Clinton releases plans to dissolve border within 100 days and commit a fellony at the same time
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title is clickbait faggotry, but the implications are real.
Then shut up and read.
The insanity!
The snake's campaign is over.
don't bump your own thread you stupid faggot.
I already did. That's why I know the title is clickbait faggotry but the threat in the article is real.
How about you quit sucking cocks and trying to poz yourself.
Um is she a fucking idiot?
I'll continue to say that immigration will be the key factor in Trump winning this thing. Both Hillary and Sanders are so fucking stupid to think the majority of the country is for illegal Mexicans crossing the border indiscriminately. Sanders is so sure of this issue that he paraded illegal immigrants onto his stage at a rally.
Why even comment on it being a clickbait title if the body of the article reaffirms it? Why even post?
this has to be a joke.
There's no way that's true.
Any politician who advocates dissolving borders would render himself unelectable anywhere in the world.
I refuse to believe America would be any different.
stay on topic, tard
But user it's either open the borders or vote for a racist! You wouldnt vote for a racist would you?
oh no!
canadians will get in!!
You have no idea how delusional the leftists are, they probably think this is a good thing.
So can I (a European) just turn up and make myself an American citizen? I wouldn’t even ask for any gibs.
I don’t plan to leave Europe but it would be nice to know if I ever wanted to move all I would have to do is turn up and say “I’m an American now”.
She isn't literally going to dissolve the border, just figuratively.
From what I understand Cubans who make it to the US are given immediate residency, this would be basically the same for everyone who gets into the US but it would be after 100 days.
This is followed up by not deporting anyone and giving out citizenship like candy.
This might be useful to the right though
Who am I kidding, this policy only applies to spics, as if the democucks would apply their policy equally to all races and political beliefs
European nationalists dont want to live in a white nation state, they want a nation for Danes and one for French and one for Hungarians.
This is what I am thinking.
It is near impossible for Europeans to immigrate to the US, I have a family member who is highly highly skilled and even he had to Marry someone to be able to stay in the US (he already had a job and a house).
It is worth noting that everyone will take advantage of this however. Take Europe as an example, as soon as Merkel said that Germany would open it’s doors to refugees MILLIONS of people swarmed in from all over the globe and still they come.
This is in a way a sweeter deal as it is a promise of citizenship, not camps, not asylum but actual citizenship (with gibs).
If Europe got a few million last year on the shaky promise of possible asylum then America will probably be looking at 20 million plus a year.
Exactly, are you fucking kidding? Whites will NOT be included.
I think this is not something we should minimize. Remember,
(((They))) were already planning this. Heidi Cruz was involved.
1. They WILL try to steal the election. By hook or by crook. Just as in Europe. WE MUST BE PREPARED. I believe a squad of Trump supporters may have to man/be involved with literally every polling station if we can. And the counting process. Trump and his people must totally understand and vet every hire and appointee.
2. THEY WILL NOT GIVE UP. if they couldn't win through the Democrats, they will re-infiltrate the Repubs and strengthen their position on the right. Brainwashing will be everywhere. Trump's every hire will be suspect.
Most of all, we must inform and redpill every American citizen. This ongoing war MUST be common knowledge amongst the entire US population by this year's end. That is the only way to beat them decisively. They want this country for their own–if they cannot import an infinite number of Dem voters then they will make them Repub voters–they were already turning Repubs into liberals and making the two parties one globalist force, the Bushes were/are involved, they've been at it for years–hence Recucklicans/Rinos.
It's clickbait in that it is not as bad as they are saying, but it is bad.
You're showing your privilege, user. You completely forgot about the fine people of sub-Saharan Africa who are reproducing at a rate as high as 7.46 children per woman (Niger).
This just so happens to be a perfect fit for the needs of the United States, since we are experiencing our own demographic crisis.
Hillary is taking a bold step to save America.
Wow, what a boon that would be! Since reliable economists say that every immigrant actually creates 3 jobs, Hillary would be creating 60 million new jobs in the United States, or 40 million new jobs a year for the people who already live here!
Eventually, we will need more than 20 million immigrants a year to fill all those job openings.
You joke now, not realizing the sheer amount of chinks and Nigerians we let in.
Chinks I'm fine with, but keep your filthy Nigerians
What the fuck? Is she genuinely retarded? Is crashing her own campaign with no survivors part of her plan?
At this rate, Trump won't even have to do anything except kek heartily as she virtue signals herself into the ground by promising unconditional amnesty for all niggers or some shit.
and guess where these niggers all actually want to move?
If you guessed with their "cousin" in Memphis, you're right.
I would have also accepted with their "aunty" in New York.
And now, with a dissolved border, they will!
Oh, I'm not arguing in favor of Shillary's retarded plan. I am all for a wall, friend.
and I truly hope you get it.
Be the beacon of hope for the rest of the white around the world.
No this can't be real, I refuse to believe someone could this fucking stupid and incompetent and somehow completely devoid of people proofreading her idiocy
You mean double her voter base? Or do you believe in the myth of the Natural Conservative too?
Egalitarianism is an evil Jewish ideology.
Forcing unequal people to live as though they were is incredibly unjust and unfair. That image is one example of the results. These people can not care for themselves but they are allowed to live as though they could, and that image is the unfortunate and sad result.
In a just world that actually cared about fairness their mother's mother's mother would have been sterilized, forcibly if need be, for the good of everyone involved.
The world is upside down in every way, anything compassionate and just is said to be cruel and mean. Things which are cruel are called compassion. we sterilize dogs and cats the same way for the same reasons
There really is no need; simply allowing them to live their lives without intervention would stabilize their birthrates or at least reduce the amount of people who reach adulthood.
Left to there own devices (as is the right of any and every peoples) their population figures would drop back to a level where they could survive by their own hand within a generation.
We have to stop feeding people off the back of aid trucks like we do animals in a zoo not only for their sake but also ours.
I found Carl the Cuck a girlfriend.
She looks jewish, the curly hair, the dumpy body, the glasses.
would you fuck her?