Daily stormer confirm for being run by Holla Forums user

Is daily stormer our guy?

The cap they use is from half/pol/. You're really stretching here OP.

Zeiger is a pretty cool guy.

Too mainstream tbqh.
Everyones says this except the most pozzed outlets.

Agreed. Hitler was too tolerant. He spoiled the jews and now look at the brats.

Until they write an article praising the Prequels they can fuck right off.

Is the board shitting up?

I hear it's TruthSeeker 'cause he's a Holla Forums psyop or whatever the fuck

All those shit he says are shit even normies know and use now.

Holla Forums hates communism, idiot.

Board has never been better tbh

seems to just be anchored and removed from the catalog

never mind

Serious question: Let's say you're Hitler just after he became Fuhrer, what do you do about the Jews? The middle east won't take them back, East Asia certainly wouldn't take them, you don't want them anywhere in Europe or America, trying to kill them all won't work
because that's going to make them martyrs in the eyes of the world. What can you do?

Out of Germany. Where they go is not my problem.

Oh look it's another one of THESE threads….. Reported.


Treat them as honorary Ayrans.

Give them their own island and trap them inside.


When PewDie uncucks himself, he REALLY uncucks himself.

I don't get this meme tbh

wtf was his problem? Let's blame Youtube for being powered by sensible queers.

Ben Shoapiro is that you?

Come on nigga

Have you ever heard of the Madagascar Plan? That probably would've been the best solution, all things considered.

more like pewdiepol

Nice FBI honeypot you have there, Andre.

lol you Holla Forumsacks hate each other so much. This is why the left will prevail in the long run. Too much infighting and paranoia in the right

andrew anglin looks a bit like a mulatto guy i once knew

I want the fake cuck nazis to leave

Shilling for pewdiepie