Why can't we do the same in the West?


Hahahahaha literally fucking apes

Pick one.

I've understood the chink mudslimes aren't the same as arabs/pakis and follow a very different version of the religion. Kind of like christians in Uganda. Not sure though.

but that's not what it says:
nothing about a choice, nothing about being awake for the castration. it lists them as different sentences.

sometimes i imagine a foreign country where tourists who accidentally break local laws get gender transitioned as punishment and forced to stay in the country as a servant or housewife.

It's the same brand of stupid.

That doesn't mean that there isn't any good ideas in there.

Such as punishments for things that are extremely counter productive to society.

The idea that "everything is permissible, as long as it doesn't affect me personally" is a fucking cancer in the west.
Now we have trannies, furries, S&M, swingers, faggotry displays in the street in front of children, mainstream articles normalizing incest, pedophilia and beastiality… and in one years time it'll be even worse.

One can dream user

Indos aren't chinks. They hate the Chinese with a passion.

you want to be a girl too?!

Fuck off /trap/

All muslims are different from another (even on an individual basis but this goes to deep)…
what you perceive as muslim behaviour is generally the tradition of the concerning population.

Reported for Muhammadanism propaganda.
Enjoy your ban.

Yep this is why they keep the same names and the same retarded customs wherever they go.. It is why the laws and constitutions of the different Islamic countries are roughly the same.

Reported for da'wah .

Indonesia is like the Saudi-Arabia of East-Asia, there's nothing based about them.

there's literally nothing wrong with wanting to be a girl.

I thought they were going to kill muslims…

I don't think that these rice-niggers are doing Islam correctly.

That's because the fucking sandniggers are so insistent on being the kikes of SE Asia. An Indonesian empire which guess what, were Hindus and Buddhists, even managed to conquer almost the entire modern SE Asian territory and even pushed back Mongolian invaders, they only started degenerating when Islam got imported there, which was the main reason why the Dutch managed to kick their asses for 350 years.

That's because it's in the interest of the current powers to dehumanize the Chinese, who were actually very much involved in Indonesian history, from when the archipelago was still an empire up until its independence in 1945. Unfortunately a lot of modern Chinese Indonesians are also degenerates and kike 2.0 themselves. Still, if you want to see real life D&C in action, just observe Indonigger politics.

Lived in Indonesia for while, can agree politics are fucking crazy there. My father had to have armed private security to get to his job site during the 98 elections.


Good goys.


To be fair, the west is far worse when it comes to interracial sex.

You think it's a good thing that you defile white children? This only makes us hate you even more you sick fuck, you're as bad as the greasiest kike. You'd find yourself much more welcome among kikes than you would among White Nationalists. Don't kid yourself into thinking otherwise.

I'm not sure if you're trolling, retarded, trying to make Holla Forums look pro-pedo, or shilling… or all of the above.

Either way: kill yourself.