it must be happening here too.
Also OP, they're not Hungry, they're Hungary. Pretty boss food, kulen, gulash etc
How the fuck would they know? Who fucking tells their real estate agent all about their political views? More made up bullshit.
I don't know too many hungarian real estate agents called Heinrich Müller.
Any articles? I've read not long ago that we have more doctors per 100 000 people than the European average, even without the ones who went away. That was quite surprising.
Here's a link to the whole thing:
Unfortunately the news station that put this together is some pozzed up shitshow that attempts to paint Hungarian nationalists in a negative light. There is even some gratuitous holohoax guilt-tripping thrown in at the end out of nowhere.
Let me guess, they zoom in some brass shoes on the danube.
Noice, I hope no one shuts it down
What does this mean?
Germans used to be obsessed with occupying things. Now they are so cucked in their own country, this tendency only re-emerges when they are on holiday.
Germans and brits love getting up early and placing their towels on chairs near swimming pools/bodies of water while on holiday.
Ironically I think these guys are probably moderates leaving and all the blue pilled faggots are still in Germany voting against the nationalists.
it's not that bad.
these people are giving a message whether they want or not.
more gasoline to the fire regardless.
germany no longer has justification.
maybe when all the wealth/intelligence of europe slowly trickles its way into hungary and other rational countries, they will eventually assert their authority.
self segregation will sort things out. it will also cripple those countries that pander to retards.
just hoping immigration policy isn't open. if it's open, then people don't have the freedom to escape the people they don't want to live with.
All I'm saying is that Poles can get fucked if decent germans decide that they want to live in their ancestral homelands again. It's not like we don't put up with polish expats here anyways.
Self-righteous polacks like him are just asking to be put into their place.
Only in east prussia, where the descendants of the baltic old prussians are now german and live in Germany thanks to 1945. Ironically the teutonic order started their campaign after poles failed to subdue them for hundreds of years, eventually resulting in massive butthurt of Konrad of Masovia, who even used german knights in his troops, that he got the order on them. Most lands were german to begin with or settled by them fair and square over 700 years ago.
t. has polish and german ancestors and thinks that decent people of both nations can live peacefully together, because why the hell not.
Poland is one of the safest countries in the east.
As a Hungarian, my recommendation is for Hungary to temporarily take them in. And then feed them, clothe them, train them, organize them, equip them, and escort them back in force to assist them in resettling their mother clay. Though, most likely the Donald would not be sitting idly by during this. It would be a two-front envelopment at the least. This is also without factoring in Russia, who would most likely also be involved so as to not miss a chance to join the fun of dumping rounds into hordes of mudsoldiers and win brownie points in the coming axis of mud annihilation.
germoney is going to have a bright future
>"Yes…yes…status quo ante bellum. BEFORE WORLD WAR ONE THAT IS!!!!!
This triggers the kike.
Based as always Hungary, based as always.
Retarded post from a retarded shill. You're not fooling anyone. Filtered.
Isn't Hungary the country that intended to fight back? For fucks sake tehy aren't running away they are embracing a nation that isn't enslaved.
Holy fuck some one do an edit of this.
Germans or Jews?
Both are bad news!
Oh god thank you for this.
What the fuck is wrong with Belgium?
Every leftist:
This just isn't funny anymore. Shits depressing. $th reich when?
The EU is also disarming all of its citizens next month under the guise of a "war on terror.
Almost all types of guns will be banned in all EU states.
Illegal gun ownership to remain unchanged.
Can't have the citizenship be able to defend itself from invading shitskins.
I'n seriously considering emigrating now.
Fucking shoot those cocksuckers on sight. Let them fuck off back to their country and fight for it. Fucking snakes in the next 10-20 years will be pushing for more inclusion and diversity in Hungry. Fuck them.
Jesus H. CHRIST. What the fuck. Why are you guys not revolting? Burger here who would gladly fight for the fatherland
Link to the actual document
We (v4 states) are revolting, but the cucked nations have more of a say in the comission ( france, germany etc. )
This. All the commiefornians moved to places like Texas, Washington, and Montana, and they shat up those states and brought the same problems they fled from.
kill yourself
fuck off
But in a poor shithole, people with our level of wealth could live like… probably not kings but we'd be firmly upper middle class.
Here in the Netherlands, Germans who come on holiday will always dig pits in our beaches. We see this as a sign of claiming the beach and or references to WWII digging in trenches. Always makes me laugh uncontrollable when i see it.
Because Poles only steal from other Europeans, not each other. :^)
Moving to remain in a white country doesn't make a person a "traitor" - - screw your head on straight.
Also what the fuck Ireland. I presume the majority of crime over there is of the "Drunk and disorderly" kind??
Alright folks, taking bets….
How long until the U.N. starts telling other countries to accept muslim refugees fleeing from jihadist war torn Germany?
Two decades, everything moves more slowly in normal time.
Alright folks, I hear 2 decades.
Anyone else placing bets?
Yeah, it kinda does when you still have an opportunity to solve problems peacefully in your country. As cucked as the EU nations may be, they still have a solid choice and huge majority slant compared to the U.S.
Once violence becomes the only choice then that's something else.
If it was only dumb leftists then I would fight back but when they use my money to fight against me then its game over.
12.5 years
Shits gonna get down in november
Alright, we have a new bet…. 20 years, and 12.5 years.
Might have to archive this for posterity.
Dont be fucking retarded. How old is that article?
I don't want to live just in a white country, I want to live in a German country, THE GERMAN COUNTRY. We have the right to have a country for the Germans that we can call home, just like Hungary has the right to have their own home and those people who migrate there will just claim it as theirs and fuck it up too and take it from the Hungarians.
Everybody who abandons his country, people and culture, because it's the easiest way to avoid trouble has no fucking right to have a country, people or culture of it's own. Germans who leave Germany to go to another country give up their German being and can be considered dead to me. Hungary is not Germany, France is not England and Poland is not Norway. We aren't just "white countries", we are dozens of different people (Völker), with different histories, different cultures and different view points. Each of it is precious and has a right to exist and to survive. I fucking hate people like you who just huddle up all of that and call it "white". You are probably American, so you are the perfect example of what I am talking about. Just look what have become of the heritage, culture and ethics of those who left their origin behind. You are the source of that disgusting degeneration and just the blueprint of the wanted globalization.
First all the european cultures/countries become "white" culture/countries, just because of outer appearance.
Than everything "white" becomes "western" which includes just everybody who lives there.
Than we will sooner or later hit the point where just everybody is human and is just the mixed leftover of something that had meaning once.
When we define us on the lowest common denominator, than we will get just that… the lowest and most common culture, ethics, behaviour, intellect, achievements and lives.
This is the embodiment of cultural marxism, a destiny worst than death. Meaninglessness.
No, they aren't.
But if they don't realize that what's at stake is more important than any single family, then even as good, "tradition-oriented Germans", they've lost what is needed to get their country back.
That second image's method of colour coding is literally shit tier when it comes to representing the countries accuratly based on colour.
Propaganda by statistics at its finest.
In a few weeks, we will see Sander's supporters have a Mass Temper Tantrum after Hillary gets the nomination, that will probably be about it from them.
In November. If Trump wins, there will a Mass riot from lefties and that is about it. If Trump Losses (IE Cheated out), there will be a revolution because people won't put up with this shit anymore.
The powers that be cannot afford a revolution.
If a German who moves from Berlin to Bavaria, is he a "traitor"? How about if he moves to Zurich?
Wherever the nigger lives, that is Africa. He is not a "traitor" for moving to German - he just takes his stink and his shit coloured skin with him wherever he goes.
In America, northern European settlers were able to combine because we all came from the same original Germanic/Celtic root. In Europe that original root family divided into tribes that spread out, evolved different languages, and became different nations. But you are still from the same root. Obviously Slavs and Latins are related to the same root also.
There nothing meaningless about this. We must respect our race - European/White - as well as our other more specific identities.
Your irrational hate of fellow Germans who move to Hungary is so nutty and irrational that you seem quite mentally ill and ought to be medicated for your own safety and the safety of others.
The Bavarians will certainly see him as a Saupreiß.
Actually the Faroe Islands have been importing lots of Southeastern Asian "workers"
No, but it's borderline. The further he leaves his roots behind him, the closer he gets to become a traitor. When a German moves from one German place with German people to another German place with other German people, he is still in the Green.
Holy shit, please kill yourself.
I for one welcome the Germans. Hungary has always been largely German, their race will be able to survive even if their country falls.
Son please, are you retarded? The cucks view Hungary as the ultimate shitlord incarnation. In reality the nationalists/right wing will be fleeing to Hungary while the cucks stay and enjoy the vibrant diversity.
So you're saying the German girls should stay and get raped instead of fleeing to a neighboring white country that is pretty much genetically and culturally identical?
And if the German girls don't want to endure the enrichment, they are traitors?
No. Maybe in the German towns, but we aren't more German than Slav. And we aren't Slavs either. Most of our country was depopulated and repopulated so many times, the results are clear in this map.
Also, read these:
Hahahah fucking hungaryshits and their fanfics
Fucked that up. Here's the other book and the map:
That's also part of the plan. All Europeans will interbreed until you won't be able to distinguish them anymore, creating a disgusting "white race" just like what US-fags wish for. Same shit is going to happen in Asia, Africa and other parts of the world. Then they only have to worry about mixing the 3/4 great races by randomly introducing an "enemy race" which we'll have to fight by interbreeding with the other race/s.
Stay where you are and fight for your land.
Made a non-european haplotype map in paint.
Damn. Our genes are fucked.
Haplogroup N is also debatable.
R1A, R1B, and I are the crowns of European genetics.
I wonder if technologies like CRISPR will allow splicing out entire Haplogroups – but then the part that is spliced out will have to be reconstructed somehow? Idk.
How many hours in mspaint did that work of autism take?
Its nothing a couple generations of eugenics can't fix.
You wot mate?
Are these specimens all Hungarian Aryans?
Are you fucking dumb?! Who the fuck is talking about women/girls? We are talking about grown up men for fucks sake!
Why would you think that it's not okay for women, children or old folks to become refugees? Those groups of people are the very definition of refugees. When I think about real refugees I imagine women, children and elderly and not young healthy men. It's totally right for women, children and elderly to flee since it's not their duty to stay and fight, but for their men. And those men who flee with women and children or even worse leaving them behind to die instead of staying and fighting for their women and children are fucking traitors. Just like all the shitty Muslim "refugees" aren't real refugees, since 90% of them are men in the age between 18 and 40. People like this need to be whipped until they bleed to death for leaving their families and country behind in war and poverty just for free gibsmedats and muh dick.
Think before you post, you little shit.
Do you think the men abandon their wives and children like the kebabs do? They're genuine refugees fleeing their totalitarian occupants and the rape squads they mass import.
Stay and fight what? Its not a war, its indirect genocide.
Exactly those things.
Fight the rape squads with right wing death squads and the totalitarian occupants with social/economical solidarity and political engagement. Sounds stupid? Well, still 1000 times better than just running.
Where do you want to flee next, when they follow you? To the next best save place again? This only works when you still have places to flee to, but with people like you those places will run out pretty fast, because you don't have the guts to protect them.