Jake Tapper has a hissy fit because Trump brought up the fact that the Clintons killed Vince Foster.


Dust off your fake Twitter accounts boys:


Let's aid Jake Tapper in his battle for journalistic excellence and set the record straight. Get the truth out there!

Other urls found in this thread:


bump for journalistic excellence.


Once again, forcing them to tell the truth and report on it because he keeps repeating it.

Jake just colaberated with Scott Adams on a drawing, and Scott doesn't seem to give a fuck about Trump's antics.

the pundits have been all over cable the past few days reguarding this but instead of saying 'thats not true!' instead they say 'but this wont help Trump!!!'

they are scared


Okay there, Jakie

Bumping because fuck that faggot

It's fucking funny how they are trying to stop him after all this time.

Well those of you have Twitter accounts get Tweeting.


as 'useful' as Adams is, he is still just an autist. You can't be guaranteed he will latch onto any one specific thing.

how retarded are these people?

Tapper's lying. Trump didn't bring it up, he was asked about it and that was his response.

And he just called Trump's immigration racist in his latest post, I think we give him too much credit.

He's also praising oppurtunist cunt (((mark cuban))) today.

I guess we'll also find out just how much of the populace has been conditioned to dismiss any conspiracy theory by the tinfoil meme. This election is wild.

If the gun show loophole was always closed would we know who killed Vince Foster?

Yes, I'm starting to think he's not as smart as we thought, and it he's not then maybe he's just bullshitting us about rump's persuading and ability and we're just going along with it because it makes Trump look better.

Aw, really? I should've known. At least he had the sense not to actually run.

Is this the guy that shot himself in the back of the head?

HAD being the defining word there

Well Tapper says 'in the mouth'.

Yeah, like 12 times. Then he jumped out of a window. Then ate cyanide. Then he set himself on fire.

Weird, weird suicide.

I mean that's how I'd do it. Just to make sure I was successful.

Oh of course of course. Then I'd write a suicide note praising the Clintons and calling the GOP a bunch of vipers.

MFW I read that as "niggers".



Yeah… That's not how it works.

you can tell its true because dude uses about 5 synonyms to denounce the "conspiracy theory". total overkill.

media are the worst liars

The guy is supremely autistic. A few years ago he got caught pretending to be a fan of himself on reddit lol


How persuasive

Why is he so defensive? :)

He's pretty defensive for a "scandal from the 1990s".

Actually, yes, that's Propaganda 101.

Also, what kike was it that boasted that they "control reality"?

They only control what the plebs think reality is.

Our meme magic actually controls reality.

Donald Trump's ridiculous and untrue claims like this will hurt him in the long run.

whatreallyhappened.com has a lot of material on the Vince Foster case.

Jake Tapper, the hypocrite

Let's count the ways:
1. Tapper points out that Trump avoids bringing up something that was apparently on his mind (all the mysterious deaths of competitor's to the Clintons is certainly worthy of some weighty consideration), and to this, Tapper adds much bluster
2. Tapper substantiation is noteworthy for how all investigations into Foster's death were criticized as covering something up - indeed, it was the curiously poor manner in which those investigations were conducted that first led me to consider that this might be yet another Clinton assassination.
3. Tapper is someone few had paid much attention to before, and as such, is probably the Network's sacrificial reporter on this issue. Does he yet know that he just ruined his own career? Probably not. If his Jewish bosses gave him this content to cover, then they hung him out to dry.

That's enough for now.

Oh, and Vince Foster was definitely murdered… by someone.

10 cents a post always seemed low to me, but maybe it adds up over time… how much do you make in a typical week?


MSNBC also just called him a conspiracy theorists an hour ago on Hardball. It's funny when they call him a conspiracy theorist but then sperg out over 'systemic racism.'



I wonder, does this mean Trump will now take away their other crucial weapon, after taking away "Racist" and "-Phobe", now "Conspiracy Theorist"?

I think a lot of attention should go to brainstorming about how to use the media's weapons to ridicule them while redpilling them.
A possibility would be to couple evidence of the Vince Foster case and use "Conspiracy Theorist" against the MSM.

I think hes probably pretty smart, or maybe autistic enough to be (((purchased))) and use his tools for evil. Remember he has said repeatedly he isn't on a side here. We would be wise to remember that.


After they lost the Trump's a racist thing, they pretty much lost their ultimate weapon. Once white people stop caring about being called racist (((they))) are fucked. We just need to get white people to a point where we'll openly say: racism isn't bad, it's good.




I think his name was Winston, and he worked for "The Party".
Some time around 1984.
I could be mis-remembering.

Wait a sec? Gary Webb was the Clintons???

That's one possibility, the Ministry of Truth certainly does play a role in this.

Oh, and found it:


“We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you’re studying that reality — judiciously, as you will — we’ll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that’s how things will sort out. We’re history’s actors . . . and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.”

right, I thought Webb had dirt on the Bush for crack and the CIA



So now thyey've opened the floodgates to all the other mysterious deaths surrounding the Clintons, dullards.

this crazy cunt

Jake Tapper just put himself in the firing line, and for fucking what? A light suggestion by Trump on a topic he himself didn't even bring up?

Now that's what you call scared, they immediately went in to attack him on this, they know something big surrounds Vince and his amazing 3 shot suicide.

I just laughed my ass off right now. I'm drunk and weeping lies of the good-goy just make me laugh at this point

The Death of Vincent Foster – Main page


another website:


Fucking Morning Joe, what the fuck happened, they loved Trump and now they just seem so clueless.

Trump destroyed the Bushes, Trump destroyed the GOP. Trump will destroy the Clintons.

Fucking Morning Jew.

Heres this.



Seriously this shit would hypnotize someone who speaks at a 5th grade level, aka 80% of Americans, let alone the ones that don't even speak English.

Or he's just some guy that gets paid to say things on a teleprompter. Basically not even a real person.

Friendly reminder that Jake Tapper owes his entire career to Chelsea Clinton's mother-in-law.

reminds me of this classic

Do you have the video of that guy who recorded the 1996 election satellite feeds? The one where Bill looks like he can't wake up.

unfortunately no

He's done it before, he's acted as his own publicist through an Alias at one time It must be fun being Trump

This one?

kek, nice source CNN


When is Trump going to tweet out this video you think lads?

Here's a webm.

Sorry but that a really poor quality WebM.

Here's a better one.

so hes like a robot

heyy lol

he is a rape machine after all

user pls

He's a sex robot



what about the other 46 dead bodies


Its important to note that MKULTRA figured out how to scare the brain stem to force photographic memory.

Bill has photographic memory, and he has a scare on the back of his neck.

youll have to google for the info

Oh thank you to those spreading the hashtag!

Kinda like that cartoon dog with 2 revolvers, a noose, standing over a bomb, on a cliff

never heard of Vince Foster but this is the first thing people would encounter on youtube if they were looking it up

Reminder SJWs are now in control of this board

Fuck off faggot

This is exactly the message that they're trying to push in an attempt at damage control over the graveyard of skeletons in the Clinton closet. The first 10 seconds of the video Tapper says almost word for word essentially what another MSNBC person said on Morning Joe - maybe it was actually Joe Scarborough who said it I don't recall who exactly said it.

Please note they are acting as if Trump brought up Vince Foster out of the blue. In reality the Washington Post brought in up in what was likely a coordinated attempt at painting Trump as a conspiracy theorist nutjob. Actually it also ties directly into the Hillary campaign attempt to prevent the 'normalization' of Trump as a legitimate candidate.

All that said this failed attack reflects the chief problem with the Clinton campaign and the media with regards to Trump - they 're at least two weeks behind him at any given moment. Clinton's organization has feet of clay, and they need to poll test soundbites and lines of attack, the media on the other hand just regurgitates whatever they're handed down from on high. Newsflash: Trump is tied or beating Hillary in national polls, any window that may have existed to make him seem outside the norm or beyond the pale has has already closed.

The other reason this line of attack will fail, aside from it being woefully out of date, is that the media are not information gatekeepers anymore, and haven't been for quite some time, and yet they still seem have difficulty adjusting to that fact.

I love how this guy sites a CNN investigation and a government investigation and then says "case closed, right? "


Case isn't closed.

We don't trust CNN and we don't trust government.

Pic has more possible "fishy circumstances" deaths.

Wow, I started out laughing at this and by the end I was fucking unnerved. He's either on heavy drugs, a psychopath, or a genuine android.

What the fuck, Bill? Did your wife forget to take her wedding ring off before she smacked you upside your head?

B… But… M… Mr T-trump!!!!

Politicians don't have to follow the L-laws!

Jake Tapper just declared war on Trump AND opened up the flootgates for Vince Foster's and many other Clinton's friend's deaths.



Exactly so. This has been the pattern for nearly a year. And a lot of people will now for the first time be searching for Vince Foster information.

If these deaths really were "suicides" or "accidents", then there shouldn't be any problem with more people looking into them.
After all, if the facts show that a death was a suicide, then surely anyone who looks into it will see that.

There are infinite realities, none of them any realer than than the next.

the game's afoot, lads

This is the crux of the suicide theory put forward by the government, that Vincent Foster, under stress, on a hot July day, put the barrel of a .38 revolver into his mouth and pulled the trigger, and did not leave blood OR FINGERPRINTS on that gun. I don't buy it

The front of Foster's clothing should have been soaked with blood as the heart continued to beat. This did not happen. This indicates that Foster's heart was already stopped when the gunshot into the mouth was fired to mask the real cause of death

So we can rule out suicide as the most likely COD. But what was the motive for his murder? Any oldfags remember the political controversies of '94?

yes, we must continue our quest to find out just who is behind it all. and by all, i do mean all…


That's all he and everybody else of fag pills needs to hear. Case closed.


Horus always does something similar to get around heavy brainwashing. He will just mention a topic and adopt a soft position, neutral position, or wishy-washy position on the topic, then discuss it in detail. The listening Aryans will naturally align to a White perspective.

He never has to come out and say anything to make full-blown 14-88ers.


Nah it's voodoo.

yeah that was very strange. basically discredits the whole segment.

I have the feeling Stefan Molyneux is going to make a Vince Foster video soon.

Oh that would be fucking amazing.

Are really meming Vince Foster into a legit crutch for the Clintons? I wouldn't have thought this would be a talking.

Here's another one you hadn't thought of:

HAITIAN ACTIVISTS Protest at Hillary Clinton’s Office Over BILLIONS MISSING in Relief Funds


Haitians Protest Outside Hillary Clinton’s Office Over ‘Billions Stolen’ by Clinton Foundation


Haitian activists protested outside of the Clinton Foundation in New York over the loss of “billions of dollars” that was meant to help rebuild after the devastating 2010 earthquake. The activists are claiming the money was stolen through the Haiti Reconstruction Commission that was headed by Bill Clinton. In January 2015, the Clinton Foundation was the target of protests for wasting more than $10 billion and awarding contracts to non-Haitian companies.

Oh this was always going to come, the media can't even deny the seriousness of this issue.


In Search Of The Red Cross' $500 Million In Haiti Relief


NPR and ProPublica went in search of the nearly $500 million and found a string of poorly managed projects, questionable spending and dubious claims of success, according to a review of hundreds of pages of the charity's internal documents and emails, as well as interviews with a dozen current and former officials. The Red Cross says it has provided homes to more than 130,000 people, but the number of permanent homes the charity has built is six.

$500 millions, 5 years, six homes.

The new model isn't that great either. They forgot to patch it.

holy shit I never saw that.. He knew what was coming…

btw I used to clean up crime scenes you wouldnt believe the mess that a gun in the mouth suicide makes. I cleaned one guy up that put a shotgun in his mouth. in a 10'x12; room there wasnt a single spot you could put a quarter on the wall and not touch blood or brain matter

he really does have aids huh

These word police!!! no wonder the #twistedtwitter kids can't get it straight!

i told the gamersgate about this and they said i was crazy! they track you! anyway I want to help!!! I'm banned on TwistedTwitter dont kon wwhy !!!!

i'm sorry i'm just so fucking mad at these kikes on the twitter today!!! my doctor is gonna yell at me when he sees my bp later!!!

The Word Nazis! It's like the Soup Nazi!

hahah if there were six million really dead they woundtlet Seinfeld do that joke!! its all a joke till a white guy is gonna run things!!! #altright

The Word Nazis! It's like the Soup Nazi!

hahah if there were six million really dead they woundtlet Seinfeld do that joke!! its all a joke till a white guy is gonna run things!!! #altright

what the fuck is a flood detected!!!!!

do not slide

Hey I found the 'suicide note' the FBI wrote for him after Vince decided to shoot his own face TWICE, deceiving even the most impenetrable laws of physics and spacetime in doing so. What an incredible magic trick, almost incredulous in nature.

Come on out, FBI shills. don't be scared, we're not angry. What really happened between Hillary Clinton and Vince Foster? Was their affair somehow worse than all of Bill's combined? Was her presidency hand picked as far back as the 90s?