

post them

use a bot to just dump them

you don't understand who many i have

rare reaction thread?

have one of mine


if only it weren't anime

this, and no, i don't care how long it will take you.

You can, and you will, bcuz i just did a clean install of windows.

but why

if yer implying i should install mac OS, gtfo
If yer implying i should install linux, fair point but ive never tried linux

If yer trying to actually understand why: I decided trying windows 10 was worth it for some of the games that won't be compatible with windows 7 or 8.

Are you satisfried?



is it even possible to install Mac OS on a non-Apple machine?



yes. it's called a hackintosh

this needs a caption

i'll post a few of my rares


it's fine as it is.

I've been browsing chans for several years and i still dont have a reaction folder.


Where's the rest?

c'mon OP, dump them.

plz op










You know what's worse? When there's a perfect reaction image for something and you've seen it before, but you didn't save it when you saw it so you can't post it.


d-don't be mean to me



you know what's worse is when you have great ones that you'll never have a reason to use.

I was just thinking this





I know that feel…



while i'm going through my reaction folder, can someone tell me what this means?


Don't leave the cheese paste out on the bench?

my favorite one that i've only posted like once.











i have a lot of hyuna gifs i like a lot that probably shouldn't be in my reaction folder but they are.





This is so fucking old but it's still the best.


"Hello my name is Mewtwo, and you're reading this by telepathy"

and here's me thinking it was this

not as interesting as i thought it was but thanks for clarifying.