why do channers hate blacks?
Why do channers hate blacks?
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i only hate niggers, make niggers stop nigging and they will be fine
so you want them to act white instead of being african?
Wait, are we talking about race or demography?
you can take the african out of the jungle but cant take the jungle out of the african.
white people fucked up big time with slavery. now you have to deal with the consequences
Geography you hairless ape.
everybody hates niggers even niggers hate niggers now fuck of back to reddit goo gobbler
But i don't hate anyone, although, i don't love anyone either.
by african i mean all blacks. they are violent, hypersexual, and wild because thats thier nature. you cany change nature
"you can't change nature"
Imageboard users tend to be on the more conservative end of the spectrum, overall. Some of its also just flame posting and trolling. The liberal folks on imageboards make up I'd say 30 percent or so, the more conservative, 50 or so percent. Then about 20 percent in the middle. If you'll notice liberals on imageboards tend to act a bit like tumblr,
Of course diffrent sites have diffrent demographics and so do diffrent boards. Holla Forums is really, really, really liberal here. Holla Forums is really, really, really conservative. And then 4chan tends to be quite liberal overall, but any of the sites with a younger demographic do, (there's also quite a bit of indiffrence there politically). Those of who choose to browse alternative imageboards, are a different lot.
When you leave a site like 4chan behind, its in part because of how mainstream it is. And going through the various alternatives, this place has a nice split up of opnions.
I'm not judging just by this site but as a crossboarder across the many alternative chans, ( I go to krautchan, 76chan, and here mainly).
You haven't seen the human race my friend. Of everything they can do. That's actually their strong suit.
Shoot had to switch OS this is the only pic i have on here
Why are niggers so stupid?
The world may never know. Lets change it. For better or for worse.
How about acting like polite responsible Americans? Admit it, you fucking hypocrite SJW,, you avoid niggers.
true words
acting like a man is being loud and obnoxious?
That's manly to you?
Isn't there a sale on tofu at Whole Foods you should be at?
How can you tell if a white guy is reaching for a gun or a jar of mayonnaise?
You can't.
I'm surprised you left out "toxic masculinity" and "gender norms"
but thats african behavior. they cant help it
I was about to say the same thing about you, whiny P.C. nigger lover.
I don't. I don't even hate niggers.
I said "Loud and obnoxious" you fuck.. and that's what they are.
Sounds like somebodies welfare doesn't pay for tofu. :'^(
Good cheap tofu is good cheap tofu. Its a shame it comes from my pocket.
Jerry Seinfeld is loud and obnoxious.
Tofu tempura fried is pretty gud tbh
Because they are statistically the most likely to murder/rob/rape you and your family you fucking dingus.
My autism bucks pay more then your job at Starbucks.
Maybe after twenty years of wearing a paper hat and name tag, you can be assistant manager (on the weekends) How's that degree in political science working out?
To the Holla Forumsaks; They paint blacks in the worst possible light to keep the nation divided so we can't rise up against (((their))) lies.
I see you must be wearing JNCO. Excellent taste my xir.
Jerry Sienfeld can do more than grab his crotch and say "muh dick". He actually sometimes says something interesting.
Something besides "Gnome say in"
I own 35% of my local starbucks and my MBA is pristine above the (admittedly small) mantel next to my purebreed dog (RIP). How's not being able to afford the companion of the elite working out?
I hate niggers, but really, really, really who the fuck is going to believe you or care?
You must really care about your point. Not my fault you can't into logic and thus have to make hyperbole to fit in.
What. You illiterate jigaboo.
Spend time learning history and critical thinking instead of slurs.
Can you do more than argue your points with memes?
If you're pro-nigger you shouldn't want anyone to read history, news, current events… Or basically any societal study as it will quickly destroy any pro negro ideals you have or preach.
>they all totally prove me right, though
I didn't say anything related to that at all.
So now you're reduced to making things up, and putting words in my mouth.
Good show. Top marks. A+.
You're a dolt.
Niggers might be alright if they didn't constantly trash their selves with self-destructive behavior. There is a clear difference between niggers and black people. If you ask me, anyone of any race can be a nigger.
True equality - What a time to be alive.
Funny because if you read or watched anything, they're painted in a positive light generally.
Niggers don't do much more than spout jibberish.. Gnome say in,, Gnome say in.. I be woke.. muh dick..
So do white muhllennials
But they can turn that shit off for job interview or whatever.. Niggers can't.
They can work in the fields all day without getting sunburned. I have to wear sunscreen.
Fucking niggers. They're bred to be farm implements.
Right because Obama didn't have the most intense interview of all time and pass.
Ive been hired in 4 different places in my area with in the last 2 years. The only reason i kept taking them was because each job i took was better than the last. Except the third one. Being a cook is surprisingly fun and rewarding.
You obviously aren't from here. Go back to wherever the hell you came from worthless faggot.
Pretty much. Anons gotta be cool about what info you let loose. That shit needs to remain hidden until this dies down.
>screencaps talking about (you) know who
Obama still lowkey says nigga
you are a sad parody of yourself
I hope it changes,i remember that for the longest time 4chan used to represent almost every point on the political spectrum. I think with trump and the alt right things got shitty because the pol people couldn't keep their shit on their own board.
You mean like the mods at /pol (both here and halfchan) being totally thin skinned ALT-R faggots in the tank for Trump?
/pol has nothing to do with political discussion of current or past events. It's all for screaming "TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP" at the top of your lungs or get banned.
and now halfchan is a SJW shithole……fuck off faggot
I only hate Jews
That you don't know the difference between blacks and niggers is proof that you are a spoiled child of affluence. Why don't you go back to your "good" gated community, with it's "good" schools, where "good" is a euphemism for no niggers.
pic related
There are "niggers" of all races, cept maybe Japanese. By which I mean, trashy, uneducated, criminal violent, drains on society.
I have no problem with blacks when they respect themselves and others and don't pity themselves, and have a sense of personal responsibility.
Is niggers what I hate, and people of any race can nigg.
Not all cultures are equal. I'm sorry, it's a fact: some cultures are inferior. It's not really, really, really about race.
I myself am Hispanic and I don't associate with the stereotypical Spics. I'm not loud, I'm not lazy, I don't expect free stuff.
Why don't you?
Jewish Niggers are the worst, even worse than slopes
so, you basically hate all of them?
Changing nature is exactly what the human race spent six thousand years doing, you fucking moron.
Not all anons hate black people.
After all, some anons are capable of empathy
Those are the shit-lobbing, cunt-engineering, fairy-dragon-fucking, cock-goblinoid fart-knuckles who need to return to their place:
Channers hate blacks because racism is the only type of edgy behavior that won't get assimilated by normies.
It's an edge that never dulls.
it makes them feel special and cool to be perpetually against the grain.
The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.
Really? No wai. i don;t believe you would lie like that! Who would go on the internet and tell lies?
What's your problem with Sammy Davis Jr., man?
Obama.. Black.. Chose one.
He's not part of the America Nigga experience. Had white mother, wealthy grandparents,, traveled the world,, went to Harvard. He's a magic negro.
Everybody hates niggers.
Holla Forums your time is up, everybody is getting bored of your shit.
Fuck, this thread is either a huge ass bait thread or run by people who shouldn't be here.
Because purples are better.
People are just more honest on chans.
Unless you go to the southern states
Wow user, you have a lot of pent up anger there. Did a black guy kill your parents outside the theatre?
Because channers have freespeech and can talk about blacks, thus saying truthful things about black people.
You know what would be funny? If all the black hate was started by a black guy. Knowing the internet, I'd put my money on it.
That's exactly what they don't do, look at the single motherhood stats
they are unintelligent and that's okay. you combine that with bad parenting and bullshit beliefs and you get AIDS like america.
after the slavery ended they decided they should develop their own culture instead of following the whites bcs "whitey wans uos to fllow him to keep us down sir". being unintelligent they came up with drugs, shit music, niggerish antics and violence believing that every single disappointment they experienced in their life is because of whites.
Democrat voters just keeping it real. Ohio had 11 overdoses and 1 death last night. Chicago has lost 25% of it's detectives since 2010. And then this chicagotribune.com