Foxconn replaces '60,000 factory workers with robots'

Well fucking shit, even chinese slave labor is getting too expensive now. On another tangent, so what type of job is a teenager is able to get after the robots replace all the McJobs?

Other urls found in this thread:

Apple uses humans:

Apple replaces humans with robots:

The new expectation will be to load up on debt to get more and more advanced degrees to stay competitive in an even further dwindling pool of available jobs

That or become part of the criminal mulatto welfare-funded leisure class

They are expanding to the suburbs now. A nice free house in the suburbs for a barely literate 18 year old sounds good to me.

Not bad.

Amazon too has replaced thousands of warehouse workers with robots.

So much for the "we need immigrant cheap labor" line lol.

The economy is inherently self-destructive.
Capitalism means, by very essence, endless quantitative accumulation and valorization of everything, including human relationship. Transhumanism is not some "dope trendy thing", it's just the way of the Capital to monetize the body of humans, for our whole social landscape is now monetized. We've lost direct relationship to things and money is our only way of communicating with the world.
Producing cheaper means: making robots out of humans, or replacing humans with robots altogether.
But robots only produce cheaper, so you need to compensate the loss by producing more goods. Then, you reach a point where the market is flooded with goods that nobody can buy, because everyone is jobless. That's where the economy start to crash, and you need to wipe out the overproduction; there are 2 ways of doing that: a good, fat world war, or opting out of the economy.

It's happening.

If only you could hire people AND don't abuse them. If only. It's too complicated to implement that for a common dumb capitalist.


I work in a warehouse. Thankfully most warehouses are far away from being able to replace with robots. Amazon is kind of "showing the way" or whatever but it's only possible for companies with endless amounts of money. Most warehouses are just not even close to set up for it.

If I remember correctly there's some israeli company with warehouse robots for sale too, not use if amazon is using it.

BTW, a shit ton of amazon products do not come from amazon warehouses but directly from the warehouses of their suppliers. That's often transparent to the buyer. So the idea of amazon warehouse robots is a bit overplayed

I'm a general contractor. I don't recommend it.

What the fuck????

Why is Apple paying for robots in China? Why not just do robotics in USA?



This was bound to happen no matter what economical system you have, robots will replace humans for these types of menial jobs and there is nothing that you can do about it, it's simply the price of technological progress.

Of course the consequences of this are very grave, what this means is that a large section of the population in all 1st world countries will be out of a job with simply no way to get employed for most low-tech jobs.

This isn't the same as outsourcing jobs or hiring foreign workers, that is simply a matter of incompetent government policy. Robot job replacement is an extremely serious issue that can't be solved in the current capitalistic economical system.

This doesn't have a solution unless you change it and you must change it or there is going to be chaos, there would be riots so big that they would dwarf any others in the past. The current system is not sustainable for the future, capitalism is going to die because technology is going to outpace manual labor and that is going to happen soon.

If properly implemented, technological progress will mean that there will be less people working menial jobs and are offered prospects of growth and personal development.

I rarely see this actually happening though.

It's mostly just a problem because our societies are addicted to population growth - and especially immigration-fuelled population growth - as the solution to all economic problems.

But thanks to Jews/minorities pushing for a "majority-minority" future and politicians too terrified of taking a stand and telling Boomers that they can only kick the can down the road for so long before actually tackling the "greying" of Western countries it'll never be done.

And have Jews/Banks and every other goy cuck relinquish their power? Yeah, make that an impossibility until a purge happens.

>>>Holla Forums

The Unabomber was right. Runaway, limitless technological "progress" will undo humanity. Enjoy begging in the streets and giving handjobs to rich guys in 20 years when you can't find work to save your life.

industrialisation started 2 centuries ago and ever since we have had a history of humans jobs being replaced by machines.

but this particular instance that's happening just now is gonna be the one where people wont be able to find new jobs

you guys are fucking retarded, the only thing that ever changes is what people need. just because you cant fathom your life without your unskilled peice of shit factory job doesnt mean there isnt one, have fun being a useless welfare leech on society

lolbergs really need to fuck off from this board


Do you need a safespace echo chamber?

there are only three possible solutions to this problem:

1. keep raising taxes to ridiculous percentages for more welfare (Bernie)
2. kill hundreds of millions of people with falseflag terrorist attacks (Hillary)
3. deport hundreds of millions of people (Trump)

People will be needed to build, repair and program robots.

And it ain't gonna be some dumbass chinks. AMURIKA!

It was bound to happen and it will just get worse with time.
Only very specific jobs(doctors,engineers,scientists,etc.) or those who can't be automated(farmers,fruit-pickers,etc.) will remain.
We could go full communism or welfare state or,probably what will happen,huge fucking war who will kill most of us and leave the "elected".

Venus Project marxist kike shill pls go

Put yourself in our glorious leaders and chosenite's shoes,isn't that what they want and were campaigning for so long?

I'm interested. Got any reading material?

Why the fuck couldn't those be automated? Also doctors will largely be automated aswell as lawyers pretty soon.

Ye this is what will happen, whether we like it or not. A large, dumbed down, brown mixed class of degenerates living on their "basic wage" watching the kardashians, partying and instagramming. Meanwhile there's an intelligent and wealthy white (and jewish) upper class owning all the stocks and shares living isolated from the dumb consumeristslaves.

Is this desirable? I don't know but it's inevitable.

Your concern-shilling skills are below shit-tier

Patriarchy smasher, professional privilege checker etc… the future is full of promises.

no, all we need is a global holocaust

Mostly because it will probably require at least a rudimentary AI of sort.Making diagnosis listening to the shit patients spout,while they lie because they are cunts,farmers or fruit-pickers require discerning good from bad,what kind of treatments to be used,etc.
I mean farming is probably one of those jobs who received great help from tech advancement but you can't really automate how you would automate a industry or an assembly line.

I prefer it never happened,just seeing what little less problem did to our society is a cancer.Figures if they should never work a day or do nothing forever.

Quit being paranoid.

It's not even about the jobs anymore.

It's come to a point where the one percent are almost able to wage wars with money alone.

Soon they will be able to kill niggers. Nobody will have to take the blame for a holocaust. The niggers got accidented, the history books will say. And coincidentally a technological boom occurred shortly after, resuming progress to utopia.


Is every person going to move into quaternary work? I don't see how farmers, drivers, restaurant staff, trainees and more can all become doctors, lawyers, engineers and programmers.

define this term for me

Clkearly the solution is more immigrants.

Primary: Production/Farming
Secondary: Assembly/Shipping
Tertiary: Service/Sales
Quaternary: Consulting/Design
Basically the "idea guy" of job sectors.

Oh sure, but mainly in French. Do you happen to be frog?
Still, there are a lot of prolegomena to study.
* Engels "The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State"
* Marx's Jewish Question, concise and rather to the point.

Honestly though, translations have been subverted by leftists faggotry when it comes to Marx and Engels. I don't know much about english translations, it's probably worse than french ones. I'd advise pick the simpler and the most ancient edition, with no preface bullshit and all.

im sure in 1800 when 90% of people were farmers most of them wouldn't believe how they could all become not-farmers either.

i cant predict the future but if they are unable to find jobs then they should just starve to death as their lives are obsolete.

Just as planned, goy.

One inch closer to an automatically money generating economy. Can't wait tbh

so basically you are SJW just for whites instead of browns?


The reason that doesn't happen is because that would mean more pay, kikes don't want to pay.

Guys whats the chance of a new artistocracy being born out of robot workers?

Everyone who has these menial jobs will be constrained to a permanent welfare class where they are utterly dependent on the elites to give them more gibs. People with real jobs will be seen as aristocrats and legislators will be seen as the new elites to rule over everybody?


not all of us are born into kike shekels.

I'm sorry the world isn't one giant hugbox for you buddy.

Cute try. I'm not biting that.

Problem is in the fact that most production, even the highly technological one, is focused on production of garbage - items with set working life, which ends up creatingn tons of waste and clogs up the market as they keep putting out more and more products so that people keep buying. The economy as it is overwhelmed human capacity for consumption and the only way to regulate it is to reduce the quality of the rpoduct to keep the consumer buying.

Theoretically we are close to post-scarcity, if the products we created were long-lasting. there is nothing stopping us from creating white goods that can last 20 years or more, phones and electronics that has a lifespan of a decade or more or cars and tools that can work for years without major scratches. History is full of examples of goods that worked long beyond their expectancy pretty much because build quality was better than it is nowadays.

There is fear of total collapse though, of the endless wealth produced by the industrial machine that would grind to a trickle, at least when people were to become aware that beyond the bare necessities and some goods that were to be more sturdy, consumption as it is nowadays is pointless.
Banks, mortgages, new Iphone every 6 months - its all perpetuated by the myth of constant growth and the fact that our technological prowess is squandered on manufacturing crap, instead of producing high quality goods that would last, instead of landing on a landfill.

well not exactly like an assembly line, but there are already autonomous tractors which till fields and then fertilize based on the exact nutrient make up of that spot
there is also hydro or aeroponics, which could mean that food could be grown locally and almost completely automatically

The government will tax any business that does this, and use the money to give welfare to the unemployed.

The only reason to introduce robots at all is because you don't want to deal with human drama anymore, there's no economic reason for it.

you could make education free if you are at that point
if people don't want to just live on the minimum income, they can get an education and try to do those jobs

clearly the people buying disagree

robots are more efficient than humans in the jobs that they are able to do.

stay mad biofag

Tell me what is the use and value of a phone that is considered outdated 6 months down the line and which is fragile beyond belief if you even barely scratch the surface of the screen.
Same with cars, TVs and pretty much everything else.

There is no question in people buying it because they want it, but at the same time they are not rational consumers - do not let the textbook economics fool you.

The people have mostly been brainwashed by a lifetime of consumerist propaganda.

well that depends on each individual.

your opinion of how much such a phone is worth is not the only valid one.

on the contrary they are quite rational. Their values just don't align with yours.

You can call it 'brainwash' that doesn't make it invalid or the decisions of people who are influenced by it irrational.

There is still the matter of harvesting it.
For example not every tree/crop grow the same,some needs more time,some get fucked by insects,some from rain,chemical composition of the ground is another factor,some fruits grow and ripe and some on the same tree needs more time.
You could have a machine picking it all but it would probably be a waste.Mind you,without humans and more terrain(Africa for example),we could plant much more and try to find an equilibrium between product wasted and good ones.
But you are right there are already some kind of products who could be automated.

When a machine can do literally everything that a human can - it can move objects, solve equations, design items, be used for sex, what use will the human have?

Industrialisation has narrowed the breadth and increased the depth of the fields we work in, do you expect we will reach the point where people will study for 15 years to understand the most narrow of fields?

We are already reaching a point where AI can diagnose medical conditions better than doctors, where AI could conceivably derive the facts of a potential legal case and cross-reference those facts with a database of case law to figure out if it would be successful.

When robots are our superior in every field we will have no conceivable use.

You're just reading from the Macro 101 textbook you managed to get your hands on, before you flunked out of community college, aren't you?

Its not a question of values or subjective worth - waste produced and social, economic and ecological impact of it all are real and more potent than what you feel when you buy yourself a new gadget.

Personally, I am frustrated with fragility and limited lifetime of most modern goods, true. But the reasons behind it and outcomes resulting from it matter more than your assumption that people are rational consumers when its been shown time and again that they are not.

Then we will live in a post-scarcity utopia.

what's the problem again?


advance an alternative or shut up

When you are told that you still have to work, pay taxes and can only enjoy a tiny piece of it all.

that just means people subjectively value current benefits more than potential future damage

why would tax be required if you have robots that can do everything?

why would anybody require you to work when they can get robots to work faster?

why would they only give you a tiny piece when robots can make an unlimited amount of huge pieces?

do you even know what 'post-scarcity' mean?

I agree when it comes to the medical field, contrary to how it usually goes, it would actually be the more specialty jobs like anesthesiologists that would be axed. The legal field….well, you could definitely eliminate all the secretarial jobs, and even many cases having to do with property law that function on very cut-and-dried Coase Theorum principles, but you'd still need lawyers for everything else. Abstract ideas of justice simply would not be for the kind of AI that'll be around in the next 100 years (that is of course assuming that resource scarcity and social collapse don't make all of this a moot point anyway)

The problem is that people are pretending that we'll just fit into an ever narrowing band of jobs.

A time is coming (probably already here honestly) when some people just have no use to society. Do you want to employ Tyrone in your warehouse when you can employ someone that can fix the machines and pick items?

One of the best things we can do is to remove women from the workforce. They have a job of sorts that they can do that men cannot, they are able to have children and bond with them.

because you pay taxes right now and someone else will own the robots, not you

Again, because you won't own the robot but you will still be expected to pay for their products

Because I don't see anyone giving away cars and TVs for free even though these jobs are fully automated right now.

It means you will never experience anything remotely close to it because we live in a capitalist society which emphasises ownership of means of production and the need to acquire wealth to keep the capital running.

If you believe in post-scarcity without realizing that ownership and commerce are still central features of present and future societies then you are an idiot akin to the singularity faggots.
It's not a matter of us not being able to do it, it's a matter of you not being able to afford any of it because you won't be owning any of these robots.

But they can't anticipate trouble or deal with it.

there's some use. there are jobs they can do that aren't obsolete yet by machines.

Advance an alternative? Is that your attempt at sounding intelligent? My alternative is that by plain observation the average consumer is not rational, because they are not wise. If consumers were perfectly rational in the sense of being wise, then companies like Nestle and Coca-Cola would fall through by next quarter. You'll probably advance some nonsense now that the consumer has calculated the ill-health effects of these products against their enjoyment of them, but Sheniqua surely hasn't, and if they have, it's still an irrational decision to buy a coke, because it's a purely emotional/primal one.

Then what's with all the niggers?


You know, you half-joke but you actually bring up a very good point.

Growing up (30 now) I remember working summer jobs as a teen, then working part time in college.

Of course they were shit jobs, but the culture was such that it was all right. There was no stigma to working shit jobs because that's just how it was for everyone.

It builds character, teaches responsibility, the value of money, teaches you how to act in a workplace and you have another social circle you can draw from.

I fear that teens are replaced by immigrants and machines, and are left flailing more and more. This I think contributes a LOT to the current flood of useless, idiotic degrees (fem studies etc)

if robots are better @ everything, then all you have to do is get robots to make robots. with exponential robots growth only a few generations are required before there are more robots than can ever be used. At this point the price of robots would be so low that everybody will have robots.

again everybody will have robots

these jobs are not 'fully automated'. not even close. just because you saw a few video clips of robot arms putting together a cat doesn't mean that car making is a fully automated job.

when you have robots to cost of production would be so low that even a small amount of capital i.e. the robot is only required for EVERYTHING

all your arguments are based on people not owning robots but as said, everybody will have robots

the end

sure they can

Just because you can't understand why it is rational doesn't mean it is irrational. It just means you're stupid.


You know this because you can read Sheniqua's mind?

Two things can happen

1) we enter an eldar-tier economic paradise where every human has 1 - 4 robots working for them, meaning the days of waking up at 6AM are over and everyone can now spend as much time as they'd like pursuing their own personal goals/shitposting on chan sites


2) the world becomes a crapsack dystopia where 99.999% of the population have literally no income and live in extreme poverty while the remaining 00.001%, the robot owners and their families live in disgusting excess

because the one thing that will never get old for humans is putting other humans in a lower place. the thrill of knowing you can get away with shitting on someone else. now give people who have been told their whole life they are better than everyone else, people who are three generations removed from having to work already, and give them a robot army with effectively unlimited resources. what can go wrong?

But they are more competitive to get.

Fast food used to only be for failures. Now degree holders work fast food. Where Tyrone could have made some money making burgers, he now has no job.

That options are shrinking the labour pool (deporting illegals, encouraging women to stay at home) or dropping the minimum wage such that Tyrone's labour becomes attractive to do very menial tasks.

How? what kind of robots? Are we talking industrial machinery or sci-fi android robots? because if latter than you can kiss your dreams goodbye.

Immigration has 2 purposes: cheap labor and kill the European spirit of insurrection. Immigration, miscegenation aims to create a world of individuated consumers, with no roots, no identity, no specificity, but with the common illusion of power on their own life: consumption. You can be anything (the memes were right again), because you can buy anything.
But creating a planet of individual all-alike robots will never be possible; the reason is: we are humans. And we're starting to get fed up of this shit, because at our heart, even in the heart of the most degraded negro (well, okay, maybe not), we all know we were not born for this life.
You can study how happy people were in little villages 60 years ago and how happy these same people have become now. You can look up the numbers about medics and anti-depressants, etc.

The Happening is coming.

Or C
Everyone but the 00.001% will say: Fuck your money and go back to being farmers and revert back to 1900~ish societies

so basically we should not have robots because in your mind some evil spoiled children will use them to spit on other people?

Lol, this is more fantasy-land than android robots sexually pleasuring all the NEETs and MGTOWs in this thread.

Required viewing for this subject. Even if you disagree with this video it is the standard form of the argument


that makes them even bigger failures

got out competed. now you have to find something else.

you do know that shrinking the labour pool decreases demand for products/services as much as it decreases supply? so net effect is null.


option 2)

That makes no sense. The cost of production will never be that low because the amount of resources it would take, to produce enough industrial machinery so that EVERYONE can own the means to production, would completely decimate the earths mineral and ore deposits. Besides, you're still going to have to PAY for your industrial machinery/magic robot, which you won't be able to, because your hypothetical future will have made all your skills redundant.

sci-fi android robots.

no thx

no, I'm saying we are not going to get robots. we should get them, but we won't. because our betters will need to show us our place.

i will go with option 1 thx

when it's either being amish or dead of hunger, people will go amish

Not really, communes spring up all the time.


The future is bright!

we will just build universal mining machine powered by fusion reactor operated by robots. no problem.

if my skill is redundant that only means the robots can do it cheaper which means it's even cheaper to own robots.

What's the problem?

You are an idiot.

i disagree. once the rich have robots and can make robots at essentially no cost there's no reason for them to hoard robots because everything they want they can already get.

bioplastics have come a long way

did i overload your logic circuit?

that's probably why you are so threatened by robots lol.

they want to make other people miserable so that they can feel better about their pointless lives.
And now they have a robot army.

Just continue your train of thought

and thus you will have no job or money to buy said robot.

Or do you imagine they will be giving them away for free to everyone just because "muh utopia" ? Companies who invest ridiculous amounts of money and work into robots will give them out?


Yes, because the rich, once they have everything they want, they just say "ok let's give all the surplus to the people.

Jesus Christ

FTFY. Also disproved your fantasy as well.

Even supposing robots are a good thing, how the hell are you gonna make all these robots, were will you find all these batteries and precious metal to use?
Pic related

You seem obsessed with this projection that people care about you so much they would spend their post-scarcity lives (which can other wise be spent enjoying all the things imaginable and unimaginable) trying to put your down.



what is wrong with your fucking mind, it doesn't mater if the robot is 1/10000 of a cent, you have ZERO money. It doesn't matter how cheap the robot is because you will be unemployed and have NO money to buy the cheap robot.

Robots will be so cheap that you can get them for free. That's why it's called 'post-scarcity'.


why not. that's what bill gates doing.

you only need one bill gates in the future to give one robot away to the poor which can be used to make more robots exponentially until everybody has robots.

no it doesn't.

we will build universal mining machine powered by fusion reactors.

the technology can be researched by robots.

no problem

If people don't give away money and goods for free to everybody now, why would they do so in the future? Do you comprehend the meaning of scarcity, value and money? Why would robots solve all problems? how?

Fucking troll.

Your graphs are retarded and you are a kike defeatist shill.

I have one dollar bill in my backyard, which i use to buy 10000 robots which can make robots thus doubling their number every day, after 20 days i will have 10485760000 robots and you can have some from me for free.

You don't need to "imply" for many of those, one can condifently say it won't happen.

people do give away good for free. it's called charity.

go outside and look around.

they would solve it by making the costs of everything so low that the cost of giving shit away is non-existent

If Trump forces industry to relocate here, then the people that service these robots will be Americans.

before the super duper cheap robots become a thing you will have no job for 5 years.

good luck with that plan.

Why would i have no job?

you either have a situation where robots are better at everything therefore everybody is outcompeted and nobody has a job but every is super cheap (essentially free) or robots aren't better at everything therefore there are jobs doing these things that robots arent better at therefore i will have a job.

thx but i dont need it

and what about the other 7 billion people who want the space you are occupying, or the people who have grahms number of robots who want to still know they are the best.

If there is a need for goods, then the demand will be met.

Or are we getting back into the whole point that the regurgitated capitalism tripe is quite wrong, and all?

unfortunately space is limited. but with robots you can just terraform mars or mine jupiter to form another counter earth.

so unless there are too many people this is not a problem.

well we have to agree not to use robots to blow each other up otherwise we are gonna have a bad time


Former McDonalds CEO Crushes The Minimum Wage Lie: "It's Cheaper To Buy A Robot Than Hire At $15/Hour"

A robot costs 5$ to make. Let's say they make them at 0 profit because "muh utopia". That's 5$ for the building, fuel and maintenance of the machines that mine the (FINITE) metals that are needed and then build the robot. The said company is operating at immense loss, since it gives everything it has away.

All of your economy is based on charity. All of it. Do you realize how inane that is? Do you have any understanding of human nature at all? Point to a Mother Theresa and I'll point to a million who've never done a charitable thing in their lives except maybe throw a coin in a bum's cup.

The bill gates you're imagining would have to be richer than God in the first place to start the process, and you're assuming all the world's governments will say "umm yeah, okay cool."

Post-scarcity can only exist in a word with infinite resources. This is not a world with infinite resources.

You are either a troll, or just plain dim.

The value of something is mostly based on it's SCARCITY. You haven't even the vaguest understanding of simple economy: supply/demand, value and so on.

Like most of you "robot utopia" people, you have little to no understanding of economy and human nature.

All the robotization and replacement of jobs is a prerequisite for mass genocide. The kikes want to get rid of all of us and own the planet. That's basically how simple it truly is.

No utopia, no welfare, no new aristocracies, just an empty planet full of robots, some engineers and administrative people and a steady-enough amount of humans to sacrifice to Moloch every year.

someone else is already there, and they have a dedicated force of robots building robots to blow my robots up as well as robots to think of better ways to blow my robots up

there are too many people, what is the robot's solution to this problem?

some people just want to watch the world burn.

we're gonna have a bad time Sans

Entry-level lawyers are already having trouble finding jobs. Usually new graduates performed document discovery, sifting through piles of legal documents looking for data relevent to their case. Now software does it.

Wait until pattern-recognition software gets better – radiologists and pathologists will be obsolete.

I heard professionals laughing at non-college-educated people getting laid off. "Guess they should have gone to college." Not so funny when your job gets eaten by a bot.

no. robots will cost close to $0 to make.

all of those will cost close to $0 to make.

because all you have to do is tell the robots to go get some and they will. Zero labour is spent. And money is stored labour.

If there aren't enough robots to get the minerals required, then you just tell the robots to make more robots. actually the whole process is designed and controlled by robots so you don't even have to think about it.

so yes robots will be free.

no it's based on the fact that the cost is close to zero.

do you realise inane doenst mean what you think it means?

no. you need only one robot to start the process. since robots will be free anyway, it would be trivial to start.

it can exist in a world where the cost of obtaining resource is very low. so as long as there aren't too many people we will be fine.

you're the dumb one, unfortunately. So dumb that you had to resort to name calling. sad really. dont worry tho i wont mind you since youre too dumb to understand how dumb you are.

In this situation, humans are more like horses during the industrial revolution
We're becoming obsolete

we can go to other systems/galaxies then

i cant predict the future but im sure new physics would allow us to solve this problem

too bad then

best choice would be to kill all the people who wont agree to not blow each other up with robots.

i don't see the point anyway they would have everything they could ever want and nothing to gain from fighting robots war

If robots would ever be so perfect, they'd become illegal.

Also expect robot wars

[citation needed]

Probably thousands of years of warfare, systems like Feudalism and the control and subjugation we're already under. Don't expect anyone to relinquish control just because the prerequisites for a potential utopia would be reached - Mankind always wants to play God, replace God, and Man individually wants to play God over all over humans and creation itself.

Work really fucking hard and save very penny. Now take your savings and invest in real estate. Realistically, in America, you'll want $10-12,000 USD to start investing thanks to the beauty of FHA financing.

I've spent the last week in Austria/Switzerland and thr people here have really made something beautiful for themselves. They keep money between each other and have a really beautiful country. They preserve their nature, control their population and beautify their houses.

While India, China and America turn into mega city slums with a literal mongrel slave caste, these countries will be the destinations for the small, white, remaining ownership class like us.

Best of luck OP. Remember to join your local WN/traditionalist meetup group.

The process starts in our current world, correct?

In our current world, the first such robots will have exorbitant prices and in all likelihood a corporation will make them, whose main aim is to make profit.

The cost can't be 0 if you're starting out in the present.

Again - if you're talking about the real world right now, it will not cost next to 0.

Also, nice circular logic there: "You need one robot to start it (that 1 robot will go gather the materials and then build another robot, because you think this will be minecraft) but then that first robot is free too, made from the goodness of the guys who spent quite a lot of resources to make it (they did it for free), and it will make free robots but the first robot is free because I say its free".

That wold cannot be born from this world. You completely sidestep the scarcity issue, human nature and you already see yourself in that world without realizing that it cannot come from this world.

I called you dim because your arguments are poor, you have little understanding of economy or human nature and, even when explained to you, you simply repeat the same (defeated) arguments. It is not name calling, it is a statement of fact.

mostly fought over resources

which were based on rent-seeking and went away when industrialisation made capital as important

they would relinquish control because they would be busy enjoying their lives and cant be bothered with trying to put people down.

do you think rich people would give up 24/7 super-orgasm just to keep you down?

I read a story when I was a kid.
The premise was that an Earthling deep-space reconnaissance ship had found a planet that was registering an advanced level of industrial and electromagnetic activity. They naturally slipped into orbit to check things out.
The world was covered with glittering cities, renewable power sources lit them up at night, and the radio waves were broadcasting beautiful music and alien voices, chattering in an alien language.
But all attempts to communicate with them failed, there was never a response.
The captain made the decision to send a patrol down to the surface of the planet, as atmospheric testing indicated no unusually deadly chemical problems. The patrol was still advised to stay in their suits, due to possible biological contamination, however.

When the patrol set down near the largest city, they made their way through the suburbs and into the center…all along the way, they met no intelligent life. Grazing animals fed on carefully manicured lawns, birds made nests in the cities streetlights, monkey-like creatures squawked at them and threw dirt, before running away in fear.
It was noted that the houses and the city in general was maintained by the most sophisticated system of robotics they had ever witnessed, every incident of damage by the wildlife was repaired immediately, the streets and high-rises were continually cleaned to a sparkling level, restaurants all had perfectly prepared food presented on perfectly clean tables, left there to rot, or occasionally be eaten by the monkeys, as soft music played from hidden speakers.

Toward the middle of the city, an amusement park, still active but uninhabited, waited to amuse citizens that would never come. A Ferris-wheel rolled endlessly, covered with the bodies of the monkeys, who had apparently activated it unwittingly, but hadn't the brains to deactivate it & get off.

A thorough grid search of the surrounding area was fruitless, whoever had built the cities and the robots & the streets, could not be found.
Wandering the region closer to the center of the metropolis, they stumbled upon a library, of sorts. Downloading as much of the alien information as they could, they returned to the ship in orbit.

It was only after months of research, the planet left far behind, that they were able to decipher enough of the alien language to read their script. And much later, after they accidentally came across a picture of the inhabitants, that they realized what happened.

The monkeys were the original citizens of their cities. They had automated everything so well, that there was no longer any need for them.
They had devolved back to their primate form, no need for the understanding of technology, no need to think at all, just eating, sleeping, screwing, and playing among the titanic works of their predecessors…

all your arguments i already destroyed but i cant be bothered typing it all out again so just stay ignorant buddy.

All righty then. That's as close as 'I surrender' as someone like you comes.

Let me also specify that I don't mean move to these countries, unless you're filthy rich.

I mean, make your town/state beautiful with like minded individuals and make it a destination for the ownership class. Be the ownership class and keep money within the in-group. Model your countries after these.


If utopia was preferrable to them, we would already have had it. These people are not some sort of demi-angels, they can only be happy when they see the rest of the world be subjugated under them, that's their '24/7 super-orgasm'.

Robots will only replace the pesky workers and everything else will pretty much stay the same.


I for one welcome our robot jew overlords

no because we are not post-scarcity

[citation needed]


We're on Holla Forums, every day we see how the powers that be, the kikes, seek to continue to destroy all that is good, normal, decent, healthy and replace it by things they can control.

We would've long been in 'post-scarcity', in 2008 there was an article here that proclaimed that for all the costs of the 2nd Gulf War, every single person in the world could've been fed, clothed and educated.

'Post-scarcity' is being subverted in various ways as well. Ever seen how much stuff gets thrown away, recycled, thrown on trash heaps? The sheer amounts of inneficiency? These are completely avoidable with just our normal human means.

Another issue is that we haven't exploited the resources and lands of Earth not even nearly efficiently enough and attempts to do so in Africa, for example, were foolishly left behind for the 'natives' to handle, which of course they didn't.

Other efforts to elimitate scarcity were in projects such as the Great Manmade River of Libya, under Gadaffi. It shouldn't come to your surprise that the project has been halted due to NATO's invasion and deliberate destruction of Libya.

The robots only are meant to further weaken and destroy any middle-class, eliminate competition and make it easier to control the masses before getting rid of most of us.



The whole idea is foolish.
The need for robot workers is so you can build products cheaply. The need for products is to sell them. Without jobs, people can't buy. All your productivity lays on the shelves. Sales die, profits go *poof* and you can't provide dividends for your investors.
Now your investors can't afford to buy, more sales disappear, you lay off executives, ad-men, accountants, etc.
More destitute people, even less sales…pretty soon you can't afford to keep your doors open, you close down, you lose your means of income, your stock is worthless, the wealthy start to fall…
No need for banks, no need for luxury items, collectables, gold, or silver…

Mankind is driven back into the stone age as riots and anarchy rule the day, cities burn, crops are looted in the field, mass starvation, mass panic, diseases run rampant as Hospitals are shuttered & nobody can afford drugs, or antibiotics, cannibalism erupts out of desperation, people are killing each other with sticks and bits of metal fashioned into spears & swords, the last of the bullets long since gone…

A population of 6 billion reduced to maybe 10 million, predators roam the ruins, eating the occasional man-child.

Mankind, brought low by his own greed and stupidity…

i already said i cant predict the future

if it cant be solved then we will have problems


Humans will eventually merge with robots, it's next phase of human evolution.

Secret meeting of 150 top scientists considers creating synthetic human genome within a decade as experts warn technology could lead to an 'arms race'

Synthetic Humans > Biological Humans

that's because they want to secure their existence i.e. israel or to get money so they can secure the future

in a post-scarcity world, this wont be necessarily.

they aren't screwing you over for the joy of it.

again a war over oil and israel

we will recycle everything with robots once we have them

so there's no problem

we will build universal mining machine that runs on fusion power

Still waiting for my flying car…

in highly controlled enviroments those won't be a problem
the less land we use for farming the better I think, it will also save energy and resources
it will be much more technology intensive though which I guess makes it more expensive from an economic point of view, but thats artificial and depends on what we value

perhaps you haven't noticed the general trend of people who are disagreeing with you, but the gist of it is that WE WILL HAVE FUCKING PROBLEMS

no we wont



yeah we will


Keep them away from MY land.
Those are MY resources.

You don't need flying car, but robots and humans will eventually merge, biological humans will be no different than African bushmen.

Humans will upgrade themselves, it's our next stage of evolution.


There's a lot more to knowing how to do things than just having the intellectual knowledge of how they are done.

sure there are plenty of places to mine

For now…

we can recycle stuff too so unless you have too many people you wont run out of stuff


nothing in thermodynamics stops you from recycling

Only if you let it be.

Only if you let it not happen.

Only if you don't seize them.


Lol all these desperate NEETs fantasizing about their robot playworld

Thanks to actual robots, NEETs and /r9k/ will inherit the earth.

This user gets it. By the time robots are so cheap people give them to NEETs out of pity you'll be long dead and even longer unemployed if current trends hold true.

But wait, there are some things that can be done. Have you ever heard of Metallicarap? It's a small slowly barely progressing offshoot of the reprap project, which made plastic 3D printers cheap.

It's a metal printer though, using electron beam melting of powder in a high vacuum chamber.
There are some technical trade offs between lasers and ebeams, lasers being easier and cheaper to make, but ebeams can melt a wider range of metals, do so much more efficiently, and print larger parts more quickly than even powerful laser printers.

In addition this machine can refine titanium sponge (cheap) into pure titanium (expensive) and print solar panels from raw powders.

Now here's the part that should really sell you, this printer can almost entirely print itself. It can print vacuum pumps, circuit boards, high voltage transformers, stepper motors, etc.

Buying the parts off the shelf I've seen estimated at around $20k dollars, but by printing it's child the subsequent machines could immediately cost as little as $2k

So if you have ~20k in the bank, access to a machine shop, and a general desire to save humanity from our Jewbot overlords, consider the humble electron gun, previously used to light up the zogbox and control people, could be turned to a technological forge of Hephaestus virally replicating itself across human society.

Robots just replaced 60,000 human jobs, what does that tell you? biological humans are replaceable, unless we merge with robots. see :

Work for yourself user. Robots will get cheaper and more capable every year. Eventually you will be able to buy one for a few thousand dollars that will have access to a vast library of skills and you can have it make anything you need, including fab facilities for specialized trade goods.

For now, get a 3D printer and learn how to make useful stuff with it.

But the current economic system isn't capitalist, user. We have a mixed market that is heavily weighted away from capitalism towards central planning, especially by the central bank.

No thanks lad

At least we won't be competing with pajeet and chinkland countries for labor, now we're just going to cut out the middle man.

In order to keep people happy and spending money the government will have to give the people a guaranteed basic income that changes depending on inflation and economic prosperity. The only problem I have with this is that with people out of work but still spending money, they will just focus on giving ourselves pleasures. Is this the end game of capitalism? To create a self-generating economy with no human input so we never have to work again?

For the working man, this might be a blessing as they never have to be treated like a chump ever again with their shitpay + long hours.

Pic related is our future.


Humans don't need to be useful. We just need to have our needs met, then have our values fulfilled. We are fast approaching a society where all of our needs are met, giving us all the time we need to fulfill our values.

Robots will enable just that.

The concept of employment is a fairly recent one. 120 years ago, the vast majority worked for themselves in cottage industries or on farms. When large scale centralized productive capital became available, people had to organize around that and become "employees".

Now that productive capital is becoming more widely distributed, and eventually unlimited skilled labor in the form of robots becomes available, we will move back to the former model. Everyone will be the head of their own company, with an army of robotic workers doing their bidding. Your "job" will be going to be the direction of this vast army of laborers. "Build me a solar cell fab facility", "source 10,000 concrete blocks", "build me a new house", "build me a hundred more robots", etc, etc.

As an employee now, you are still the head of your own company. It's just that you choose to meet your goals by specializing in a particular type of labor and selling it to a single other company. That isn't the only business model in the world.

I will be laughing when full-scale automation happens and communism still does not happen.

Not really. Replace the shakes with a ketogenic shake and those fatties will be in shape within a few months.

The FDA is what has made us fat. We won't keep getting fatter because now we know how to avoid it. Just takes a little while for that knowledge to spread and become standard practice.

You're talking about automation like it will be a clean quick process, when it won't.

Just look at OP article if you don't believe me. 60,000 chinks suddenly wondering how they'll feed their families, not lining up for a cut of the robots labor.

Furthermore it's much more efficient from the perspective of a technocrat to decrease the number of humans rather than exponentially increase the number of automata potentially creating new scarcities of limited resources

Robots alone aren't a magical solution. I think without technology like I described here
that we, as in those of us without capital resources, are very much at the mercy of a beast that hasn't shown any before. The elite already have functional post scarcity, they already have everything a man could lust for. If they we're going to give us a nice Star Trek future we would know it by now

This thread is quality thread.
Bumping for actual arguments and rather polite debates (even if capitalistic automation will kill everything human that remains in us and thus lead to its own demise).

I wish i was born in 2100

so apply could give schematics to chinese overlords.

I had a co-worker who had businesses in China and after a few years, the ownership was turned over to the Chinese Government. IDK the policy today, but Apple is an idiot.

Automation is good. I come from a farming family in América, study plant science, work an internship with with a fruit broker company, and plan on running my own greenhouse operation down the line. Do we want to get rid of illegal immigrants in the US? Of course? Are we going to replace those jobs with Americans? No, most Americans don't want to harvest crops in the sun and I don't blame them. It's hot, back-breaking labor with long hours. The solution then? Automating as much as possible. The same way the abolition of slavery led to the boom in tractor production, removing Mexican (Haitian in South Florida) labor will create create a demand for automated system, which I'm betting on. I want to be ahead of the curve and automate early while my competitors are stuck with 40-Spic crews that don't speak English and lower net income with labor costs.



Yes it is.

If everything is automated, working class will end up in poverty and govts could careless.

Fuck off back to Holla Forums you subhuman kike loving marxist autist shill

Its foolish but also an inevitably under a free market system. If you don't use robots you'll be undercut in price by someone who will and they'll likely have higher quality products as you'll be using cheap human labor to start with. Its a race to the bottom where they all will go bust. Only way to prevent it would be every competitor or person looking to enter the market all agreeing or regulations against robot labor.

Not if you don't get some woman to bear your seed you won't, user.

Rich will leave you to die once they get robots to do all the work and they don't even have to pay robots.

Women will give up having babies once artificial wombs becomes norm and they're already working on it.

We will also see eugenics come back in a form of genetic engineering around 2030-2050.

Let me know when robots can imbue materials with magic.


Shit, I'd be more worried about the owner of the McWorkers not being able to sell any fast food, because robots don't eat, and they control the labor market.

Something along the lines of:



Technocracy is here to stay and it just replaced 60,000 human jobs.

Demotivational threads for white youth
"Goy, don't try anything robots will replace you"

You jew kikes are getting repetitive.

It's only demotivational for pussy little snowflakes like your pozzed up ass.

Any other Holla Forumsack here will recognize the power in getting a degree in technology or working with technology. It's all the other dumb faggot shit heads getting degrees in women studies or black studies which will get pozzed up by the future.

automation isn't even a bad thing. yeah, you don't have as many jobs but you have lower cost of living.

provided we get rid of imported labor, there will always be jobs for people.

You better calm yo shit down with your extremely confident ass and overly aggressive language.

oh wait i should probably just type without trying to implement grammar because this pussy fuck is going to rip on me for using dip shit grammar anyways because that's the kind of person they are (a.k.a. Jewish)

good job on calling him a pussy little snowflake you fucking prick

brb shill-school

yea right "stem master race hur"

Except for these two faggots. You guys need to go back to reddit.

First the women entered the workforce and men started competing with women instead of co operating.

This kills social cohesion.jpg

Now the workforce of women and men start competing against automation.

This kills capitalism.jpg

I am ok with this, because the end result of all this automation is eventual robot servitude of humans. After few riots and small scale civil wars, but hey, when have something good in history happened without some bloodshed, eh?

You know what would solve this?

Nationalists getting in rule of each of their own country, because they would never let their own people, suffer for the sake of shekels.

Magic robots, that don't require fuel, or maintenance, or replacement parts, or raw materials to be made out of.

We'll weave robots from our wishes and power them with hopes and dreams. Post scarcity now!

Good luck, I hear they are already working on Wishbot and Dreambot.

Yeah those robots will make other robots then those ROBOTS SOME MORE ROBOTS.


I think that one already happened, actually.

Products will be way cheaper. Labor will shift and eventually gentrified, but purchasing power should go up unless banks do some jew magic

bullshit, SJW fags will keep doing what they have always done. they will shake down tech companies for GIBS. FB, Twitter etc etc all employ tons of SJW types.

Humans are wired to solve problems. If they can't find problems, they'll make problems.
Personally I think Total Annihilation is a more likely future than Wall-E.

No need to wait much longer.
Ehang 186 is the first person carrying drone. Ironically, it looks a bit like the flying car pictured in the bottom middle picture of your post.

Good, less lefties crying about chink conditions. They killed the slaves after replacing them, right?

Get rid of the current economic system by that point, only kikes wish for the current slave system to continue forever. Just hope they don't replace that with commumism.

There are flying cars, they're just prohibitively expensive.

beats having to install suicide nets

Nintendo, Intel, and Apple must be happy!

two questions


Well that's enough internet for one day.

That vehicle looks like compromise epitomised, lol


The "automation will kill capitalism meme" is stupid, the products that robots create have to be sold to someone, and as more and more workers are laid off because of them, demand for their market quickly disappears, there are constraints on automation that ensure that 100 percent automation will never happen, by this logic the disappearance of horse drawn carriages, gas station attendants, etc. is also a fatal blow to capitalism, when it is really just further optimization of labor. If you wanted to "create jobs" you could create many different artificial decreases in efficiency and have dozens of make work jobs of digging holes and filling them but that is a complete regression since it a reduction in efficiency and production for no reason. The decrease in labor required to support yourself is a sign of progress, and the amount of work for a certain quality of life has constantly decreased over the decades. My mother worked 60-80 hours in the family business to live in a 2 bedroom home with 3 other siblings in the 50's, with no air conditioning, internet, etc. and it was similar for many people in her generation, a generation before that people worked even harder for less amenities and a worse quality of life, before that the most primitive humans worked every single waking hour to merely survive. The trend of capitalist societies has always been fewer and fewer working hours to attain increasing standards of living. Automation represents progress, not failure of paradigm shift as the communists would have you believe, and this progress should hopefully continue until nearly all of mankinds energy can be focused on higher aspirations such as space travel, intellectual pursuits, civic engagement, etc.

As an engineer, this makes me smile. In the future, only the people who build and maintain robots will be worth anything.

"We can give you anything you want, except relevance."

Flying car? It's called a helicopter (see pic 2 of 6 in your image).

I'm good with carpentry. No robot is going to do that, and I don't have a shit-load of third world Mexican filth in my area…

Watson already does that

bs, my nokia phone which I bought a couple years ago works fine… I think the problem people like you have is that "peer pressure" is real, and then you have to buy the new whatever.

you mean like Deep Blue?


top kek


WOAH!!!!!!! You're telling me people wake up this EARLY??

I did back when I used to work out at the gym, but now I usually wake up after noon-ish.

I came to this country with almost nothing, now we have a home in a so-so neighborhood and no mortgage. You need to work hard and save… save like a jew (but don't be ridiculous).

Only an american can say something so stupid without shame


If you think Holla Forums is paranoid, you haven't been friends with rich people

OR in a world where resources are used within a self-sustaining system

this sums up human history quite well

no we wouldn't we're barely entering an age where any of this is possible

a maglev would be better tbh

How about just making one post with 4 replies

You can reply to several people in one post, newfag.

I count 12.

Kill yourself, faggot.

to robots replacing the shit of the earth, good. to the hundreds of thousands of shits - who had no might to live in the first place, who won't understand why they die now - good. to the jew who took over apple, fucked over all the too-trusting cucked whites who made apple-kike possible, and to the banker imitators that enabled the transition to foxconn so 'profitable' - ha! - good. took a while, will take a while yet still, but there is no other possible outcome.

what did they all think would happen? did they think at all? of course not.

and to all the child processes here, to which calling 90+% shills and useful idiots would be generous at best, don't be degenerate. don't believe the jew nor the media-for-slaves words of worry. all of it is high distortion, made possible by far too little knowing themselves, and far too little knowing what production and business actually are.

improve yourselves. let them die. no choice for either, either way.

correct. those who have none, have always had none, and nothing has, can, or will ever change this. they are those who should not have been allowed muh-dick, and knew it every step of the way. don't kid yourselves.

right now, on this earth, there is a stupid level of over abundance of virtually everything (except white victorious sons, but that's another matter). the scarcity comes from banking and currency. don't trade your time/selves for nothing, and you'll stop being poor. the end. the focus should always be on owning the means and ableness, not being cucks and leaving to thieves and their preferred make-believe workers.