can someone tell me what uncling is? please help me i'm from canada
Can someone tell me what uncling is? please help me i'm from canada
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pic. dys can't spell for shit
When your uncle takes you into his room and does things you aren't allowed to talk about
I think there is a very persistant namefag with that name. So when you're namefagging you're uncling? Not sure tho.
i bet you think everyone named jack is named after jack daniels
When your "once was cool but now sad" 45 year old bachelor uncle gets plowed and starts telling you all the shit you're supposed to know by your age.
t. I'm one.
I'm a fully capable man who walks. I've been "walking" on the internet since 28.8 kpbs since I ran like USA Bolt on a treadmill away from your overbearing mother. Don't you ever fucking talk to me like that. That shit may fly with an eggplant emoji to your teacher but that's because your nigger abandoning father transferred intelligence through sperm to your mothers dry egg. Respect your elders, son. Now stop typing and learn something.
"Uncle" was a tripfag who told a pretty compelling story about how he put it in some underage vagoo, but it turns out it was fake. But his smut skills was 10/10 as he described it. Link related.
Later Uncle raised a shitstorm with mods and got a bunch of other tripfags to shitpost. Then the Frodo Wars happened, there's a banner for it that says "I am angry, angry about Tripfags!" that references this event.
When Jim came into power and replaced Kiketires, Uncle became the BO of Holla Forums during the power shift. Rightfully so, too. He started some of the funniest shit I've ever seen on this site.
And I am pretty sure these days anyone who names his kid Jack names ihm either after Jack Daniels or Jack Sparrow.
Jack Off
why the feeding during a press conference that is Time article?
did Hitler do this wrong? :\
Uncling is when you exist the voting booth and realize you've just wasted your vote on Doland Trump.
He's alright folk and all
i don't think there is anyone on earth who can help you with that.. Maybe its best when we give you a quick death?
See the game last night?
yup. that team got more points and won. cool.
And the way the one guy did that thing. fucking epic