So do you guys think this sums it up perfectly?
What's your view of the series, overall?
Gravity Falls
Ask me in 6 months, then wait another 6 months.
After yet another 6 month break, I'll be able to give you a rushed version of my opinion on gravity falls that answers all of your questions in unsatisfying ways and opens no new ones because the discussion is dead forever.
this video is way too fucking long and it gets boring after ~a minute.
It was okay, I liked it fine, I loved the comedy and the characters arcs, the character mining did thicked me off but it blended with the fun as shit treasure hunt.
Overall 8/10, 9/10 in the best episodes, 6/10 in the mediocre ones and 3/10 in the worst.
She didn't got away with all that shit.
She had to suck Dipper's cock all the 8th grade long.
ok not only that, the assfucks were pretty savage too, but she started to liking it so that didn't lasted long either.
I lasted 10 episodes, and based off of that video is accurate. Show isn't anything special, and it is on par with SU, AT, and the rest of crap that is made nowadays.
Yes, it is a good summary video.
Gravity Falls:
Pros: Gorgeous art
Morally dubious authority figures
Secret hidden stuff to make rewatching fun
some of the jokes are really smart
Terrible voice casting
Mabel has to get her way or else bad things happen
The episode where Dipper learns how to talk to chicks but this is somehow bad?
All romance, all the time
Bill Cipher didn't win
obviously for the Disney audience
I'm a giant fanboy, but I recognize the faults of the series, like the rushed finale, and the production time bullshit. The fact that Mabel doesn't really get called out on her bullshit is something I only noticed way after I marathoned the series. It does bug the shit out of me, but only because my sister got the same treatment, the spoiled piece of shit.
I still love it though, I just wished it wasn't just shoved in with the actual garbage of today like SU, and AT.
NIgger how's this a good thing?
Don't mind him. Chaotic Neutrals are just weird like that.
It's a huge plothole for some. If Stanley was able to recover his memories even after erasing his mind, then logically Bill must've survived as well but they never bother to acknowledge this.
Admit it.
GF is realistic as shit.
And it hurts.
I'm also a Gravity Fall your cock in my throat.
But the PUA episode was beyond retarded, I don't even keep it in my folder.
In fact I divided Weirdmageddon 3 in two parts just to have the 20 episodes.
Yet, episodes in image are perfect same including the shorts and that is 40% percent
Also everything out of image is not inmediately bad.
Well, of course he is alive, but he can't leave Gravity Falls.
And Stan has Bill inside, is a Twin Peaks reference.
That's another thing that irked about the finale. They never explained what kept Bill from leaving Gravity Falls.
It's pretty good.
There's probably a well grounded reason they thouhgt about after making the episode.
But tbh, it was so he could be inside of Stan so his memory coming back wouldn't look so much of a cop out.
The best thing to come from the Disney Channel in a while. I think people here just like to exaggerate season 2's mediocre/poor latter half.
good porn, too
It's explained that the town itself is a literal magnet of paranormal activity,meaning that every time Bill would try and leave it he would be pulled back into it.
I could never get behind GFR34 really, the twins relationship was so real that it felt legitimately awkward.
I figured unicorn hair
So wait, you're saying every non-crossed episode in that image was a good episode?
Because I would say Sock Opera was pretty bad:
That's the whole point of the episode.
Dipper failed to actually ask for anything but "Solutions to the mystery"
A thing Bill did provided. Bill has to accept his part of the bargain, he just doesn't have to tell you so.
The series is easier if you accept that characters can outright lie.
I thought those were funny.
How is that a plot hole? Bill admits that in the episode, he just says he hasn't been in one in many time.
Is not token.
Is to prove Mabel doesn't learn her lessons. As proven by the contrast in episode 30 when we see Mabel having the exact same problem, unlike Dipper who is shown having learned from Scary-oke and into the bunker to become a man ( putting reason over emotions).
And it sucks. The premise of an episode shouldn't be "that thing that's actually interesting is forced out of the picture thanks to that thing no one cares about".
And destroying the laptop is a solution to that? It's sketchy as fuck and barely even addressed.
Not when it's making a deal-with-the-devil, trickey is fine, but if it's an outright lie then it is essentially cheating the plot. And if they can outright lie it makes you wonder why they bother with the trickery.
Fair point, I hadn't noticed that. Though initially I guess I took "a long time" to be potentially eons due to Bill's age, not just a few decade. I still find that whole sequence annoying.
I seriously doubt that was the writer's intention, but that does highlight the whole issue with it.
That Filler episode broke the continuity and buildup of Weirdmageddon and it had a pretty bad message of don't flirt with girls ever or else you'll pretty much the equivalent of a PUA.
Not the guy you replied but.
It showed it was a McGucket invention.
"Trust no one" not even what the plot directly goods you.
Idk, they put so much attention on Dipper's character evolution, why think they didn't do it with Mabel?
Hirsch based Mabel on his sister. And from what I have seen he has done a LOT of things for her in the show's development: Like the creation of Waddles and letting Lance Bass be a voice because that's what his sister loved in her childhood.
Wow what a terribly unfunny 'review'
topkek what a faggot
This, like when they paired Dipper and Ford against Stan and Mabel despite Mabel having nor more in common with Ford and Dipper with Stan.
holy shit that is some top-tier autism
pretty good elocution though
He is just doing a character and making hoax videos by putting his footage into news reports and setting things up with geek news channels.
I'm conflicted between checking it out and taking the risk of being massively-disappointed in exchange for a couple hours of my time, or just leaving it to lie untouched forever and finding something else to watch.
While that episode you mention is kinda bad, I'd say it's perfectly good to watch the rest of the season. It's rushed but the emotional drama is really good if you give a shit about the characters.
holy shit that was great
burn it all
THe show is pretty shit.
Aww look.
Durland actually learned to write.
Good for him.
THe voice cast was great, why the fuck do you faggots love hearing Tara Strong repeat every annoying 10 year voice across the cartoon spectrum?
Why do you love hearing Hirsch voice half the main cast like Seth McFuckass does with Family Guy?
Well, it was soon after Watchdogs were shown for the first time, and game actually looked very promising.
Giffany was right
She didn't deserve to die. She was clearly sentient.
trips confirm
That entire episode's execution still pisses me off:
If it wasn't for the fact that Disney has already handled the "strange lifeform wrecks shit because it's scared/confused/angry/hurt" bit better several times, and with endings that involve said thing being reformed and getting to live a happy life rather than dying while screaming in pain, I wouldn't be so hard on this shit, but they have with better movies and series like Lilo and Stitch. Literally all it would've taken is a few seconds of explanation by the fat fuck to get her to quit freaking out, and possibly a side-character wanting to take her now that she's single in order to both make her happy and shove her out of the plot, plus the fat fuck would've learned a lesson about honesty and relationships along with the other shit he learned. Hell, the plot even could've been avoided entirely, all he had to do was tell the truth and explain things properly, then pass the disc off to someone who isn't into butterfaced fatties like him and/or in a relationship that'd take good care of her.
Although, I can't really be surprised that Alex went with the "glossed-over murder" option for ending that story, he's the exact kind of cuck who'd whinge on twitter all day long about how weeb dating sims are sexist trash for neckbeards without a hint of irony. Probably thought that the "fake" girl burning alive and dying an unceremonious death was setting a good example of picking real women over fictional ones, even though in this case she was actually "real" on account of being a sentient being, and the "real" girl was ugly as shit compared to the sentient AI by several magnitudes while having a high probability of being as bitchy as said AI warned.
Oh, and something I forgot to mention:
Damn, dude. I know everyone loves the fantasy of AI luv, but in real life that shit is gonna be scary for the first iterations.
Somehow, this line causes Soos to move instantly from
Gravity Falls isn't real
posting OC here since Ill get banned at the other place
watch loud house my friend
Amen to that.
ended up petering out toward the end because the creator was too busy virtue signaling on twitter to actually focus on finishing his life's work.
What is it with extreme liberals and thinking they completely understand foreign politics?
I haven't seen a single faggot from the smug SJW crowd that wasn't inconsolable about the Brexit and none of them has even glanced in the direction of an informed or intelligent opinion about it.
Life's work? You mean wanting to fuck his sister?
Please tell me these are all edited. If not, then I lost a lot of respect for this guy. First that shitty series ending now this? What a tool.
If you consider the creator's tumblr to be canon Bill lives on inside the guy who made the show.
u neet btr art skilz
What does that mean in english
Some day you will be an Art God.
I actually like it a lot.
user draws big breasts kinda messily, but mabel looks great.
Get digital, user. Or at the very least, quality paper.
I want realistic Mabel early teen body.
Also, what happened to Pacifica's breasts in season 2, where deemed problematic by Disney or something?
no wonder you're on Holla Forums fucking ADD autist
Eh, looking over it again, Giffany is cute but ultimately manipulative and just wants a boyfriend for the sake of having one, and anyone will do.
Key thing; she never cries. She gets mad, she loves attention, and she plays along with what Soos does, but she takes it as a personal affront and not as a rejection when Soos wants to date a real girl.
Not that it's much less sad that she's basically fulfilling her limited programming, as smart and self-aware as she is she's still basically sociopath.
So, something like this?
>with enough technological advancement could just put her into some sort of physical body as a fleshy robot that you can touch and hug
I try to find a downside to this and maybe I can't see your reasoning because I am a lowly virgin who would kill to have my 2D waifu at least be sentient to talk back to me through actual conversation and not just scripted parts of the game where I click on dialogue options to speak to her.
Who invited this fucking Chad to the party? Shouldn't you be having unprotected sex in the back of your convertible with your girlfriend while she wears your letterman jacket?
Ha, have fun with that. I'll be reading the God Delusion, truly a stimulating and fascinating book that your tiny mind couldn't even begin to comprehend if you tried. While you are satisfying your primal desires like the cave man you are, I'll be growing closer to enlightenment and euphoria, becoming this generation's Plato or Socrates.
You have yet to see my true power, but thanks any way
Is that image what you consider god like? Thats pretty easy to draw actually
Very close, but that's mid teen.
Anyway thanks.
Still doesn't answer what happened to Pacifica's breasts.
Lurking not working.
Is Hirsch an idiot or something? That third twitter pic conversation is hilariously sad.
so this is the cartoon you made i asked you about huh? pathetic! all the main characters are white for starters. what the hell is wrong with you stupid goyim? its like im actually being sent to the gas chambers here
A shitty youtuber shills his video and gets mad if people don't like it.
he's a famous cartoonist. he could be using twitter to spread news about what he's doing to his fans, or give cartoonist advice, or other things of the sort.
instead he's using twitter, probably the worst public forum for discussing politics, to flaunt unsubstantiated and uninformed opinions about politics. yes, he is an idiot.
does anyone have that screencap of the guy who said he subscribed to hirsch's twitter to follow what hirsch was doing because he looked up to him as a cartoonist, but was turned off by all the politics, and hirsch basically told him "ITS MY TWITTER IM GONNA SAY WHAT I WANT U DON LIKE IT FUK OFF"
That's really fucking sad. Manzi really dodged a bullet when he dumped her ass.
Tex Avery is a famous cartoonist.
Alex Hirsch is a nobody who people looked up to until he revealed his true colors.
why would anyone shill here? there's only a couple hundred people here.
It's entertaining since the show did a very good job with foreshadowing events. I don't like the creator's politics though.
inb4 political fight
Yeah, keep making fun of me. We'll see who's laughing when Bernie becomes president. I just maxed out three credit cards donating to him so now he's going to stomp on Drumpf. Ha, in time your world will crumble and as you drown in your own filth, you will ask for help and I will look down at you and say "You've been downvoted".
here's the thing though, Giffany was a Yandere to the core. Yandere girls are crazy as fuck and can't really be reformed. if a Yandere girl falls in love with someone they become obsessed and overly posessive of that person and will go to ANY lengths to keep that person all to herself, including murder. and god help you if you try to break up with one if you unknowingly got into a relationship with one because they tend to kill the one they love if the one they love breaks their heart.
I'm not justifying her death, just saying there was no possibility of redemption there to begin with.
I'm not giving a youtube reviewer any clicks, so I wouldn't know.
The first season was pretty entertaining, and I liked the comfy paranormal feel to it.
The second season was sometimes enjoyable, but overall it was a rushed, shitty clusterfuck, and Hirsch's nu-male cuckoldry was apparent in nearly every episode.
I give the whole thing a 6/10.
That one giffany episode really kind of hints that Alex must really hate Jap shit. Never mind the fact how much he spergs out trying to defend Glinner and Anthony Burch. Even the first season had really shitty episodes.