Cute girl thread :3
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wait a sec hol up, we moved to librechan user
Missed you people.
Mika pls. :3
Mika pls.
but what about dysnomia and jim? they are going to permaban you.
You don't live if you aren't able to take little risks. :^)
I know, is it safe to post nn here?
Is anything ever completely safe tbh? :3
I understand your point.
quick before cops
No. You're gonna get b&.
This thread is going to get rekt by Jim when he finds it.
ITT post cheeze pizza, qucik before jim comes.
we lejuun!
He already found it.
Go back to librechan the cheap knock off of Holla Forums, fucking kikes.
we are not kikes faggot.
Jim and Holla Forums fucking hate you… so you are indeed a fucking kike you fucking nigger. Gtfo and go to a leftshit circlejerk where you belong fucking nigger.
Kikes roll the world tbh.
Jim is a fucking kike and Holla Forums hate us because the vols. are COINTELPRO shills that have subverted the place.
Wyh pretend to be mika tbh?
for the lulz
You don't know whom you're dealing with!
I love this artistic photos
I'm legit afraid tbh.
I'm not sure how I feel.
Take your time. Just be honest to yourself. Lying to oneself never helps. :3
qt grills are for hugg not fugg
I agree. :3
But nothing wrong in fapping thinking of them. :3
Why someone would think otherwise?
Well, maybe faggots.
night Holla Forums best Holla Forums
I thought Jim banned this pedoshit?
Night? I guess
What are you talking about?
This is art, you CAN'T ban art.
depends on your timezone
He did, the mods aren't cleaning this up very quickly. He's also being careful and not posting pics of little girls in scandilous ways. I did a scroll through the thread and I think these are all just pictures of little girls hanging out and stuff not any of the non nude model stuff where there's a tiny thong covering their pussy and asshole that they acutally want to post. Not even sure if these violate the dost, its just a small group of autistic pedos who want to fuck with Holla Forums Holla Forums as much as possible.
You read minds now?
I've been here for 2 years, I remember the pedo threads, I've also been to librechan. The stuff you guys posted here before all this stuff was usually way more scandalous and law skirting than this. Librechan gets a bunch of posts that are acutal cp(trying to remember where but librechan is listed by an acutal cp site by a few places that compile deepweb links), or go by the definition of "the image wasn't meant to be sexual its clearly not cp". That last definition wouldn't ever stand in court honestly.
If this where literally it, I mean I could care less, and I know not all the pedos want to look at barely legal type photos. But some of that shit with a little girl like barely barely clothed is rough. I mean honestly, even if you accompany these images with how much you want to fuck said little girl, nothing you've posted is all that out there.
Is the girl from the left using a diaper?
I got banned plenty times from stuff like this. It was literally just because we're pedos. Just like niggers during KKK times tbh.
This is why i want to fuck with Holla Forums tbh
oh good, little girls are so goddamn pretty
Damn you're so autistic.
Read a book, nigger.
This stuff is harmless, and I could care less if this stuff where allowed as a pedo general. But as far as the nearly nude photos and shit, that should have stayed on your own boards. A few of the dumber ones really ruined the whole pedos on Holla Forums thing for you guys. This stuff? It's nothing.
But the whole posting pics of nearly nude little girls, and then posting it in unrelated threads? That's what got people annoyed. That's what forced it out. Like I never understood why the pedos didn't want to keep a lower profile with the more out there stuff. If somethings borderline cp, do you really think most people are okay with seeing it?
If they allowed this sort of stuff as a general and they had kept the out there stuff to their own boards, never would have been a problem. You guys could have been smart and unindexed those boards, and kept your place for exchanging barely legal pictures of little girls there… would've worked out way diffrent. I'd recommend you guys unlist the pedo boards over on librechan, if you want the site to live for a long time, but thats just my advice.
Nah thanks
Pedos spamming the site, be reasonable, you haven't managed to kill Holla Forums by doing this, traffics the same across the last month, your just spamming for the sake of spamming, its not meeting some sort of goal. Why not just accept that things and go enjoy yourself on librechan? Are you that obsessed that the site changed its rolls? After a month of spamming without killing it do you really think your going to finally manage to a few months down the road or something? It's not like this shit's going to fly basically anywhere other than Holla Forums. And folks aren't going to join you on librechan its literally basically all pedo content… I had to go to the second page there on Holla Forums to find anything else then within all 5 pages there 3 total threads that weren't
Can't you just accept that this isn't your home? What do you really stand to gain? Keeping Holla Forums here from growing further? Those of us here aren't getting chased off by this… you're just wasting your time honestly.
I can promise you librechan won't last a year as currently constructed, then you'll be forced to even smaller spaces on the internet…. what does that accomplish?
So you want this chan ends like 4cúck?
If it gets shouted down, another chan will appear. Free speech can't be killed.
Did not stop from banning tbh
Yeah sure. There were plenty of pedos that never posted lewd shit. Despite meat grinder they went.
Is dystopia still around?
You either respond in memes or ad hoimens, this isn't accomplishing anything. You aren't chasing off those who are here, and your just wasting your time. This isn't going to be considered acceptable on Holla Forums, and your just being autistic for the sake of being autistic.
You didn't even really address the point. You don't have one, this isn't uncleing you're too emotionally involved in it. This is literally sperging out at Holla Forums Holla Forums every single day for hours a day, is this really a good use of the short time you have on this earth?
What's the plan? To keep at this for years at time? Holla Forums isn't sinking, so what will this really manage? I could care less about your pictures of little girls that aren't sexualized, but take a look at librechan its quasi legal and some illegal content that goes down over there.
Why wouldn't you just go enjoy your other website? Why would you waste time spamming here when you aren't even seeing people leave?
I'd rather not go to prison.
librechan's content might be legal in the Netherlands (where it's hosted) but it sure as fuck ain't legal in any 5 eyes countries.
Yeah dude, but as I said, the dumber ones ruined it for you. Just like the dumber ones will ruin it for librechan. Like this shit is harmless and anyone with half a brain wouldn't care if you guys had just had this sort of stuff here. Don't deny that there was some quasi legal and straight illegal stuff getting posted. Don't deny that it's the dumb ones who ruin it for you everywhere you fucking go.
Trigger people like you, I guess.
Even if you called me Einstein I wouldn't be friends with bigots tbh. :3
I'm not triggered, I was just trying to appeal to your rationale. I have reaction images too dude. This just seems pointless and I honestly don't get it I ask about it cause I don't get it. If you honestly think that's being triggered, then you don't have any sense about it. This accomplishes nothing.
I'm really just wondering. Your spams way more emotionally involved than my questioning why you do it dawg. You don't even have a good point, you just respond in memes and reaction images. Bravo.
Sound like your the one who's triggered though.
m8 there's nothing to discuss here
No reason to get butthurt neither
See thats where you start sounding like tumblr. Being a pedophophile is one the same level as being a tranny. It's a mental disease that you go ahead and try and force on everyone else. The reason you do this on the internet is cause you couldn't possibly do this anywhere in real life.
Keeping at the whole narrative of assigning emotion to someone responding to you I see.
I've come here objectively to try and understand all this. And you don't have a good response. It's like, lol u so triggered m8. No dude, I just don't see what this manages or accomplishes, how triggered. This is pointless, and you aren't even capable of making a well reasoned point about it.
It's all just a set of memes and autism answers. Again, again bravo. You've accomplished zero and kept at it for a very long time.
Because there's nothing to discuss here
You're a senseless autistic. I don't know why I bothered to try and get this, but you don't have the reasoning capabilities to make a solid decision.
Again, no.
I mean, you have Asperger or some shit? Just ignore the thread and your day will get better :D
mein flag
Keep em coming
It may not be you, but the dude spamming the site who seems to have taken a break is definitely one of our angry emotionally involved former pedo overlords. It's obvious if you bother to go read the posts on librechan who spams this place. I could care less about your pics of little girls when they aren't all naked and stuff, I've already stated that. You can scroll up and one of the spammers takes responsibility and posts a pic of a little grill.
This whole assigning emotion to other people thing really doesn't do much here. Are you even capable of carrying a conversation?
Oh no is this a goatsy thread now?
Yup goatsy thread time.
Sing the song of my people.
I want you to know. I love you.
Whats this?
Oh hi there
Thank you nazi bro you are my greatest ally.
I heard you like spam
Lets show em how to spam.
In b4 the cataloguge gets spammed for this.
It's actually called 'flood'
Its okay nazi bro, find one image and keep at it.
Here we go again
Lol he's trying to keep up.
Hey pedo friends.
This is for you.
Turn it up bring the noise
goatsy loves you pedos.
Aw yeah
You aren't wanted nigga
More Natsoc Wallpapers pls
When you see one of these threads spam a little anons mabey they'll get the message eventually.
someone's mad.
and someone else is masturbating to little girls.
spam is my second name
Gonna get some new materiel in a few.
step up m8
I notice you have a crush to girls wearing tights. I think you may enjoy this masterchan thread of little girls wearing white tights
Checking white socks lolis
Also, btw, if I was god for, like, 2 seconds.. and could make a wish I would just ask:
"I want all little girls to wear white tights" hahaha
Don't think you won't get yours when the time comes. Pedos always slip up and get found out. Once they get found out… it's only a matter of time.
I'm torn between hanging and burning for pedos though.
A little of both probably would be best.
History's tiniest holocaust of pedos would probably go down unchallenged if we really pushed for it.
6'000 Trillion of dead Pedos?
more nazi girls plox
cute bump :3