Yes, you. I know you're reading this you pathetic scumbags.
How does it feel sucking Jewish dick?
How does it feel earning your bread by spreading lies on the internet?
How does it feel literally prostituting yourself for shekels?
How does it feel knowing no one will ever believe you no matter how much lies you post?
How does it feel selling your ass to a murdering scum like Hillary?
How does it feel being restricted from your own opinion?
You shills are lower than the lowest, even worms have more dignity than you. You are lesser than a worm, you are parasites feeding on lies and corruption. You are nothing.
We are winning and there is nothing you can do about it.
Hey fuck you shills
They feel nothing. They are already demons.
Fuck of back to >>>Holla Forums stormnigger
Enjoy some interracial you nazi C U C K
Found the kike
You mad, kike?
Trump is gonna lose the election though… Regardless of whether you like him or not
I feel nothing but the dying breath of your mom
God dam you trigged him so much he's thinking about black duc.
Who the fuck cares, no one in Washington gives a Fuck about the people anyway
Op these shills don't get paid much anyway, not only that they have to stay on the internet all day fighting with people who troll them and don't give two shits about what they have to say. No one give a Fuck not even thire employers.
Ask Trump. He's the one with pubes in his teeth.
How much do they get paid?
The freakout when he wins is going to be otherworldly
Imagine what it's like to hate hate someone so much you get their face tattooed on your body.
Besides the fact that he's going have to wear long socks if he wants to get a job that's not construction on buzzfeed
Having to explain this to your children one day…
>Your daddy fought very hard against this evil man, and thats why daddy put this fucking FUCCBOI tattoo on his leg.
Take your meds you turbo-autist.
niggers never post naked black chicks because they are nasty.
Don't you have news threads to shit up
To be honest Irsael is treating Palestine like shit. Not all Israelis are bad, but the ones who support the xenophobic opression(real opression, not 1st world feminist one) are.
Thanks doc
No they don't lol
Gotta love the jews man. They got ALL the shekels.
Yes they do
Nazi Frogs posted by degenerate (((White Nationalists))). Gonna save the White Race and shiiiiit.
No, instead imagine how gay you must be so get gay porn tattooed on an area so easily exposed.
I bet that guy is one of those nasely welfare Jews from Brooklyn mad at Bernout's failure.
Also, imagine having to stare at nigger dicks all day like the above poster. He literally gets payed shackles to stare at nigger dicks all day, and post about nigger dicks. I nearly died laughing writing this.
Pic related, they are freaking out to such an extent they are more paranoid than Alex "Totaly Not an Informant" Jones
so many niggers in this thread, i bet you guys love getting cucked by a bbc, pathetic.