Stronk independent wiminz

The Matildas are strongly fancied to give Australia's its best ever shot at a medal in the sport of football at the Rio Olympics in August. Perhaps they should be grateful there will be no under-16s boys' teams in their pool.

In a friendly match against the Newcastle Jets under-16 boys team on Wednesday, the Matildas were humbled 7-0. That's right, the team ranked fifth in FIFA's women's rankings were roughed up by a bunch of lads barely old enough to shave.

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Are they hot?
Can you kill yourself MGTOW? How many more threads are you going to make right now?

Kill yourself MGTOW

It will make the pain go away

fuck they can't have been that good they were 14

I'd fuck the 3rd one

Back to tumblr, you feminist trash


Didn't the same thing happen to the women's American team? Shit is hilarious.

Women belong in the kitchen, not on the field.

Thanks to the Australian sports culture, I used to think that all professional athletes were at some extreme level of fitness and expertise, and that the males were at the apex. I now believe that professional female athletes, being below the level of well-trained teenage boys, could be challenged by a group of middle-aged men and the final score would be a "shocking surprise" every time

MGTOW = Male Feminism (every time


Fuck off kid. Don't even have to be MGTOW to realize women don't belong in professional sports.

no one belongs in sports. all entertainment is jewish owned and thus must be erased.

Women don't belong in the kitchen, the only reason that that is dumped on them, is that a man is busy at a proper, regular job.

Except for sex - that leads to them being a walking incubator for the new generations, they're simply useless.

Pathetic LOL.



*tips fedora*


Can't even score a goal ;)
Mein sides.


Maybe they couldn't score because their cunts were too wet from being around 14 year old boys. Maybe they were letting the boys win so they could kiss them after the match.

reported for degeneracy.


Fucking newfag nu/pol/ permavirgin MGTOWcuck cancer. Who the fuck cares about that inane crap?

A TRAINING game between the Australian women’s team and an Emerging Jets boys side has cast an unintended and unwelcome spotlight on comparisons between men’s and women’s football.


It's funny and goes against the narrative that women are equal to men.

You couldn't make it any more obvious that this is a secret feminist thread.

Come on dude, look at my previous posts.

australia still sucks


Nobody believes women are equal to men on a physical level you cringy weeaboo pedophile.

OPINION: No one savours an Australian sporting thrashing more than a Kiwi, but the Matildas' seven-goal hiding by a bunch of 15-year-old boys, is basically old hat.

If Olympic Games champion Valerie Adams, 31, had a shot putting competition with former world junior champ Jacko Gill, 21, would anyone expect Adams to win (if they were both using the same sized ball of steel?) Of course not.

Adams has a personal best of 21.24m with the 4kg shot. Gill has hurled 20.75m with a 7.26kg shot.

A young bloke can fling the shot further than a grown woman, even one as powerful as Valerie Adams.

The same principle applies in football.

Women's teams have been battered by boys' sides for decades.

The Matildas certainly aren't the first to suffer such a lopsided defeat.

New Zealand's Football Ferns also play boys sides at training camps in Auckland, and, truth be told, probably lose more often than not.

A New Zealand national women's league coach reckons his team have played nine or 10 times against 13 to 14 year old boys teams in the last couple of years, and probably won once.

But those results have never fazed him, and he is convinced the Matildas coaches wouldn't be worried at the margin in Newcastle

top kek

Soccer is so sexist I cant even, men and women team should have equal score, down with the bigots, it's the current year for fuck sake.

Plenty of people do.

except that's what progressives believe

Yeah some insane 16 year old feminist wacko on tumblr. Let's have a 500 post thread exposing her!!!

Don't forget to notify some meninist reddit Youtuber to make a 30 minute exposé video. This is serious stuff!!!!

I bet based faggot Milo has something to say about that!!!!

There are, and they work for The Daily Show

Calm down, dude. This was supposed to be a fun thread.

Actually it was under-15s.

That's not how it works. Both need to be gassed.

It happens in hockey too. Elite boys teams in Canada and the US who beat the women's national teams in scrimmages.

You're contradicting yourself, which makes you look like a bleeding moderate, and that's very much >>>/oven/ worthy.

Quit pretending you're so "sexist" to women, when calling them walking incubators is apparently too much, you cultural xenophile degenerate.

Well, so good for you to live in a town where nobody is mentally challenged. The rest of us on the other hand…

That makes it even funnier. And then feminists wonder why you don't see women in the World Cup.

Sure thing Chaim!

New goal: U.S. women's soccer eyes equal pay

The US women's soccer pay dispute: a tangled web with no easy answers

Pro -tip they were also trashed by boys team.

Sweden's women's national football team suffered a crushing defeat during a friendly in Stockholm on Tuesday, with the country's top female players finding themselves shutout by an undermanned local boys team.

The new national team coach Pia Sundhage, who returned home last year after taking charge of the US team for several years, decided to let her players tackle the male youth team for Stockholm football club AIK.

Within 30 minutes, the boys had plucked one goal from the women, despite Sundhage asking the AIK under-17 team to take out one of its defenders and play with only 10 players on the field, reports the tabloid Aftonbladet.

"I wasn't told about that until after the game," national team defender Sara Thunebro told the newspaper.

"We had our hands full during the game."

Sundhage, who won coach of the year at the recent FIFA Ballon d'Or gala, often matched her American women against male players when she coached the US squad.

equal pay =/= equal physical ability

But keep bumping a cringy reddit thread dealing with something completely inconsequential and unimportant while White genocide and jewish subversion is accelerating.

You'd be surprised, even Joe Rogan was saying that Ronda Rousey could be 50 percent of the males from her same weight division before she got beat.

ass devastated cuck detected

Calm down bro, you don't have to think women are dogshit to hate feminism.

Go back to r/redpill newfag trash

Sure thing Chaim!

The Demographics of the Austrian Presidential Election
Posted on May 23, 2016 by Baron Bodissey
As most readers will be aware by now, the count in yesterday’s run-off election for president in Austria was finalized today. Norbert Hofer (FPÖ, Austrian Freedom Party) has conceded to the Green candidate, Alexander van der Bellen, who eked out a narrow victory thanks to the absentee ballots (postal votes).

Nash Montana has summarized an article from FAZ about the election:

It is clear to see that women swung it for the Leftists in the Austrian election.

The case has been made that women are playing a disproportionate role in the immigration catastrophe engulfing Europe; that they are more xenophilic than men; more emotional and indulgent; overrepresented in the ranks of “migrant” charities and help-groups and the like

Women and Socialism
Posted on May 24, 2016 by Baron Bodissey
Last night’s post about the demographics of the Austrian election prompted a lot of comments about the role of women in creating the current existential crisis in the West through their support of open borders and mass immigration.

One of the commenters brought up a video by Stefan Molyneux, “in which he claimed that within 10-15 years of women receiving the vote in all Western nations, a welfare state apparatus was implemented in those nations, at least to a certain extent, and in all cases.”

Obviously someone should be pay for exactly the same physical labour, and it should be especially true in sport.

Go back to cuck/pol/ aka /r9k/ with flags you permavirgin kike aplogist autist cuck

Reported for JIDF infiltrator.


is this some shit-tier Holla Forums bait?
the truth is, women on average are inferior in pretty much anything having to do with society excluding child care related things
but even implying this gets you crucified

and? women care about social status. tell her in private after you fuck her whatever you want and she won't comment.

Says the one posting girls, and not women.

I know your angle, you self-contradicting fuck.

You have to go back.

That's interesting, I guess they learned a new lesson that they cannot beat the men.

have you been living under a rock or are you retarded?
feminism is clearly harmful to society, a simple example being quotas
the point was that you can't talk about these things publicly and they aren't just the whining of some 16 year old tumblrettes

sorry but I will be needing sauce.


no one cares about their whining. the ones that whine don't get the d. simple as that.

Oh, you're good at kicking a ball? Personally I'm pretty good at picking my nose, in fact I'd say I'm one of the best in the world. Where's my parade?

Let them try and see that they can't do it like men. The red pill is quite rich enough to harvest them for us to use. Not too big to choke the people's neck.

At least use a real example. I always cringe when people claim women are inferior because they are worse at kicking balls and playing video games.


well they are 50% of the population and there are clearly a lot of whiteknights supporting them as well, or else there wouldn't be all these retarded laws
you are in denial

I have a real example in the video.

Aren't we suppose to red pill many people as possible?

Suisei no Gargantia

Isn't it about the human whom engineered themselves to became space squids and lost the humanity touch?


>the people
You're coming off a bit red, there.

I am sorry for my bad English. I misunderstood you.

tbh, it could've been 15-0 but the boys were probably trying to suppress their boners half the time.

The best cooks/chiefs are men dunce.

Alright I know that show.

They're going to start hiding the demographic polling.

Even in the US, you can see that most alt-right wimminz are counter-signalling against Trump.

Yes especially shitskin demographics!

Don't like girls? I bet you suck dick, faggot.

I know. Men are better than women at everything, sometimes even better at being women.

Why do American blondes look so manly? is it GMO food or are they just built thick like farm pigs?




feminist faggot haha. I am not even remotely a MGTOW and this is absolutely hilarious.


This is why you'll never see a man vs. woman MMA match. The man would put the MUH GIRL POWER cunt in the hospital without even trying

don't fall into the feminist mindset of measuring women by the measures of man.

also, rip /aus/ pol

Californian here. I was a shit wrestler who couldn't go to the thing before the thing that gets you to qualify for state. I beat females that placed at state easily. 145lb btw

Soccer is gay.

Correct. Women can't even cook, so they shouldn't be allowed anywhere near a kitchen.

I remember beating some nationally ranked female brown belt in bjj back when I first started as a no stripe white belt.

Women can cook fine so don't demean them.

Cook a pop tart in the toaster maybe. I wouldn't allow any females to cook for me though because I like to eat edible food.

I allow the women to cook for me because the homemade food tends to be better than processed foods.

Does that mean brazil is a bunch of women losing to germany 7-1?

The whole country is a science project, user.

Is this you?

I am already better at cooking than any women, so I would just end up eating inferior food.

Rousey is a freak that competed against boys in judo when she was a teenager, but she did not believe that she was equal to a man

There was some controversy because she said that some tranny MMA fighter should not be allowed to compete against woman because it developed as a man, had a man's skeletal and muscle development and no amount of hormone therapy would bring the tranny down to the physical level of female fighters

This video always makes me laugh. Thanks m8.

I practice martial arts, and the difference of power between men and women is huuuuuge. Women cannot win against men in a sports setting. Remove the gloves and they can be dangerous, but only if they hit first and in the balls or eyes.

You seem upset

Total faggot, how does Jamal's spuz taste, you bull prepping faggot?
