Anything ever come of this? Went to bed.
Anything ever come of this? Went to bed
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You are gonna need about tree fiddy
Are you suggesting that she's, like, some kind of cheap hooker?
or skinned for a nice table lamp
She isn't the girl on the right. She is just a random whore who used her Body to pay for college.
Looks like her tho…
One sec, I have all her shit saved, I love me some jen Cole
Think she regrets selling her pussy or thinks it was worth it?
it's a rental
she now works as a project manager at a fishery. so i think it was worth.
34D my ass
you gotta sell it dood. i tell girls on tinder im 6'2" when im only 6'1"
Wonder if she got it from a "work friend"
She'll break your heart.
her bookface
Is she literally standing on corners in some of these?
she is indeed, but im pretty sure she is a call in hooker.
Maybe she dabbled?
she still ho?
She might make enough that she doesnt have to but idk
she is no longer a ho as far as i can tell. she is in a management position fam
Linkedin you say?
Someone is getting reported as a prostitute.
Bye bye job and bye bye future
she has more tenure than that i would hope. i personally dont ruin lives, but go for the gold if you want buddy.
Wonder if she was straight up desperate or just didn't mind a little dick?
probably both, otherwise she would have gotten some shit normie job
When she was an analyst she only made 48k per year in the bay area. That's barely enough to afford a decent apartment. Of course she sold her ass lol. It was probably either that or drugs.
How much was she in the hole?
masters at stanford for marine biology deep
Damn. So six figures huh? Anyone have more?
do you think she ever put eels in her ass?
I knew her in high school. She was more or less always inclined to sell her ass, she just never put a dollar amount on it.
She has a pretty extreme exhibition fetish… so maybe.
you have no idea how much i want to add that to my stash
i had to check 4 chan archives to find some of my shit, if you want more it may take a while to dig
Post from four days ago. She follows "I fucking love science".
she has removed post view for non friends though. . .
if you are her friend on fb you better give me every picture she has ever posted right now
Anyway I'm not doing anything like dumping her fb albums, but I'll answer questions or whatever.
or dump her facebook albums
how old is she? birthday? did you diddle her? if yes nudes. and seriously hurry with those fb posts
She'll be 25 in October.
Yes I diddled her, but she wasn't doing nudes back then. She just liked to do it in cars/elevators/walking trails/locker rooms etc.
i love fucking in the wild
…how much?
hurry with the pics
do it
i need someon to shitpost with while i wait for him to post something about my rape crush
What do you want to know?
essentially everything dood.
i really, really, really wish you would just give me more pics. but whatever.
aside from m bio, does she have any other interests or hobbies?
Music. Smokes hella weed. Loves swimming, was actually on our high school swim team.
picture of her in swimsuit?
were you both in the same grade?
Shouldn't you be asking more important questions like "What's the biggest thing she has managed to fit in her ass?"
im getting there.
btw what's the biggest thing she has managed to fit in her ass?
Used to have one, could probably find one.
Afaik a zucchini.
did you watch
she prefers when you do
has she ever done anything with her brother? pic related
im going to take a bath, when i get back there better be pics of her in a swimsuit and her holding a zucchini with poo on it.
and her entire facebook album collection
She have any reaction to being leaked?
She was a little icy about it for a while, and doesn't like when you bring it up.
slut got caught being a slut and is not happy.
Strange that.
Can't tell if she's hot or just slutty.
Either way you know she's been basted in a jizz marinade.
I read that as marmalade. Still true.
That makes her toast
it should but she keeps her job
I can almost guarantee that she'll default to selling her pussy again at some point.
She's asian. They don't even test asians to get into college. They just assume they're gonna be smart enough.
This isn't japan with the entry exams, user
Post feet.
She's Eurasian. The pussy is good, everything is good. But she's basically white culturally.
holy shit look at that zombie burn victim closely
People still pay to cum in that.
I wouldnt do it if she paid me