I am moot from 4chan, ask me anything.
Moot AMA
gosh 8ch is soo bad how 4chan told, nobody replies me.
maybe i should process your fags
process your fags
yeah sage me hiro
wow, your english is really good for an american
american is your ass i am north korean and only newfags dont know this
I am Lian. I sent you $10.
Why 4chan is so gay and shitty?
what's your bitcoin address I'll donate to you
Kill yourself, newfag.
no u
why did you give your site to Jackie 4chan?
it may be time to educate a little.
here ya go newfriends >>>/newspaper/
prove it
Why are you such a cuck?
is all of this true of 4skin?:
Most of the cancerous threads you see are not created by people. They're automatically generated to auto flood Holla Forums.
The OPs of these same posts do not exist. It is used to stamp out the cultural atmosphere of illegal actions on this board.
Alright next secret. There are no real mods in the same sense of the word on Holla Forums. It's more like legitimate law enforcement.
This is again, due to Holla Forums's former illegal reputation.
The mods and admins have their own hidden board. You need a username and password to enter. I will not leave a link.
or thread someone's opened. For example, it is possible to see how many times an IP had opened an image with "Shota" in the keyword of the
original post, or any thread related to CP. This function serves no purpose yet, but it is speculated that it could be used for blackmail,
extortion, or to make arrests. It also helps determine who needs to be more heavily monitored.
On other boards like Holla Forums, Hiroyuki employs text-analysis AIs to determine certain things for political campaigns (Hillary), as well as for the
NSA and FBI. Just know that you're not anonymous!
"Mods" can prevent bumping by shadowbanning posts. This means that a certain fraction of IPs will submit a response, and they see it on their screen,
but no one else can and its auto sage.
Almost none of you are Holla Forumstards. You're mostly redditors who came in from 2014 onward, and are between 12 and 18 mostly. This was intentional.
This demographic had the highest concentration of autistic individuals who are willing to participate in the same threads day after day after
week after week after month after month after year after year. Remember how I said earlier that most of the cancerous threads are automatically
generated? Well, the participants aren't, in most cases. Those who comment but don't dump oftentimes are real people.
4chan needed this demographic to sustain these threads, and choke out new original creative content.
4chan ended in 2011. The site itself hints at this in some areas–there are even some banners that blatantly say "4chan: 2003-2011".
These were the times when 4chan really existed. Now it's just a cancerous containment site to capture you underage cucks who have nothing
better to do but whip your dick out. Moot secretly tried to sell 4chan to an unnamed web entrepreneur in 2011, but was turned down as it is
no longer what it once was. He then spent the next four years desperately trying to sell it to someone who could make the site great again,
but everyone turned him down. Then, in 2015, he gave up and sold it to the worst possible person, out of desperation. Hiroyuki Nishimura.
Depending on what you've typed, sometimes a picture is taken of you during the recapcha phase – specifically the one with the disappearing squares.
Oftentimes they won't stop until they have gotten clear facial detection.
This is not the case of you are using a device without a camera.
When you are banned, you are put on the 4chan equivalent of a list. When kids see a list of reports on the site,
it is organized based on time elapsed and the number of offenses the IP has had before. This means that if you lay low and never get banned,
if someone reports you for a rule violation, you'll almost never get banned. But once you have that first ban, you will be banned again and
again and again, as your IP winds up at the top of their troublemaker list. Additionally certain offenses like breaking Global rule 1 trigger a
mini investigation of all sites you've recently visited to determine if you are a danger. This is mostly to catch pedos and potential murderers.