TRS Livestream & Call-in Show

Alright you autistes, this is what you've been waiting for. The Daily Shoah is going to be live, and take calls.

Get in here faggots. Let's has some fun.

no calling in and screaming nigger either assholes

Other urls found in this thread:

Jack Strickland should call in



Are you going to sit there a jackoff over your autiste points like a kike with shekels, or are you going to explain the joke to me. It's not like anyone is born knowing everything

no thanks

Ok fine I'll spoonfeed you, fucking faggot

What else are you gonna listen to, Renegay?

thx. I've actually avoided e-celebs like the plague until the Daily Shoah. I resisted listening to TRS for a about 6 months until I heard some of their dank songs and thought I'd give it a try.

Well, I can see with some of the other TRS podcasts, but Daily Shoah is just fucking funny. That's all there is to it. That's what I listen for; not because I adopted their ideology or whatever

also, its lolbergtardian, faggot. learn to meme

"I'm the only true fascist" meme

Fuck off D&C kike


They openly talk shit about libertarianism on the shoah now, you fucking retard.

nice strawman, kike

Not even Cantwell or Molyneux are committed Libertarians anymore.

this and this

Idk if they're really full-on fascists, but they all talk about how stupid they were when they were lolbergtardians and all that. They openly say "I'm a socialist; I just don't want to give my money to niggers" and shit like that.

And the Neo-Cohens were the great "anti-Communists" despite being Trotksyites themselves.

Why do you think they always talk about Pinochet and end every show with "Adios Mi General"? Because he embraced Milton Friendman's economic policies.



wow not even 4 posts and we have sinead in here bleeding all over the floor about how jewish the most successful alt right podcasters are.

I dunno, man, the Shoah is just funny. I've been listening to it since last November. It's one of the most entertaining programs I've discovered in that time. Fash the Nation is pretty good, too, and the Scandinavian podcast has its moments.

helicopter meme

It's traditional. :^)

checked and filtered. go fag up some other thread, shill

Those faggots? Those are the faggots who like kikes, niggers and traps. No thanks.

pussy voiced fashy memer bros are awful.


Fuck off seventh "opie" son

let's talk about how abortion is a legitimate tool of the patriarchy to control women's reproduction, and in any case we shouldn't cuck of unborn bastards

pic related, should have been aborted

I guess I'm hallucinating that mod thing where the mods banned people for not liking traps or something.


The drama spilled onto Holla Forums.

also rather than TRS people coming up with shitty moonman songs and splicing them in, they should splice in singles from new albums like MAGA, Eclipse, and Vikkktorious

More info?

I guess I wasn't paying enough attention to notice the intersectionality among moderators.

The tranny stuff on the show has been pretty clear.

Sinead's latest column is great. She is so rattled and an emotional wreck. What a fucking drama whore.


okay, enough faggotry, autistes. Let's get back to the topic at hand: who can do a good jew voice and call in to complain about how anti-semitic etc the show is? This'll be great. Let's brainstorm a short script

Its like you're trying to be a faggot

TRS is the place where they banned an admin that was so fat and autistic and gay that he sent them cock pictures

Its being routinely shilled these days by iron march and hardcore larpy hitlerists who think charles manson din du nuffin

common filth.

what is this? the gossip girls?

I thought you were uber fascist national socialist men.

The men amongst men.

Instead it's like reading comments from little teeny girls chatting.

Grow up.

What choice do we have, the economy rules our lives. It'd be great to do the Evolian thing and put the economy beneath something higher, but we literally have nothing else

Manson>kike-lover Pinochet, if we're being honest.

He's also Nick Bougas A. Wyatt Mann Ben Garrison approved.

Sagefag critical mass soon fellow stalker.

I sometimes forget that degenerates are completely ok as long as they're pro white :^)

Well… we could put the economy beneath a genocidal war machine. That could be cool

It's as if secularism is to blame :^)

Thats the point though. He didnt do anything.

he wanted to start a race war. instead he made WOMEN kill a bunch of white people and 1 jew because he didnt get a record deal.

So that's what that was about. They know he thought the nogs would win, right?

careful or some autist will think you said then proceed to spam the thread.

no dude he literally started hating jews because they wouldnt record his aweful hippy music.

get out


Okay, okay. Back on topic, fam. Who is going to call in? I think you should say your name is Solomon Ebrahim Levin. And, you're a lawyer. And you're very angry about the show bc it encourages violence against minorities

It's entertainment news they do in their free time. Pretty much audio shitposting. I don't think they do more than gloss over news sites and Holla Forums.

It would be cool if they had applicable shit that they'd researched. Lord knows we need more weaponized neetsocs on the gibs to meme full time, but most white people have no idea how to game government bux like the enemy. Or maybe just simple plans to get into local government office. Anything immediate would be better than the horrible shitposting death spiral.

Both the and the are retarded.

I listen to Radio Free Skyrim just to marvel at how the Norwegian speaks completely idiomatically correct English.

It's taken me three years, but I think I'm almost there. autismbux are gonna be awesome. :^)

okay, but don't derail. Let's get back on topic.

Howdy, Shlomo.

I listen to it to hear a Dane insult a Swede over and over again while a Norwegian and a Finn kek in the background

He's actually half American

I listen to it once in a while only to hear a Dane bash the Swede constantly and to hear some news about Finland. Sometimes I feel like an Icelander would be a great completion of the team.

Having myself declared an adult child to get autismbux was the best move I ever made.


E-celebs are pretty much almost all awful.

TRS: lolbertarians larping as fascists
Sinead: retard schizophrenic flat earth coalburner
common filth: christcuck autist with a bizarre affinity for niggers
Amren, counter currents, radix etc.: kike cock sucking literal faggots

The only "e-celebs" that aren't cancer and worth listening to are Anglin, weev,and David Duke tbh fam.

Funny, I know a Norwegian-American who speaks good English! But he lives in America. It isn't actually interesting.

How is TRS libertarian?

checked and kek'd

okay, thanks for your opinions

It's on faggots

Now, who is calling in? C'mon this could be fun

He doesn't listen to the podcast, obviously.
Yeah, they LARP as fascists and that gets kind of over the top, but it's fun and sometimes informative.

Anglin and duke didn't generate a counter-culture.

They support "libertarian economics" with "cultural fascism".

So they moved on? Yeah so how are they libertarians. You arent answering me at all.

Like what?

they are currently talking shit on lolbergtardians right now

Just listen to the points Enoch makes once in a while, mostly when talking about economics. You can hear the lolberg showing its face. Seventh son just go with the flow and provide comic relief He doesn't seem devoted to what he says, instead focusing on the comedy aspect of the Shoah, hence the larping.


That's because some libertarian premises are intuitively true, they differ from ancaps in their embrace of government action on the market as a natural necessity and its operation in tandem with private enterprises for the benefit of the state as a whole. It isn't cultural fascism, it's literal fascism, you just don't know what it is.

I was agreeing with you.

like the economic calculation problem

I do. If you listen to the first 20 to 30 episodes or something, then that is true.

But these people have been growing ideologically along with everyone else on this side.

So maybe last year if that is when you heard of them, they were like "nationalist libertarian" probably. But now… Not so much.

"Cultural fascism" is their term, not mine.

I remember hearing Enoch clearly say that if America was 100% white then lolberg or even AnCap would work in his opinion. That's far from market socialism.

It's fine if you have a critical eye, but right leaning media in any form benefits us.

All 3 have been on TRS shows, you fucking retard.

Exactly, don't reject what isn't false.

I haven't heard them use it before but I'll take your word for it.

I remember hearing them say the exact opposite. That if the US was 100% white, then socialism would work, but it won't now bc of dindus and gibsmedats.

Somebody should call in about it.

since when did redditors come here?

Damn good idea

oh, good point. Someone do!!!

It should be or (checked) bc they seem to have heard them say this stuff.

I second this. Socialism can only work in a society with similar genetics and only one culture. Pure tribalism. They've said this multiple times.

Last episode I remember being able to endure till the end was episode 70. What made me drop out was the sheer amount of verbal shitposting there was compared to actual content. Sure going off topic a bit is ok but an hour and a half of off topic + drops got tiring. At that point my mind wandered off so much that I can't even acknowledge if I noticed the changes from their old views.

I'm actually giving it a try tonight to see if it chajnged.

idk if I'd go that far. if it was gooks and whites it might work. its just the niggers and orthodox jews that are leeching off the system


This probably wouldn't be the one. Live shows are even more bantz shitposting than the others. Plus there's callers to interrupt each other over.

Some of the episodes are more content than others. Some of the other shows have more content. They're pulling some good guests and that alone makes it worth it to me.

With respect to what demographic percentage?

Asians are better than pretty much all of them, but would a 50/50 split operate well?




well, i tend to think you can't have a nation, period, unless you have a common ethnicity, at least at some level. But, from an economic perspective, you just need people that will actually try to achieve (and not leech on the system) and who don't mind helping out the less fortunate (no greedy kikes). If you have that, from an economic perspective, you should be okay.

I actually think the niggers wouldn't be so bad if we would have just implemented a negative income tax like Nixon and Hayek wanted, but a lot of people don't agree with me on that.

Holy shit did the jews Shoah the livestream?

Oy fucking vey



I do agree, but how much of that willingness to help extends to people who are fundamentally different than you? Not just you neighbors, but absolutely everyone that needs help that you won't meet?

I wonder what happened to the stream…


shut down

The jews did this


I, personally, think most people would extend that courtesy, so long as they had the idea that leeching off the system was very uncommon. The real problem is that now everybody knows that half of all niggers are on welfare – there's a whole welfare class – and people are pissed about it. And, actually, the leeches aren't as common as they'd like you to think, imho. Again, if we'd just implement a negative income tax this wouldn't be a problem bc the incentives would align.

Also, there is a huge problem with regressive taxation, but that's another subject i guess

That seems bad.

He just posted again
We hope.

The real problem is that now everybody knows that half of all niggers are on welfare.

That wouldn't be terrible if that was a common belief, but it does get twisted by jew media. It's not "this demographic" that are welfare queens, it's "this county" and it's in "this state" and *gasp* it's a republican state. they try to spread it all around like a film of slime to the white underclass.

Otherwise, I do agree. White/Asian mix could produce decent results. The jews would certainly be done.

didn't greentext the first sentence. Sorry.


(clicking noises)

Wait… could you reexplain what you were saying in that paragraph. I'm a little retarded today, so I don't know if I understand it properly.

oh shit. I knew the dolphinposter was one of ours

Gas the Manatees; dolphin war now


Fuckin' meme magic, man.

It's fine. I'm just a little drunk so I didn't explain it well.

I mean it wouldn't be bad if it was commonly understood that they people and neighborhoods using these money were non-white communities. Instead, you get figures and statistics bastardizing this and branding communities in a negative fashion for being "red" instead of addressing the racial demographics that live in that "red" area.

Meaning blacks are on welfare in a white area gets twisted into whites being on welfare. It's Reddit being involved in statistics.

Man, I butchered that grammar.

idk. If you include farm subsidies, then some of the reddest states are on a form of "welfare"

Technically, there is no such thing as "welfare," so its always difficult to know what those statistics mean. (and the majority of people on "welfare" are actually white)

livestreaming on youtube again

Oosh. Including farm subsidies as welfare?

Is a subsidy helps out a price, not providing money for nothing.

I'm full on drunkspeaking, kek.

I don't consider a subsidy welfare. Artificially throwing money around isn't the same as handing Shiqweavwa and Chilada their checks for having shitspawn.

not anymore

Does he have biomechanical augs to increase his shilling capabilities?

well, i agree there is certainly a difference between giving someone some extra money to produce something rather than paying them to sit on their ass. But, like I said, a negative income tax would essentially do that.

holy fuck
>Part of Common Core’s mission was to streamline math, cutting out the fluff that bogged down old standards in many states, and focusing instead on learning concepts in a progression that will teach kids what they need to know to master algebra in high school. Heather McGovern, a former teacher (now a counselor) at Bowen Elementary, also in Louisville, said “the previous standards were bulky.” Common Core has made it easier to teach time, for example, by splitting learning about hours and minutes into separate strands across three grades instead of grouping them together.

could be some sort of fancy carpal tunnel brace

There's shilling and D&C against one of the biggest and most successful Holla Forums tier communities? How could this happen?!

Like fuck, no matter whether they're gay or not, they're definitely not jews. Why make up so much bullshit?

Saturn cube shilling augs are patriarchal.

to be fair, enoch is probably a mishlinge.

That is just what New Yorkers sound like.

I knew about those from Catholic school

Redpill me on negative income tax. I'm not familiar with the notion.

give me a few minutes. my buddy just called. be back in a few

Jesus christ

We're live again. Bumpin.

This yellow pill caller has to be from here

are you trying to tell me the Asian girls are like in my japanese cartoons???

They will be when Trump makes anime real.


shit long phone call. you still there?

holy shit. did they just Evalion spam TRS?

Is it just me or they're growning more jewish with time?

Here we fuckin' go.

Look like they managed to avoid the hot potato, was probably the best way to handle it.

"if she 14 words who cares" otherwise "i don't think she made a difference one way or the other"


It's really the only way to handle it, really. And, pretty much all true. Though, you could see that they weren't comfortable talking about how much they know or any deeper opinions. They probably at least know that its a hot potato on in imageboard culture and its not good to be too concerned on one side or the other.

Holy shit TRS doesn't understand Trotskyists. funny. I gotta call these guys sometime. They are literally using our military to serve Trotskyist ends. Trotsky wants to "telescope the revolution" and feels the "backward" dictatorships into democracies before we can have a world revolution

mein sides

holy shit

I can guarantee her videos brought in more new people than their O&A clone.

t-they were just being ironic, r-right?