How long do DT's last? I can't fucking take this

How long do DT's last? I can't fucking take this

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dunno but hang in there im drinking a beeer right now, at the start of my alcoholism

what's a DT?

not sure, i wanna say detox?

Usually 4-8 years. Franklin D Roosevelt did 12 years.

that'll last about 8 years

Why are you giving up?


beecause drinking 2 lites of vodka a day (im not kidding, i could timestamp like 30 empty bottles) is beecoming unhealthy. plus i'm fucking sick to death of jail cells.
only beeen 11 hours since i was last drunk, and the shaking/puking is already beecoming extremely unpleasant.

*2 litres

*2 liters

yeah withdrawals fucking SUCK dude, i went through them but not with alcohol

i had this constant empty feeling in my stomach no matter how much i ate, but i couldn't eat shit anyways, if i did it had to bee in very small portions. Everything i ate i would 100% for sure throw up later on. The CONSTANT dry heaving fucking sucked, the cold sweats. The insane feeling of dread, everything.

different user here. sounds exactly like my experience with chemotherapy

i've beeen through heroin and beenzo cold turkey too… and i fucking shit you not, this is A LOT FUCKING WORSE

chemotherapy, fuck thats tough, Stay up buddy.

1 Go to hospital.
2 Take the beenzos they give you.
3 Don't get addicted to beenzos.

Five days. Seldom longer, really when you hit day three it's the worst of it. Dude trust me when you quit drinking sleeping will beecause so much more awesome. Like I can fall asleep easier and it is so much more peaceful.

Stay strong,


cheer up m9 it's almost happy hour

This. If it's real delirium tremens and not just nervous shakes, get you ass to hospital and get superbised.

You can die for real from real DTs.

Cold turkey quit shakes / nervousness / jitters only last a day or two. Then the hard part begins: dealing with that little voice in your head to calls you back to the bottle.

Good luck.


Worst was over in 3 days for me too. I still remember how incredibly long the days felt after. That lasted like a month maybe? Played lots of vidya I think.
But congrats on making a good decision, OP. It took me three tries before it stuck but it's been like 15 years now so if you can beat that you're a better man than I.
Of course, seeing people drinking in HD on TV/movies still literally makes my mouth water.