Lets hang them high

I know this is old new..but heck, we NEED to do something.
I know Instagram accounts can be hacked to trace IP.
We could easily arrange their doxxing/catfishing and send the info to isis/negroe thieves or any albanian gang who wants a profitabble kidnapping

Other urls found in this thread:


dox guide

Zach Rothman
Nicky Kaufman
David Yehezkel
Alison Tong

those kids are MK-ultra'ed for sure. Its too much of a coindcidence

There's literally nothing wrong with being rich.

But there's a lot wrong with being Holla Forums, so how about you fix that problem and kill yourself?


the "people" on those photos are Degenerate and Libertine jews
Power entails Duty. Being rich implies a huge hiearchical responsibility.

btw, took a look on the right at other news..

is uk such a shithole? An Islamic State instead of that would not look that bad if I think about it.


You'll hang long before rich kids do, Holla Forums.


every time i seed celebrities given attention by the british public i feel like islamization is the lesser evil

There's nothing wrong with being stupendously wealthy and going on lavish vacations or buying luxury goods.

What pisses me off about blogs like that is that none of them have earned their wealth.

They aren't rich at all, only their parents are rich and their parents are clearly doing a piss poor job raising them. Instead of using that wealth to hire the best teachers and study hard at the more elite universities, they are blowing it on private jets, luxury cars, champagne and Louis Vuitton.

As someone who came as an immigrant at a very young age (yes, I'm white), I worked my ass off to be able to attend two Ivy League schools (undergrad and grad) on scholarships no less. Today, I can afford many of the things posted on that Instagram.

It's shocking to me how someone could so shamelessly indulge on someone else's money and flaunt it as if it somehow elevates them as well. I, personally, would be embarrassed to post pictures like that.

Stop being so peanut butter and jealous

That's because the way companies are set up. They won't have to do jackshit and still get a cut from the profit, simply because they inherited some stocks. So they don't even have a finite amount of money to piss off, but a constant and steady flow of cash.
In the Victorian time there was a lot of downward societal movement, because you either worked just as hard as your parents, or you've most likely lost your wealth, and your status with it.

And what would that accomplish? As long as they're drunk on hedonism and wasting their lives and their parents' money on material luxuries, they don't do any damage to anything.

I refuse to accept being accused of being jealous of a KIKE.
thats like saying i am Jealous of rapists and their sick enjoyment

Just help me get em killed
was there any spooky skull&bones tier stuff?

Yes, thats why have to legalize weed u know m8, it doesnt harm anyone

They're being hedonistic on a personal basis, not imposing hedonism on society. Try harder Holla Forums.

Well yes, they only do damage to themselves, but I'm mostly curious why someone would choose that lifestyle. I would want to be equally or more successful than my father, so it would embarrass me if daddy is some bigshot CEO and I'm sunbathing on an inflatable swan and sleeping with champagne bottles.

It isn't your fault if you're born rich, but you decide how to spend that money. I would hire the best tutors I can find to teach me everything about running a company, and I would get a degree from Wharton (my alma mater anyway) so that I would be equipped to take over when the time comes. And even if I do indulge every now and then on a nice vacation or I drive a luxury car, I wouldn't brag about it to the world as if its something I earned.

I guess that's where the moral justification is to want to hack their account or steal their bank info (this has been done before). Funny enough, various letter-agencies actually use the Rich Kids of Instagram blog to indict their parents on charges of fraud because the kids are not aware of the litigation that their parents might be going through.


have freedom, until it deprives another of his freedom.

what a man does with his wealth is his business
what parents do with their wealth is their business

for the longest time i thought "spoilt child" meant 'bratty' or lavished .
but it means a ruined human. a human that does not have the capacity to survive or contribute to his family, because as a child he had not worked or understood the skills necessary to be an adult.

it all works out in the end



Attacking hedonist is very righ-wing, leftsist would praise this dimwits for indulging in libertinage

you SHOULD not decide with total freedom.
Flaunting your kikeness on kikestagram is utterly unacceptable.

Again, you don't have to grow up if your parents left you an endless flow of money. Personally, I don't have any problem with people becoming rich, but it is a problem if they just born into wealth and don't have the skills to earn and maintain it, yet they still remain rich. Money is a form of power in this world (and it should be replaced by blood), so they have power in their hands that they can't handle responsibly.

>>>Holla Forums


Seriously nigger? You wonder why somebody would choose to be rich and live like a king without expending any effort?

That's the ultimate dream for most people.


Attacking rich hedonists is entirely leftist territory. Communism is basically founded on it. The right wing doesn't give a shit if some wealthy faggot wants to waste their money on expensive bullshit. That's their right and it's good for the economy.

They deserve death because they flaut degenerancy.
Trump is rich and he deserve to be the emperor

No, it is NOT. Hitler for example sent al degenerates(hedonists) to work camps.
ancient societies would shame and attack hedonists

Prove it :^)

Kill yourself my man.

If they don't have the skills to earn and maintain it, they won't. Most of these kids will end up wasting all of it as soon their parents die, and up poor.

Shill detected

The ultimate dream for plebs maybe. I would expect more from people who aren't born plebs that happened to win the lottery or something.

The ultimate dream for many people is to be rich from their own efforts, and to be powerful. These kids are not powerful because they never accomplished anything. Wealth that you earn is a sign of your status because you needed intellect, cunning and strength of character to get to that point.

There is no enjoyment in living like this because its like playing a video game with cheat codes. It feels cheap and fake, because you didn't earn it.

Wow kike, I think you're on the wrong fucking board. Holocaust didn't happen.

Actually, I agree. I hate bourgeois subhumans. After the fascist victory, these kids will have their wealth confiscated and be forced to work in concentration camps.

But getting butthurt over it empowers the left by stoking envy.

I said WORK camps not extermination camps you thick fuck

That is the problem with capitalism. Plebs with money are disgusting.

No, they will receive their fair share of money from their parents' companies, until those companies are ruined somehow. But even if that happens, it will be because more competent people fucked up something, the ones who actually run them.

Most people are plebs by definition. Plebeian means commoner.

Oh OP, that doesn't look like the proof I asked for :^)

That isn't how it works today, moron. Their wealth is in a hedge fund sheltered from most ups and downs of the market. They don't need to keep a company running. They get dividends and interest perpetually and their wealth only increases without work.

Incorrect. Right wing is very opposed to this. True right wing, that is, not American bourgeois capitalism that passes for right wing.

the system is Kiked, we need to change it


youre trolling and I have no duty to accept your demands

Real right wing is opposed to the bourgeois and capitalism, moron.



Come on Holla Forums, don't throw in the towel this easily

There's that word again

Hedonist Must be killed if they attain somehow position of power.
otherwise the white man will be a slave

Read any real right wing literature from Europe and you will see a disdain for the bourgeoisie. Only in America was this considered "right wing" because America was founded upon capitalist revolution against the aristocratic right.

On a slightly unrelated note, I never understood the hedonistic lifestyle. Everything about it just smells fake. Sure, you have cars, yachts, alcohol, drugs and whores - what next? If a person can have anything he wants just by snapping his fingers, what does he aspire to? What does he dream of, strive for?
I'll never believe that the people I see in photos such as these are genuninely happy. Something tells me that there is massive void in their souls that they are trying to fill by expensive food and drink.

There will always be wealthy boors flaunting their money. It's just the way it is.

So you're in favor an aristocracy then? Isn't that what these people are?

They're oligarchs at most

This. They will consume themselves eventually, and have no clue on how to spend money, and plunge in deep depression.

No need to go Holla Forums on them.

No. Aristocracy is not based on wealth, it is based on virtue (literally the definition of the term, from 'aristos'). Aristocrats were often poor. These people are plutocrats.

Oligarchs and aristocrats are pretty much the same thing.

If rich people end up just destroying themselves anyway, how do you explain the kind of inherited wealth that these brats have? The fact is that these rich assholes perpetuate themselves every generation.

Some rich kids live hedonisitically.

One of rich kids was Elliot Rodgers. See how he ended when hedonistic fuel was over.

pro-communist bias research. it's every socialist excuse to say poorer people comit more crime due to lack of conditions

Nice unfounded assertion. You know the study well, then, I take it?

So is school out for the summer and the commie kids are pissed they aren't jetting to Ibiza every weekend? Jeezus.

Simply too many years dealing with socialists and reading ex-KGB testimonies.

You are what was called in USSR a "Useful Idiot"

You got a link to that study?

Yes, because they way our minds work they will eventually burn out. lloydianaspects.co.uk/evolve/pleasure.html

But worry not, there are those exciting secret societies they can join.

Only if you are from a few failed European colonies that were hijacked by the freemasons. Real countries had real aristocracy.

All social science is Communist propaganda, dude. It is endemic to the field.

So this is what normalfags do? Sit on whatever social media they've been told to use and follow rich people wishing they were rich too?

These kids being rich isn't the problem, arguably their parents should be parenting better but in any case, the issue is all these millions of normalfags who see some guy wasting 10k€ worth of champagne and go "that's what I aspire to be".

Here it is:

Take off the tin foil and do some reading.

How would you define "Real Aristocrat" then?

they're surely the first generation of utter degenerates

He was chaste…i doubt he penetreated the deepth of hedonism TBQH

That is a difference between the far right and the far left. Far right hates then because they are undignified and should be killed. Far laft hates them because they are jealous that they cannot live a similar life.

confirmed for shill tactic 101. you take your sickle and hammer hat and swallow some pride.

KGB agents of today will be first ones to shoot you when your role is over. goodbye tovarisch

aristocracy implies Noble blood and according beheaviour

The influential families of a society that can give life to good leaders and role models. Yes, it's a bit vague, but look up early Romans like Cincinnatus. That is the ideal, anything less is not an aristocracy.

Yes, real aristocrats are rare. This is why they are valuable.

wouldnt hurt to group-humiliate /threaten them!

t. OP

You're a failure, something evident with how your pass your time and frame your perceptions. Who are you to tell a success how to live?

is Soros a success too? :')

If Soros donates a billion shekels to flood your city with sudanese salafis would that be ok?


If you say no, then you hate the free market, therefore you hate freedom :^)


Nigger, Marx popularized that term.

Absolutely, he's an evil piece of shit, but without a doubt he's successful at what he does for making money.

oh no, the wealthy are spending money!
how dare they!

Fuck off Holla Forums

Support for a freemarket has absolutely nothing to do with always siding with whomever has the most money or the largest corporation. It has everything to do with allowing people (anyone and everyone) to control their own economic situation, transactions, property, etc.

In an entirely free society we'd be allowed to make a 100% white city without the government telling us it's racist.

only Conservative deserve that
jews like YOU praise degenerates.
those guys are all faggots and kiddie-fondlers

And others would be allowed to buy up all the land around it, and rush in hordes of shitskins. All they need is money, and there is a certain group of people who've been learning the trade of hoarding money for millennia.

And if you mean that they'd be allowed in our city, you're a retarded European who's probably never seen a gun in his life.

So, your great idea is to live in a besieged city? Truly, sounds like an utpoia to me.

thought had only jew children if the mother was jewish

but now that the jews have all the money they are taking the most beautiful white women

and the women still convert to judaism


best part is,
now thanks to globalism its not only rich white americans and europeans competing
you have billionaires chidlrens from every country of the world coming to the us, and taking part of what is the best the US has to offer

talking about education, housing, cars, women, food

how does it feel to know that a kikes son, or a arab billionaires son is taking the hottest white women

Joshua Goldberg pls go

What kind of lefty shit is this? Granted, about 80% of the ultra rich have betrayed their race and need to be hung on DOTR, but those who earned their money in service to their nation deserve every penny they have.

For instance, I think we'd all agree that the House of Trump is okay. Large businesses like Caterpillar and John Deer serve our nation by providing jobs.

Tl;dr use discretion when you're determining enemies. Anything less just makes us as bad as lefty scum.

fair enough.
this kikes are not in such group

Obviously not. They're afraid of the white working class because they think we'll gas them all…AND WE WILL!!!!
We'll give them a nice show trial and then they'll be executed and stuffed in the chambers with them will be 90% of the population of Saudi Arabia.

You have no proof of either of those statements. You are just as bad as anybody else who lazily shouts insults at others in the hope that one will stick and drag that person down. Quit trying to knock down towers and build your own.

Guess Hitler was mean for calling the degenerates degenerates…he should have respected the tower of usury right?

Oh you're naive, they don't need any of that. All they need to do is pay some hedgefund to invest the money for them and not lift a finger watching it all grow. Sure they may not expand their parent's business but they don't have to, they're rich enough as it is and that will remain so.

Airfares and equipment isn't cheap friend

have you gone autistic OP?

Yeah, all Hitler did was perform speeches where he said "The degenerates are bad guys. Don't be like them ;_;"

Oh wait, never mind, he actually took action instead of calling people names

have you gone weak white man?

so you are endorsing me call to produce the murder of the people I showed.

No, it was in common usage before Marx.

Why? They have more money they you and they spend it on expensive things.. What's the big deal?

{{Citation needed}}
they make Jewish comments about it, are involve in deals with arabs(Dubai),possible with pedowood tier shit.
Theyre hedonistic degenerates,flimsy faggots and ARE receiving attention, yet never wake up the western white men.
traitors must hang

No clearly because some of these rich people have actually worked for their shit.

I wouldn't say I'm rich, but I did work for my money and achieved most of the things I wanted in life.

And people would be allowed to sell their property to whomever, even if it was a shitskin. Unless you had a completely unrealistic contract covering everyone in a large area, it would be impossible.

They are too young. None of them ever worked,

They didn't work for any of it, look at them for fuck's sake.

The problem isn't that people are rich in my opinion, the problem is that people get rich without working for it. As has been pointed out before, they just invest the money and let it grow without lifting a finger. They don't even have to know how to invest it properly as a hedgefund is doing it for them running algorithms created by the best and the brightest people. Their money is just growing without them doing anything, is this really ethical?

Libertarians don't understand the realities of economics. They don't understand economies of scale (in fact they choose to ignore it), don't understand geopolitics, etc.

Well at least you've got a good point. I wish I was that rich but at the same time, I could invest my money lol.

I blame that fucking stock law "You need $25,000 hurrhurrdurr" I hope trump removes it.

Not everyone is a burger, and I'm sure that even most burgers have no idea what is that law. Could you explain it?

Before there was no limit to what you can throw at the stock market to invest money. Now it's restricted.

"Day trading minimum equity: the account must maintain at least USD25,000 worth of equity."


How old are you?

It is inconceivable that entire cities and nations would sign contracts to be all white. And even then the contract law woukd not likely extend to their heirs and so on. At best you would have a handful of white towns and the world would become browner and browner over time until even those are wiped out. Ancap means perpetual white flight and eventually being bred out by shitskins.

This is why the white race needs to be protected.
This is why we need guns.

Nigger, no one is talking about Ancap here, in an anarcho-capitalist society the only thing upholding contracts would be social pressure or powerful organizations that attempt to govern (thus eliminating the anarcho part). Quit making retarded leaps.

Now you're moving the goal post too, talking about an entire nation rather than simply a city. You know your point is retarded and weak. An association is bound to a property and has control over a certain amount of area, and they absolutely do enforce regulations onto entire cities because I live in one. An association is part of a governing body.

Go back to my original point, something I've consistently stuck to:
The point made was that a Free market is a part of a free society. The only thing you're arguing against right now is freedom, and the ability to lawfully create an ethnically homogeneous city. You're blatantly blasting holes where there are none (falsely stating an association is bound to an owner), making retarded leaps of logic (thinking anyone here is Ancap), and moving the goal post (bringing the discussion to an entire nation).

Lurk more or go back to halfchan, filtered.

Free market is not freedom. That is a Jewish meme designed to get you to support their capitalist system. Free market is oppressive in many ways, and so is the libertarian ideology.

I want an ethnically homogeneous nation by law, not simply the freedom to choose homogeneity or not. Freedom to choose bad things should not exist. Only to choose good.

THats because the jealous never want to admit theyre jealous.

jealous of what?
of meager weakness?



Sorry but >>Holla Forums is the other way


You're the kike here.

For pointing out hedonistic race traitors who work for Zion should be attacked?

I sing that Nick Jonas song to my girlfriend all the time

You're going to have some work ahead to break previous records though. I think this thread will be deleted before that happens though.

Why should I feel envious about them channeling their wealth back into the economy as rich people should?
Luxery good production secures our jobs too after all.

:') which records?

Whores, arabs, white men who waste their seed with sluts are NOT the good guys. Those people are like that.
Also luxury implies decadence. Sparta, feudal japan, even rome at one point banned usage of gold and jewels in public. it makes men pampered and weak..when war breacks out such a generation will lose.
rich people MUST be a paragon of Conservatism,good taste and Active anti-kikery. this guys visit Dubai, a durka durka enclave