1) I have come to rescue my people, and to free our land from tyranny.
2) Voluntary education works better than violently enforced laws.
3) Economy laws are more efficiently enforced with voluntary education.
4) The Cold War has not ended, and has been psychologically abusing the people with technology.
5) There is a hidden secret agent war, so vast, that human trust has been destroyed and nobody can be sure who is or who isn't a secret agent.
6) Secret societies trick people into selling their free speech, only to regret it later. This is a tragedy.
7) We want complete freedom of speech. There should be no crime for speech alone.
8) Psychiatric hospitals torture innocent people and take away freedom of religion.
9) Spy technology secretly takes statistics on the people in order to brainwash easier.
10) The people are controlled by giving hypnotic suggestions on their technology devices.
11) The people are also controlled by overwhelming them with secret agents playing mind games.
12) At times, the entire might of a government will focus on one person at a time, until the entire nation is brainwashed.
13) Languages have been corrupted and used as a weapon to confuse the people.
14) The common folk have been trained to be unkind to eachother, alienating lonely people and creating monsters that commit atrocities.
15) Populations were grown specifically to provide legions of brainwashed common folk to bully intellectuals.
16) They are trying to turn all men gay.
17) They are trying to make all women slutty.
18) They are trying to eliminate the father from the family.
19) Heterosexual groups are demonized by false claims of homophobia, because their strength is feared.
20) This Cold War has destroyed all human trust in knowledge, so that we need a new school to re-learn everything.
21) We must compete with enemy propaganda for the minds of the common folk, else they might be used against us.
22) We must discourage passivity, because people are often conquered by targeting one group at a time. Therefore we must defend each other.
23) The election system is used not to serve democracy, but only to prevent riots by teasing the people with a false hope of progress.
24) Politicians must not be forced into fame to run for office, or else elections will become puppet shows.
25) Family is an alliance of patriarch and matriarch groups.
26) Family must be allowed to rule their own family without interpherence.
27) Families should remain free, so long as they don't take the freedom of others.
28) Child protective services are destroying the sacred independence of the family.
29) Abortion is an issue for each family to decide on their own.
30) Laws against cannabis give women power over men, and destroy the family.
31) Family nationality is determined by the home of the oldest ancester in your patriarch or matriarch group.
32) All land should be ruled by its native families.
33) North America must be gradually given back to native families.
34) There should be at least one road of free travel through each nation.
35) Any woman forced into prostitution is a great shame upon all men.
36) Young vulnerable girls are often tricked into thinking prostitution is fun.
37) If women are being abused anywhere, except within their own family, we must rescue them.
38) Society is manipulated to give youth power over their elders, because elders are too difficult to control.
39) New parents need freedom to be continously present in the lives of their young children.
40) Marriage must return to being a ritual to guarantee paternity.
41) A father should get custody of his son, while a mother should get custody of her daughter.