Elizabeth Warren Starts Barking Again

Hillary Clinton's Injun attack dog is trying to pick a fight with Trump again.

Can we get the notion out to normies and especially Berniebongs that she is a puppet of Clinton now? A puppet, attack dog, whatever works best, we need to organize and meme her destruction, she's an annoying piece on the board.

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This is the first time I've hear her talk, I think 'goofy' was the perfect term for her. The way she talks if unhinged. She might be autistic or something.

The Goofus.

She's not even an Injun.

At best, she's a transracial, self-identifying as a native american female.

But user, her ancestor's cheek bones were high!

Try looking for a DNA report of her ancestry. You'll find it like Obama's birth certificate.

Face it, Goofahontas, is as much an Indian as chris-chan is a girl.

cheek bones

Democrats lose every time they speak about that shit.


Elizabeth "Fingernails on Chalkboard" Warren

Yeah tell me about it.

"Consumer Financial Protection Bureau"

OP is a faggot

sage and hide

It's not goofahontas, it's

Is she trying to convince Hillary to choose her to be the VP candidate?

Am I just to make a thread out of love and then watch it die?

She sounds winded.

Sounds like autism to me.

I like it, memeingly accurate.

Is there any woman that can an inspiring speech? She sounds like a fucking teacher scolding her class.

Get her and Hillary to do all the stumping and people will be put off the notion of women in power for a generation.

yes. if people are interested, they'll see it and reply. If not, just wait an hour or two and see if people are interested then.

Search for "Goofus and Gallant." There's some exploitable content that comes from the children's magazine, Highlights. Perfect Warren vs Trump juxtaposition.

She better be careful or she might not have a career soon enough.

She sounds like Underdog Lady.


170 hours in paint

You couldn't make the boy's hair like Trump's?

Because otherwise this is some potent shit.

Prime meme spam, well done all the same.

I'll have a go

This would work, mostly because it would take away from her outsider shine that she tends to tout for whatever reason. She's honestly controlled which is why the media keeps pushing her.


Bahaha holy shit that's fucking great.

Well done man.

Have you guys seen the Breitbart article saying that 90% of Warren tweets in the month of May are about Donald Trump? She's pretty damn obsessed.

Yeah she's gonna burn herself out.

Runs Liz Runs

Here's another with good potential most of the others on Google Images are just parodies of the actual comic.

And now that I mention it the text of that IS a parody, you can't find genuine thing, but those images are form the original.

I would too, nobody wants to play with a nigger.

Can we get Fauxahontas trending for cultural appropriation?

Could be edited to 'Wants to fit in with minorities'and make all the kids black or Asian or something.

We can toss a few things up and see what lands.



Harder to shop Warren's head in color

Yeah. B&W is quicker.


You're brilliant my man, are you hand drawing the alterations?


Saved for warfare.


anyone still in this thread?

is it the Pocahontas thread that's being slid?