What causes someone to hate their father?

What causes someone to hate their father that much, Holla Forums? There was clear hatred in his eyes while he was speaking…

I mean, my dad was an alcoholic who beat my mother/me as a kid and abandoned us when I was 12, but I never hated him… I thought poorly of him and didn't want to be around him until about a year ago, but I could never bring myself to hate my dad. I just don't understand how a man can hold a grudge against his father for 20+ years?

Not everyone is the same as you. Some people can eventually forgive horrible things people do to them. More power to them I think. Holding a grudge hurts you more than it hurts the target of your hate. However, not everyone can do that. It takes a lot of guts to forgive.

I just don't understand the mindset behind what could cause someone to hold a grudge that long. I can get a year, even five years or ten years, but it almost takes a conscious effort to hold a grudge longer than that.

If you hold a negative opinion of someone, then this opinion will be recalled every time you think of them. You don't have to do a conscious effort to hold a grudge because it's just there in your memory. As long as you don't forgive someone, that grudge will be recalled every time you think about them. If the grudge is about your father, then you will recall it every time something makes you think about him (which would be quite often, considering that everyone have a dad).

If you hated someone as a child your hate is very likely to continue on to your adulthood. I think it has to do with your young malleable brain registering everything it experiences during childhood as facts that can never be altered. E.g. X is a bad person that should always be hated.

Being butt raped is a good reason to hate your father.

Did Flanders diddle your diddlyhole, user?

I guess I could see that.

Slavs are just a more hateful people. Its pretty much confirmed by science and history. This greentext is part of a great, big tapestry of personal anecdotes that proves it, too.


During the USSR a lot of Russians and Ukrainians were imported into Kazakhstan. Don't be confused by the "stan" part, they're pretty damn slavic.

it's called reactive attachment disorder

Hate is a sword with a poisoned haft.

I thoughtt Holla Forums was 5 pages? The fuq?


I have no father other than the Lord Fagottini himself.

wat does dat mean :-D


Being born black




dick in mouth would do it

As the other user mentioned already, a big chunk of these countries are white/slavic, especially the ukraine where it's the case for 90%. And in Kazhakstan it's not just kebabs, they are asians that are muslim. Here are two pictures of the typical kazakh women, one of them is volleyball chan :-^)

imagine the type of person you hate in the world, and imagine that's your father

ta dah


Try 16000$ debt, it worked for me