Aryan birds stream

heres a decent stream since its 3 50 am and nothing is going on.

Other urls found in this thread:

Thank you, OP.

The asian text only seems to be in the beginning and didn't show up when they started talking. I will watch it later today.


Besides the no chat.

I do appreciate it.

Reddit being reddit.

It is not someone streaming the movie right now. Just the movie being uploaded online.

Reddit's okay if you pick a handful of based subs and stay put. Anytime I venture out into the normie subs, I want to kill people.

I can stream it on vaughnlive as soon as I figure out a bitrate that doesn't drop a million frames
Alright streaming kickstarter tv just to test and wait for people to get in there.
Tell me how it looks fam.

Looks good to me.

Watching and looking for relevant stuff.

Just like they always like about the amount of "refugees" and the way the numbers keep growing.

anyone else awake?

bumping for anyone else wanting to watch

This movie makes almost no sense (yes, even for a kids film) unless you're looking for hidden meanings in every scene

Could be intentional in a sense of forcing parents to explain the context. Even if it's not, it still makes doing that quite easy.

Who the fuck streams movies in 10 in the morning?

Could the pigs be any more degenerated?

I'm not working today so I won't complain.

Why are you so mad?

Because I'm at work and can't watch it.

I can stream it again later fam.

Fucking hell man.

Well this won't be the last stream.


I hope so, I'm pretty hyped for this.







Accidental abortion in the first five minutes, and some Sabbath?

Good times.

- Mighty Eagle

I knew I'd like it the moment I heard Paranoid. My expectations for this shit were lower than low after all the other merchandising and cash grabbing that Rovio has done with the franchise. I seriously didn't expect to see a film that makes me laugh.

Children singing

No but the yellow one is definitely gay. 100%.

He just likes cowboys.


Finished watching that stream. The movie was better than expected and it's undeniable the allegory is intentional.

Alright I'll stream it again at about 12 PM EST.

Hah, wow, I was hesitant to buy it at first, but this really does fit the Muslim narrative quite well.

Just got to the part where the three pigs gangsmash the girl bird for a selfie, then they start asking about eggs and she goes 'You don't lay eggs', and it cuts to a romantic scene between the pig and the egg.

The memes, Jack.

The only way you could ever believe this is if your entire world view is built entirely on goy media and the only "intellectual" books you have ever picked up, if any, are from meme celebrities.

Gonna do All Quiet On The Western Front (1930) after Sicario finishes then do Angry Birds again.

The one problem is that the pigs had more advanced technology than the birds. It is the one thing that makes the whole movie a little doubtful.

are slingshots really advance technology?

They also had cars, planes and obviously an a lot more advanced city.

i'm really curious what technologies arab nations have made over they years now other than the obvious one the arabic numerical system

; _ ;

What is the point of streaming it then FAM?

I really wanna watch it while shitposting with Holla Forums, otherwise its just like watching it alone.
I am streaming it here after Sicario and All Quiet On The Western Front since I streamed it earlier.

I watched the movie last night
It's based as fuck, even more than those Holla Forums theories that floated around after the trailers.

If you want my advice you should make a thread about it at least 6 hours in advance so that more people know about your stream, and stream other shit in the mean time.

I've been watching live streams for years and that's what the best streamers do (from the old tribalfag raids)

post in here so people stop asking for the stream

Awesome until they started flinging themselves at Piggy castle. That scene was rushed and shit.

I agree, it deserved more time.

Honestly i never thought a movie based on a shitty mobile game would be so based.

Who cares. If it is, we will just ben garrison it to our side.

TL:DW edition