Zuckerberg needs to be hounded and parodied to shreds. People already dislike him. He needs to become a pantomime villain. A symbol of anti-white technocracy. A word that mothers use to scare their children. "Don't be naughty of Mark Zuckerberg will come and take you to the gulag."
Zuckerberg. The Gulag King
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Anyone have that pic of his reverse jersey? Fucking Jew cultist.
webbum incoming with some editing.
deleting my kikebook made my life great again
I agree, I've been thinking this for a few days. Thanks for posting this. We need to consolidate all memes against him and improve on them.
What all do we know about him? I know he stalked his neighbor: dailymail.co.uk
How hard would it be to incite isis to murder him?
just one bullet.
its all they need
Off by one.
You failed to meme it.
You're one digit off, buddy.
I found the original video if anyone wants to listen to this kike.
Well he's a Zionist, so …….
well, Joshua goldberg managed to orchestrate an attack himself
Dubs choose which degenerate we target
Good God she is a frumpy schoolmarmish mess. The only billionaire who couldn't pull a hot wife. Probably gay. Actually the more I think about it, he probably is.
it has something to do with jews weaseling their way into china
Masonic dubs for Miley Cyrus.
Well, it's not a bad target, but my trips say Larry Page.
She's like a 4 / 10 and he's (((worth))) something like $28 billion.
Why didn't he marry a 10/10?
There are hot women from China that would have served that purpose, instead he pulled a ¡Jeb! and married the maid.
he's (((pretending))) something like $28 billion.
billionaires are slaves to their money.
case in point, you will never witness any billionaire go out and buy a massive land mass and create his own colony.
maybe the chinese wife is a chinese agent for the chinese politoburo
nice dubs, here's the webm.
That always confuses me. If I were to somehow make billions of shekels I'd buy up enormous swaths of lands, call it a home owner's association, and invite white people to live there.
spies should be pretty as to coarce men trough.
Seems that no matter how successful you are in business or politics, a low-T will still end up picking from the bottom of the barrel out of insecurity.
key word shekels.
The six pointed jewish demons would never let that happen, because they have a monopoly on money. So if some 'billionaire' wanted to do what you are describing, they would be killed or indicted in some sort of insider trading; basically just plain scapegoated. money is jewish industry. money is jewish.
what about producing an extremely reliable fake-dollar printing machine?
is it plausible?
oh yeah, let me check with the Secret Service at my local post office.
thats some funny shit BOI.
is that a school test¿
We should use facebook for what it was meant to do…Shitpost publically
the only page worth looking at on facebook:
dubs, kek wills it
Well, here's quality image.
Look into her family relations. Supposedly she is related to high up China Commie leadership.
yah, got it.
What was the story with that shirt again?
Even blue pills who don't believe in the Illuminati call it an Illuminati symbol. Luckily he didn't explain what the thing actually meant, which is probably something concerning data mining and profiling of users.
Facebook community page promotes health, sexual benefits of female genital mutilation:
kek no wonder he wants to censor people
compensating for something