Why is he such a fucking edgelord?
Why is he such a fucking edgelord?
Other urls found in this thread:
He had a hard life.
so the savage cumskins who read his comic can identify.
Frank did nothing wrong
His occupation is edgy.
Honestly, I have no idea OP.
Capeshit Golgo 13 rip off!
why are you a meme spewing cunt? the universe is full of mysteries.
Why can't Punisher be more peppy?
Did you actually know, who Golgo or Punisher is?
First one is assassin and the other is vigilante.
Pajeet please.
fuck off
good one
no really, he is, the whole point of the punisher is that he shots everyone he doesn't like, and the basement dwelling nerds who can't even talk to girls (much less win in a fistfight) revere the figure of power as a good comic because for the brief period of time they're reading him they can identify with the violence that he expresses.
oh, and lets not forget the subjective "moral" reason he has for his gory murder of cartoony one-dimensional "evil" guys, because we can't have a lunatic assassin running around without a just cause to make said basement dwelling cumskin nerds feel like they're the good guys WHILE being as savage and bestial as the niggers they so despise.
We got a triggered nigger on our hands here boys! Next thing he'll say is black lives matter.
they don't.
and the punisher is shit for edgy teenager retards.
>>>Holla Forums
next please
Back in the day, trolling meant something
back in the day we could have legitimate conversations, now we have a bunch of manchildren that spam reaction images and memes when they get told because they can't handle being wrong.
go to the dummy corner and stand there until you grow up.
Hmm, you seem to be quite buttmad. What's the matter, can't handle the idea that the best character in western comics is one that isn't complete capeshit? Or maybe you're just a liberal afraid of big scary black guns? Either way this is a pretty shit bait thread. Next time I recommend not being too obvious but then again Holla Forums is so slow that we might as well spam and argue with retards not like there's anything else to do.
Trolling never meant anything. That was the point, celebrating its irrelevancy against those who thought the internet was srs business. srs business faggots like you spread like cancer trying to attach meaning to it to fill the void of your lives. Now trolling is viewed just as disagreement or ironic posting. You've ruined everything, you are the one that needs to go back.
can someone here argue that the punisher isn't a shit edgy comic for edgy teenagers without being an oversensitive, overgeneralizing manchild about it?
This post implys your opinion is right.
Have you ever considered that both of our opinions could be incorrect
Sage was made to not bump uninteresting threads over threads that provide actual content and creation. This one isn't worth the bump.
OP, how new are you? You're the one that posits the position so the burden of proof lies solely with you. Provide evidence that Punisher is just edgy garbage and then we provide a counter argument with our own proof. Otherwise you're just shitposting and if this is a shitposting thread then why should we stay on topic?
In other words: Whose hyped for the new episode of JoJo tomorrow?
hook line and sinker
all i see in the punisher is that hes the embodiment of the repressed urges of violence of physically weak children who get bullied and are incapable of defending themselves.
i suppose its better for them to read the punisher to feel good than actually going to shoot up a school because they can't win at sports, or shoot up a synagogue because they can't win at politics.
Tell me more about how the Punisher hurts your feefees OP.
Good christ, the amount of strawman in that post.
First off,have you ever considered that maybe the Punisher is a logical answer to the proliferation of capeshit in which the protagonist never actually solves the problems of the world?
Superman could make crime non-existant with his powers, but does he?
Batman keeps throwing the Joker in jail even though he has gone from "local bigshot crook" to "international terrorist"
Hell, 9/11 happened in the Marvel universe even though there are several heros in-universe who could have stopped it.
People were tired of wishy-washy plot in which villains are left alive because "muh juan rool"
The reson you see repressed anything is probably because you're a pretentious douche of the same caliber that thinks DOOM is responsible for the Columbine massacre.
Also, Gr8 B8, M9
Just kidding that was fucking terrible
it hurts my soul that people over the age of 16 are so emotionally undeveloped they can enjoy this trash.
how does that make it not shit?
superman and batman could solve all the problems in the world, but how? the only way would be to become super tyrants and seize control of said world, making a huge globalized, one-world police state where their word is law and surveillance is mandatory everywhere, wouldn't that make them villains? that seems pretty villainy to me.
maybe im looking at the punisher wrong, maybe he is supposed to be a villain that wins.
You're looking at the Punisher wrong because you are unable to fathom a hero being anything other than Lawful Good
You find shades of grey to be "edgy"
You have the gall to call others underage while still clinging to the childish notion of Black and White morality.
You automatically peg anyone who reads this comic as a childish, backwards beta,
and as such you refuse to see it from any other position other than the preconceived notions that you are comfortable with.
I hope you learn from what I am saying, rather than being a hypocritical child and lash out impotently at me.
You're right OP, let's make him either gay or a stronk womyn.
Half Holla Forums were such pussies about gore and violence, labeling anything 18+ edgy. Are you one of those faggot pussies, OP?
He's had a hard life.
But Frank doesn't actually solve problems.
No, he couldn't
But if he could, he may as well just put the whole world in a bottle, right?
how can a hero be a hero if he isn't good?
hero isn't a synonym of protagonist, frank is the protagonist, that doesn't mean he's a hero.
he murders people left and right because he believes his cause is righteous, that's the motivation of a self absorbed asshole and definitely not the characteristics of a hero. he is an edgelord praised only by real life edgelords who cannot do what he does without repercussions, they so wish they could ""cleanse"" the world Holla Forums, so the people who enjoy reading this, i assume, in one way or another identify with him, and you have to be a pretty damn edgy teenager to identify with a villain.
its funny that you mention black and white morality, since his morality is pretty damn black and you're calling him a hero, also cut the adult act, you like the punisher, you have not mentally matured beyond 18.
he blows peoples heads off
thats… a solution, right?
Now you're putting words in my mouth
I never said I like the Punisher
You merely assume I do because it better helps you see me as your enemy because you have a well defined strawman and trying to picture someone disagreeing with you beyond the parameters of said strawman makes your head hurt.
I don't know why you chose the Punisher as the hill you want to die on. Hell, if you wanted the definition of "Edgy comic that Holla Forums worships" than you'd be better served reading Watchmen.
Look at the series from which I have drawn my fast dwindling i might add pool of reaction images. In Jojo, the villains do reprehensible things, but they are allowed their humanity. Is Dio motivated towards his action simply due to innate evil? Or is it a warped sense of value and morality picked up from a life of poverty under an abusive parent?
Hell, Valentine, the villain of part seven has arguably better motives than the heros of the story.
Is the Punisher good?
Hell if I know.
Does it make money?
Will the Jews executives in charge of Marvel continue to publish it as long as it turns a profit?
Of course
Because at the end of the day…
Just because you enjoy the exploits of a character who does reprehensible things does not mean you condone them. If that were the case, then anyone who has seen the movie Saw would be under police supervision.
Before you start trying to debate ethics and philosophy with me, learn to differentiate fantasy and reality.
I hope this puts things into perspective for you.
Well fuck me, could have sworn two underlines was a strikethrough.
fuck off with Holla Forums and edgy teenager shit. If you identify with Frank, a fictional murder you're a fucking cunt.
He's no hero and maybe it is wish fulfillment to kill some scum off of the face of the planet. Hell in the end it doesn't fucking mean anything.
In the end Frank is just a fictional character and stop finger pointing to your boogeymen you little bitch.
You're a faggot
Oh, I get it now..
You're one of those "le ebin trolls"
Do you thing deliberately missing the point of, if not flat out ignoring my arguments is an adult thing to do, than you are about as immature as the very people you despise.
I have tried my best to engage with you civilly and politely. I really hoped that one of us could be the bigger man about this, but I see now that you will either ignore or misconstrue anything I say in hopes of keeping our little pissing contest alive.
I will put this in the bluntest terms possible
Imagine you are talking with a man about movies. The man states that he rather enjoys the movie First Blood or Rambo 1 if you are weird like that a sane person would assume that the man enjoyed the effects and story. An insane person would assume that the man wishes to emulate John Rambo and machine gun Police Officers.
Seriously, are you one of the writers for Spec Ops: the Line? Because that game has a similar view of morality
Oh boy, you can really tell kids are enjoying their summer break from school on this board :^)
Being tacticool ain't personal kid
Wait. Wot did you quote the wrong post?
I defended you chucklehead. i hate having no ID's fuck sake I was calling an idiot because he was blaming Holla Forums for no reason and saying Frank was edgy. It's a fictional character I would say Crossed was edgy but it really isn't it's just a dumb idea explored.
I didn't come from any of those however. I've been here for the last three years.
Look kid, I'm sorry that your uncle used to wear that Punisher outfit when he molested you but you just need to learn to let that shit go.
I'm sure your friends on tumblr will sympathise with you.
Implying there a difference.
and a shitty one
grow up kids
His post sure has you on the ropes if that's all you could come back with. Now it's just time to wait for the "I was only pretending to be retarded"
Seeing you trying to put lipstick on the capeshit pig that is the Punisher is pretty funny, mate. He's just a Mack Bolan ripoff written by hacks and poorly drawn to boot.
because origin story
The Punisher first appeared in 1974. Back then, a Golgo 13 comic did exist, but it was unknown in the West. It wasn't like you just walk into a Barnes & Noble and buy a translated manga back then. I very much doubt that Stan Lee would have access the book in late 1973 and he certainly would not have been able to read Japanese.
This user gets it.
He's not, you cisgendered twit.
I honestly don't know what is considerated Edgy these days…
I don't really like the Punisher either, but calm the fuck down, OP. You are downright triggered. All comics are edgy and aimed at a younger audience.
not to be nitpicky but Punisher first appeared in a comic by Gerry Conway
You're not one of those fags who also thinks Captain America needs a boyfriend, right?
I never defended the Punisher. I pointed out that you only responded to 5 words out of a lengthy post. Have you stopped reading posts entirely?
By the way, was this post one of yours?
Because if so, it's quite hypocritical to complain about the inability to have legitimate conversations and then cherry pick a few individual words out an entire post and only respond to them out of context.
I find The Punisher is only ever good when he's playing as the foil to another less morally bankrupt hero.
I also find it incredibly frustrating that huge Punisher fanboys have started writing his comics, which results in him winning all of his fights for no good reason when he really shouldn't even stand a fucking chance.
There's two kind of people who have opinions on The Punisher.
Typical millennial bitch: So, like oh my gawd! I can't even. White man with guns. Really? Really? I can't even, even. I'm triggered, you shitlord.
I agree. I prefer seeing him interact with Spider-Man or Daredevil than I do on his own. Not that there aren't good punisher stand alones but on average, they all have the same plot of frank shooting up some bad dudes and then shooting up another badder dude
Punishers a pretty cool guy, he kills people and doesn't afraid of anything.
White people aren't bestial and savage. It's mainly because most don't act on violence towards their own people. It's only shitskins that do. This is why you see black women committing abortion, Sunni muslims killing Shia Muslims, and Indians raping women.
Ideas != Actions
You're not supposed to treat Marvel comics as the Bible since they are unrealistic picture books formed from a monthly deadline as opposed to a doctrine that has been formed for over several millennia. Stick to religion instead of comics for a good source of morality.
I say that because comics, even with "good" morality, are negatively affecting you because you're unable to think from a pragmatic perspective. You think that every hero must unrealistically perform ethical actions when human beings perform actions with both bad and good intentions. Why Frank Castle have to give flowers towards mobsters that continuously kill, rape, beat, and harm other innocent individuals? It's like giving money to ISIS. He's placed in an "Kill, or allow myself/others to be killed" environment, and he's justified for doing so.
There's nothing wrong or unnatural about violence. It's an inherit trait that humans had for thousands of years. It is used against bad people with good intentions.
"cumskin" is an Holla Forums maymay
Define what "good" is supposed to mean first, because, no, you are not the ultimate authority on morality. I bet you most mudshits would disagree on what you consider moral.
Spider-Man puts on his costume and beats people left and right because he believes his cause is righteous. The only difference between him and the Punisher is that Spider-Man never solves anything, all the people he beats up will eventually break out of jail and keep doing what they've been doing, and everyone they kill is on Spider-Man, because he was in a position to stop them but didn't.
Boy, I wish more cucks like you had been around during World War 2, would have made getting rid of the Jews a reality.
As opposed to people that like all the other capes? That keep on doing what they're always doing and expect different results?
Don't you have a tumblr account to run?
Yes retard, there is a difference. In Punisher story, Golgo 13 would be an antagonist and other way around. Golgo 13 is antihero, not in a sense of being "to beat bad guys, you need to be even a worse guy, to bad guys" like Punisher, but in a sense of "bad guy, whose targets are sometimes are bad guys as well". Golgo kills for money, simple as that.
You've got a problem of small denominators here. (I wouldn't expect Holla Forums to understand statistical analysis, though.)
Savor this feeling of butthurt. Niggers will forever remain niggers, and no matter how much money you throw at them, this won't change.
not knowing anything about either one, i still understand the difference between a vigilante and an assassin.
holy shit. you sound like you got all your views about the world off the back of cereal boxes and cartoons. you should not be accusing anyone of immaturity, you simpleton.
Keep on pretending Whites perform violent crime at the level of Dindus and Kebabs accounting population.
Don't you have some fellow stormfaggots to LARP with?
Keep pretending it's not murder when it's done in the name of colonisation.
What did he meme by this?
If blacks are so capable they should've been able to prevent white colonization. Oh wait, they had the vast riches of Africa and did nothing with them, so white people came in and inflicted atrocities like roads, hostpitals and schools on them.
Where the fuck do you think you are?
Tell me more on how only Whitey seized land and plundered resources. The Arab conquests? The Mongol Empire? Showa Japan?
Wait, they DINDU NUFFIN!
Reminds me of Baltic countries and Ukraine.
Keep pretending every continent Whitey reached was better off before him.
Keep twisting my words to suit yourself, you colossal faggot.
Next you'll be saying all the non-Whiteys were noble savages in lands where there was no war, coercive labor, are feminist friendly, etc.
Who draws all these weird dudes?
Various anonymous individuals, as with all memes.
First GamerGate did to mock SJWs, then Holla Forums made their own, then it got subverted by leftists
The problem is two things;
1.) Its almost fucking impossible to trade with mainland Africa, so the many inland peoples never left their sad bushmen tribal state
2.) African Nationalism DOES NOT EXIST, its tribe vs tribe out there, there's too much infighting to get shit done, in this case blacks really have nobody to blame but themselves. I don't even think black nationalists exist anywhere on Earth, you get black supremacists but none of them give a fuck if there are whites handing out welfare to them. Without nationalism a country will not succeed, the USSR succeeded because of nationalism, as did America, China, Japan.etc Its less about capitalism vs communism and more about just making sure your people give a fucking shit enough to work and contribute to their country, you have to make people love their people and their nation. Blacks just don't give a fuck, they never gave a fuck. Once in a great while you get Malcolm X or Obama but the exception is not the rule, and both those people are mixed anyways
African Tribalism is the essence of Nationalism. There needs to be some kind of globalist who brings them all together.
No it isn't, in african tribalism the clans struggling to gain power so that they can fuck each other over without any real sense of super-familial loyalty. This sort of thing is why the Mayans despite repelling the first invasion by the spanish ended up fragmenting again once the spanish left and one of the three royal families ended up throwing their lot in with the palefaces after their rivals tried to murder them.
Fucks sake people, can't you talk about the PUNISHER without the baby's first political talks? Cause not a scrap of that shit matters.
Picture having everything you want in life. Maybe that's a wife and kids, maybe that's just the safety of your present family and a feeling of security. Now picture that taken away, brutally, with no reason, right in front of you. Imagine you were the perfect storm of skills and capability to make the people who took EVERYTHING you had away and make them feel the fear and pain your loved ones felt in their last moments.
Would you become Frank Castle, or would you fight your hardest not to?
This, so much this.Between the moron level politics here and the wank to cartoons threads this place is getting fucking sad.
The older I get the more reasonable Franks methods seem, I guess if I'd been through what he has I'd become him.
Except I'd probably die on my first outing.
Apathy is its own political faction my friends
Fuck you. You're dragging stupid shit into a discussion that it doesn't belong in, you're no better than Kotaku or Polygon. Just because the politics are different doesn't mean the agenda pushing isn't the same. You come to a comic board, without a fucking opinion on the Punisher? Go back to whatever normie hole you crawled out of.
Really, this isn't Holla Forums or Holla Forums, and the only ones who care to turn every comic discussion into an unrelated political discussion are faggots.
A final one.
Come on, guys. Do I have to do everything around here?
"One of the things I like about the X-Men is they're not killing people. I miss the idea of… heroes who stop that kind of thing from happening. Here's why I'm not running Marvel: If I was, I would kill the Punisher. I don't believe in what he does. The Punisher just shoots up places. And if you're telling me he's never hit an innocent, then I'm telling you, that's fascist crap."
But that's the point of the Punisher in a way, he's the idealized killer of criminals. I think guys like the Punisher, Judge Dredd, Mr. A, they all get bad raps for what some people THINK they are like, but the characters aren't as heartless as some make them out to be. Mr. A does believe someone can be redeemed after paying their debt to society, Dredd is considerably more fair than most assume, and the Punisher puts avoiding loss of innocent life at the top of his list. The Punisher doesn't kill someone for having some pot on them, or just because he doesn't like them. The argument could be made that some of the people he kills could be redeemed, and that he's wrong to err on the side of murder.
Frank makes no delusions that he's a good man, but I think it's naive to immediately write him off as a bad one. It's easy to SAY we should turn the other cheek or forgive murderers and rapists, but the vast majority of people are not actually Budda, the death of people we see as irredeemable comforts us. When terrorists or spree shooters are killed, we feel at ease knowing a threat to ourselves and our loved ones is no more.
And Joss is from a film background, and movies almost always end in the villain dying (a large part of why early superhero movies failed, because the accepted morality of film and comics is in may ways opposed). He's had a main character kick a guy into the engine of a space ship, because he was smart enough to know that morality of a western is not the same as our modern morality. Frank Castle is basically a cowboy who feels the rest of the world is lawless, and trying to impose his own order on it.
That's a pretty dumb reason to hate the Punisher. The only real argument against him is that his gimmick renders him editorally useless in fights against popular supervillians and boring when up against regular scum.
Fuck, this is the most hackneyed shit in fiction. If you waste someone, you are as bad as they are. And yet you have Batman giving Joker and company (for example) taps to the head for decades and more and more people die as a result.
Maybe Bats doesn't need to go full Azreal but for fucks sake when you have villains that pull shit forever and never reform and just get worse, just how much patience can you fucking have?
I really don't know why they don't just ask the question "Why doesn't superman just send the joker into the phantom zone?". It's a much better solution, though not from a story perspective.
Punisher is better than all of capeshit. Exhibit A right here:
Hotwheels let me upload pics
You could have him find some secret pattern in the phantom zone that only a super insane person could perceive. This in turn leads him to ancient Kryptonian tech that allows him to escape and cause problems. There are a lot of interesting things you could do with Joker if you wanted to, without going beyond the no kill rule, but I don't think most of them would appeal to DC. Imagine a story where Joker is locked up, and instead of him escaping it turns out a new joker just pops up… and no joker has ever escaped Arkham. The problem with a lot of ways to get rid of the Joker without killing him is you have to go to a very 90s extreme. Like when Spectre was going to kill him, but was infected by the Joker's super insanity. It was STUPID, but it's a humorous level of pure stupid that kinda works.
Remember, even if they are technically in hiding and "dead" at this point, the lines the X-Men don't cross aren't specifically for THEIR benefit (though several of them are of course against killing, especially after the battle is won). The X-Men are a positive face for ALL MUTANT KIND, especially back then. There are times Wolverine has had to be physically stopped by his teammates for gutting people, especially in front of large crowds of scared humans. Their code against killing isn't even absolute, they've killed when needed, and almost every X-Man has a mercy kill or twenty under their belt. Not to mention they see themselves as an example to other mutants, it's logical that they'd want to hold themselves to a higher standard because that is the standard they would want others to live up to.
Without Roma involved, it would be hard to decide what to do with their foes. But if you have a clear way to effectively dispose of them without murder, your average person would do it.
Go back to reddit.
This is some fantastic bait. I sure feel sorry for the poor saps who replied seriously.
That's good too, but how is "You're really going to do it" bad precisely? Except perhaps if you arguing something like the artstyle, but compared to what we have today in many respects (see: Kate Leth related works) it's just fine.
Hi, /a/. Did you get out of your box again?
You know if you eliminated crossposters you'd be posting here by yourself, right?
M8. I'd say defending crossposting on /a/'s level is admission enough. Just quit while you can, it's only downhill for you from here on out.
Nah. I think I'll keep going and see how autistic things get. Besides, if he had a real problem with /a/ (or for that matter Holla Forums) crossposting he'd be shitting up the JoJo thread…I'm sorry the "Adventure Time" thread.
You are only talking to one person. The problem with /a/, or more accurately YOU, posting here, is that weaboos are so retarded that they ACTUALLY BELIEVE anime and manga are better to western comics. That's why whenever you try to discuss them they just go HURR DURR CAPESHIT because their board is so fucking garbage that they'd rather hang out all day on a board for a topic they don't even like.
I wish the mods would ban you, but they don't have the spine for it.
If you insist on being retarded, and I know you do, be retarded about THE PUNISHER. Now, everyone, look closely at all these images, and tell me how you feel.
Holy shit I have never seen so many upset cumskins in one thread.
Real talk, I need to know if you're just one guy or there's still multiple people trying to make this happen.
You keep fucking guessing the wrong board m80…
But, to your point, I'd say /a/ would be wrong about that because it's all trash. Manga, anime, comics, cartoons, film, TV, gaming, the whole lot. The best thing to do is to laugh at the carnage.
From an overall quality standpoint? A bit trashy and tasteless.
But yet, it is grossly entertaining as well. It's sort of like watching a car crash in slow motion.
Hey, this is my claim, fuck off.
Don't you have a Dindu Lives Matter protest to attend?
Anime and manga IS better than western animation and comics given the current state of it.
Tell us all about how Japan's animu and mango is as infested with SJW brand stuff and panderers of SJWs.
Wait, it doesn't .
There are gems in each though.
Instead it's infested with haremshit and fanserviceshit.
Better fanserviceshit than some superhero comic saying Donald Trump is a Nazi or with some ugly squirrel chick or having Cunt!Thor spew tumblr brand talk about mansplaining (or whatever).
Morning, Holla Forumsmrades. Just passing by to remind you to stay vigilante against anti-Holla Forums and anti-Japan shills.
Five points for you, user. I stand corrected.
Answer the question faggotron.
Literally stolen from a Holla Forums thread.
Bullshit, I just searched and nothing came up.
Holla Forums sucks. You know it, I know it, the lord knows it.
So pretty girls and sexual fantasies, all the shit healthy young men like. What a crime, someone needs to stop this.
Why the fuck do Punisher threads always wind up like this anyway?
I know the OP deliberately worded it so this would turn into a shitflinging contest, but I have literally never seen a Punisher thread that didn't wind up being a pile of faggotry, even back on cuck/co/ before it got pozzed by tumblrinas.
Even Punisher storytime threads wind up like this at some point.
I should know. I wrote it. The >capeshit meme fuck off user was in that thread too
Because he lives on the edge.
Because a lot of what Punisher IS, in his most basic nature, is politically and ethically polarizing. Punisher's very existence brings up questions such as: What happens when the justice system fails? Is it morally right to take the life of someone to protect the lives others? Is/Can violence actually be a viable, and I dare say efficient, solution? Is the Punisher actually a hero? If so can you easily call him a villain?
Anyone who has any kind of political and/or ethical leaning of ANY kind is going to have their own views and beliefs about Frank Castle and what he does. Sure, he may just be a fictional character but his inherent nature elicits an immediate emotional and mental reaction from the vast majority of those who would come across his stories. Such reactions are usually very violent and stubborn as they hit at the very bases of the person's being. If a person is very anti-gun and anti-violence asking them the question of whether or not violence is EVER the answer would force them to have to make an immediate "NEVER" answer otherwise they will be forced to reevaluate their entire lives and the foundations of their beliefs. As well those on the other side when brought up with the fact that Frank is a broken person that might not be completely heroic and may indeed just be targeting criminals to justify his own homicidal rage, they too shut out any opposition because it would be going against their own beliefs.
TL;DR Shit be fucked fam
Punisher Kills God when?
Capefags are retards.
Can you elaborate on this? I don't quite understand.
He's suggesting that people either entirely condemn Frank or, to your question, completely absolve him of guilt. The short and long is as said in his opening: "in his most basic nature, [the Punisher] is politically and ethically polarizing." In any discussion about the Punisher there is no middle ground, largely in part because his actions and philosophy are so decisive and extreme.
That wasn't his question. He was asking for elaboration on the instances of Frank being described as a deeply maladjusted individual as opposed to a "pure" hero.
No, what I asked was in what was he trying to say about people who agree with Frank's actions, why shutting out opposition goes against their beliefs.
Savage. Isn't that what ends making Tim Drake go full Punisher though?
The dude was in vietnam, and then watched as his family was gunned down by mobsters. Anyone would be deeply maladjusted after all that.
because that would be "giving ground to the other side". Each side takes an absolute stance–because if you take Frank Castle's case with any degree of seriousness, there isn't much room for a middling opinion–and defends it dogmatically. It's very difficult have a casual conversation about the Punisher, because the conversation almost inevitably steers into a serious discussion about morality.
My bad, Mr. Dubs. And no, I don't think I can help you there, because I've never seen a concrete case of this, mostly idiots calling him a fascist.
That was Jason Todd.
Fuck, my bad. It's so easy to get the young boys Batman grooms confused.
To answer this I was saying, or at least trying to as I wrote that late into the night so I may have come out more incoherent than what I originally wanted, was that people who agree with Frank's course of action tend to absolve him of his sins simply because he's working towards a "greater good." There's a common thing among many, though obviously not all, Punisher fans where they will excuse any and all terrible things that Frank does simply because they agree with him and his actions. To even insinuate that Frank may not be a 100% pure good guy hero will cause a violent backlash. To imply that Frank may even be insane after everything he's been through makes this reaction even worse. People who see Frank as a great hero don't generally want to admit that the character they like and agree with isn't entirely a good man as that may reflect poorly on their lives and personality.
As I said the Punisher's very existence is highly polarizing. People either see him as a homicidal maniac or a pure hero of justice. There is no inbetween in the minds of many people.
Of course the truth of the matter is that Frank is a very deeply written and complex character and you can't analyze him under the scope of a single ideology. Frank isn't a villain, but he's not entirely a good person either. He saves lives… but he kills people. He stops crime… by committing more. He's a murderer but he's also a family man.
At the end of the day Frank Castle is the best anti-hero because of this ability to tear at both sides and elicit such an emotional and ideological reaction. I wouldn't have it any other way personally. Because if people didn't have this kind of reaction then that means that he's no longer the complex kind of character that would be worth anyone's attention.
he is so polarizing as you say, because his own moral code is very black and white, leaving no room for compromise. if you disagree with punishers actions then there is simply an irreconcilable difference in the way you and frank think
Well this answers my question very well. Thanks user.
Go take your meds, Mr. Miller.
I'll never understand why people hold that talentless shitbag as a standard to look up to.
I think that's a good thing about him. It gets people arguing. Either way, it won't leave you indifferent.
*Jason Todd
And not quite. When Jason becomes the Red Hood, he figures that crime's always going to be rampant, so he might as well take it over and try to mitigate the damage. Or something. It's been a while.
He does go full Punisher on the Joker, though.
A better question is, why is he still around? He's a Vietnam vet, he should be in a retirement home.
Least pre-new 52 Jason was like that. New 52 Jason is a mess.
Anyone who reads Punisher that isn't MAX is a retard faggot.
Anyone has that Punisher story he murders a couple of pedos in front of their children?
I have to do this one page at a time because my computer is old.
And the last page of the sequence is here
Is Punisher 2099 any good?
Nothing with the 2099 imprint is an good.
Isn't there that recent run of The Punisher where his while thing is that he deals with shit that is too big for the cops yet too small for a bunch of big heroes. I actually really like how he is done here.
By that logic then, how many super heroes with amazing powers have actually killed innocents? Does that never happen now either, are you telling me people who can shoot lazes or with powers that dwarf that of regular guns never miss and hit an civilian? Also what about people in universe that use guns normally like cops or military?
Saging for the double post
I forgot to mention, the Punisher always struck me as the kinda character that does shit that polite society cannot bother itself to do, but needs done.
He does the shit they think is horrible but when you have people like say superman or Thor who is all but a god, of course you can scoff. But what about the average man? They do not have those powers, what are they supposed to do against say the cartels or low ranking bad guys that can boil you alive? Meanwhile the big names are fighting off in space or some shit, who is gonna stop the local ms-13 guys who can fuck up the cops from burning down your store for protection money? Its easy to be high and mighty when you are a super hero or such, but when you need shit now you need men like him.
Isn't Wolverine a veteran of multiple wars?
Fuck you, I liked it (Punisher 2099 at least).
too many liberal retardtheist pussies here
Funny enough, in that exact run Frank comes across Electro while he's in LA. The second time they meet, Frank gets the drop on him with fucking rubber bullets and comes very close to putting one in his eye before Electro is saved by Domino, who happened to be in the area doing a job for AIM.
You need emotionally stable, well-trained policemen for that. The only advantage the Punisher has over the actual authorities is Batman-level plot armour.
That's all you need to know he's a faggot.
Did we not already know that?
He's Joss Whedon.
Motherfucker is so up his ass he can probably taste his small intestine. I feel no sympathy for him that he got feminazi'd out of twitter, not a single bit.
What's crazy is that I KNOW he's read Claremont's X-Men run (he very much was going for the feel of those in someway during his own run) so he knows that pretty much EVERY X-Man has killed when it was needed. Almost all of them have done mercy killings as well. You could even argue that their association with Wolverine (among several others) means they condone killing to a degree.
And as a writer, you don't have to believe in a damn thing Frank Castle does to write him well and find him compelling. Being someone that a lot of people don't like the idea of is why he's such an interesting character. I know some writers do have a very real bias against him, and consider him a socially irresponsible character to market, especially to kids. But, he makes a shitton of money for the company, so no one is ever going to get rid of him for long.
What little I've seen of Punisher 2099 is good, but I actually owned a few issue of Spiderman 2099 when they came out, and enjoyed them.
Ghost Rider 2099 was pretty cool.
Fuck off back to Hot Topic, and take your Linkin Park CDs with you.
your stupidity triggered you by not understanding my post at all
wow, someone's really butthurt about hwo their too autistic to enjoy a great anime!
Your spelling is autistic.
Whoa, backtrack. The fuck happened?
I believe he got bullied off of twitter temporarily in the wake of Age of Ultron's release due to negative reaction to the Black Widow/Banner subplot ("can't have no kids cuz Red Room"). Most of the vitriol came from the SJ crowd.
Oh man, I wanna see this. You got some juicy caps of the incident?
I'll have to dig for the twitter screencaps, but here is a "completely fair and balanced" retelling of how things went down, in comic form.