Meme magic is real…..
Praise the almighty lord Kek
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Nobody is clicking on your faggot link unless you use
okay, okay, you win
Explain to me this meme. I don't understand its' theme.
Sill ain't clicking that shit. 4chan is broken so now you're bringing it here. Go back and wait for an Hiro to fix your shitbox.
facebook drama
what else is new?
also, this is the shittiest meme i've ever seen
Made by normalfags for normalfags.
fuck your shitty forced meme
It was made to piss off people, and it worked.
So basically this.
Why does my gut instinct tell me this false frog-messiah was conjured up by a think tank?
Christcucks/Jews are trying to destroy Kek to stop the Trump rise.
probably because it's shit and kikebook spammed it everywhere to make it sure it caught on
Trump is christian
Cultural Christian.
Proof? Or does saying that just keep the cognitive dissonance away?
I can't recall a meme more force than Millhouse.
We take this rejected meme as our own. This meme is anti-normie, therefore pro white.
oh shit check my dubs
proof of weak memetic.
time to pack up and move on.
ur not even trying
Simply put, we need to go danker.
Yeah, been there;done that.
Filthy pleebs and their weak memes. They don't have the power to sense the true form of Kek from beneath the fabric of reality, so what they have pulled from the ether is a poor imitation. They are like the cargo cult with their crude idol made of sticks and grass.
I got to admit I hated that stupid fucking meme, but the more I sat and just looked at the fucker it grew on me and I started laughing for no reason.
Fucking meme magik man.
It's a very forced meme that some people were trying to push as "Pepe's son."
From now on, whenever a cuck or leftist posts a meme, of any kind, we should ask them why they are posting nazi/white supremacists memes. Whether it is one of our memes or not is irrelevant. We will simply absorb it, on the fly, and make it instantly toxic.
You're trying way too hard to fit in
I too have never heard of this shit.
So its a frog on a unicycle?
Do you realize how many pepes we have drawn doing various activities?
Never thought about Joseph being a cuck before.
The literal birth of Christianity is based around god cucking Joseph.
Who cares if its a shit forced maymay. The Bane crash shit was really forced at the start, but then it grew on everyone and it became a good meme.
This shows a frog on a bike, frogs are our mascot and this maymay triggers the leftists. That makes it a good meme in my opinion.
The more salt it can produce the better it is. As quality is judged based on salt.
Fit into what? It grew on me, that's a statement, not some attempt to be "edgy".
It looks stupid to me however
8 out of 38 posts are dubz.
That is a 25% Dub Ratio or 1 in 4.
Fucking Christ Cucks.
Fuck off you niggershill
Thread got anchored.
All further posts are irrelevant.