Explanation of the New World Order


This is the biggest red pill of all time.

The explanation behind white genocide and one government that control everyone. The New World Order Explained.

Other urls found in this thread:

defenderlapatria.com/adios, europa. el plan kalergi.pdf

First is the Holocaust.
Second is the Federal Reserve system.
Third is the genocide of whites.

OP here. Sorry about the Grammar. Using phone.

I'm saying it is the biggest red pill because I believe few people know what is behind the drive of the new world order.

I have heard it talked about many times. Just not what is the source of it. I have heard the goal before though. I believed that was just a theory based on what was seen.


First is the Holocaust
Second is the Jews in general
Third is white genocide
Fourth is race
Fifth is the NWO and the Central Banking system


National World Order?

its still the jews faggot

It sounds like you are assuming I am trying to put the blame somewhere besides the jews. Believe me that would be so far from my intentions it wouldn't be funny.

Let me give you a straight up answer.
Jews are a plague upon this planet.

I'm sure they are a part of it some how.

Especially the banker in the article. He might be a jew I don't know.

nah, dawg, its the jews
they were always the jews
they are the jews
they are jewish
it was always the jews

Daily reminder that Kalergi tried to "debunk" the Protocols, which should be seen as yet another testament to its authenticity.

Nobody is denying this.

What they want is a twisted inversion of Bible prophecy. It doesn't matter if you're an atheist, the elites of the world take this stuff very seriously. They want a world order where Jerusalem is the capital of the world, the Temple of Solomon is rebuilt, all races (except Jews) are one, all religions, border, nations, and cultural identities are eliminated, there is only one currency, etc. Basically picture a global communist dictatorship where Jews are an elite privileged class that is worshiped by the slave goyim whom consist of sub-80 IQ, afro-asiatic mongrels.

I wouldn't doubt it. I just personally don't have any facts about the people involved in this plan.

I personally despise stating something as a fact until I have lots of evidence.

it was the jews
it always was the jews
'they' are jewish
'they' are the jews
it was always jews
jew world order

Sounds like the perfect explanation for how jews are involved in the plan.

Considering this Kalergi guy tried to wisk away a reason to not trust the jews.

Hitler should have committed the Holocaust. Probably would have saved us a lot of grief.

Considering the fact that jews have been kicked out of countries time and time again. I see no other way of solving the jewish problem.

That or put them on Madagascar and put a giant wall around it with battleships guarding the island 24/7 and shooting on sight any possible escapees.

I have one simple question.

If one single person were to try and bring this all crashing down, essentially take Lucifer head on, how would they do it?

Copy Hitler? Except for putting yourself into military strategy.

I think the only way out of this is a violent revolt against anyone and everyone that supports or is apart of this plan.

Good question.

They wouldn't be able to. It'd take a decent number of people willing to give their lives/freedom by causing mass casualty events at locations/events filled with the elites.

I'm not recommending this course of action at all though - it'd be the end of your life whether you succeeded or failed.

actually the biggest redpill of all time goes beyond this world and the only way all of these different subversive groups can work in unison is under lucifer. human greed would have crashed and burned the "new world order" by now if they were not all submissive cucks to the morning star aka lucci.



you are welcome

Isn't this the same cunt who said that the jews would be the spiritual overclass that would lead europeans to blend themselves with shitskins (which is basically the major accusation of the protocols)? That could be a false quote: there are a lot of them around.
Anyway, it really is eerie just how closely the jews' behaviour has conformed to the predictions of this supposed forgery.
They truly are incorrigible parasites and retards, whose actions are entirely predictable in their malignant desire to neuter those upon whom they rely, and those to whom greater beauty and competency has been bestowed.

translation of underlined text.

Baron Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi in 1922 admitted to the Lodge "Humanitas", formulated his ideas.

Member of the Vienese Lodge "Sokrates", Freemason Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi founded the Pan-European Union.


Thanks OP, hadn't heard of this Kalergi fellow before.

Here is the book for I think the Kalergi Plan is in.


The website where the link is at.
Image shows the link location on the page of the site.

It came out as below when I copy pasted it though.

A link for it: mediafire.com/?wwyl5p4stattbqm

This web page freemasonjabulon.wordpress.com/2012/01/06/graf-richard-nikolaus-coudenhove-kalergi/ gives an account of his life and work and ideas, though obviously the overpowering Jewish presence is omitted. This page states:
"In 1932 Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi composed a preface for a new edition of his father's condemnation of antisemitism, reissued by his own publishing house. In 1933 he responded to the ascendance of National Socialism by collaborating with Heinrich Mann, Arthur Holitscher, Lion Feuchtwanger, and Max Brod in writing and publishing the pamphlet Gegen die Phrase vom jüdischen Schädling (Against the Phrase 'Jewish Parasite')."


sourced from:

Inserted later From OccidentalObserver.net
'Seraphim' on April 29, 2015 8:06 pm

@Count Coudenhove-Kalergi (and miscegenation),

Despite the fact that: "The Coudenhoves were a wealthy Flemish family that fled to Austria during the French Revolution… the line has been further crossed with Poles, Norwegians, Balts, French and Germans, but since the families were selective as well as cosmopolite, the hybridization has been consistently successful", therefore a typical White European (and Nordic, at that) aristocracy, the Count in question (Richard-Nikolaus), married the "famous Viennese actress Ida Roland" in April 1915. "His marriage to a divorcée thirteen years his senior and a commoner, caused a temporary split with his family", as Wikipedia puts it shyly. In fact Ida Roland was born Ida Klausner, and not your common commoner, but a Jewess. Ida Roland died in 1951. In 1952 he married Alexandra Gräfin von Tiele, born Bally (Jew). In 1969 he married the Austrian Jewess Melanie Benatzky Hoffmann.

Coudenhove-Kalergi's father was a close friend of Theodor Herzl, the founder of Zionism. Although an allegedly devout Catholic, the old count allegedly rose on every Good Friday, as the liturgy came to the exhortation "oremus et pro perfidis Judaeis" ("Let us also pray for the faithless Jews") and walked out of the church in a protest against this supposed expression of antisemitism!

Some more about the distinguished EU aristocracy:
"Count R. N. Courdenhove-Kalergi is seen by many as the father of the modern European Union. It was him who suggested Beethovens hymn as the EU's national anthem, and was very active in connection with the design of the EU logo which contains 12 stars which symbolize the 12 tribes of Israel. The logo was finalized by the Jew Paul M.G. Lévi." (balder.org/judea/Richard-Coudenhove-Kalergi-Practical-Idealism-Vienna-1925.php).

In 1922, he co-founded the Pan-European Union (PEU) with Archduke Otto von Habsburg, as "the only way of guarding against an eventual world hegemony by Russia".

Otto von Habsburg was Coudenhove-Kalergi's successor as president of the Pan European Union. He is a honorary professor of the University of Jerusalem, and recipient of the 'International Humanitarian Award', of the 'Anti Defamation-League' (ADL) of the Jewish B'nai B'rith Masonery Lodge. (Wikipedia)

According to his [Coudenhove] autobiography, at the beginning of 1924 he came through Baron Louis de Rothschild in contact with Max Warburg who offered to finance his movement for the next 3 years giving him 60,000 gold marks; Warburg eventually remained sincerely interested in the movement for his entire life and served as an intermediate man as to bring him in contact with influential personalities in America such as banker Paul Warburg and financier Bernard Baruch accompanying him there (Warburg, Baruch, the bankrollers of Trotzky, Lenin…).

"Finance theorist Ludwig von Mises (supported by a grant from the Rockefeller Foundation) also participated in Coudenhove-Kalergi's Pan-European Movement.

Later von Mises disciples Arthur Burns and Milton Friedman spread von Mises ideas through a network of secret 'conservative' think tanks, led by the Mont Pelerin Society". (balder.org/judea/Richard-Coudenhove-Kalergi-Practical-Idealism-Vienna-1925.php)

And make no mistake. The alliance of the Sword Nobility and the Finance Jews is as old as the "Europe" of Charlemagne, and they both worked against the Church to reintroduce slavery.


I thought this information to be extremely important.

When I found out about this I was surprised I had not seen this on 4chan or Holla Forums pol.

I saw someone mentioning the Kalergi Plan in a youtube comment. To a redpilled youtube video.

The video was about brits being a minority in one of there own communities.

I don't have a link for the video. I think the video is in another post here on Holla Forums pol. It may be a reply in a post. I can't remember.


1924 Richard Nikolas Eijiro Graf Coudenhove-Kalergi attracts the attention of Jewish war profiteers, including Bernard Baruch in the USA, with a publication. I've tried to summarise this semi-aristocratic half-breed, who has in recent years become notorious as predicting or suggesting Europe will become 'eurasisch-negroide' ('Eurasian-Negroid'). His pinpointing Europe (not other countries) suggests he anticipated, or followed, the Jewish anti-white race policy of the 20th century and up to now. My best guess is he is mutedly promoted by the EU in the way Pulitzer Prizes are awarded—i.e. the line to be taken is decided, then some hack who wrote something similar enough is unearthed and awarded their 'prize'.

In 1922, he co-founded the Pan-European Union (PEU) with Archduke Otto von Habsburg, as "the only way of guarding against an eventual world hegemony by Russia".


Most of Coudenhove-Kalergi's emerging fame rests on two pages from his book Praktische Idealismus (below:- German pages (left); with an inelegant computer translation of the same pages into English (right)). But there is more, mostly on nobles and heroes, urban and country life, cross-breeding and inbreeding, and largely praising Jews as what he considered something like an intellectual aristocracy; bear in mind he wrote not long after the First World War when attention to Jews was still undeveloped. He seems to have believed cross-breeding of races increased variety; the idea of mongrels as non-specialised mutts is absent—perhaps for personal reasons. His books appear to be censored in Germany—reprints being forbidden.

==Inbreeding builds character, weakens the mind - crossing weakens the character, strengthens the Spirit. Where inbreeding and crossbreeding meet under happy auspices, they testify to the highest type of human being the strongest character with the sharpest mind connects. Where under unfortunate auspices inbreeding and mix meet, they create degeneration types with a weak character, dull mind.
The man of the distant future will be hybrid. Today's races and castes are the increasing [22]
the overcoming of space, time and prejudice fall victim. The Eurasian-Negroid race tomorrow, outwardly similar to the ancient Egyptian, will replace the diversity of peoples with a diversity of personalities. For according to the laws of inheritance increases with the diversity of the ancestors diversity, with the monotony of the ancestors, the uniformity of the offspring. In inbred families a child is like another: because all represent a common family type. In hybrid families, the children are more divergent from each other: each is a novel variation of the divergent parental and ancestral elements.
Inbreeding creates characteristic types - crossing creates original personalities. Precursor of the planetary people of the future is in modern Europe as the Russian Slavic-Tatar-Finnish mongrel; because he, of all European nations, the least breed has, he is the typical multi soul man with the wide, rich, all-encompassing soul. His strongest antipode is the insular Briton, highly bred Einseelenmensch whose strength lies in character, in the will, in the one-sided, typical. He owes modern Europe the most closed, perfect type: the gentleman. [23]==




I hope he is burning in hell for all eternity.

im trying to figure out where he was hiding during ww2

Would be interesting.

I got to go. It is very late where I live.

Thanks for the extra info.


kalergi born 1894

world was starts 1914 would make kalergi 20 years old.

Coudenhove-Kalergi studied at the Augustiner-Gymnasium in Brixen before attending the Theresianische Akademie in Vienna from 1908 until 1913. He obtained his doctorate in philosophy with a thesis on Die Objectivität als Grundprinzip der Moral (The Objectivity as Fundamental Principle of Morals) in 1917 from the University of Vienna.


After the annexation of Austria by the Third Reich in 1938, Coudenhove-Kalergi fled to Czechoslovakia, and thence to France. As France fell to Germany in 1940, he escaped to the United States by way of Switzerland and Portugal.


The Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan: White Genocide Via Mass Immigration

Count Richard Nikolaus von Coudenhove-Kalergi (herein Coudenhove-Kalergi) was born in 1894 in Japan, of a Count and Austro-Hungarian diplomat (Heinrich), and Mitsuko Aoyama (daughter of a major landowner and very wealthy family in Japan). He took Czechoslovakian residency from 1919, then French nationality from 1939 to his death in 1972. He was also a member of the Jewish Masonic, the B’Nai B’Rith.

Through his fathers extensive diplomatic contacts, his wealth, and his aristocratic ties to numerous powerful families (and their networks) – Coudenhove-Kalergi started a movement away from the spotlight of the public, but which gained massive and overwhelming support from the pawnbrokers of the time. This Pan-Europan Movement. Via his association with the Rothschild family, Coudenhove-Kalergi was introduced eventually to the Warburgs, a powerful American banking family who bankrolled the Pan-Europa to the tune of 60,000 marks (a fortune at the time).

In essence the Pan-Europa envisioned a New World Order leading to eventual One World Government, but installed in stages and over long periods of time to avoid scrutiny and the inevitable protest of the general public. The process was to be one of “Regionalisation”, where there would be 5 or 6 massive superstates, of which a European Union would be the prototype. The main purpose of the Superstates would be to centralise powers away from sovereign governments and undermine notions of democracy in the name of the ‘greater good’. To follow – American, Asian, African Unions – something the CFR (Council on Foreign Relations) – a shadowy group with massive influence and no oversight or transparency (much like the Bilderberg Group, Trilateral Commission and others) – picked up on in their policy papers which drive US and United Nations agendas.

This is the idea that to create an EU superstate, the will of the people has to be diluted, subverted or destroyed. This is to be done slowly and incrementally. A ratchet of many small steps to disarm the public, each step – like a ratchet – cannot be reversed. Each step – proposed as a solution to some ‘other’ issue (trade, fishing, defence) – seems reasonable enough that it can overcome objections and be implemented. The movement is inexorably from A through Z. But the totality of the steps (destination Z) is never revealed, for the people would never agree to it.

Not an analogy Coudenhove-Kalergi uses, of course – but I liken it to boiling a frog in a pot of water. Thrown into boiling water – the frog reacts instinctively and for self preservation will jump out. But place him in a pot of cold water and very slowly bring to the boil, the frog will die and never jump out – at least when he realises, he will be too weakened and incapable.

More importantly – Coudenhove-Kalergi saw this as a project which would be led by European and American aristocrats and influential families, and ‘organised Jewry’ from the shadows, manipulating the political processes which lead to it.

The best way to achieve this is mass uncontrolled immigration, to homogenise the population and erode the power of national, ethnic or religious identity. The resulting masses will be busy infighting (ethnic strife and poverty) to resist creeping totalitarianism, and over time, a more mixed populace will be more malleable and therefore controllable, and a new ‘European’ identity will emerge. There is also an element of Eugenics (a theory very popular with the aristocracy and academia of the time) – people like Coudenhove-Kalergi believed that a mongrel race would be degenerate and stupid, therefore more controllable – whereas he specifically cites the interbreeding of the Jewish race as one of the reasons why they are superior.

The infighting also feeds into the Hegelian Dialectic (problem-reaction-solution) – because it distracts the public from what the Elites are doing as puppet-masters, and they can achieve various aims by presenting ‘solutions’ to the conflict dynamics they are setting up. In short – a mass of migrants sets up the opportunity to create Hegelian Dialectic trigger points to push the general population any direction the Elites want them to go.

A few examples:

It is quite clear that vast wealth and privilege, Coudenhove-Kalergi’s own mixed race heritage and lack of national and cultural identity coloured all his views.

Like any person with a healthy ego, so wealthy he did not need to work but wanting to bring meaning to his life, he sought to rationalise all these factors (mixed national identity, race and culture) – into positives. I have read his dreary ‘Practical Idealism’, and it is pseudo-intellectual, ideological garbage – yet it has fundamentally shaped EU politics for generations. He went so far as to turn his own ‘identity issues’ into an ‘idealism’ and a virtue in and of itself: in essence, Coudenhove-Kalergi is one of the founders of Multiculturalism as a de facto religion. He was also a committed hardcore socialist, so like all Far Left, his views tended towards dogmatic beliefs that must be enforced on others ‘for their own good’, and because they are not enlightened, they do not even need to know let alone be consulted about such matters.

Coudenhove-Kalergi, “Practical Idealism”, 1924

What kind of garbage is this? This man was behind the EU ideal, Europe Day, the EU anthem, even influencing the design process of the EU flag – yet we never here about him? He has postage stamps commemorating him in Austria, yet his book is banned in Germany, never reprinted and very hard to find? And all of this, and he has barely a mention in any European literature, even the Charlemagne Prize website? Something doesn’t add up, and that’s an understatement.

This is a formalised plan which even has an annual Kalergi Prize (officially the Charlemagne Prize) former winners, Merkel, Blair, and other pro-Open Borders traitors. A quick look at its Patrons (European nobility, Presidents of Austria and Germany) fits the narrative above. The ‘founders’ page is equally illuminating, hiding as it does the massive influence of Coudenhove-Kalergi (despite giving the first award to him as the founder of the Pan-Europa – you would think they would have MUCH more to say).

Instead, this page specifically cites Arnold Toynbee- a British historian with very specific views about ‘miscegenation’ (deliberate racial mixing) as a means to peace and unity, the destruction of the concept of race and ethnic identity.

This is far from unique in today’s academia – “We’ll keep bashing the dead white males, and the live ones, and the females too, until the social construct known as the white race is destroyed. Not deconstructed, but destroyed” (Noel Ignatiev, Harvard Professor, writing in Harvard Magazine). Texas Professor Jose Angel Gutierrez, said: “We have an ageing white America. They are not making babies. They are dying. The explosion is in our population … I love it. They are shitting in their pants with fear. I love it. We have got to eliminate the gringo, and what I mean by that, is if the worst comes to the worst, we have got to kill him.” Such incredible racism seems to be tolerated from ethnic minorities, but for a white person to say such a thing? well, their career would be over. Ethnic minorities? a scandal that blows over. Is this not suspicious – racism is possible for everyone, but anti-white racism is not ‘a thing’; multiculturalism must be enforced as an ideal, but only in majority-white countries. To object to either is to be a racist.

Toynbee also admired the Islamic world for (in his eyes) ‘the extinction of race consciousness’ – naive as he is, in not understanding that Islam is fully controlled by Arabs and their racism is endemic. From extreme and open anti-Semitism, to racism against blacks, the word for whom has always been “Abeed” which means ‘slave’, as black people have been the slave class for Arabs for long before Western slavery (indeed, it was the Arabs who sold white Europeans the black slaves for the most part). Black slavery continues to this day – even the Über-Liberal Wikipedia has a section on it. Yet this Leftist academic Islamophilia – romanticising the thoroughly unpalatable reality of Islam today and throughout the ages – is nothing new, and it continues today. Not even logic dissection of the Qur’an, or Muslims explicitly explaining why they commit atrocities, or mass murders in Paris (twice in a year) – seem to remove these rose-tinted glasses. If anything, the Left ‘doubles down’ in its worship (or is it fear) of Islam. That is the the thinking at the lower levels (Useful Idiots), but of course the Controllers see Islam as a wonderful totalitarian system with many aspects they admire – and the perfect ‘too’ to wield to carry out their social engineering.



Thanks OP

This guy gets it

That quote is pretty much straight from Crowley, he called the family public enemy number one.


A great book about the Kalergi Plan was written in spanish by Gerd Honsik: "Goodbye, Europe". It analizes Kalergi's book, Praktische Idealismus, and translates some parts of it. I don't know if any of you can read spanish, but I guess its easier than german.

defenderlapatria.com/adios, europa. el plan kalergi.pdf

So, he's admitting the Protocols things were happening, but he's claiming it was actually "the Anti-semites" that are the main agents?

Well, then who are "the anti-semites"? The Catholic Church? The Zionists (I've often heard Jews say Zionists were the greatest antisemites of them all)? The Aristocracy? Who?

Like any ideological piece, kalergis work wount bode with reality. He probably realised that before he offed himself. No single person will succeed. No group either. But his work might offspring a lot of bastatdised, eu-style, bs-solutions to the goal he descriped. Hurting whites and non-whites a like. Never fear an ideology for its goals. Those will never happen. Fear ideologies for all the shit they will unleash on the world in their process of failing.

Kalergi was a treasured founding father of EU. The bloody fall of EU could be seen as one wretched souls attempt.

the jews keep doing the same thing over and over, maybe it's in their genes.
Think about it, one of the oldest stories in the bible is about a jew snake telling eve to go against the wishes of her man (and God) for petty short-term pleasure, which results in us kicked out of paradise.
In the modern world , jews have given us feminism, turning women against men everywhere so they have more time and resources to indulge in petty short-term pleasures (which the jew ALWAYS profits from)

when he says he wants the europeans to become like slavs, he means he wants the general population to be slaves.

He doesn't want the russian elite to take over europe ( at the time this was written, stalin was in charge, so perhaps kalergi was worried that a non-jewish controlled leader could take over europe too, bad!)
He wanted the elite to be jewish, but he would be happy with a wretched mixed race rootless slave population.

It's simpler than that - it's in their religion. It explains why Turkic Ashkenazi Jews act like their Semitic-Babylonian forebears

Which lines up with the system that the Antichrist becomes the leader of in the Book of Revelation. The Jews, making sacrifices in their Temple, will collaborate with him as he enters the Temple and crowns himself god-king.
All those politicians bowing at the Wailing Wall? They're bowing toward the future throne of the Antichrist.

Not to be just another defeatist, but what possible can we do?

Haven't jews been planning the NWO for hundreds of years? If not thousands? All these retarded faggots on this board think electing trump will do anything are falling into another trap of the matrix.

The only thing I can think of is spreading information. But even then, there are so many demoralized people.

It's all so fucking hopeless….


Aleister Crowley I guess

Have any of you read about the coming of the Jews' messiah, or Mashiach?

He will bring all the exiled/diaspora Jews back to Israel and bring them political and spiritual redemption, establish a government in Israel that will be the center of all world government and establish the Jewish law as the law of the whole world (613 commandments for Jews and 7 for the goyim), among other things.

Besides the one world government, it's said that in the Messianic age, the whole world will acknowledge the Jewish religion as the true one, and worship its god.

So, in fact, everything they do, everything they try to influence, has this one particular goal: to "prepare" the arrival of their Messiah.