The strangest thing happened ~2 hours ago. No new posts come into half chan and whenever I try to post, I get a connection error. All images and posts are available, but nothing changes. Anyone experiencing the same thing?
Half-chan is unresponsive?
Other urls found in this thread:
yeah, it's happened before and it's happening again
want to make a thread about mummy but cant :(
Let's see them Hitler's, gentlemen…
This is better for your brain, anyhow.
This happens sometimes and i don't know why.
It will go online in 5 hours max probably
t. cuckchanner
Are you that fucking retarded brit? please post more mummy
4pol is better
people here are nasty and unwilling to listen other's opinions
k mummy annex thread
kill yourself you retard.
Go back to cuckchan.
At least there are opinions here. 4pol is a bunch of faggots bragging about how they masturbate into pancake mix.
Natsoc Über Alles
I fucking hate you. Go "mummiepost" 7chan. Any place but here.
made thread other month about using the left wing's tactics against them
le nashunal soshulists swore at me and said mean thing, only few people listened to my idea
this is why nobody likes us
also stop "slav" divide and conquer nonsense we are all white here
dont be so mean
They're called Fap Jacks.
you can't be serious?
Do y'all actually post degenerate shit like this on 4/pol/ and get away with it?
4pol attracts newcomers to your movement
without 4pol there would be no 8pol
yesss, I'm also having this problem, it's like I'm in chan limbo.. I can't recieve or send data, first page isn't even sliding this is weird..
also there are no posts after approximately 11.03 am western eu central
these problems started around 1 am thursday morning london time for me
anyone else?
I'm on 4chan right now. Everything is working just fine. Was this a ruse to make me go on there?
go back to 4chan
no, I'm seriously experiencing problems, I wouldn't come here to shit in your yard
Have you downloaded any addons as of late?
no, I'm seriousy at a loss what could be causing this, I've asked around and others are having the same problem… just check page 1, it is not moving, which is highly unusual for 4pol
its fucked for both me and a friend
happens all the time newfriends
You guys are retarded and new, maintenances happen at these hours every week or two.
Bloody catalog is empty in /o/, all I wanted to do was lurk /dbt/
Can someone dox this faggot? I will offer to break his jaw if someone can post the details.
Coventry here…
Holla Forums thread in case anyone wants
I agree with this post. 8pol is slow as fuck. Some of the top threads are about news that is old and stale. The people are autistic as fuck and will call you a kike shill for any reason. I do appreciate the existence of another pol board but the execution is poor.
if you say so…
ad hominem was unnecessary though, what if this was a real crisis and I weren't just being retarded and new
You have to go back
i believe they call that nigger behaviour
please don't make me smash your head in with my shovel, i don't like violence
And what if I was Trump? You'd still be retarded and new
Why does no one spell out the name of the other site (half chan)? Just got here from there.
well I'm neither, I'm just not hardcore enough to memorize maintenance times
regardless I'm going home now and I hope our chans can prosper and coexist.
Hell Seger
In my mind 8pol is for the people unwilling to fight the shills in the battleground that is 4pol and reddit.
If 4pol ever gets permanently shut down, we'll run here.
It's filtered iirc
I believe anyone wpuld call you a faggot.
You literally call another woman 'mummy' you pathetic cunt.
You're in need of a beating. Where are you from?
If you're going to post Mummy threads like a fag we'd rather you didn't tbqh
No, I'm with the other Brit. Dox the mummyfag and beat his ass.
you are either a chav, or not white
move along now, you've no clue who you're messing with
He's from the UK.
Oh ok, welcome them.
This happens from time to time. Also used to happen when moot ran it so it's probably not something new hiroshima added.
I'm a White American.
You're a faggot with mommy issues.
Holla Forums is an elitist board full of people who were from 4chan only because they wanted to feel special (hurr durr I belong to the most special place on the Internet), then who felt 4chan wasn't special enough due to the high number of anons and who moved to Holla Forums so that they could feel a little more elite, hence why they sound so pretentious in their posts and spend their time belittling 4chan.
Holla Forums is a containment imageboard for elitist pricks.
That's okay. You have to go back
Is this the 4pol landing pad?
It happens from time to time, it isn't new (unless you are new). Just wait and it'll be back up.
If you're in Yorkshire you're dead lad
Yop, where the white wimminz at?
I need my /trumpgen/
I know those feels
4chan is broken because some of you tried to have a decent Holla Forums tier conversation instead of running shillary scripts
I'm your fuhrer, show some respect
i know niggers more civilised than you
Don't worry, we'll go back to shitposting in no time.
Stop bitching, we're guests here. They can be elitists all they want.
Indeed. MAGA, brother. I'm going to a rally on Friday.
Here's accepting a bouquet, Hitler.
Kill yourself. Go back to cuckchan.
boring, I've seen worse shit in my 15 years of chans to even blink and eye at any of these.
Why would gore trigger anyone here?
I t s 2 0 1 6
Doesn't matter. Leave and kill yourself you disgusting weeaboo.
I don't want to be here anyway but you're going to deal with it and like it fag boy.
Are you saying white people shouldn't fight?
No wonder you're stuck indoors calling a foreign woman mummy.
The choice is yours, would you like to be gassed or lynched on the day of the rope?
Go back to your degenerate chan.
tfw 4fags still dont have audio on their webm
Lad… I…
Have fun it's gonna be amazing
Did you hear bern and Trump are gonna debate or something?
So you're intentionally trying to make people feel nostalgic for chan no. 4?
Yep, should be good. It's a yuge "fuck you" to Shillary
Y'all need to stop whining
I remember you coming to shitpost at our place when your servers went down
You should post Donalds instead
a) it's servers shitting themselves once again
b) somebody doesn't want 4chan to be active or want to prevent people from posting OR something important was posted
and paranoia really doesn't help me make an objective assertion
have been here for long time
stopped visiting because closed minded stormfags
did i breach your safe space?
why should white people fight each other? chavs are literal subhumans, albino niggers. will not allow brit scum to immigrate to euronesia
now go to london and choke on mr muslim mayors weewee
cute posting
gas is more humane please helium would be preferred.
tfw Holla Forums fags don't have infinity chan
What are those particles in the poo? Looks slightly tasty.
Religion of pieces strikes again
No thanks.
It's not even the same guy you sperg
wheres the audio nigger?
Is that Obama ?
No, i'm someone looking to give you what your old man should have gave you, a good slap.
looks like those yummy white nuts you get in cookies sometimes.
What of me banging your mom nerd?
While I'm browsing this elitist board, can anyone tell me why the white race is so devoid of empathy?
cute requires beauty, beauty is art, but anime is not an artform, therefore, where is the art?
It's just you
The white race has too much empathy if anything, that's the only explanation of why it can be so easily manipulated to fuck themselves over for third world shitskins
Asians, blacks, and shitskins on the other hand are violent animals
This. We're both hoping trump wins anyway.
Who's better? Niggers? Spics? Nips? Literally shit tier cultures. You're a jealous non-white peice of shit who probably got cucked by all the white kids in school. Off yourself.
What does this mean? I don't read mudshit. Is this a happening?
my father beat me as a child
this is why am closing border to uk, you are all subhuman filth
these are mongrels, ignore them
cute requires beauty, beauty is art, but anime is not an artform, therefore, where is the art?
First off retard aesthetics is beauty beauty=/= art, art is an expression with no purpose.
There was a thread about some guy claiming to be related to fbi saying that shillary was going to get indicted and pave way for vp joe biden as the dem nominee
Also some Austrians were getting really close to proving an election fraud against hofer
All I know, it's probably nothing and unrelated
What is this?
ZOG pinocho fags everywhere
Actually 4chan is nastier to people who want serious discussion, you probably get an easier time because you post absolute shit
Here I can actually discuss issues but on 4cuck they derail with irony every time because it's so full of shills and nonwhites
ISIS shill twitter account threatening bongs
No, I'm pretty sure it's the white race.
Projecting yourself on others isn't empathy.
Wrong, it just means you guys lack reason.
Why do you automatically assume that your race is intelligent?
This is what I mean, you guys lack so much empathy that you can't even understand your own race.
If we're purely talking about empathy and not intelligence, I'm pretty sure most races are better than white people.
I know white people are mongrels, but still. I want to talk with them a little bit.
Lots of words, not a SINGLE argument
people might derail, but you're never insulted when having a legitimate discussion
Jews stole it.
but there are no art to be seen, where is the art? I just don't see it, show me the art.
That's a cute girl
It's a mrs. too apparently
Stop being racist.
Did you give me an argument?
Did you even try to make a point?
You didn't.
Well that's only recently because they stopped banning shills and started deleting serious threads because some lefty cuck got mod status
no thanks to the mods.
tbh is you use cuckchan you're a cuckold and deserve to be mocked for it. being retarded and a newfag doesn't excuse being a cuck.
no retard, Holla Forums is filtered on 4chan not the other way around. don't assume everywhere is as cucked as what you're used to.
cuckchan and reddit aren't battlegrounds. they're rigged arenas run by the other side.
not that 8/pol/'s mods aren't their own kind of shit
Empathy is the ability to understand and connect to another persons condition
The reason that the white man will easily sacrifice himself for lesser species is because of pity, that is born from his inherit empathy
Why? You could as easily say that the extra IQ points give us the ability to rationalize our selfless harmful decisions
Bell curve. Has nothing to do with empathy though, Asians don't have it and they're smarter.
And you really did not present any actual arguments yet
Yes I was doing important research of weeaboo degenerates for the sole purpose of scientific analysis and then got
while observing the autists fight over why Re:Zero is shit/no shit.
I'm sure it was purely a coincidence the website got shut down though :^)
if it's politics related, it's allowed on the board
right, left, whatever
Why would you still post there?
It's a fool's errand to make a blindman see.
how is it cute if it lacks beauty and beauty is art? if there is no art then there is no beauty to contemplate and vice versa?
where is the art if you see cute, and where is the cute if I cannot see the art?
That's some grade A defeatism right here
Are you literally retarded?
because people can express their views openly with getting their thread deleted or banned?
that was him complaining about it, not me
learn to follow
Anime is not an artform because the east cannot create art
See for yourself:
East Versus West.
The difference between half/pol/ and full/pol/… I say the word NIGGER in public in real life unironically.
This is beauty and cute. A delicate figure of an androgynous character holding masturbatory aids in order to instill an emotion of primal excitement. The beauty is in the genius of the shape and figures, perhaps one day you'll be educated enough to understand art. Have one of my favorite works though.
they're art from two very different cultures you ignorant spastic
anime is degenerate
Why can't she just get real eyebrows
you're full retard. go back their if they are so great and you hate the freedom we have here so much. the fact you haven't proves you can't pretend even just to yourself that 4chan and reddit are better. why else would you not dare have this conversation on them?
What are artistic styles? for 500, Alex.
This. 8/pol/ has been destroyed by kikes and imkamphy, who is clearly a kike
Then they say that Holla Forums is better for serious discussions…
Why would you give the definition of empathy, then explain how white people don't have empathy?
Expressing pity is the smallest and less important part of empathy. Even an insensitive bank robber can express pity.
Talking like empathy is only about expressing pity means you have a complete lack of understanding about empathy.
Which is normal, since you lack both intelligence and empathy.
Only white people would think that intelligence is only made up of a single part.
Asians have much more empathy than White people. Black and arabs also do.
Did you present any actual arguments? The only thing you did is to give me your personal theory. You accuse me of something you should accuse yourself of. You did it because for you, any fallacious attack is good as long as it allows you to try pretending you're making a point. This is what I mean when I say you lack empathy, you can't even understand your own feelings and the fact you're disgracing yourself.
because she is a dirty british slag
what did you expect?
i mean here the mods suck now
which Holla Forums? 4 or 8?
The problem with 4pol is that it is too popular. Redditors and "alt-right" fags use it and stick out like a sore thumb. Hopefully it will be better after the election.
I will agree with the rest though
Dont make me laugh
8/pol/ is a fucking joke. I'm not saying that 4/pol/ is not a joke as well, but it's better than you fucking faggots here
Oh come on. Trump easily the most popular candidate on there, and the place has been anti-SJW since day one.
you are blind and stupid
go back to sucking on pierced fake tan vaginas
I've got some bad news for you user.
Looks like 4chan was trying to red pill some Jews…
thx for proving me right
Off yourself, kid
You post pictures of pretend girls you'll never meet, I post pictures of pretend girls I'll never meet. Somehow I'm worse off for being less delusional.
well to be fair this chan has alot cp trading going on, so it's kind of disconcerting this place is.
mummy was cancer from the start just stop, you may enjoy it but it is still cancer
4chan is a sewer and you're not a ninja turtle. Fuck off.
20 years and you'll either be fighting under my leadership or being eaten alive by feral niggers
mummy can help us, you don't understand how serious this is
you masturbate to cartoon child porn made by creepy japanese men.
you are a pedophile, get help
is this the cancer thread?
Yeah, now I know for a fact you're an autistic, attention-seeking faggot who never had a mom.
You're just assuming I masturbate to them, maybe I'm one of those gentlemen who sit around in a nice art gallery sipping wine enjoying my specimen.
I'm too submissive gay to want to have anything to do with kids.
Fuck 8/pol/
That faggot imkamphy permabanned me then posted this, that fucking kike
my mother is downstairs
but mummy in krim
Half chan is back up, niggers. Shut it down, I'm going back .
when was the last time you got banned from all boards here?
8ch has some cucked mods, but 4chan is cucked to the core.
and you haven't answered the question: if it's so bad here, why aren't you on reddit or cuckchan?
try making an anti-feminist thread. the site is overall leftist and the mods are biased that way. even to the point of fucking over the one less leftist board out of pure spite, which is the whole reason fullchan became popular.
I'm out too then, later losers.
Okay thanks.
Bye to Holla Forums's stupid white race.
if only your parents saw what you post on here
you're a pathetic excuse for a white man
I'll do that white man shit when I feel like it, it's not hard it's a very simple thing to do.
For now I'll have my fun, stay bitter retard.
then why are you posting girls/traps/futas?
boo hoo, if you don't like sucking his brown nazi dick why are you posting here?
well fuck you too, I'm leaving anyways faggot, have fun being alone on a shit board plastered with cp
I hope the rest of the people on this board can understand how degenerate animefags are.
call yourself "redpilled" and shit yet you post this faggot shit and can't be trusted around young children
Because I'm trying to wake other Holla Forumssters up to what is going on here, that the kikes have taken over Holla Forums
I didn't mean that the 4pol is not cucked, my point was that it's the precise reason why people should keep fighting there and not just run away with their tail between their legs, fracturing the rightwing community(I know it's a meme but there is a community that is being broken into tiny sites).
It might be cucked but it's still the biggest chunk of the community, I want it to stay at least semi-functioning.
protip: more evalion screencaps, more posting in threads more anons actually read, and more suggesting an alternative board
Because some people like all of those things?
I don't call myself by any label that supposes, I might know more about things than others.
It's called Intellectual Humility the Greek philosophers were all about it look it up sometime expand your perspectives.
I didn't present arguments because you had the premise that whites aren't sympathetic. You need to provide arguments. And it's apparent that you failed to read my post. Man, you're a retard.
you're a pathetic excuse for a man and if your parents saw you posting that filthy pedophile shit they'd be deeply ashamed of you
you don't belong here
the fracture in the community is the fact that a bunch of them are retarded cucks who'd rather post on a leftist website that likes fucking with them out of spite.
that doesn't explain why you'd save loads of cute anime girl pics if you're gay.
If you don't like it here then you'd do us all a favor by fucking off to your libtard shithole
Other than the eyebrows she's pretty attractive
pot, kettle
you will never peel off all your skin and find a new better person underneath
the mods here are forcing out the real right wing white nationalists
4chan is not a fucking circlejerk like this little hugbox is
And you faggots have just hid out here for 2 years and now you're irrelevant
Is this your definition of a cuck? Not giving up on your community although the administration wants you gone?
And I post on both, I don't see why would you have to choose.
If you're gonna choose this over unity we're just gonna lose and you know it.
4chan was down when I posted, can't you read?
ugly people tend to have low standards, guess you gotta fuck something right?
Good thing they don't and won't I guess.
Sure are mad about being an idiot. Doesn't chan literally have a hebe board?
Getting guys aroused with pictures of cute anime girls plays into the fetish I guess? I like anime girls they're cute. People have had fertility art literally since human art was ever done.
you are the prime example of how white men have been reduced to emasculated pedophiles
i hope other anons take note, this is pathetic and sad
>but i'll keep posting on this hugbox of irrelevant faggots for some reason
no, my definition of a cuck is sticking with mods who hate you while thinking this makes you uncucked and thinking defending a shit site instead of moving to a better one is choosing unity
you're a trap not a gay aren't you? your anime girls are what you wish you were instead of a man, right?
There's a very good reason why true Holla Forumsacks went away. Halfchan is "politically incorrect" Holla Forums and nothing more.
Hope the chink gets it running again and you fucks fuck off back to your IP collecting site.
his waifus are better than your ukrainian whore of a waifu
- flat color design
- mixing gradient with flat coloration
- eyebrow overlapping the hair
- dim shadowing on unnecessary areas
- line art still visible
- glossy/specularity on the hair region, why does it have to look greasy/plastic?
- no texture
- bad composition
- hard strokes on unnecessary/boring focus areas
- no rule of thirds
- head scale not fit for her body.
I fail to see any art here, what are you trying to prove, that your hobby is shit?
again, where can I find the art?
Maybe you just have meaningless definitions, in your own warped little reality.
Not everyone has to conform to your very specific guidelines of being, that's why freewill exists.
Nah, I'm not that fucked in the head. I just know what I like and I experience it. No idiot on either side is going to shame me into any perspective I don't naturally come to, I'm intelligent enough to rational for myself.
As I said I don't need to choose nothing, I'm just trying to make sure that information keeps flowing and some action is taken.
And the clever thing to do is infiltrating 4chan administration, from janitors to mods.
Whatever, I don't want to fight over who's a cuck. Unity is not moving to another board and then talking shit about the former one instead or trying to fix the situation.
every time
lucky you ;_;
you mean you're going to keep shilling for cuckchan
good luck with that. did you miss the part where you have to give your real life id to the staff and sign a legal contract to be a cuckchan janitor, let alone mod? or where mods who weren't cucks quit or were kicked out ages ago?
sure, unity isn't uniting the community in an uncucked site, unity is shilling for a cucked site. whatever you say cucktard.
When, Why, and How did it come to this?
The thread is about cuckchan, it's not like I mentioned it out of nowhere
Then fucking shill on 4pol to move away to 8pol
Right now you're not doing anything. When I say fix the situation I don't mean come back to 4pol, I mean unite.
Whatever man, you're a fucking defeatist coward who can't deal with a bit of shilling and with the fact that people will always fight us wherever we go on the internet
You think they won't come for you here? Then what? Move again? and again?
the thread is nothing to do with the board and talking about cuckchan != to shilling over it. you decided to come to an off-topic thread and shill. that's not the fault of op or the topic or anyone else. you chose to shill and then pretended it wasn't your choice. so you're a dishonest shill too.
i'm not the one bitching about the community being divided: you are. if cuckchan are all cucked retard like you, frankly they're not part of the community.
anyway, how long would a thread like this last on your chan, cuckold? that's right, no time. you're like a muslim, taking advantage of our freedom to destroy us while knowing you'd never offer us the same. fuck off foreigner.
then how about trying to unite us instead of shilling for cuckchan.
boo hoo, a leftist loses an argument. get a new script.
you wish. enjoy your cucked mods who you've already said you want to give your real world id to, retard. as for me? i don't see fullchan being as cucked as cuckchan for quite some time.
same concept, more clothes, only difference.
this, I'm disheartened at the lack of (USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST) in this thread.
summer and ded 4cuck is truly the worst combination.
nice newfag meme. that hasn't been true even on cuckchan for years, let alone here.
Only because the level of cuckchan posting has been indistinguishable from eternal summer for the last couple of years. I have checked up on 4/pol/ every now and then, and at times the front page looked indistinguishable from Holla Forums with all the low energy, not politics threads.
This sort of shit makes me wish I took screencaps of first exodus threads so that I could nostalgise over them.
Most posts on that shithole are just outright shitposting and the amount of literal cuckold threads is disgusting. Pic related is an example, our mods are shit but their mods are obviously not even trying.
4channers are like illegal immigrants, you come here and post about how much you hate it here and constantly talk about how much you love 4chan. If you actually liked the shit hole that is cuckchan you wouldn't need to bother coming here in the first place
I left cuckchan during the 2nd exodus and things have only gotten worse there. I went over to tell some select people in enthusiast generals to come over to the boards we have here.
Maybe there is a reason I have over 100 bans there and haven't had a single one here I don't know how long I've been here when was 2nd exodus? when moot did that cuck stuff on Holla Forums?
I came here off and on for the last 2 years. After the cuckening I posted exclusively here until about a year ago, when 4/pol/ improved a little
There is something wrong with most of the poster here. They are autistic as fuck, and just scream at you for having any different opinion than them.
Now that the kikes like imkamphy have taken power here, 8/pol/ is stale as fuck.
If you don't support the narrative that they push here, they will ban you, which is obviously a pointless gesture, but still annoying
4/pol/ might be annoying, but there you are free to speak your opinion, unlike here
How about you faggots go back to 4chan?
They ban posts like that on 4cucks.
The site is really a lost cause and you get so mired in shill posts that you can barely enjoy a conversation about current events/politics.
If the people on 4pol wanted to unite, they'd come here. We have webms with sound, you only enter captcha once every 24 hours, and we lack the cucked janitors. It's already been detailed just how fucked 4cucks has been for years and only gotten worse, yet people still stay there.
I have just the answer for this.
Did you actually forget what happened there? You're like a beaten housewife i've gotten banned dozens of time from cuck Holla Forums even before the exodus and not a single time here and some of the conversations I've had here have been with genuine shitposters in trash threads and no one got in trouble it is excellent here.
let's not go too far.
because they're cucks like him, who spout bullshit about unity while shilling against us and call us defeatist for not enjoying being run by cucks, and then abandoning the conversation.
he legitimately said to infiltrate 4chan's janitor team!
even if you do get banned on Holla Forums, and believe me, mods are faggots here, it just means one board is run badly. there's the whole rest of the site to post on.
Song sauce on that first gondola?
God you fucking niggers stop shit posting.