Help me Holla Forums

I have been exposed as a National Socialist and holocaust denier at my multiculti, 15% white secondary school. We have assemblies about race, not all muslims, all that bullshit, etc. I'm also coming under fire for protesting against degeneracy, trannies, sexual deviancy etc. How can I cover my ass and not get destroyed by the PC brigade?

Below is the kind of bullshit I have to deal with.

Other urls found in this thread:

Be Alpha and gather areound you people who thinks like you. There are lots of right wing people in every place, but they have too fear to speak in public. They need an alpha with balls of steels that desn't have fear to talk sincerely in public. They will join you if you ahve enough charisma. Goodspeed user.

Give no fucks you twat. Get a baseball bat, leftist can't fight for shit.

deny, deny, deny.
don't apologise though- very important. never apologise.


OP stand tall, stand proud, if more people were like that we wouldn't be complaining so much on Holla Forums.

No. Fight back. They can’t handle the truth.

kill them you pussy ass faggot.

Now that you've been exposed, embrace it. This should be a liberating moment for you. Know your positions well, as well as your enemies' and know how to dismantle their arguments. Don't go spouting off about the jews like a skinhead because that is how your enemy validates themselves. Use logic and reason to frustrate your enemies; Because their arguments are entirely based on feel-good liberal nonsense, they will make mistakes. Point out their strawmen and ad hominem arguments when they inevitably run out of talking points. Point out that trying to silence you for your political beliefs is anti-free speech. You can even call it a fascist tactic if you are in Europe, as that is something they associate with fascism. Have fun with it, enjoy being a cheeky cunt.

pretend to be Finnish

only the Nazi's helped your grandparents survive the communists

Can't tell if this is fake or real, but what the heck

Avoid being isolated. This is the very first thing that so-called people with tolerance ideology will do. Find a group or people that share the same views (not with the crazies). Best is within the school.

Collect as much of data and information as you can get, and red pill the shit out of them when being confronted.

Don't buckle under. On the contrary. Trump has changed things.

Find other white friends who think like you. Form a gang, watch each others backs. Don't take shit from the SJW's, but don't purposely attract their negative attention.

Stay discrete, convert whites. Show them the truth of our current history and situation.

ok, right back, tell them the holocaust was a hoax, provide evidence based on primary sources, then remain unemployed for the rest of your life.
bonus: your parents may disown you and distance themselves from you so that they can continue to live comfy lives.

Everybody has been indocrinated, even the whites. Some people don't buy into all the PC bullcrap but nobody shares my "Intolerant and extreme" views. I roll with the whites, but there are only about 10 of them and they all buy into the "oy vey 6 gorrilion shit." the holohoax is part of our History curriculum and the teacher's argument whenever I say something like "Why did the Nazis bother with shipping the Jews to the camps if they had Einsatzgruppen units to ready kill them instantly etc." is always bullshit like "You can't expect the Nazis to be logical oy vey.

I've never mentioned the Jews, although I am well aware of their activities and their attempts to destroy western civilisation.

Talking sincerely hasn't worked either. Its isolated me and the POCs (Pieces of crap) hate me for being Wacist and hurting their widdle feelings whenever I talk about radical islam, migration crisis etc.

To be honest I'm sinking deeper into Nihilism and apathy and frankly I don't even know if I should give up, or just wait until I'm in the workforce to begin saving the world from whats happening. It might not be to late, as long as we vote Leave of course, to stop the mudslime and turkroach influx.

Thanks for your support.

Parents are reasonably redpilled. Father has always encouraged me to think independently and distrust the media, although he does not share my views on trump etc, he agrees with Brexit and deporting mudslimes, degeneracy. Mother has no political views, luckily for me traditional housewife who is conservative.

Accept it. You can't go anywhere now even if you deny it, you should stay reasonable and stand behind what you believe in.

It'll most likely raise curiosity in some people wondering why you stand so strongly behind such beliefs, it will grand you the opportunity to explain why, and you'll have the chance to redpill, and assemble a group.

This will not always work, but you should still stand behind your beliefs, if you deny it, you're pretty much a cuck.

Prepare to be an outcast though, not that it matters considering those are the kind of people you don't want to associate with anyway.

You pick your battles carefully. What do you gain out of fighting battles at your school? Nothing. You dont have to agree with them. Just get good grades and stand firm if they ever confront you.

Oh, you're a fellow Britbong

There is a surprising amount of us around. Most of us remain quite, but for those who can't take it anymore National Action is an option.

Heres what you gotta keep in mind man. High school is FUCKING BULLSHIT. If you gain a reputation now, as being someone who doesnt give a fuck and doesnt let peer pressure influence your viewpoints, because you enjoy thinking critically ablut things, well now youre only a couple months in gym away from fucking the hottest girls in the school. At the very least, after highschool, when everyone has the peer pressure spell turned down slightly, they'll look back and remember that you were acting during high school the way they all want to act now.

Don't apologize.

I need you to understand how important that is.

As soon as you apologize, you essentially admitted that what you were doing (aka: having unpopular opinions) was wrong. You have done nothing wrong but have unpopular opinions. The worst they can do to you is throw buzzwords at you like "racist" and "sexist" and say "that's offensive". Your job is to say "I don't care, this is my opinion. Offense is taken, not given."

Kissing ass is only going to show weakness, denying doesn't make any difference to anyone, it's a witchhunt. The only way to survive a witchhunt is to actually be a witch and kill them with your magic. The only way to survive a patriarchial-cis-het-male hunt is to be a patriarchial-cis-het-male and be an alpha male who won't back down and trigger the shit out of them with your mememagic.

If you have been exposed there is no point in going on defence. Now is the perfect time to go on the offensive.
Godspeed user.

Holocaust "Denial" is a word used by kikes, it means that the Holocaust did happen and people are in denial.
Learn English motherfucker, you are a Holocaust Revisionist!

also never apologise like this user said

I'll second this user.

Left, really, doesn't care if you're really a racist/fascist or not. They want to paint a target. An exercise in group hatred. Now, those who are prone to shaming and stumble upon themselves make the best targets. They look weak, and their excuses don't matter to the wolves seeking their prey.

Embrace your position and stand by it. Never ever back down - that'll make you a cuckservative… and we all know where they end up.


This tbh.

I too was struggling with being attracted to other men, until national action alowed me t embrace my faggotry.


They will try to get you to kill yourself. Ultimately that's their end goal. They don't care if they make you want to kill yourself and feel alienated, so long as they don't ever have to have their views questioned. They're animals more or less.

Stand tall, respect yourself, don't buckle.

Vindication will be yours as more girls and people start to respect you. Show them that you are the cool, smart, fun one to be around. Turn the tables upside down. Use their ego defense systems against them. Take hold of their conformity and invert it so that they no longer know who is cool, and who isn't.

And when they are at their most confused, stand up and lead them.

Or just pussy out and play videogames. Your call.

Never apologize. You should have known better than show your power level in a majority coon school.

Double that knowing how teens are guinea pigs for marxist insanity.

Scratch that, kill yourself


We're not all cowards like you. Thanks to us weak faggots like yourself are going to benefit. It takes the will of the all to stand up for the truth. Are you going to keep throwing us to the dogs? It gets safer with every passing day.


you misunderstood my post, I don't want the Trump spam in the catalog either.

Interesting. Me too.

Ever since I started reading Holla Forums I very quickly began to see other people as fake friends. It's quite hard. I realized, these people literally are slaves and they actually WANT to be slaves. They don't have any impulse not to be. And they always throw you to the dogs.

No you misunderstood mine, I was agreeing with you by mockingly impersonating the other poster who said this was a slide thread

I understand now, have some rare Hitlers.



im sure it's gonna work.
in a US state school.
funded by the govt.
with none of the parents from the school (including the donors) reacting.

OP is a bong. He mentioned

ah, i didnt see.
still - i doubt that he's gonna win everyone over through charm.
it;s much, much more likely they'll shun him and give him bad grades or outright expel him.

when i was in sixth form i never mentioned anything and people still (from my attitude and ideas) thought im a eugenicist.
granted, i never made that explicit neither any statement but it didnt make anyone go "my god, you are right!".
im pretty sure if i would have made explicit statements i would have been kicked out.
hell, i even made a holocaust presentation that was anti-nazi and those fuckers still smelled my Holla Forumsness

Trips for truth


If forming a Natsoc redpilled posse ends up not working out, I'm here if you need morale support or just someone with a like-mindset.
Here is my Tox address: CAF9A3804437F86675A55E675EE47866069806ECCC13D99E5906151DA494B22C3606D4D275E6

Act normal and with conviction. Call anti Whites "racists" And No Adolf porn.

Can you spot the Jew or Trans Nazi poster?

As a fellow Brit, I've got to say, stay strong. Don't proselytise. How did you get found out? Did someone screencap things you said on Facebook?

I am also a fellow Brit and I second this question.

holy fuck man, thanks god i live in a third world shithole at least there's freedom of speech in our colleges

OP, don't back down and don't cuck out. And like it's been said often in the thread, never apologise.

Hopefully you're not in FACKEN LANDEN

It gets easier with time. Once people know where you stand, and that you refuse to budge, they'll stop trying to change you. And when they find out that you can back up your beliefs with facts that they can't "RAYSIS UKIP VOTER READER OF THE DAILY MAIL" their way out of, they'll stop even mentioning it, unfortunately.

Yes, after a while, you will miss the look of defeat across their faces.

Remember, nothing worthwhile is ever easy except ur mum :^)

t. W.Midsfag who had to put up with the same shit

I got pressured and let it slip that 6 million was a rather large number.

I would dial down the Holocaust denial and National Socialism. Just say you're a Trump supporter who doesn't like internationalism.

Just say that the narrative must be wrong if they make it illegal to discuss the issue.

that's all? are you that fucking gay? there's a lot of evidence for that dude, if they keep pressuring you just print some of the info on that and spreadd the redpill

Look, you can't afford to make mistakes. Watch the Jonathan Bowden video on revisionist theory. This is about power, and you have to consider yourself an intellectual operating under scrutiny. You can't do the edgy Holla Forums stuff in anglosphere education. You will be killed.

You know what bullshit I always hear when I say that? Apparently if I ask why would truth fear investigation im inciting violence against the jews. Just asking why makes me a violent and dangerous person

You consider yourself a National Socialist and you want to get in on revisionism, but you can't handle being called a dangerous bigot?

Absolutely required watching,


He lives in the UK, though. They might send him to a re-education program or something. They might wire an old Army telephone to his nuts and turn the crank.

…is that it? I mean, not that I'm an advocate of hiding your powerlevel, but that'd be easy to play off.

Right, I'm not sure why he allowed himself to express these views offhand. I took a university class about revolutions in the modern world right before I graduated from college and managed to keep my Holla Forums side quiet through three separate peer reviews of bad essays about how Hitler's evil charisma was the reason the Holocaust happened. If you know how to keep quiet, it's not hard. If you don't and you aren't intellectually ready for what you're going to be dealing with, you're just going to run into trouble.

How was your power level revealed?


Nobody, and I mean nobody, will remember what you did in high school. Your life cannot be destroyed at 17 or 18. You don't even have a life yet to destroy. You don't get that until you have a career and children. Stay off social media and it cannot follow you around.

Follow Trump's lead. Double down. Never give up, never surrender. Do not try to convince people you are right; mock the leftists and plant seeds of doubt and defeatism.

Last, live up to your own ideals. Work out earnestly. Be completely honest and trustworthy. You will be attacked; truth is treason in the empire of lies.

But then again I'm American

Hello Ephraim!
How's the weather in Tel Aviv?

lol that pic, nigga u gay?

without Hitler Finland would likely be Rusland by now. Despite little differences in opinion (Lappland war) it was mostly beneficial alliance.

If you stop to think about it the idea is absurd in itself.

Social media is fucking retarded and I am fully aware of the implications of what I do online. Do not worry Holla Forumsaks.

It was just a few words to a "friend" who I thought was smart enough to know better and he ended up spreading it. I should know better than to assume anyone outside Holla Forums is sane and ready for the truth.

So am I, but I feel bad for ideological brothers in the UK and Europe. Political correctness is the rule there, because, at least historically, Europeans were very polite. Even today, many Europeans I meet don't know how NOT to be polite. It's worse for mainland Euros. So many don't know how to carry themselves around non-whites.

How was your power level revealed?

Honestly I would say you're actually very luck to have been redpilled at such a young age. You're still in a position to influence the minds of your peers and if read Holla Forums and are aware of the truth of the holocaust you must at least have some level of intelligence.

I say use it to your advantage, as others have. Don't be ashamed, don't cover it up. Imprisoning a minor for questioning the holocaust would really be a blow to their Jewiarchy. Just play down the natsoc sentiments except around allies, which is also the most important thing. GATHER ALLIES. Children are stupid; if you can start a movement then others will join simply because it's the popular thing. Start working out. Play sports. Reject drugs and alcohol. Be the strong aryan natsoc you were always meant to be but above all you must absolutely REJECT the degeneracy of the useful idiot new-nazi culture at all costs.

I would give anything to be your age and in your position user.

Man…. talk about "the chilling effect".

I mean, I've been dropping redpills on my friends like they were alkaseltzer, but I've been afraid to go after the big hoax. This, though, this is some conditioning.

Use humour, always smile and be polite but never, ever back down.

op wh-why would you post a picture like that?

Not to brag but I did the American SATs and am in 99th percentile, with a perfect score on maths. I can cruise through tests with no revisions, straight A*s.

Nope, no allies. Either too stupid or too bluepilled. Welp, back to Holla Forums I guess. Drugs and alcohol, as well as hedonism in general, including relationships are the tools of the kikes. They want to take your mind off real things, and destroy civilization.

Not aryan, sorry. I'm a disgusting mongrel, half asian, quarter poo-in-loo, quarter english with irish mixed in.
Pic related

Don't act from a position of weakness and capitulation. Never, ever, ever play by SJW's rules…play by your own. It may get you into trouble but victory comes not to those who refuse risk and sacrifice.

Better to acknowledge degeneracy and plan to stop it than to pretend it doesn't exist. This is normal shit at my cucked as hell school.

UK summed up in one picture

Hide powerlevels.

Get a gunb, start shooting, gather the based, intelligent part of your university. Perhaps even reach out to the perhaps few based non-whites to support you. The ultimate key to holding a pro-white stance succesfully seems to get even just 1 non-white Jew, Black or other to follow what you say. If not they'll have their doctrines proclaim you as an evil White supremacist heretic.

And how can I do that?

What the fuck is wrong with the UK ? I've been dropping open but subtle redpills about Jews and Hitler since I found Holla Forums and I haven't been scrutinized for any of it. Maybe its because I am a massive spergy autist that nobody really likes to be around because I have to hide my true personality all day but that's my problem

Get /fit/ and don't give a fuck, that's my advice. 99 % of highschoolers and students are either mentally retarded or women and you can argue with neither of them

Well who am I kidding they'll declare you an evil White supremacist heretic regardless of what you do. And defense of White people might not be the same as "pro-white" as that can venture into supremacism. But honnestly we can only organise, be separatist and protect ourselves, declare independence. You won't be able to "win" a discussion in the eyes of this soviet style anti-white establishment. They will shower you with "taboo" terms and projection and shout over you. They don't care if you are right. Nobody will challenge an accusation of "anti-semetism" or "racism", etc. That's part of how it works.

I'm from eastern Europe and the exams that ended my K-12 education were infinitely harder than American SATs. I looked up what actually happens on the SATs and I found easy questions about linear functions contained within real-world problem. Lots of choice questions with four answers and the hardest one was about finding a parabola formula based on a graph. There was also a single geometrical problem based around a circle and a triangle withthe problem being to find the length of one side based on angles and other sides. For comparison, I had to finish three basic probability problems, solve problems with two quadratic functions and stuff like that. Not that it was hard, but it was severely harder in comparison to what SATs are.

It's not that hard to be in 99th percentile if you want to go into STEM and have at least basic skills in maths allowing you to solve simple linear equations in seconds.

Won't dox myself, but once I found myself in trouble for citing Koran, especially the part where it says to always treat non-Muslims as secondary friends.

Got called to a meeting with a Principal, but he lost his interest when it was revealed I haven't said anything anti-Semitic.

That day I learned that you can be a shitlord in the UK… as long as you don't touch the JQ

I meant find allies. Use that intellect to win them over quietly. Everyone at your age is bluepilled, you just have to be subtle. Sit just starting blasting mein kampf 21 Candles style. For example- promote trump, but starting subtly including natsoc ideology into it, most people your age (hell most people in general) are too stupid to know what actual national socialism is really all about. Discuss general history and include redpilled facts about germany- the anti smoking campaign, animal rights, the fact that there was no segregation, the complete separation of the public and private sectors. For a better idea about actual natsoc policy and goals you can use to red pill people, read this:

That racial mix is fine. I meant ideologically Aryan. The idea of the übermensch being a white-only, supremacist ideology is a Jewish creation.

I actually went to visit an American school as a Dutchman but the level of education is shit-tier ( It might depend on the school though, I've only vivisted one). That college was supposed to be on our standard of education but in third grade those kids got what we got in first grade

Literally first grade tier
Choice questions in a math test ? Kek
Take two points from the graph, calculate
Equation of Pythagoras, also first grade tier here. Otherwise use Sin, Cos and Tan

Seems your test are about on the same level as ours. We had to differentiate functions, create formulas for exponential functions, and solve probability problems with significance. Nothing very hard or very special, but much harder than what I have seen in the US

was originally stolen from Nietzsche. To me it mainly means being the best at my talents, and improving both the mind and the body

They lowered the standards because too many mediocre Jews could not meet them, and they wouldn't have a reliable crop of Jews ready to take over key jobs.

I think you're wrong there. They lowered it to humanise the blacks and the spics.

Disagree. Jews have a relatively high veal intellect (hence why they are so good at lying and cheating) and as such generally don't have a problem with tests like this.

The real purpose of lowered standards is to allow negroes and lower-iq people to succeed. The kikes figured this out in the 60s- they've basically learned to use the niggers as a bulwark. The more "equality" they create amongst the sub humans, the more insulated they become from criticism under the guise of universal tolerance and acceptance. I'm sure some regarded kikes have benefitted but like most Jewish trickery it's indirect benefit.

Underrated posts, hishschool, college, all these are bullshit times for young men true to their noble values.

All they're good for is indoctrination and propaganda(not even science is sacred anymore with intelligent youth studing on their own not in school). So, OP, stop worrying over nothing and make use of this property, share your you knowledge like a disease, just make sure it's not throwing rocks against the wall when you deal with extreme leftists. Those types can't comprehend logic. Play with their emotions instead, make them uncomfortable and never apologize.

Also, staying in shadow is fine and dandy, being able to observe, judge, and tickle your aryan ego. The minute light shines on you and your values though, you start panicking and beg for help? What is this? Pussyass baby pre-school nap time? Isn't smiling into the face of death itself, the greatest gift you can get from life? I got a little overboard here, kek

Yeah and Nietzsche was a kike. Starting to connect the dots?


Meant "verbal" iq, not "veal" iq.


Dubs confirm.


Dubs confirm.

Not a flood fuck yourself spicytires.

Pretty much these

Now that they know there's no going back, if you backpedal or play it off like a joke you'll get labeled as a creep or a weird guy and no one will take you seriously, if you don't act upon it others won't come your way to your aid.

I've redpilled a shit ton of people which makes no sense to me as I feel I'm a total autist.

Just go all out OP, I've got pretty moderate views but they've made people extremely butthurt, just express your views openly, a lot of the people I've triggered are full blown Nazi's now.

OK OP, I'll help.

Sorry about my english, not a native speaker, but what I am is debating mememagician.

There is no way to hide now. It's fight or flight, but you cannot flight your responsibilities at school and you shouldn't, so all that is left is fighting.

I'll give you short memory rule list, that if you follow you will do fine, and then I will give you a strategy and some tactical debating tricks.

1) Moralize! Large grouds work by psychology. With 1on1 discussions you can be more personal and talk about straight out facts, but in large debates where you are confronted by couple of assholes and many onlookers you need to appeal to emotion and morality. This is why you need a moral message. Donald Trump has his moral message: "Let's make america great again!" It's a possitive message not attacking anyone, and it's easy slogan, a meme material. As a national socialist, white nationalist, white separtist, etc you need to go directly to the core beliefs of your identity. I'll give you a slogan you can drop everytime someone morally accuses you of being an evil nazi racist etc. Just repeaat "whites have rights", and then ask what's wrong with whites having rights? Accuse them of hating whites. Always personalize their emotions. If they shout just point out calmly that their are irrationally emotional. It will russle their jimmies. Stay calm and have a moral message.

2) You are always debating for the growd, not for yourself or your opponent. So appearences are important. The most important is how you can take critizism and bounce back. If you can srugg all the accusations and angry shouts off like they were nothing it will impress everyone who isn't directly involved. You need to stand confident and strong, and have the ability to strike back verbaly.

3) Direct and amplify. This is not easily done in the middle of a heated debate, but everytime they make a possitive statement about themselve then you agree and say you want that too, or if they are speaking about hating racism or suppremacy, then agree with them. You can take historical examples of non-whites doing bad things, but also you can bring up the jewish slave trade in pasific triangle trade. This can win people over, but most of all it trows them off. Agreeing with your opponent and butting yourself and your ideals alined with them works like charm.

4) NEVER SAY SORRY! NEVER APPOLOGICE! You can play dumb, but do not say sorry. You do that it's over.

5) Playing stupid but coming back sarcastic is a working strategy. Never start with this. Play intelligent and open minded, so people listening you are well aware when you play sarcastic an when you are serious. It's wrong to start sarcastic when people don't have a reference of you being serious. People can misunderstand your sarcasm if you start with it. When you see a logical inconsistancy in your opponents argument, and deside to go for the kill, then you can try to lure them to logically admit cognitively dissonant premises and attack them.

6) If possible let your opponents speak. It's more then usual that people dig their own graves. Modern people have too many illogical and inconcistant ideals and ideas. Learn them, and when you hear them you can attack. The more he makes statements about HIS/HER beliefs, the more you have to attack. You should always ask him to clerify a term or a possition. It's good to play little dumb to get them to speak up. "I didn't quite catch that." "I didn't quite understand, could you please explain", etc. This is a way for them to become under fire. As long as he is accusing you and your charecter you are losing. So interrupt for clarification. Don't let him speak complete sentences. Everytime there is a buzzword in his monologue ask him to explain: "excuse me, but what do you mean by racist?", "excuse me what do you mean by nazi?", "what do you mean by holocaust?", etc. When he starts to babble on about racism being evil, immoral, oppression, hatered, segargation, etc, then you interrupt the again asking another clerification why something is immoral, opression, hatered, segargation, etc, and if he gives historical reasons why you personally are responsible, then you demand to know why you are responsible for other people crimes. Ask them why it's ok for blacks to have safespace but not whites to segergate. Let them talk but always interrupt and ask clarification. Don't do this too much. Let him have couple of sentences so he doesn't catch what you are doing.

7) If you get deep into the conversation don't accept their definitions of terms. The cultural marxist have been deliberately defined words new, so thinking logically is directed towards their world view and moral structure. The real red pill is to understand how much of our language is been modified and usend to control us. This is also the reason why you want them to clarify terms and words, because it gives you a window to challenge them. But this kind of discussion is too long winded and probably never happen, but it's good to know what to do if.

8) Use the crowd. When you are speaking to someone, then ask loaded usually clerifying questions from the crowd. "How many here thinks racism is bad?", and then follow, "Ok ok, now could someone please explain what is racism. You girl there, yes you, explain racism. Louder so everyone can hear! Thanks." You can ask the same question from someone else. This will win the crowd because they feel that you care for what they have to say even thou you don't agree with them. Small psychological trick. Then you can use "the mantra" asia for asians white countries for everyone etc. Be besific ask why it's morally worng for whites to have their own nation and to have political representation if other minorities have it too.

I hope these debating tactics will help you.

What do you have left OP? A year or two? After that, you'll never see any of those cunts again. Unless you visit Homey Depot at which point you'll find Chad the homecoming king in the plumbing fixtures aisle.

Just fuck bitches. Don't nut in any of them though, you don't need some, 'teen mom' bullshit.

Ride the tide nigger, your enemies are faggots, women and shitskins, two of them can't handle unrelenting defiance and the others only understand violence and power.

White cucks will attack you psychologically, if trigger words like "racist" or "bigot" don't wear you down, they'll alienate you by manipulating other whites with the same words to create a social stigma, like others have advised, look for people that either don't give a shit or share the same views with you, be prepared to throw some punches when interacting with shitskins, they are more "direct" and white cucks will propbably exploit their volatile nature by making you and your friends a target, beware of niggers, they're faggots and only attack in groups, latinos are kinda the same but they usually do it in pairs or have their posse around to give support if things go out of hand.

Best of lucks, don't apologize, don't give a shit, don't go down without a fight.

Most shitskins are fine. They jabber away in their own primitive language. Its the white cucks and mulattoes I have to concern myself with. Worst of all, their only argument is don't believe everything you read, go see auschwitz you're anti-semitic etc. Bullshit I have no way to rebut no matter what.

Claim that you are Muslim
Protesting sexual deviancy: check
You'll get a free pass and if you want you can muh dick their woman in the name of the Prophet

I don't look black, I have slighly darker than average skin for a white person, somewhat asian features. Medium brown hair and eyes. Not poo in loo at all.

Good one. Sadly, do not look shitskin at all.


You forgot:

To clarify you want to trick them to define racism, so you can attack it, and show inconcistancies.

For exaple: a girl says: "racism is stupid, and it's discrimination by race".

You shoul ask: "So if racism is stupid, and I'm racist, then that would mean I'm stupid, right? So, you as a more clever and smart person can explain to me logically why it's stupid to not discriminate by profiling ethnicity; for example ISIS-terrorist. Isn't it stupid to seek ISIS-terrorist from Japanese tourist? But if ethnic profiling is racism and stupid, then could you as a smart person explain why seeking isis-terrorist from a random japanese tourist group is smart? If etnicity doesn't matter then surely ISIS-terrorist can be found from all ethnic groups with statistically the same amount?"

You need to lure them into logical inconcistancies. Ask them to clarify and play dumb.

I am far from 18. I used to have a lot of friends, watch Jon Stewart and listening to Grizzly Bear and shit… then I kind of just stopped giving a shit and decided to do the right thing.

I sort of had the naive idea that people would still accept me if I started talking about the truth and being honest. I actually just didn't give a shit.

Before you know it word got around that I'm "racist" and everyone jokes around that I'm a Nazi behind my back and shit… even when that's far from the truth. Now nobody will be seen with me and I'm pretty much just targeted as unacceptable. These people are really trash human beings and always were, I guess. But it's a virus in society, because even if people know you're completely right, they're still scared to talk to you or be seen with you. Why? Because they know the Jews are watching them. Imagine if everyone just suddenly decided to speak the truth at the same time.

It's not fun going against the kikes, they've really got everyone wrapped around their thumbs

What makes it worse is cowards like people in this thread who don't realize that literally we instantly and easily win if even just a fraction of you stop being fucking cowards about the truth in public

Remember, don't feel sympathy for anyone who would destroy you for speaking the truth. Those people aren't your friends, they're the bad guys.

This is the Columbo tactic. Play dumb and seek clerifications, but with direct intent to catch them in a logical inconsistancy.

The execption to the TV-series is that in the TV-Series the detective Columbo seeked factual inconcistancies with the stories of the suspects. You on the other hand want to nail them morally and logically.

Ask them if they think racist are dumb. Most probably will answer that they do believe racist are dumb. Then you a dumb racist catch them in a logical inconcistancy making them the dumb one. If you are debating with minorities then it's pritty easy to prove them to be racist. You only need to get them to define racism in a way that will also define themselves as racist. Usually the they will define racist as being beliefs of stereotypes, which means you need to get them to admit stereotypes about whites. If they define racism as being oppression, then you accuse them of oppressing white right now by attacking white morally and denying them their own representation by trying to socially shame and actively dismantel white groups. There is always a way to get them to contradict with themselves if they define the word racism.

Weird thing about PC is that really, it's a very psychological thing. You actually start to feel guilty, like you did something wrong. Their labels get into your head and you actually begin feeling alienation.

But really, that alienation is a choice you make. Do you feel guilty or not?

If you feel guilty, just take another look at it.

Then next time you see people just don't feel guilty. It's kind of hard to understand. I think you have to recognize the actual psychological effect that PC is having on society. People are really scared of the truth, you don't have to see everyone who isn't Holla Forums as some kind of indoctrinated person who you can't trust. I kind of started to feel that way.

I don't know how to explain it. If you just mentally disarm the part of yourself that speaks with their PC bullying voice, then it stops affecting you. I mean, they've put that voice into each one of us, we've internalized it.

It's hardly even the Jews honestly, it's something else. But obviously Israel / Holocaust are like the holy grail of PC no-nos for lots of reasons which makes them sort of the main issue.

I just disarm that voice in myself and I don't feel any sort of intimidation from normies anymore. They're cool. I know what the truth is. You know what the truth is. So what if people don't get it. Disarm the voice in your head that is their voice and not your own.

Let them have their fun. And we'll have ours. We'll see which one wins out over the long run.

Be confident in our views, in our way. We don't need to prove anything to them. They can come over when they want. When you get worked up about being rejected or threatened by PC, you're really just still validating yourself based on their views instead of working on yourself.

"What, like you?"
show them pic related, alternatively tell them you did go and you've researched more than they have "what do YOU know?".
What if I am??? :^)
(this is extremely important, don't ever back down trying to prove you aren't what they're calling you, admitting to being at fault for anything allows them to redirect the flow of arguments, simply ignore their labels and keep arguing)
Ask them what does it prove that you're x or y, they'll probably say "ur racist = lie" simply point out how stupid that is and that individual attitudes have no bearing on facts.

I'm assuming you had a social life before, yes ? Then trust me OP. I'm a massively queiet autist who is probably somewhat older than you, but I am still in school. Except for one other Holla Forums tier dude who I rarely see I have no friends, only acquaintances. You are not missing out on much when you lose that friend circle on school. Sure, you might not get invited to parties, or you might not be the popular guy. But on a larger scale, its all just vapid hedonism ( Fuck I'm starting to sound edgy, I'll try to contain myself ). Sure, friends are important and they bring great joy in your life. But it is better to have no friends and live in the truth than to immerse youself with people who get so drunk every night they have to puke in the toilet or with girls who have stretched out vaginas at their 15th.

I know a guy who syuffers from many mental problems. Everybody shuns him and they laugh behind his back. But he is still more loyal than ANY of those so-called people I have met in highschool. Despite his problems, he, with his low intelligence and psychic problems, is still better than all those liberal dimwits in any school.

Be proud of yourself for not standing with the herd, but for standing with yourself and pick your friends carefully for they may prove invaluable in their worth, moreso than any loss of social validity.


I'm currently going through the same shit.


Nope. You have entirely the wrong mentality already.
Read Vox Day's SJW Survival Guide. I don't agree with a fair bit of what Vox says but his analysis of the leftist psyche and what to fo when targeted by it is pretty good.


Well if your Britbongistan school is filled with Muslims, what's the problem? Don't they also deny the Holocaust? Aren't they also against trannies, gays etc.?

The truth above all else you despicable cuck


But please, continue being a giant faggot

No, that is what they TOLD you they were doing. While some Jews are gifted with high verbal (and non-verbal) intelligence, this is by no means the norm. Go to any college in the US and you will find countless mediocre Jews. Pretend to be friendly with them, and they will even admit that all they need to get a job at daddy's high-frequency hedge fund is a college degree. The Jew that admitted that actually had mathematical intelligence but very low verbal, but he was still middle-of-the-class. Another one let slip that she would be working as an administrator at the state university as soon as she finished her masters. That's an easy 6 figures, goyim. It sounded odd, though, because we were sitting in an undergrad class when she said it.

In short, with a college degree and a Jewish mother, you will never be without a white collar job in the US.

any source on that there math?

Take debate club, apply yourself to it, make some "political" (or political incorrect, but then it will be obviously a place for people like this to gather) club, and in the end railroad the discussion into natsoc ideals subtly, so that it appears the ideas came by themselves.
Be the Hitler of your school, take over it all.

Normies consider talking about something as being for.
I always liked WW2 history, and in my youth I did a presentation like you did (the theme was assigned by the professor, really!). Now my family considers me a nazi.
It's annoying really, I'm not that much of a socialist.

The swastika is going the wrong way Jude

That is a legendary screencap/pic. Good job, user. You're doing Trump's work.

underage b&

Show them your loli collection.

