Most humans are irrational, double-digit IQ'd, emotionally stunted morons. Believing that using the hyper-rational approach – laden with facts and historical trivia that works so well for redpilling asocial NEETs – is like expecting a hyperactive kid to calm down just because you ask it nicely. You need to use force. Social force, not physical.
I'll let you in on a little secret: people listen to and emulate those they look up to. Doesn't matter how retarded your message (not saying yours is, just making a point), or how far-fetched of an idea you're presenting, as long as they perceive you as having more social capital than them, they'll accept what you're saying (or at least become highly receptive to your message). This is the foundation upon which all popular movements (and cults) are built.
Back in my days of self-imposed isolation and overall anger at the entire world, nobody took me seriously because I was a fat slob and a loser. Three years later, I'm groomed and dressed to kill, have a 6-figure job, a White gf I love (getting married soon), and possess the body of a greek god. And I have the NatSoc doctrine to thank for all of it. Nowadays, normies eat from the palm of my hand, despite my message having not changed a single bit. What did change, though? Their perception of me, and my social value.
To sum it up:
Do all of the above, and you'll have to put in active effort to get people off your dick.
I've personally redpilled all of my (and my gf's) extended families, everyone at work, and a good portion of the local junior high (don't ask). We really can change the world, and as cliched as it sounds, change comes from within, but in order to lead one must first master oneself. And that means purging degeneracy from every aspect of your life, no ifs or buts. Normies crave order and discipline, personified in powerful paragons of virtue, and that requires effort most people aren't willing to invest.
So put in the work, and become the man you yourself would follow into the gates of hell, and beyond…
Good luck OP, and godspeed!