So, I've been thinking

So, I've been thinking.

If the regressive left really wanted to alleviate race issues in America, wouldn't the best course of action be to pump money into poor cities and towns?

Surely this would fix most of the problems SJWs cry about?
Trams to get to and from school, money to fix up broken down buildings, better quality educational materials, etc.

We would save money in the long run because we would be producing more competent workers, rather than the lazy drop-out minorities currently being produced by affirmative action who go on to leech off of taxpayers for the rest of their life.
Not to mention it would lower crime rates.

Am I missing something?

Inb4 nigger nigger nigger nigger

Other urls found in this thread: on black iq.pdf totality of available evidence shows the race IQ gap still remains.pdf infant mental function.pdf (Printed Version).pdf

the reason this doesnt work is because the people who live in those areas are shit tier. literal trash. you can give them everything necessary to survive and they will sell what you give them to get things they want instead then bitch that you didnt give them enough.

Which is why you don't give them things, you just improve their living conditions and quality of education.

If their schools had money for a proper amount of buses and bus drivers, we would see a huge improvement in the general population in these areas, wouldn't we?

Education is the best way to get people to stop taking self-destructive attitudes.

Limited by inherent capacity.

Are we getting into racial difference nonsense?

There are plenty of examples of hard working people that contribute to society in every race, so there's no reason to believe people from these areas are incapable of it if they're brought up with a proper education.

Not even Jesus believed in handouts for the sake of handouts.

There are countless stories of people born into poverty then rising to excellence (Ben Carson). An old coworker of mine once told me, "it's not about your situation, it's about your attitude." He lived by that every day he was in prison, changed his life.

Yes, I agree that our education system is whack, but not because of the reasons you imply, nor solved by the solution you suggest. Look at cities such as Detroit and Chicago, they receive the most money per student than any other city in the country, and yet they have the lowest high school graduation rate and standarized test rates in the country. They do not fail because of lack of funds or resources. They fail because

The problem lies in people's will to succeed. Remember that old saying "where there's a will, there's a way." Yea that applies here.

My solution would be to end Common Core and the Department of Education and instead give all rights and standards of education to the states so that they can fit their educational model to their own citizens instead of having to adhere to an arbitrary national test score. This right would include eliminating public education or compulsory public education all together.

Education has never solved anything for society. Poor people know how to read, they're still poor. Criminals know how to do arithmetic, they're still criminals. You see?

We already give their schools the most money. It does nothing because it's a hostile teaching environment.

I had to go find this. Be grateful you duckrolling, anti-wt snacks motherfucker. Fear is the only thing niggers and the lessers (Jews included) understand.

I suppose it is a bit more complicated than I thought, then.

I have to disagree that your situation plays no part in how your future will form, though. If I were born in a ghetto, I would probably be a useless piece of shit as well.

This is absolute nonsense. There is a direct correlation between education and crime rates.

The strongest correlations are with IQ and blackness.

Into the trash it goes.

Detroit in RUINS! (Crowder goes Ghetto)

Equality of opportunity is objectively a good thing.
Every human being has the ability to contribute to society, and should be presented with the opportunity.

our education system is heavily subverted and the reason our society is so fucked up in the first place.

Easiest way to test your theory is any sort of negro immigrants anywhere but in the US which is run down after years of bad policies and general lax negro upkeep. Take for instance, Brazil, Argentina, the UK; wherever you remove the low standards of the US, but keep the negro, even if the overall quality of life is worse than in America, the negro is always at the bottom of the equation. Incapable as a group of people to rise to the level of whites or even white/black mischlings.

A handout by another name, m8.

Your presenting it as if the Americans that made your country had money pouring out their asses and that's why they didn't rob, steal and murder each other for as long as to build the USA. Money is not a magic bullet, commodities need to be earned or else the average person doesn't value them.

An influx of jobs would definitely reduce the crime in their communities and improve the quality of their lives, but don't for a minute imagine that you can improve their average intelligence to that of a white or an asian. It's just not possible, work with what you've got.

As if being progressive is a good thing. RL is a term made up to hide the fact how horrible the left is given it's natural conclusion.

Additionally, have you considered that people of different races rank differently on these scales specifically because they don't have the same opportunities?

Calling it a handout is nonsense. The idea is that a better educated populous will contribute more to society than the costs required to educate them. In any regard, I've already seen why this line of thinking is wrong, as there are cities with massive amounts of money thrown at them that still turn out terribly.

Saying "regressive left" doesn't imply being progressive is a good thing. It implies that sjws are regressive.

Is it? For everything?
Should every latino who sends half his money home to Mexico, but is a far cheaper worker while also delivering less quality product, be chosen above an American who costs more, but is guaranteed to reinvest in the local economy by paying taxes and eventually reinvesting in society by raising American children there? Why shouldn't loyalty of race and nation be a factor assessing these things when it is the most prominent quality creating conflict in the world whenever different races compete?

because like fuck borders and shit man

Hiring a latino because he's latino is equality of outcome, not equality of opportunity.

The person who should be hired in this case is the person who offers the highest quality work for the lowest pay. It doesn't matter where the money goes, as it's their money to spend.

Additionally, is the Latino not American? Am I supposed to gather that? I don't agree with hiring non-Americans to do American jobs.


Your background certainly plays a part in the type of person you become, but that makes it all the more important to let people know that they can take charge of their own lives and make something of themselves, wherever they came from.

I've almost completed nursing training and see plenty of discussions about how people's backgrounds shape them, but one of the main things we do is empower them to take control of their own lives. You can be supportive without mollycoddling people, but people seem to either be too harsh (boot camp) or way too soft (fat acceptance movement).

Teaching people that their background determines who they are feeds victim complexes and is covertly belittling them.

Pic related.

An objectively false statement.

Further, equality of opportunity is not only not necessarily a good thing, it is an impossibility.

Two clades which exhibit such significant physiological/psychological inequality cannot be effectively granted any meaningful equality in the vein of opportunity.

To deny this is folly, and an injustice upon both of those clearly-unequal parties which you would seek to present as equals.

Another objectively false statement.

Further, inequality between clades inherently invokes difference in capacity for societal contribution.

Africa does not look the way it does because of a lack of education, but due to a lack of cognitive development (in a comparative sense, at least), such variation between clades being itself a product of variation in evolutionary selective pressures.

There are ~2x as many non-Hispanic Whites living in impoverished conditions in the United States of America as there are Negroids living in such conditions in the same, implying similarly limited access to educational opportunities, yet they prosper at a much higher rate.


The answer is clear and simple: Inequality. Cognitive inequality, to be specific.

To quote the 1994 Mainstream Science on Intelligence statement:

> 12."Differences in intelligence certainly are not the only factor affecting performance in education, training, and complex jobs … but intelligence is often the most important"

There is simply no way in which you can create a condition such that a chimp and a genius has equality of opportunity, and the same is no less true of the summation of Peoples; specifically, that there is no way in which you can create a condition such that all racial/ethnic clades/sub-clades have equality of opportunity - and little to suggest pursuit of such ends is beneficial, let alone 'objectively' so.


I absolutely agree. I don't think people should be coddled, and I don't think people should be told to fuck off either. The most important thing we can do is offer every American the same opportunities as every other and let them choose which ones they take.

So what is the best way to go about this, then? Someone suggested shutting down the department of education and common core, which seems like it might help.

I agree with this, too. What I don't agree with is the idea that no matter how tough your background, you just need to suck it up and get through it. It takes an extraordinary person to do that, and sometimes people do need help.

I would lean towards at least 3: The Men of the North (Euro), The Men of the East (Asian), and The Men of the South (Negro).

I would further suggest designation of The Men of the West, who were separated from their ancestors' lands and became something else entirely.

These were an admixture, of North and East, re-introduction of Northern bloodlines (from Westerly tribes of the North {keep up}) much later generating a sort of duality in their Southern modern populations (due to those from largely South-Westerly tribes of the North); their Northern modern populations, having been largely militarily conquered (by those from North-Westerly tribes of the North {you're keeping up, yes?}) during the aforementioned re-introduction, are extant in comparatively small numbers (~13-14 million in North America).

Three Houses of Man (Euro, Negro, Asian), with a fallen House (American; admixture of Euro/Asian) now largely conquered - whether through blood or iron - by the descendants of its ancestors' cousins (North-/South-Western Europeans)… Other Houses existed once, the Heidel, Neanderthal and the Denisovan, but they too were conquered through blood and/or iron (or, rather more likely, stone).

Humanity is not static, and never has been - gene flow is a fluid-dynamic, moving between reservoirs of variable stability, with variable genes (and associated physiology/psychology/behavior/culture/society) dominating the population (as best suits the selective factors acting upon them at that time).

Are The Men of the South and their derivatives - also known colloquially as "niggers" - human?

A Great Dane and a miniature Dachshund are both dogs - but if you were wise, you wouldn't confuse the two as equivalents due to such terminology.
They are not.

Think of it this way: Do you think evolutionary theory is accurate?

Such theory is explained thusly:

If tomorrow we take 100 finches that are genetically equivalent (or as much-so as a group can be) and put them on two islands with differing environments, their genetics - which influences physiology, which influences psychology, which influences behavior - would begin to favor traits which are 'selected for' by their environment and the circumstances therein.
Say, we place 50 finches on an island where the primary food source is pollen from flowers whose structure makes a long, thin beak beneficial; and, we place the other 50 on an otherwise equivalent island where the primary food source is seeds which make a stout, strong beak beneficial.

What will those populations look like, comparative to what we put there, after 10 years of these conditions and emergence of novel selective factors ?
After 20?
Hard to say, but there's a pretty good chance there will be significant genetic - and by extension, physiological, psychological and behavioral - variation between the populations.

Human populations diverged significantly when they began to expand into distant and externally-isolated environments - seas, mountains, deserts, plains, jungles, forests, rivers, and on and on.
Greater geographic distance - whether physical or conditional - created results much like we'd expect amongst the finches, namely, genetic variation (and by extension, variation in other clades).

Gene-flow continued, to at least some degree, but this was largely localized in a sense - there was not (until quite recently) significant genetic exchange between populations in Africa, East Asia and Western Europe, and this generated SIGNIFICANTLY variant geno/phenotypes: varying physiologically, varying psychologically, varying behaviorally.
As genetics influence physiology, influences psychology, influences behavior; so too does behavior influence culture, which likewise influences societies, which influence the greater whole of human civilization.

Now, in the last thousand years, hundred years, ten years, what was once a minute and managable exchange for extended periods of time (in the context of 1,000 years NOT being an extended period) has become disrupted, an uncontrolled torrent of genetic and cultural exchange, totally destabilizing the dynamic.
The equilibrium has been shattered, and it is creating… "friction".

An interesting idea to think about.
Can you offer some sources for these ideas so I can do further reading?

Additionally, how do you account for successful black men? They're a little common to be a simple anomaly.

The IQ for American Blacks is 15 points lower than American whites. That means that roughly 2% are as smart as the top 30% of whites.

They really are just a statistical anomaly. Intelligence is a bell curve, and you do get individual outliers because even if the probability of the curve approaches zero, it never actually reaches it, and there are an awful lot of blacks in America.

So what happens when it plays out that, by the numbers, the Latinos perform subpar comparative to, say, the Whites, due to inherent and minimal-alterable traits?

Do you leave them struggle in your midst, turning to criminality and other such revelry of revulsion?

It is staggering to think you cannot understand that the two concepts - functionality and cognition - go hand-in-hand to such a degree that, when the two clades are laid against one another in direct competition, the cognitively-lesser clade is going to fare poorly (often resulting in perception of persecution and all manner of social and culture response to that which, if proximity is maintained, promotes 'friction').

This is folly.

You sound like a libertarian, and a cuckservative to boot.


Successful black men no doubt exist!… But to say they aren't an anomaly, well…

Consider: Only approximately 10-15% of the US black population exceeds the mean of the white population as regards IQ - this means the top 10-15% of blacks, their best and brightest, only fall into the category which represents the top 50% of whites, and most of those blacks fall toward the left-hand side of the right-side of the bell curve.

If you consider the top, let's say, 25% of the black community - those over about IQ 90 - you're liable to see a much greater rate of prosperity amongst them.
On the other hand, if you look at the bottom 75%, well… You aren't liable to see such prosperity.

Not because they are uneducated - you could give an IQ 84 fellow all the education in the world, be he white or black (granted, statistically, such a man has a much higher chance of being black than of being white, by the numbers), and would be unlikely to help him much in terms of prosperity or societal contribution potential - but because they lack the capacity to put that education to effective use, or to even comprehend it, at a much higher rate than is the case of their white counterparts.

IOW: You can throw money at schools for average-IQ blacks all day long, and you'd be as well served to simply toss that money down a great big Carthaginian-style pit of fire.
Potentially better served, in fact, should you perform the appropriate rituals to Baal.

The point is, its not that there aren't intelligent and/or functional (as regards potential for societal contribution) black or Hispanic people, nor is the opposite the case for any of the so-called "mud races" - but rather, that proportionally, they are much less representative of such people, and not due to an absence of education or some socio-economic condition, but because of their innate biological traits and the psychological, behavioral and cultural variations which thereby emerge.

IQ does not equate to success, as far as I'm aware.

The fact that American blacks score 15 points lower than American whites can mean a number of things, including the idea that these blacks may not have been given the same opportunities as the whites.

I'm interested in how you think equality of opportunity is a bad thing.
What bad could come of offering a black man the same opportunities as a white man? The same opportunity of education, the same opportunity of a job, etc?

The ratio of areas shows blacks to be 6.1 times more likely than whites to fall below the boundary for retardation, and 53 times less likely to be gifted.
> … In 1959, AAMD set the IQ threshold for mental retardation at < 85. The civil rights movement of the next decade forced psychologists to rethink this boundary, because half the African American population fell below it.
> In 1973, responding to this concern, AAMD (by then AAMR) changed the threshold for retardation from IQ < 85 to IQ < 70.
The boundary moved south by one standard deviation!
The proportion of blacks below the threshold instantly dropped from about 50 percent to 12 percent.

First, you assume you're dealing with "people" like yourself, and, for the most part, you are not.
They have low IQ's, they barely understand how to stand in line for a bus without breaking down into some kind of animal conflict, much less actually engage in work that might benefit society. They are mostly under the influence of some form of narcotic, and their primate minds are always preoccupied to one degree or another with the problem of getting more. And your regressive left has no intention of trying to free them from this state of being, as they cannot be used to the degree they are currently, if they actually start to think.

Second, the regressive left has no intention of improving race relations, where did you EVER get that idea? Who is it that riles minorities up every time some rabid thug is killed by a cop? Who is always there to incite rioting and claim the cop had no reason to defend himself, regardless of the facts? This is not to say there haven't been incidents where a police officer hasn't used excessive & deadly force on a black or Hispanic, but they do this occasionally to whites, as well, and the regressive left does not even mention those occasions.
The only way to insure that the various races of the world "get along" is to separate them. The left KNOWS this, and it is why they insist on integration and the constant friction that it brings. ALL races would benefit from segregation, to be free of the influences of other societies, to be free to create their own societies tailored to their own kind.
I could give you many examples throughout history, where attempted integration has always ended up with racial strife & even open warfare, but the leftist dupes simply refuse to see the truth, and their leftist masters continue to use these dupes & the strife they cause as a money-machine & to garner power.

A good example is Fiji, a black-populated chain of islands near Australia. They are some of the finest people I've ever met, they were happy in their societies, and they even liked being part of the British empire…but that was because England never immigrated en-masse to their shores, the whites did not try to inaved & out-breed them, pushing them off their own islands, but instead brought civilization & order to them, and let them keep their pride & way of life.
Then came in the Indians.
Although India never claimed the Islands as part of any "empire," they were the source of massive immigration, with the Indians soon starting to outnumber the Fijians, and taking over their institutions by sheer numbers.
Speak to a Fijian, and he will tell you of his internally seething hatred for the Indians, who are outnumbering & out-breeding them, and who will eventually push them off their islands.

The same is being artificially done to the Europeans by the mudslimes, and to white & black Americans by Mestizos & Chinese.
Canada is being invaded by Chinese, as well.

The logical thing to do would be to limit immigration from non-white countries to bring the percentages of each race back to where they were in the 50's, and then maintain it. And to NEVER allow immigration while Americans do not have adequate employment, that's just insane.

But the goals of the leftist leadership is not logical or intelligent societal order, it is chaos, hate, & fear…they cannot thrive without the strife that allows them to insert themselves into positions of power, they need a steady stream of pissed-off people, people who are easily led and gullible, people who will play the part of perpetual victim-hood, so they can capitalize off it.
Hence the reason we send billions in aid to Israel, but nothing to Detroit.

I don't think, I know.
Further, I don't think its merely a 'bad thing', I think it is an impossibility in terms of practical application.

What bad could come of offering a chimp the same opportunities as a white man?

But this is an overt simplification of my point.

How do you not see the injustice of it m8?
Of the expectation?

To expect that blacks even can, by the numbers, have the same opportunities as whites is simply laughably naive and/or ignorant of the conditions on the ground.

Because, by definition, the two clades are incapable of having the same opportunity.

How to put this in a way you might understand…

Let us say there are two men, one is 4' 9" tall, and the other is 6' 2" tall.

Let us say we are discussing their equality of opportunity, specifically in some context which is greatly benefited by great height - let's say, we put a can of beans on a shelf in a room with them, and leave each to it.

Clearly, by definition, it is basically impossible - short of some sort of interventionist policy or effort to compensate for the height of the shorter man - for the two to have equal opportunity to obtain the beans given the circumstances, yes?
The taller man will always have an advantage, because he is innately better-suited to the task under examination.

The same is true of blacks and whites - it not only isn't good to think that equality of opportunity is some sort of beneficial factor (because it implies expectation of equal functionality upon those who are not on equal footing, itself an injustice of a sort), but rather, it is a simple impossibility to put such into play, by the numbers.

Egalitarianism and meritocracy are injust systems when considering clades of people which are not remotely equal in terms of the key facets of functionality within the society and effective contribution there-to.

They're two different species. Black and white men are not different species.

Please provide some evidence to show that black people are incapable of doing the same exact things as a white man by their nature.

I'm not sold on this idea. I find it more likely that black men as a general population are not afforded the same opportunities as white people as a general population, and thus end up with lower IQ and less of an ability to do the same jobs as white men.




I don't understand, are you trying to say that black people are incapable of being civilized, or are you trying to say they are perfectly capable of it?

These two statements show that it is, indeed, the opportunities these people are afforded that decide how well adjusted they will ultimately end up.

They are different sub-species, don't fall for the "we're all one species & ride unicorns together through the lollipop forests!" crap of the left.

Dogs & coyotes are both canines, they can interbreed successfully, and both howl.
But a coyote will eat your dog. The coyote knows the dog is NOT one of his own kind.

Provide some evidence of this, please. I really would like to learn more but nobody seems to want to give me anything to read. As far as I'm aware, the only real genetic difference between the races is melanin.

Yes, but they are not different species.
It's foolish to compare a black with a chimp. A black and a chimp cannot reproduce to create offspring.

But user, if the niggers didn't depend on gibmedats, they might not vote dem any more. Why would they wanna do that?

You can't deny racial differences. Literal retards in the west are more intelligent than the average non-retard somali. And the American niggers are a hybrid between that exact kinda shit tier ape and white people. Just because there's 2-3 black doctors here and there doesn't mean the vast majority simply isn't bright enough to improve. Not to sound like a kike but honestly, one good way to improve them would be to sterilize all the dindos and force the black doctors to fill the resulting gaps with their own genes. Better yet force some white people to fill those gaps.

Meaningless distinction - you were clearly confused by my overt simplification, as I feared would be the case (which is why I mentioned it).

Further, a highly dubious statement on your behalf: Whites and blacks differ drastically at every single level of consideration, there is simply no denial of this.
As the image previously posted suggests, the degree of genetic divergence extant between racial clades is profound, and though our differences are not so physiologically-linked (and thus overtly visible) as those exhibited by the Great Dane and the Coton du Tulear, they are no less and no less exhibitive of influence upon us - blacks and whites may not be so visibily physiologically divergent as the two dogs (though that's arguable, given the primary distinction between our races which most revert to referencing is the physiological variation in our traits such as melanin expression and facial features), but they are no less so-divergent in terms of their genetics.
And to try to use the argument of "They're the same species!" is, I have no doubt you would agree, somewhat laughable when comparing the Dane and the Tulear - same species they may be, but equals in any meaingful sense they are not.

I've already done so, but I'll do so again momentarily.
For you.
Big guy.

Because you are naive or ignorant.
That is all.

We have statistical evidence to suggest this is not the case, and that, further, the variation we find exhibited between racial/ethnic clades/sub-clades is of the sort which inherently precludes the possibility of equality of opportunity, which is why the Left (and other assorted miscreants) push so hard for equality of outcome (because equality of opportunity is impossible, and when implementation of such is attempted, what results is an unjust system wherein the lesser-clade are, by definition, at a disadvantage).

The findings are clear and exist regardless of your beliefs, and the findings are thusly:

The evidence for this is overwhelming, and that you would attempt to portray as though you expect me/us to provide you evidence of such suggests you are not arguing from a position of knowledge, and thus would be better served to keep what you 'find likely' to yourself until you've examined the evidence which immediately and unquestionably proves you position to be a faulty one.

Now, let's see what I have available without too much effort…

So basically, there is s this gene variant which allows a greater ability to empathize with others.

Here comes the best part:

Blacks are capable of being civilized, I never said they weren't…but the blacks of inner-city Detroit are (speaking in generalizations) not.
They have no opportunity to act & be raised in any civilized manner, as none of their lefty "leadership" has required they have responsibilities.

Have you ever heard the story of the bird, the cow, & the coyote?
A small baby bird fell out of its nest one day, and as it lay there, cold & shivering, a cow found it. Seeing how cold the bird was, the cow turned around and laid a huge plop of warm shit in the bird.
Now the bird was warm, but still not happy, so he kept squawking louder and louder.
A coyote heard the bird and found it. He carefully pulled the bird out of the cow flop, gently brushed the crap off of it…the bird was grateful…until the coyote then ate him.

The moral: those that shit on you are not necessarily trying to harm you, and those that pull you out of that shit are not necessarily trying to help you.

Alternate moral: when you're up to your nose in shit, keep your mouth shut.


These differences were statistically significant and were replicated across all three databases.
> More extraordinary was the finding that all 14 alleles differed between Blacks and Whites in a way that would predict that Blacks would be less intelligent.

Therefore the probability of the first 14 alleles examined all favoring Whites would be a mere 1 in 16,284.

American Blacks are 50x more likely to have violent genes with MAO-A gene:

Considering the fact that a white country like Moldova (whose GDP per Capita qualifies it for 3rd world status) still doesn't have as much crime as other comparable black countries, we can assume that the MAO-A gene also has a lot to do with it.

Genetically-derived reduced propensity towards expression of empathy, especially toward out-group factors.

Genetically-derived reduced cognitive capacity, the importance of which has already been addressed in my reference to the 1994 Mainstream Science on Intelligence statement.

Genetically-derived increased propensity for violent response when confronted with stressful situations.

Request granted.

Thank you for finally providing some sources. I'll have to do some reading.

And while we're on the topic of differences, to help you get past that whole "But we're the same species!" thing…

Further Reading

10 Articles on Racial Variation

6. on black iq.pdf
7. totality of available evidence shows the race IQ gap still remains.pdf
8. infant mental function.pdf

The more different two things are, the less capacity they have for discussion in the context of equality.

your schools are the most funded though

An Overview of Racial Variation Research

Personality: (Printed Version).pdf

Liver enzymes and stuff:

Gestational periods:

Hormone levels:

Muscles, bones etc:


Importance of intelligence:

Please do.

And please keep this in mind: Racism is not necessarily about any sort of irrationality or emotionality, it is simply a fact of reality.

There is need for fear, nor hatred, nor any other emotional or irrational response as to generate a belief in 'racism' as the term was once used (discrimination - the capacity for distinction between - the racial clades of modern hominid lines).

The people who put such thoughts in your mind were employing Marxist-derived (ie Jew-derived) rhetoric against you, to indoctrinate you into a state of belief which justified the advancement of their political ideology, at the expense of your possession of an accurate understanding of the conditions within which you exist.

Do not be overcome by hatred, and do not let fear creep into your heart - you must see with eyes unclouded by hate, and walk within fear before the shadow of the unknown and hostile.

That is what it means to be a Man.
That is what it means to be a European.
That is what it means to be a Prince of the Universe.


*There is no need for fear

Infrastructure needs maintenance, especially when used by subhumans. Buying them condoms would be more cost-effective.

The reason they have broken down buildings and no public infrastructure in the first place is because most of them not only don't give a shit about civilization, but actively destroy it as soon as they have a chance.

Install a brand new tram, in a week thy will have trashed it already. In a month there won't be even the rails left. Feel lucky if in a year there is still electricity in the neighbourhood without having to install new copper wires. Same with anything. Just giving them everything that could possibly be needed to reboot and kick-start a prosper community doesn't fix their short-sighted and brutal nature. This is what you were missing, user.

Additionally, have you considered that people differ innately in their abilities and proclivities?

that scholarship one is rich

Yes. The (((Left))) doesn't want to make black people's lives better. It wants to make them into clients of the state, at best, and, more likely, wants to use them as instruments of warfare against European Whites (H'whites). This is true in at least two instances I know of.

a) Nixon wanted to create a negative income tax (guaranteed basic income) specifically because of black unrest. Democrats killed it
b) Jack Kemp wanted to make inner-cities tax free zones for business owners who also lived in those neighborhoods (ie. niggers). Democrats killed that as well.

How to get white flight by OP

These people in these areas are dumb and are r-selected. They are not interested in having real development, so by giving them gibsmedats all you are doing is subsidizing stupidity and r-type humans.

That is not to say some funding here and there may not be useful, but you really underestimate what niggers are like

Watch this

Negative. Pumping money into these shit holes does absolutely nothing but create dependency. The money would be best put to use funding new businesses to create an self-sustaining and grow local economy.

Slide thread.


Daily reminder that anons who emphasize IQ scores end up jew-lovers like Jared Taylor.

It's literally a D&C shill tactic by the hebes against european whites. Remember who the real enemy is: the eternal jew

Maybe calling shitskins shitskins is kinda… lol, nevermind.

they should just make their own country

problem solved

diversity + proximity = conflict


It's been tried.

Advocating for sending MORE money into shitty areas is not giving everyone the same opportunity

We tried that.
The niggers nigger'd all of it, and there's nothing to show for it.
You can't throw money at apes and expect it to make them human.

It's not nonsense. That is why people like you will be "missing something", because you ignore the reality of race.

Throwing more money into our horrible education system won't solve the problem, but if the money were spent reforming the education system it could be worthwhile.

how does the blue pill taste?

dat pic

People have to want to change. It's all motivation and power structures.

Give niggers handouts and they won't do shit. If they have no authority figures in life, they won't be persuaded to follow the correct path.

State supported single motherhood and welfare are the two most destructive forces in the west.

Reported for obvious shilling.