for some reason I had a zip file with a bunch of old 4/b/ threads in it. :)
For some reason I had a zip file with a bunch of old 4/b/ threads in it. :)
Dump it all nigger, and remember you can do up to 5 images at time here, we don't need to see one pic at a damn time. :)
what is Holla Forums? :\
can you please delete these
they go against my narative of tripfags being a new thing that killed the chans
we need to remove names from Holla Forums to bring Holla Forums back to the glory days of 2011
i've been on the chans for 5 years now so i know a thing or two about them and the whole point of them that they are anonymous
how can you be anonymous with a tripcode? :\? :\? :\? :\
they are literally against what the sites are about
I feel ya. :) I got banned for reporting stupid stripped banana cancer meme bullshit in a thread it didn't fucking belong in. :)
That's why I stay here, instead. :)
i hate it when mods dont remove things that are obviously cancer from Holla Forums
Anyone remember Lain? :\
I was still on something awful in 2004. :) I was aware of 4chan breety damn early but I didn't hang out there and I didn't expect it to take off. :)
When I got banned from something awful in 2006. :) It was the place to go. :)
What'd you get banned for? :\
I questioned one of the mods decisions. :) He was banning people for raiding which was totally permited. :) I said something like what the fuck is wrong with you faggot? :\ Permabanned. :) I went back with another account and posted mod dox someone had posted on 4chan. :) Both times, 10 dollars well spent. :)
You were doing gods work, user. :)
Theres no fucking way this is real…
Breddy gud times tbh fam.
Keep posting
They're long gone user…the days when people used to actually have to deal with "rituals".
They're long gone. The days when people used to actually have to research keywords, buzzwords and slang terminology for hours, sometimes days, simply so they can post ONE RESPONSE that didn't make it obvious to the entire thread that they were newfags.
Long gone are the days where 4ch reigned supreme with actual "secret club" status so much so that even mainstream media didn't know how to classify us.
8ch is now the reining champ. THIS is where all the "old glory days" went. Here.
8ch has become what 4ch once was, a crooked fucked up place only chinese whispers can fully describe, and that's fucking saying something. This place is modded by literal gods. People who fully understand and appreciate anonymity.
This board, our board, has become the penultimate in shitposting, OC, and actually funny in-jokes.
The only remediable part of 4ch is /a/, and that's only because of how fucking strict they are with their board culture. I was with 4ch since 2007, since before "memes" became common place on youtube, before their culture was easily explained and deconstructed through some easily offended faggots blog post ranting about how "toxic" the site is on some blog nobody actually gave a fuck about.
TL;DR I'm drunk as fuck and am having nostalgia. If any of that made since, please, someone fucking tell me.
It made sense but don't kiss mod ass user thats not a good look for us. We are what you say though. And in a few years when Holla Forums is big, we'll look back on these first few years away from 4chan and miss it.
I mean yeah, what you said is chessy, but its true, this is the place to be. These are the days before it gets really, really, really popular and starts to slide all the way down. I was on 4chan since 2006, and its over, its finished. This was and is the next big thing in imageboards and its my home.
I completely forgot moot had a fag attack because he couldn't handle the dubs.